My eventual goal as an author is to publish at least one of my novels before I graduate high school. Before I do this, I would like to get some constructive critisism on them, so I've taken to posting them on a few websites.
Hi! I'm Tosha and I live in southern West Virginia. I have recently graduated high school and am now attending college in hopes of becoming a make-up artist so I can do kickass movie effects. I love to write and draw, all while listening to music, which is probably why I'm here now talking to you!
Hi! I have been writing science fiction and fantasy for several years, and now wish to share my visions with the world. I attempt to combine strong character development with science fiction elements and sometimes controversial themes. Many of my stories lead to conclusions that are not apparent from their beginnings.
If you're looking at this, I must have done something amazing and awesome or your here to send me to the fiery pits of writers hell...hopefully it's the former haha.
Anyway, I'm here to read people's works and to publish my own for others to hopefully read and enjoy, whilst giving me feedback and helping me to improve so I can write better stories.
So, I guess you want to know a bit about me? Well I'll tell you a little.
Name: I'm afraid I can't tell you this but I do go by the name Hoshi Raito.
Age: 22
Location: Sunny UK! Ok ok, it's raining right now, but I can dream right?
Occupation: Warrior and Protector of the Earth. Actually I'm a 2nd year computer science student.