Woolpit Redux, a Fantasy story | SparkaTale


Woolpit Redux

By: Ryan Funk

Status: In Progress


*Hot off the press, so there may be a few errors According to legend, sometime in the 12th century, two mysterious children appeared in the English village of Woolpit. They wore unfamiliar clothes, spoke an unknown language--and had green skin. Most people believe this account likely to be nothing more than a fabricated fairy tale, or merely an incident involving famished Flemish immigrant children. Child Psychologist Christine Willows is about to learn firsthand that this legend may be based on something a little more substantial, when two mysterious green children cloaked in strange attire spewing an unknown dialect from the tongue inexplicable appear in modern day England. This is no fairy tale, and the children claiming to have arrived from a "land of perpetual twilight" have not arrived by mistake...

Created: May 19, 2015 | Updated: May 22, 2015

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 2

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Reads: 3461

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1: Chapter 1 867
2: Prologue 282
3: Chapter 2 1135
4: Chapter 3 1203
5: Chapter 4 1453
6: Chapter 5 1296
7: Chapter 6 1100
8: Chapter 7 1378
9: Chapter 8 1638
10: Epilogue 101
Total Wordcount: 10453

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    • Reply

      I can tell you must`ve gotten this out in a hurry, but it`s still a great story nonetheless. It seemed that the story`s big question was whether the kids were human, alien, or from some alternate dimension. It reminds me of older books I read, like War of the Worlds, although not that old-sounding, but both stories do take place in England! For me, the ending was kind of mysterious, and I`m not sure if it could be considered an unhappy ending (as in the writing term,) or maybe just what I like to call a mysterious or abrupt ending. I used this type of ending in my own stories, such as Shiver Star, which was mysterious, and The Sea Angel, which was a little abrupt. Quite a unique and interesting tale!

      May 19, 2015 | Alexandria Francetic

    • Reply

      On Chapter 4 so far. Can't wait to find out the mystery of the two children.

      May 21, 2015 | Cardiff 1984