Created: April 17, 2014 | Updated: April 17, 2014
Genre : Suspense
Language : English
Reviews: 0 | Rating:
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Tensions mounting.
There is evil in the atmosphere.
There are flames within
The eyes of stony green
Stalking a victim within
A facility of drunken happiness.
Pull her out
Into the darkest crevices between
Flaming blue, menacing and demonic...
Rip her away from her unknown love.
She stands no chance...
He sees what he is unallowed to witness
Unaware of his own potential
To be the wielder of a force
Beyond the means of mortal
In the darkness of this evil night
He watches her abused,
But there's not a thing he can do
Except feel violently ill inside.
Heart shatters
Courage grows.
Take the amethyst blade upon his hand
Let the force consume.
In the darkness of this evil night,
The era of innocence is destroyed...
The era of war begins.
War against demonic souls
Flames licking bones of those long dead
Walking upon the lands again...
Strike them down.
War against a state of mind
Warping and distorted right and wrong
Makes him love a wild rogue...
Take her hand.
Hell has raged upon the earth...
An era has come to an end.