The Fairy Tale, a Fantasy story | SparkaTale


The Fairy Tale

By: Petr Janecka

Status: Completed


In a mesmerizing fantasy land, Prince Tadeus and his loyal companion are sent on a quest for Princess Elyanna from the Kingdom of Amania. A textbook fairy tale. Indeed it might be. If only appearances weren't as deceptive. Not all is well in the world where tales begin with once upon a time and under the veil of tranquility thrives a bustling domain of dark plots, treachery and perfidy. Nothing is as it seems...

Created: February 4, 2014 | Updated: May 5, 2014

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 4

Favorites: 2

Reads: 11248

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1: Chapter 1 579
2: Chapter 2 401
3: Chapter 3 371
4: Chapter 4 630
5: Chapter 5 857
6: Chapter 6 1058
7: Chapter 7 247
8: Chapter 8 142
9: Chapter 9 1249
10: Chapter 10 778
11: Chapter 11 674
12: Chapter 12 1207
13: Chapter 13 1350
14: Chapter 14 340
15: Chapter 15 1340
16: Chapter 16 499
17: Chapter 17 622
18: Chapter 18 884
19: Chapter 19 1903
20: Chapter 20 3236
21: Chapter 21 698
22: Chapter 22 357
23: Chapter 23 171
24: Chapter 24 496
25: Chapter 25 644
26: Chapter 26 1610
27: Chapter 27 605
28: Chapter 28 1420
29: Chapter 29 391
30: Chapter 30 914
31: Chapter 31 4590
32: Chapter 32 371
Total Wordcount: 30634

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    Comments / Critiques

    • Reply

      its got quite a good beginning.Really captures your interest.Le's see how the rest of the story turns out


      February 5, 2014 | Moonlight Ryder

    • Chapter: 1 Reply

      I love the sentence structures/wordings that you employ. Great job drawing the reader in! I do have one question, though: Why does Antiochus want his son to bring him Elyanna? Maybe a short sentence explanation somewhere in this chapter would serve it well.

      February 5, 2014 | Kobayashi Kyoko

    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment. And thanks especially for the question. The answer is somewhat complicated though. Regardless, I like constructive criticism and that you gave me something to ponder about.

      The story is based on another very loosely. At least the beginning. An evil king sends a servant to bring him a princess to marry. Lots of fairy tales are usually along these lines. Rescue a damsel in distress and marry her. I sort of took it for granted so I completely omitted the mention, but now that I think about correcting it, I realize it's not that simple because of the plot. Still, it's somewhat of a flaw that puzzles me. I guess I'll have to reread it thoroughly and see how it all ties in.

      February 9, 2014 | Petr Janecka

    • Chapter: 5 Reply

      "Nobody took the prince seriously."

      Do you mean that nobody ever took the prince seriously? Or that nobody was taking the prince seriously in that scene? I was just plain curious.

      I don't know if it was intentional or overlooked, but I noticed that the prince never mentioned his title at all during this scene. If he hasn't stated that he is a prince, it might be out of place for him to "order" them to let the villagers be. If anything, the sentence might be a little tighter if he simply says, "Let the villagers be." To which the ruffians can reply, "Who do you think you are?" creating a bit of dramatic irony or simply "Let them be? Or what?" Simple suggestions, but it's fine either way.

      "It has a great value at most, but rumours say that when times are the worst, it can save your life."

      I'm not quite sure what the first part of this sentence is implying. Seems slightly contradictory. Besides 

      January 23, 2015 | Kobayashi Kyoko