Visions of a Newspaper, a Mystery story | SparkaTale


Visions of a Newspaper

By: Paula Grover

Status: Completed


Three children are camping at night. Each of them hear strange noises outside their tent, and they come to three very different conclusions about what might be lurking outside...

Created: May 21, 2015 | Updated: February 1, 2016

Genre : Mystery

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 4

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Reads: 1180

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    Comments / Critiques

      • Chapter: 4 Reply

        This was a very fun story to read. I loved reading what was going on from each of the characters point of view and their take on what was roaming around outside the tent, like a ghost, or a person, or a bear. And I thought it was kind of funny how it just turned out to be a harmless dog, which was a bit of a twist since I was kind of expecting it to be something scarier, considering how Scotlyn said there was something supernatural about the presence outside the tent, like a crptid of some sort.

        May 8, 2018 | Anabel Canas

      • Reply

        Hi, Anabel,

        Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my story, "Visions of a Newspaper". I am always excited when I receive a comment or suggestion and very much appreciate the feedback. It's important to know how a reader experiences the story.

          I first wrote this story as a teenager about thirty-five years ago and kept it in a box along with all my other stories as I was unsure of what to do with it at that time. I then re-wrote and fixed it up just a few years ago after I learned how to post stories on fiction sites like Spark-A-Tale. It's wonderful that writers have this option now! 

        Thanks again for the feedback and all the best on your own story.  I enjoy reading it!    

        May 10, 2018 | Paula Grover

      • Chapter: 4 Reply

        Funny, yet I can see it happening. One time I had a dream about pink monsters trailing our fence (don't judge, I was a kid) and when I woke up, I swear, I heard them enter the house, walk around, and eventually make it to my bedroom. I was on my side, facing the wall, and I didn't dare to move. I just lay there, shaking and sweating for  long time, not even daring to get from under the blankets. At some point, I fell asleep again, and woke up in the morning, drenched in sweat.

        I don't know how long I was awake, and what caused the noises I heard, if anything, but I can identify with the terror your characters felt.

        May 15, 2018 | N. R. Nazario

      • Reply

        Hi, N.R.,

        Thanks so much for reading my story and sharing your own dream-story about the monsters!  I think it's true, that kids experience dreams or dream-like experiences much more vividly than adults.  Noises can be much more amplified and frightening in the darkness, as well.  I can also remember, as a kid, feeling terrified of a bat-creature which seemed to fly right at me out of the darkness. I just lay stock-still all night, and I never knew whether it was a real bat or a dream-bat. 


        May 16, 2018 | Paula Grover