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Free Covers!

Hello fellow writers, If any of you is in need of a cover that isn't copyrighted and you don't have to pay to use it then check out my blog. I've added a section specifically for Sparkatale covers called 'CoversforSparkatale'. This will have to do until the administrators allow photo's on the site. Please read the little blurb at the top of the page before you peruse the gallery. Happy Cover Hunting! Here's a link to the page:

by Cam H. | Feb 9th 2014, 16:36

  • Wow, they're so beautiful! I don't need a cover right at this moment, but as soon as I start a new piece, I'll make sure to look here first! :)


    Kobayashi Kyoko | February 17, 2014

  • Ah! Gorgeous! Will definitely check these out a bunch more later on. Thanks so much for doing this--you're a really talented photographer!


    Liz uli | March 1, 2014

  • Thanks! I appreciate it. I'm going to have another series of covers added to the page by the end of the month (hopefully), so if you're ever in need of a cover, be sure to check back here! :D


    Cam H. | March 3, 2014

  • Hey everyone, a new cover designer feature has just been added. You can find more information HERE


    Administrator | March 11, 2014

  • Hi Cam,


    Would you make a book cover for me?  My story is entitled Cameron Country, it's a love story.  I'd like you to have the freedom to design what you think would be appropriate.  But please bear in mind that the hero of the story is an action man.  Should you accept you may have to read a few chapters to get a fairly good idea.

    I can't pay as I'm struggling but would be happy to pay once it is published online.  Thank you.




    Angelina Tan | June 16, 2014

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