Apopcalypse, a Adventure story | SparkaTale



By: HybridandVampire !!!!!!

Status: In Progress


You all know those pop-ish, swaggot guys, and Justin/1D girls you hate? What if they all disappeared and reappeared as undead, yet still breathing and talking, zombies? Wouldn't you enjoy that? Born from the minds of two teenagers and a group of friends with hate, I give you a zombie apocalypse story. Another one. I know they're popular, leave me alone and read.

Created: September 5, 2013 | Updated: September 5, 2013

Genre : Adventure

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

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Favorites: 1

Reads: 666

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      • Chapter: 1 Reply

        There are some minor spelling and grammar errors. No, no, you can't fix it by going through with spell-check. You have to go the hard way and read it through with your friend who knows a lot about English.

        You do have a friend who is a Grammar Nazi, I presume?

        March 26, 2014 | Mahelsonei Sonjen