N. R. Nazario | SparkaTale


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  • Joined 04/02/18
  • Last login 03/28/19
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  • Books Authored 1
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  • Comments 4
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  • Discussion Comments 2
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N. R. Nazario's Bio

N.R. Nazario has been writing fantasy for many years, and his many unfinished works have been called jokingly by some "his posthumous work." After many unsuccessful attempts to complete a novel, but armed with a fully-fleshed fantasy world he had developed over the years, N.R. enrolled in a few writing classes. One of them got him the impetus to finish a book called Keeper's Apprentice, which is set on the same universe, but many generations after the time of Soul Sisters. Keeper's Apprentice is currently undergoing revisions and editing and will hopefully be published during the author's life.

Gathering his library of notebooks and electronic files, N.R. decided to go back and complete his unfinished works, starting with Soul Sisters, for which he has a complete and detailed outline, for as he would tell us, is is "a plotter, not a pantser."

N.R. Nazario lives and writes in the San Francisco Bay Area.


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Soul Sisters
N. R. Nazario has not written any poems yet.
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  • Visions of a Newspaper

    Funny, yet I can see it happening. One time I had a dream about pink monsters trailing our fence (don't judge, I was a kid) and when I woke up, I swear, I heard them enter the house, walk around, and eventually make it to my bedroom. I was on my side, facing the wall, and I didn't dare to move. I just lay there, shaking and sweating for  long time, not even daring to get from under the blankets. At some point, I fell asleep again, and woke up in the morning, drenched in sweat.

    I don't know how long I was awake, and what caused the noises I heard, if anything, but I can identify with the terror your characters felt.

    Commented on: May 15, 2018

  • Gifted

    Wondering how the number system works (if it's explained later, I can wait)

    Seeing 1719 made me wonder if numbers have any correlation with rank or the time someone was found. SO far I can't see a correlation. How do the gifted decide what number to assign someone?

    Commented on: May 9, 2018

  • A Few Lost Kids

    This has not been updated since it was created. I don't think you'll see anything else.

    Commented on: April 25, 2018

  • Gifted

    Just like I suspected, the leader had "gender reassignment" at some point :-)  There are still a couple male pronouns on this chapter and one or two on the previous one as well, if you ever come back here for edits. 

    By the way, I know you'r working on the sequel already, but I thought I'd read this one first. 

    As for my opinion so far, I'm mostly in agreement with the other comments, except those who want to 'ship everything. (is that what young people call it these days?) I know a few of the young characters might naturally develop feelings of attraction for one another, and have no problem with that, but I'm not into immediate couplings, like some other readers. 

    Anyway, I know I'm commenting on old stuff, so I'll just keep plodding along quietly until I get closer to the present.

    So far, you've earned by limited ADHD attention.  

    Commented on: April 19, 2018