Katie Marie is a small noisy creature with a penchant for reading/writing, drawing, and photography.
She has been writing for the last ten years and he started writing fan fictions when she was at college. Over the years it has become her dominant pastime and in the last few years she has started focusing more on original novels and short stories.
She recently attended Aberystwyth University and left with a masters in law, and post-graduate diploma in legal practice. She now spends her weekdays working as a paralegal/PA and her evenings writing.
She has one published novel and two novellas, check them out on Amazon!
She has a small orange kitty called Mikho who is absolutely no help what so ever.
She is still eccentric and highly contagious.
Come and find her out in Wonderland!
- Amateur writing
- Lives in England (and yes, the accent is cool :P )
- Soon to be going to York St John university to study Christian Theology.
Fanfiction.net: Ideas265
Penana: IdeasForAll
Writer's Cafe: Ideas265writer
Writer's cafe has more of my experimental writing on it.
Fanfiction.net, well, it's about fanfic and it's my most used account.
Penana: Recently joined it, and I'm going to participate in the contensts the site provides.
This site...I'll throw in random stories so that it proves I'm noa robot user
I am 25 years old. I am married and have a daughter who is 4. I like to write stories about...well anything from my life to fan favorite games. I try to release a new chapter every week if not more. I work during the day and sometimes over nights. Every time i see someone like or review my stories, good or bad, it makes me happy knowing they like what i write or i like knowing that they are willing to help me become a better writer. I am not a professional writer in anyway, it is my way to relax after working and chasing my daughter around the house. Thank you for supporting me and if you think they will enjoy my writing as well tell your friends!
Lol, I could be anyone! Your neighbor, your sister or mother, your best friend!! Ha, that's the whole reason I crated an alter-ego for myself. So I can write freely, escaping judgment from anyone I know. *sigh* I make that sound so dramatic...
Elsie Chen is My Taken Name. I'm not telling you my Given Name, and I don't even know my True Name... (yup. Skulduggery Pleasant fan)
"It's what brothers and sisters do; they would die for each other, but don't ask them to share a freaking sandwich."
- Biased, Author on FictionPress.com
"Don't stand behind me; I may not lead.
Don't stand in front of me; I may not follow.
Just stand beside me, and be my friend."
I also have a Movellas account, and a FictionPress account.
I'm a dog who writes. I'll keep writing until my owner removes this magical hat from my head.