

Fantasy Writer's Club

A club for those who write fantasy of any sort to chat about anything and everything.

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Hi there. How is everyone

by Derek Leno | Jan 31st 2015, 19:43

  • hey guys whats up . i just joined , will you please check my writings and tell me what you think ? thank you 


    Mohannad | March 19, 2015

  • Hi, Yuri here...

    I am sorta not on a specific writing site, so I sorta sometimes work on here or read on here, or other areas... (And need to work on making more sense in my fictions) I love fiction stories, but my default likes are like that abit)

    I am willing to read any, just takes me a while


    Yuri Misi | April 14, 2015

  • Hi! I just joined both the site and this club.  If anyone would like, if you read and write a comment/review on any of my stories I'll return the favor.  :)  Thanks.


    Hannah Sullivant | March 24, 2015

  • Hello, I'm Benjamin Dine.

    I'm new to Sparkatale and have many ideas for stories and poems.

    I hope I can be a welcome addition to this club and site.


    Benjamin Dine | April 13, 2015

  • Hi there readers and writers

    Just joined. I am a fantasy writer and am author influenced by the likes of Jack London, Jules Verne and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Lost world fantasy is not popular like it once was and I hope to find and read others on here who share my interest.

    Thanks :)



    mark abbott-jones | April 13, 2015

  • Hi all. I may not be necessarily a fantasy writer, but it is fiction! lol

    My writings are influenced by authors like Harry Turtledove, William Johnstone, and other Alternate History Authors.

    I'm currently writing the first in a 4 book series.


    Michael Csiti | April 20, 2015

  • Hello. Just recently joined this website(about 30 minutes to an hour ago), but I already had fantasy/supernatural content written, so I felt like this fits. I'm probably going to check out all the books of the people in this club slowly, but I'll try to do it all soon, I promise.

     If anyone wants to check out my writings, I'd be thankful.


    Emma Wickman | April 24, 2015

  • Why hello there, a pleasure to meet you all!

    I guess I've been on here for quite some time (this website is infinitely more pleasing to the eye than many other websites, and with the new addition of preventing copying and pasting I know my work is in safer hands and less prone to intellectual theft.)

    I mix between genres, currently working on a fantasy collaborative effort with an aspiring Canadian author while also completing a separate novel alongside her as well.

    I comment and review quite a bit - and would be more than happy to do exchange previews if anybody was interested - so I hope to see more works and more interaction with fellow readers!


    Deleted User | April 25, 2015

  • Hello! I have also been on this site for a while. I can be rather shy and am often busy with school work, but if anyone would like to do a review exchange or for me to read their work just ask. It might take a while for me to get to it, but I’ll do my best.

    As for my stories, I write in lots of genres, and my favourite stories are those that mix them all up, but usually my stories do have some sort of fantasy/supernatural element to them. I have two main stories I’m writing at the moment, one a long fantasy and the other a shorter, supernatural/mystery story.


    Genevieve Middleton | April 26, 2015

  • Hello.. I am MariaTJackson, but you guys can call me Jay.

    I have been a writer on FanFiction and FictionPress. I just joined this site a week ago, and i am looking for like minded friends and a place to hang out.


    MariaT Jackson | August 31, 2015

  • hello guys, I joined this site about half a year's back, and had to stop checking in because I'm busy with other stuff, I just started to check in again and joined this club, nice to meet you all!

    right now I'm writing a fantasy story, please check it out if you have the time^^


    Victor Li | September 8, 2015

  • Greetings, i am new here. Nice to meet everyone.


    Blackheart Ravensoul | June 21, 2016