Patience, a Romance poem | SparkaTale



By: Heather Brown

Created: April 15, 2014 | Updated: April 15, 2014

Genre : Romance

Language : English

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Here is distance
The separation of two halves...

He sighs longingly
Staring out the window into oblivion
Counting the steps
Trying not to think about it much
But failing
His obsession is no longer just a want
It's a craving,

He wants her in his arms
He craves her contagious smile
He desires her kisses
He needs her so badly...

A drilling feeling has pierced
The shield in his heart
And a dull pain floods his chest
Oblivion seems so far
And days are his eternity
His love is his own madness...
Mentally he screams for her
Begging and pleading
Return home soon...
Return home please...

He closes blue mirrors and whispers
Pretending that she's there
Whispers, "I love you"
And imagines a response
Her voice
Her green eyes shining
Her smile warming his heart
Her words: "I love you, too..."
He whispers again,
"I miss you..."
And unknown to him, rain falls from
His sapphire eyes...

Miles become a dungeon
Time becomes a torturer
Patience becomes a deserter

He reopens his flooded eyes
Staring back out into who-knows-where
Has forever passed him yet?
No... just seconds.

"I love you,"
His voice speaks softly again
And he turns from the glass
Counting the steps to her
Picturing her there
But daring not to touch the illusion
He has created

Patience has deserted him...
And filled him instead with
The burning feeling of
All of this exploding in vivid
Fireworks within his soul...


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