What about me?
I'm an Artist, Writer, Music Listener, and Watermelon Lover.
I'm currently in college, getting my degree in Advertising. And, I have a year and one semester to go!
In the literary world, I've been in love with genres in contemporary, chicklit, humor and romance for the better most part of my late teens. In movies, I've been an action mania, animations, and anything Marvel. I grew up watching too many actions movies that I sometimes dream of in being in one. (true story!)
I'm currently loving Game of Thrones, and impatiently waiting for season five. And, I'm on the mends for the death of one of my favorite character, Rob Stark. And, that was on season three.
Well, that's me. Nothing special about my weirdness. But, anyway, if you have some questions feel free to message me or comment on the story - if the question is about it.
Have an awesome day and happy reading!
I have other accounts in other sites: Wattpad and Fictionpress. You can see my other stories there!
You can also follow me on twitter, @melondiaries
About me:
Gender: Female
Country: Norway
Right now Im writing "Talia". In this story you will meet three main characters: Banan [Bauvnan], Anzor [Anzour] and Talia [Talja].
I am a person who always get chills when I read, hear or see something I get inspired by. I am a person who often come up with ideas and have to write them down immediately. The ideas I might start to use when I get it, or wait to use it later. It all depends on whether I think the idea is good. When I start writing, I have no plan. The plan comes as I write. That's why much of what I write may seem a little strange or out of context.
I have a few things in the works. Will post soon! For now, I LOVE to read, so that is what I'm here for. :)
So I'm Emma, I've been writing since as long as I can remember, but I only just started taking it seriously a year or two ago. Of course my very early works can't really even be considered writing they suck so badly. They do have characters, a problem, a solution, and a plot, which are the biggest things to make up a story, but they hardly qualify. I write mostly fantasy, as I have attempted other areas of writing and they are not very good. I have yet to actually finish anything worth reading, but I feel that is because I have so many ideas swirling around in my head at once.
Some stories I have going write now are Aralt's Army, The Land of Emira, and The Constellation Myth. All of which take place in a different world of my own imagination with kings, swords, bow an arrows, and most often some evil guy who must be destroyed.
I write most of my stories in a different world because I absolutely HATE writing in the real world. I find the real world only offers limitations whereas in my own world, the possibilities are endless.
So feel free to comment, rate whatever, and give as much constructive criticism as you want!
Books I am currently writing:
Enyia Soniac Fantasy/Horror
Star's of Evoney Romance/Science Fiction
I try consistently post new chapters for books as soon as possible. If I'm a bit slow posting new chapters I apologize. A lot of my time is taken up by working full time but i do promise to frequently write new chapters
fun facts about me:
- I am from Canada Ontario
- Stephen King is an author I look up to because of his extremely creative mind and his always unique books
- I stride to be unique, I don't want to be like any particular Writer or Author other then me :)
- I enjoy writing in all genres I don't like limiting my writing to one particular genre (including, manga poetry, music, lyrics and I also draw)
- I find dreams and nightmares give me lots of ideas for writing luckily I am very good and remembering a lot of them lol :P
- music and concerts is also a big part of my life and a large inspiration to me
- I own a holland lop eared bunny named Pippin who I named after the hobbit Pippin in Lord of the Rings
Thanks for taking the time to check out my profile
The X Files Lover =)
What is there to say?
Writing liberates me. I write, write, write, sculpt the paper with the tip of my pen (actually here, I digitally imprint it from the tip of my fingers), to forget.
I've have just decided to share it now, to open up, to see if anyone feels the same as me.
I warmly welcome any reviews, feedbacks, messages, questions; don't worry, I do not bite! (Especially not through a screen)
Without further a do, enjoy!