The Lost Connection, a Romance poem | SparkaTale


The Lost Connection

By: Heather Brown

Created: April 17, 2014 | Updated: April 17, 2014

Genre : Romance

Language : English

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There used to be a connection
That kept two to one another.
But it came under sharp inspection
And cracks were soon discovered.

Carefully they tried to make repairs
But every time both seemed to fail.
Soon the connection turned to despair
And the two could not be well.

These were times of horrid disease
That ravaged through their love
Sickness ran rampant as it pleased
And the hugs were turned to shoves.

Emotional distance was its name
And it made it hard for them to mix.
Both were hiding, lost in shame…
Their connection would not be fixed.

Silly humor turned to aggression;
Happiness transformed inverse.
The hearts were thriving on depression
And the conversations on remorse.

But this wasn't what they wanted
This wasn't it at all.
No more happiness was flaunted
And the end was being stalled.

And there were tears, how there was tears!
They poured out in buckets and streams.
And all the fears… oh, so many fears!
They made nightmares of lovely dreams.

But the connection lived on somewhere
Yet buried far away.
Thriving on the remaining love and care
That'd fallen so far astray.

It was left to the broken ends
To make it right once more
If they ever wanted to connect again
To the other they so adored.

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