Wolf Dressed In Moonlight, a Fantasy story | SparkaTale


Wolf Dressed In Moonlight

By: Natii Georgievaa

Status: In Progress


"No one believes in werewolves, vampires, fairies and witches. I 'll recognize I didn't believe too, but when strange things started to happen all around me, I couldn't close my eyes for the obvious - she said and crossed her arms."

Created: August 5, 2015 | Updated: August 5, 2015

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 1

Favorites: 2

Reads: 438

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      • Chapter: 1 Reply

        will , that was great , some spelling mustakes and alot of Cursing but the main plot is great , chase and rita seems like great characters but some things i didnt understand , when chase turned back into a wolf into the hotel , shouldnt he be without clothes cause they were torned off during the transformation ? i donno am just guessing , and why did that huge Black wolf die with just one claw swign ive expected more because u made him seem huge and powerful , and he was on Chase's back so maybe some struggle , i like the story its good i just wanted to point out those to make it a little better , ill definitely come back to check the rest if u continue writing it .

        June 5, 2018 | Mohannad ilkarbal@gmail.com