

Historical Society

A place for fellow lovers of historical fiction to gather and discuss history and why we feel compelled to write about other time periods.

Cover Art By: Nicole Armas
Nicole Armas

Writing has been a hobby of mine for quite awhile now and I have written a few short stories focused mainly on historical settings (Canadian ones moreso) and some fantasy ones too. Those stories are on and my username is the same as it is on this site (Nicole Armas). I am on as well under the username Miss Voltara. I am also on Penana. 

I take inspiration from my own personal experiences as well as people and events in history and authors from the Victorian age like Charles Dickens, Herman Melville, and Edgar Allan Poe. Some of my most favourite books are: All Quiet on the Western Front, Moby Dick, The Fifth Mountain, Paco's Story, The Guns of Normandy, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (and all the other original stories), Three Day Road, Oliver Twist, The Great Gatsby, Peace Shall Destroy Many, and Dracula.

Complete Stories:

  • Have you News of my Boy Jack?
  • The Last Dragon
  • The Simple Beliefs of a Simple Man

In Progress

  •  Where Chaos Reigns

Comments: 5 | Reviews: 2

Chris Schrijvers

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