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Review/Comment Center Public

Want a review but nobody's talking? Need a comment but can't find a reader? Searching for somebody to help you get the ball rollin? Come on in. This is about offering helpful and constructive assistance. Be nice and have fun.

Members: 24 | Discussions: 4

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New Year's Resolution Public

So, we're in January 2020! There's quite a few people still commenting and still writing here - whether it's your primary or secondary writing website - but I just wanted to know; have you guys made any sort of resolutions for your writing this year, and how are you sticking with them? My resolution is to finish editing my first novel, and to finish writing up my second... it's so hard! If you want any help, send a message!

Members: 1 | Discussions: 0

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Fantasy Writer's Club Public

A club for those who write fantasy of any sort to chat about anything and everything.

Members: 28 | Discussions: 6

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Feedback exchange Public

This is an opportunity for undiscovered writers of for writers who need a valid opinion about their stories to get some spotlight. Review on!

Members: 5 | Discussions: 1

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Fanfiction Club Public

A place for any and all fanficiton writers.

Members: 15 | Discussions: 3

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