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Need your insight
Well let me get straight to the point, I need some insight or in other words a review for one of my stories called CrimZon Universe which is a fanfic based genre containing a variety of tv content like sci-fi, anime, fantasy, adventure, all that stuff, and some video games - reviewing my other work, Crimson, would be nice too. AS I said, CrimZon U is mainly a fanfic for attracting certain audiences like teenagers, young adults or anyone who is interested in this sort of stuff; if anyone is interested, then would you leave a review for it? Any kind of review is fine with me, whether its positive, negative, grammar style, formatting, vocabulary, punctuation, all of those things - any would be nice. Thanks you for your time!
by Just BI-You | Jun 9th 2014, 08:08
Would you be interested in doing a review trade?
ReplyA . Nonymous | June 9, 2014
ReplyJust BI-You | June 9, 2014
Alright, I'll get to it soon.
ReplyA . Nonymous | June 10, 2014
Would a review trade be good for you?
ReplyStacey Luster | June 14, 2014
Sorry for the late reply, and yeah I'll do a trade with you.
ReplyJust BI-You | June 15, 2014
Awesome! Here's the link for my story:
Let me know whatcha think. I'll get started on any one of your stories you choose.
ReplyStacey Luster | June 15, 2014
You can review CrimZon Universe, but quick question: are you going to be reviewing the entire thing or chapter by chapter?
ReplyJust BI-You | June 15, 2014
I do a chapter by chapter review. I'll read the first chapter, review, then you follow with a chapter of my story and so on. Be warned, from Chapter 5 onward, many chapters have multiple parts. Could you review those as the chapter as a whole instead of its individual parts?
Ex. Chapter 5 Part 1, Chapter 5 Part 2 = Chapter 5 review.
Thanks in advance I shall begin reading your story ASAP.
ReplyStacey Luster | June 15, 2014
I'll trade reviews if you want to.
ReplyEric Stevens | July 19, 2014
Sure, I'll get on reading your first chapter if you like.
ReplyJust BI-You | July 19, 2014
Yeah, that'd be great. I'll read yours by tomorrow.
ReplyEric Stevens | July 19, 2014
Well, is there any one on particular that you'd like me to start on?
ReplyEric Stevens | July 19, 2014
Well CrimZon U season 1 is the first one so far, you can read a little bit of that and if you like it you can continue on reading towards the second and third if you really want; for fun, not for review of course, that's a bit much for even me to do. A few reviews would be nice.
ReplyJust BI-You | July 19, 2014
Will do :)
ReplyEric Stevens | July 19, 2014
Thanks so much for reviewing my story. I really appreciate it. I'll take your advice to heart :)
ReplyEric Stevens | July 20, 2014
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