The Realms of Jeandi, a Fantasy story | SparkaTale


The Realms of Jeandi

By: Kat Champion

Status: In Progress


Roselyn Tedore is a quiet, young girl in the Rackne Forest, and she is just like her family. She is a good daughter, and does the chores and rarely protests. But when Roselyn is forced to marry some boy in her village, she is plunged into a dreadful two weeks, starting with RayLark, - a young, handsome stranger, camping in the woods- a woman's voice that never leaves her alone and filled with shades of marriage and the wills of men, Roselyn cannot handle being the compliant, little forest girl. On the eve of the wedding, Roselyn convinces herself Ray is the key to her freedom. She puts full trust in him. In a matter of seconds, RayLark has taken her far from the Rackne Forest and she is greeted by a vibrant world, full of glorious color and wonder. Soon, Roselyn is also met by a vicious woman, bent on destroying the Hope Child and the beautiful world Roselyn calls home. Roselyn is the key to bringing Peace to all the Realms. A simple phrase guides her way: "With Destruction comes Hope. With heartache comes joy".

Created: May 9, 2014 | Updated: May 20, 2014

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

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