Created: April 15, 2014 | Updated: April 15, 2014
Genre : General
Language : English
Reviews: 0 | Rating:
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Time is ticking; moving as
I sit still
Rain outside is falling
As do my eyelids...
I hear the voices talking
But I do not understand them...
It's all a haze...
Just a haze...
Minor turbulence in my mind...
Is the world moving slow
Or is it me?
From my place is appears that
I'm an outside source—stuck in a box
Peering out while nobody's
Peering in...
A stormy sea will not ripple
At a disturbance such as a stone—
Waves engulf all these pebbles
So that I'm not even aware that
Something dares to disturb
My placid chaos within...
The stones create a mountain
Drowning beneath an ocean of thoughts...
My eyes are closed
I'm drifting... floating away
From the dull colors of livelihood
To bright colors of daydreams...
I've taken flight again...