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Reviews please

Um yeah APPARENTLY reviews aren't as easy to come by on this site due to dumb reasons. I only have one story up so could someone review that please? It's an epic romance about two girls and the world around them. Just in case you care I guess.

by Barbie Gurlll | Oct 1st 2014, 18:01

  • Hey!
    I would be more than happy to, actually. 
    Would you mind reviewing a story of my own in exchange? It's completely fine if you don't want to, but I've just finished a story about a romance between two boys, and would like some constructive criticism and reviews of my own (I still have to edit it, but I would like people's opinions on it, much like yourself)

    I'll go review your story now =)


    Deleted User | October 15, 2014

  • Oh hi someone actually responded

    Thank you for your review! That mystery with Naomi may or may not ever be cleared up, if you were curious. And I'm not sure if that's how I usually write. I mean. I like to think it isn't but sometimes I just slip into that mode. That writing style gets a bit crazy, right?

    And I'm glad you think that my characters are realistic. They are all actual people (ALL OF THEM WOW) that I hate/interact with on a daily basis. They're just. I dunno. Exaggerated. They all read the story anyway so they know hoe I'm portraying them lol

    BUT. I MUST READ THIS STORY. Which one would you like me to read? I have a feeling that it's "In Love With Air" just because I think that matches the most to what you described. I have to do my homework right now but get back to me on which one it is so that I read the right one! I mean I want to read them all obviously I just want to read the correct one first.

    Thanks again


    Barbie Gurlll | October 15, 2014

  • I would have responded quicker if I knew forums existed...You'll have to forgive me on that remark because I'm relatively new here *le sigh* 

    I actually enjoyed your writing style quite a lot, it was perfectly in character for a tenth grader starting her first day in school, and honestly some people (myself included) can become so dry with their writing that they all look slightly similar no matter what the genre is...but yours is unique to absolute hell! You should hold on to that style, change it or modify it to your hearts content, but never lose that 'fun' aspect! 

    Yes, 'In Love With Air' is the novel I was hoping to get some criticism on at the moment. Basically it's about two boys in New York City. One's studying in Hunter College High School and dealing with all the high-school drama a teenager typically faces. 

    The other is a ghost. 

    It's completely unedited, I just threw all the words onto this site and promised myself I would put the plot more 'together' in the future, and I just wanted people's opinions on it. There's certain chapters that I may change because they're not essential to the overall plot, and some of the human/ghost encounters may get a bit confusing, but hey, isn't that what reviews are for? 

    I'll stop this long-winded message now, but thanks for promising to review (no rush or pressure, by the way!) and for the love of absolute god keep writing! ^^'


    Deleted User | October 15, 2014

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