Case: Zero, a Mystery story | SparkaTale


Case: Zero

By: Zero Ryoshi

Status: In Progress


Zero Rae Ryoshi, The White Wolf, international thief and prime teen 'detective' helps the Coal State Police with various difficult and dangerous cases of murder, kidnappings, robberies, bombings, and several other cases.

Created: October 19, 2013 | Updated: October 19, 2013

Genre : Mystery

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 5

Favorites: 2

Reads: 1661

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1: A Murderous Love Game 5963
2: Inanimate Murder 7248
3: The White Wolf 6579
4: Beware of Dogs 7515
Total Wordcount: 27305

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    Comments / Critiques

    • Reply

      Ya know, this is probably one of my favorites of your stories. Probably because I'm a huge mystery nerd.

      November 7, 2013 | noneya business

    • Reply

      *chuckles* Thank you Amber. I'm actually real surprised though that Case: Zero is one of your favorites. I hadn't known that, but now I do and I'm pleased to hear that! I love writing Case: Zero and it's good to know that one of my bestest friends really likes it, or loves it, don't know which. *smiles* Thanks again!

      November 7, 2013 | Zero Ryoshi

    • Reply

      You didn't know I was a mystery nerd? You should see me when it comes to shows like Criminal Minds and Detective Conan<3 I remember this one time I was able to solve it before watchiing the rest of one of the movies and posted a comment on youtube about. Someone messaged back saying, "Yeah, well, no one cares what you think."


      Then later on, commented again, "...Oh, you were right."


      November 8, 2013 | noneya business

    • Reply

      *laughs lightly* Yes, I know. You told me that a while ago. *smirks*

      November 9, 2013 | Zero Ryoshi

    • Chapter: 4 Reply


      OH MY GOSH, WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED TO ZERO? WHO IS BENET'S COUSIN? Something tells me that by "favorite little toy" Benet meant "pet", meaning "sex toy"...

      Oh my gosh, poor Zero...

      BTW I love everything about this story. Keep up the great work

      (*comment for chapter 4)


      December 19, 2013 | Jeana Artist