Philosophy, a Fantasy poem | SparkaTale



By: Deleted User

Created: April 30, 2019 | Updated: April 30, 2019

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

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When we give a cat a name,
does it recognize what they are,
or does it have its own to use?

When they talk to each other,
do they have their own language,
their own sets of verbs and nouns?

Do they look up at the stars,
at the sun and the moon
and dream of reaching them?

Do they know about their history,
about the pyramids of Egypt,
where they mingled with the Pharaohs?

Do they look at us,
and wonder what we are,
or wonder why we're here?

Do these cats give us names,
and recognize what they are,
and think we have our own to use?

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