Accidental Absence, a Drama poem | SparkaTale


Accidental Absence

By: Heather Brown

Created: April 16, 2014 | Updated: April 16, 2014

Genre : Drama

Language : English

Reviews: 3 | Rating:

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Reads: 236

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How long can it take
To realize a
How long can it be
That you'd forgive

There was an
Accidental absence
That I'm responsible for.
I turned my back
Wanted no part of you
Told you to just go away...

It wasn't what you wanted
And now,
I learn,
Neither did I.

Mistakes are made
In human life,
We try and we try
But error, we can't fight.
I realize that when you
Made your wrong,
I made one as well, on a
Much bigger scale.

We connected from the start,
Everyone said.
Anger was nothing to us
And passed in quick time.
We understood that we didn't
Always agree.
We never judged the other,
And we always showed how much we cared.

Day in, day out,
We were side by side
Even when we couldn't be physically.
You treated me like
I was equal.
How could I have turned my back on you
And become blind to this?

I finally came out of denial,
My friend,
And realized the flaw in the plan.
We both made mistakes,
And such a long time has gone by.

I hope, one day,
Our accidental absence,
Can maybe be
What we really were.
True friends.

You never strayed that far from me
Even when I turned away.
It took me so long to understand
Just how much
I meant to you.
I hope that I still do.
It took a massive blow to the heart,
For me to realize
What was true.

And so, I hope,
To contact you.
To apologize and let it die.
No more accidental absence.
Please, say that we can try...

Reviews (3)

  • S.D Stevens

    Hi, Im new to the site and added my review to the comments by mistake! So here it is again with a rating too. Very poetic. Love the description and passion that comes out in the wording. It’s a shame it’s a complete work as there could possibly be more. But, I do see that’s the point. Hope to read some more of your work soon xXSXx

    October 16, 2013 Flag

  • Maddie Horton

    The essential Ying and Yang story! It was enticing and beautiful to read; its mystery pulled me in with every word I read. It read like a Shakespearean sonnet (in the best sort of way), flowing smoothly across the page. And the end...the bitterness and sadness of it all left me aching for more. Wonderful job! Keep Writing!

    September 10, 2013 Flag

  • D.M. Gergen

    This story was worth reading for the final line alone. That last little line really made the story and brought together all the ideas and descriptions that are weaved into this short story. There were a few places where the tenses changed from past to present and another minor error or two, but otherwise the writing is very good.

    August 27, 2013 Flag

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