Authors Note/Dedications

Before you all read this, there is something you all should know.

This book is based on actual events that happened to me. The names, places, and some of the events are changed to help show that people who are victims of abuse are never alone and they should never feel like Suicide is okay. There will always be people who will miss you and feel sad when you're gone

I was a victim of physical abuse from my step-father, a man I despised with every fiber of my being.

He also put me through a lot of emotional abuse, making me feel like I wasn't important and that no one would care if I was gone. My friends helped me a lot through this time and this is who I dedicate this to: To my friends who were always there for me and always had time for me no matter what. They inspired me to share this story, and I hope there books will be published.

I know not a lot of people will read this, But to those of you who did, I thank you.


Onto part 1,

Just Another Day

2: Proluge

The Girl Nobody Knew

by Jennifer


There is a girl that I know,

Who is hurt deep within.

A girl that is sad,

But keeps a smile on her face.


She had so many problems,

That nobody knew about.

She was the girl with depression,

The one who was suicidal.


The girl everyone was mean to,

But she pretended it didn't hurt.

The girl that was hated for being herself,

The one who loved everyone else.


A girl whose own family didn't like her,

The girl who got abused.

She was the girl who didn't have any friends,

The girl everyone just used.


She was the girl who did drugs,

The one who cut her wrists.

The girl that everyone called "emo",

Because she wore all black.


She never let her feelings show though,

She always hid them inside her heart.

Never cried in front of anyone,

Because she acted like she was strong.


She was the girl nobody really knew,

The girl who cried herself to sleep.

I know this girl way to well,

Because this girl is me.

3: Chapter 1
Chapter 1

“Sam! Hurry! The bus is here!”

“Crap!” I ran down stairs, my long brown hair flowing behind me. On the way down, I tripped over my bag and was sent sprawling the rest of the way down.

    “Haha! Walk much?”

    I rolled my Emerald green eyes at my younger brother. “Shut up, Ron!” I snapped, grabbing my bag. “You’re not even dressed yet!”

    He blinked, confused, before running up the stairs to change from his pink My Little Pony PJ’s into his regular school clothes.

Haha, I thought to myself. That’s what you get!

    As I rushed out the door, I felt someone grab the back of my shirt, “And where do you think you’re going?”

    “Oops. Sorry Mom.” I kissed her cheek. “Almost forgot!”

    She laughed and let me go. “Now off to school, Sweetheart!”

    “Okay Mom!” The bus driver honked the horn, impatient for me to get on. It made me realize that they were waiting just for me, because I saw my brother running up the buses steep stairs into the body to sit next to his best friend Eric .

    Pushing off hard, I ran as fast as I could to the bus. Once I was on, I sat down in the nearest empty seat out of breath.

    I started to look out the window as the kids around me continued to chat loudly. “Did you catch last nights game?” and “What about that new song?” were among the most asked. Yawning, I started to drift off. A sudden weight being put down next to me jolted me awake.

    “Hey, Bird Girl!”

    “Hi Sanderson,” I mumbled before looking out into the grey mist of the morning fog.

    Sanderson was a few inches taller than me with light blonde hair. He also had light brown eyes that seemed to be the endless desert captured in the irises of my friend. He was in the same grade as me- 11th- and was my one friend that actually liked me for who I was and not who I could be.

    Sanderson tipped his head at me. “What’s wrong?”

    I shook my head. “Nothing’s wrong Sandy. Just tired.”

    “Are you sure? Because if Betty’s messing with you again-”

“It’s not the Clique Queen.” I said before he could finish. “And I told you, I’m fine.”

Perhaps I should explain who Betty is. She goes to the same grade as me, takes the same classes, wears the same school clothes as me. Sometimes… The clothes she wore were always really low cut. Her skirt barely came down to her legs while her shirt barely covered her chest. Rumors constantly went around that she slept with almost every boy in the school, which I thought were completely true.

The only reason she was able to get away with it was because her father was the president of the school. Betty lied whenever she was questioned about bullying the other students and her father bought it. Even if the students who she bullied came forward, they were always brushed off or utterly ignored.

    “You don’t look fine, Sam. You’ve got bags under your eyes, again”

    “I didn’t get a lot of sleep. Now stop bugging me!”

    “Geez, BG. I didn’t think you’d be this moody today.” He faced the front of the bus, not looking at me.

    I felt bad immediately. He was always nice to me and never tried to bully me, yeah he teased but never bullied. He’s even stood up for me when no one else would. I didn’t mean to snap at him, I just didn’t want to answer him.

    “I’m sorry, Sanderson. I didn’t mean to snap.” I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder

    He grinned. “It’s okay, Sam. I know you didn’t. Now, what’s troubling you?”

    “It’s complicated, Sandy, and I don’t feel like talking about it.”

    This time, instead of pressing the subject further, he nodded. “Okay.”

    “Thanks.” I said, grinning back at him.

    “Any way, we’re almost at school.”

    Oh great, I thought. More time at the suckfeast called School.

    Sanderson touch the top of my head with his cheek. “Cheer up! It’s only half a day today!”

    That only made me feel worse.




    “See you tomorrow!”

    “You too Sandy!”

    As I got off the bus, my younger brother rushed past me, yelling happily, “Dad!”

    I sucked in a sharp breath. “Damn…”

    You see, my ‘father’ was actually my step father, but had us call him dad. And if you didn’t, he’d hit you. Just like if I did the simplest of things wrong, he’d hit me. If you hadn’t figured it out yet, my ‘father’ was very abusive.

    He hit me for every little thing I did wrong. Even if I so much as forgot to say ‘hello’ to him. He’s the worst possible person I know. I don’t even know how my mother puts up with him. Whenever I asked why she stays with him, she always replies the same way. ‘He’s the one for me, Sweetie.’ He’s the one, my ass! He never lays a hand on my brother or mother, but he constantly beats me.

    When I reached the door, I took a deep breath and slowly opened it.

    “Sam!” My ‘father’ bellowed happily as I walked in.

    I took off my jacket as I walked in, mumbling ‘Hi dad’, under my breath. I planned on riding this storm out in my room, but my ‘father’ had other plans.

    He came up behind me as I went to go get some food for the night. He was very tall, and was able to hover over me. I shivered involuntarily as he says “We’re watching a movie, want to join?”

    The way he asked, you had to. I also got the feeling if I said no, he’d slap me across my already throbbing head, not to mention we were giving speeches tomorrow, so I wouldn’t want anyone to know I got beaten. Sanderson didn’t even know I got beaten by my so called ‘father’. But I had an idea I knew would work.

    “I’m sorry dad,” I said grabbing a snack. “I’ve got a project to work on. I want to get it done fast so I don’t accidently forget about it. I’ve also got a lot of homework to do, so I’ll be in my room tonight.” Without waiting for an answer, I left the kitchen and walked to my room.



    “My God, Sam! What happened?!”

    I moved my bangs to hide my black eye and bruised lip. “It’s nothing, Sandy. I-I just fell off, my bed during the night.”

    Lier, not true, why do you do this to him? I think to myself.

During the movie my ‘father’ decided to come check up on me. When he found out that I wasn’t doing my ‘project’ but instead drawing all the birds I had seen that day, he freaked. He yelled at me to get downstairs. I quickly put the drawing pad up, prepared myself for what I knew would come, and walked down. As soon as I got to the bottom step, he started to hit me. Fist, Foot, anything he could grab, they were all the same to me.

I don’t know how many times he hit me, or kicked me, but I some how managed to get away long enough to wrap my wounds. It wasn’t as bad as some of the other times he has beaten me, but it was still severe enough for worry that my friend would find out. And I couldn’t let that happen. Not as long as that man was alive and kicking.

“Sam, that doesn’t look like nothing.” Sanderson said, with a worried tone. “What happened?”

I faked a smile at him. “I’m okay, Sandy. Don’t worry about it.” And I did everything in my power to hold back the tears that were threatening to take over.


4: Chapter 2
Chapter 2

All day, Sanderson was acting weird. I’m not sure why he was. But I noticed that he’d give me funny looks when he thought I wasn’t looking, his warm brown eyes filled with concern and worry. When he noticed that I was looking at him, he would look away. It was confusing me more than it should.

Sanderson never gave me worried looks. The only time the abusiveness from my ‘father’ was visible, was three years ago and Sandy didn’t seem to see. My stepfather almost got caught, but he managed to pull some strings with the police and they dropped the charges. He learned to be careful after the incident when he hit me and where, so it wouldn’t show to anyone what he did to me in his spare time as a deranged lunatic.

Now Sanderson was worried about me, when three years ago, he didn’t even turn a cheek when I was hurting. I wanted to tell him what was happening to me. I wanted to badly. But I knew that if I did, I would be beaten worse and Sanderson would be hurt as well. And I didn’t want that. He was my only friend and I didn’t want him to be hurt because of me. I would feel horrible if that happened. He is all I have left that seems to truly care about me. Even my mom and brother didn't seem to notice. Maybe if I just get out of here they could have a happy life without me. These thoughts give me company. They soothe the pain on the inside. Maybe I will do just that. Die so the rest of my family can go about their lives without the burden of me on their shoulders. No one will miss me if I die. Then that annoying little angle popped on my shoulder. Sandy would, Sandy would miss me. At that time Sandy was excused to go to the restroom.

“Sam Herrett please come to the office to be picked up” the intercom boomed a few minutes later startling me out of my day dream and back to Algebra. I slowly grab my bag and felt the whole class staring at me. When I walked out the door I almost ran right into him. “Hi dad.” I said as he hugged me, thankfully my bag had to have two hand to hold it from the ground. We were walking down the hall when I saw Sandy coming back from the bathrooms. Oh no, I thought to myself,  I don’t want Sandy to meet IT just yet.  I was just about to turn when Sandy’s timing shocked me in a way that hurt. “Hey BG where you going.” he yelled across the hall with a smile on his face.

“Who’s the boy Sam.” Dad said light heartedly as he snaked his hand around the back of my neck.

“J-just a boy in my math class.” I replied trying to keep the shakiness form my voice but it didn’t work.

“Just a boy? Really, and the nick name?” he asked. If I wasn’t thinking about how Sandy was about to meet the Devils father and not even know it I would have felt the fingers on the back of my neck tighten into an all too familiar grip. Oh dear, someone is going to get hurt and I won’t let it be Sandy. Finally Sandy reached us and stopped right in front of the beast and stuck out his right hand. “You must be Sam’s father. It is a pleasure to meet you at last Mr. uh.”

“Hoover, and I am her step-father.” he said with a nonchalant tone excepting his hand with the on from the back of my neck, his stronger hand.

“So how do you know Sam” dad asked with a smile that look like he didn’t really care, but he did. I knew what his was going to do.

“ We sit..” Sandy began

“We sit next to each other in math class” I quickly interrupted him. I didn’t want dad to take away the only comfort in my life, the one thing I am living for.

They both gave me quick glances, one confused and the other alert. I silently crossed my fingers and prayed that he bought it. Finally, he bought it and my ‘father’ said that we had to go. Sandy continued to look at me as we walked out.

When we were in the car, I felt his hand go around the back of my neck again, making it hard to breath. I managed to get enough air in my lungs to satisfy them. As he drove, he spoke in a low voice.

“You had better not have been lying to me back there, about that boy. If you were, you will be severely punished. Am I clear?”

I nodded, too numb with fear to do anything else. I would make sure that he wouldn’t find out about my friendship. I would do anything to protect it and Sandy. And anything else precious to me.


5: Chapter 3
Chapter 3

The next few days, it seemed like Sandy was ignoring me.

He wouldn’t sit next to me on the bus, he wouldn’t talk to me when I said hi, and he wouldn’t even talk to me even when I tried to talk to him. It made me hurt that he would purposely ignore me and wouldn’t tell me why. We never had an argument more than a few minutes, the longest was a class hour and that was because I didn’t tell him the answer to a question, and this was going on for days. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could take this. The Clique Queen had noticed that Sandy was mad at me. Sandy usually kept her away from me and her attacks softened when he was around. But since Sandy had started to avoid me, she had strengthened her attack on me. It was starting to get to me. And with my ‘father’s’ beatings, things were starting to get harder and harder to find a reason to get up in the mornings.

I closed my locker door after putting my books away. I slinged my bookbag over my shoulder and started to walk away. Before I got more than a few steps, a voice that sent shudders down my spine came to me loud and clear.

“Hey Ugly!” It was Betty and her clique. This wasn’t going to end well for me...

“Where you going?”

“Get back here, we only want to talk!”

Talk my-

“Come on girls,” Betty said in a sickly-sweet tone, “We should let her decide if she wants to come with us.”

“I-I can’t, “ I said quietly, “My father wants me home at a specific time.”

Betty pouted, “Really? Well then, I guess we’d better make this quick.” As I opened my mouth to ask what she meant when the shorter stodge grabbed the drawing pad from my hands.

Panic immediately flared in my stomach. “H-hey! That’s mine!”

“What’s in here?” Betty looked through it, snickering. “Love notes to your friend? Oh wait, I forgot. He’s not your friend anymore, is he?” She sneered at me again. “Looks like he had enough sense in him to run away from a freak like you. I mean, look at this~! Birds? Hahaha.” With that, she ripped out a page.

I gasped as I felt tears form around the corners of my eyes. “Don’t!”

“Don’t do what?” she asked innocently as she continued to flip through them. “This?” Ripp!

“Please stop!” I yelled, the tears now starting to come down my cheeks as she continued to rip pages out and the other two joined in. I fell to my knees, not caring who saw me cry, and sobbed into my hands as I continued to plead to them to stop.

But they never did. All they continued to do was rip my drawing to pieces, ignoring my pleas as they laughed and snickered as each piece fell to the floor.

I saw Sandy start to come over. When I looked up, hopeful that he was going to stop them… He just turned away and walked away.

Even more tears fell down at this point. This was the first time he actually didn’t chase them off. The others times, Betty would bully me when he wasn’t around and the first time since he stopped talking to me, she had openly done this. I had hoped he would see them and chase them away.

But he didn’t… He just walked away like so many others had done before him.

I guess our friendship really is over, I thought with another sob as torn pages floated around me like the torn pieces of my heart floated down in my chest. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I heard a voice.


My eyes widened at the voice. There’s no way anyone would stand up for me. No possible way. No possible…

Both of the Clique’s stooges gasped while the leader just narrowed her eyes at the person behind me.

“What are you doing here?” she sneered. “I thought you-”

“Leave her alone.”

“And who's going to make me?”

“I am, you and I both know that I am the best football player this school could ever dream for. So why don’t you back off and go suck a pom-pom or something.”

Finally, with one final glare, the Clique walked past me. Betty’s shoulder slammed hard me as she walked past. With the last of my energy gone I fell onto my knees. I kept my head down so I didn’t have to see who it was. It seems a disgrace to them to have to see my snotty, crying, face after they just saved me and my pad from the Queen of Hate. I started to pick up the remains of all my hard work over the years and the boy started to helped pick up the pieces along side me. Although, I kept my head down I already knew who it was.

Once we had all the pieces, he handed me the ones he had lifted , “Here, these are yours.”

I took them, muttering a simple thank you before turning away to get to the bus. I didn’t get far though before a hand carefully wrapped around my wrist to stop me. “Wait, BG. I… I’’m sorry for ignoring you. It just seemed like you didn’t want me to meet your dad.”

I mentally flinched to myself when he reminded me of a few days ago. I didn’t want him to meet my dad. He was a monster and Sanderson was so nice and caring. I DIDN'T want him to meet my ‘father’, not until it had to happen.

“Sam,” he said, “Please look at me.”

Slowly, I turned around to face Sanderson. His eyes seemed almost like he was crying but I knew that it wasn’t true because he never cried. He looked at me, like searching for why through my soul reflecting eyes. The only thing that could betray what I was feeling and the terrible truth I was hiding. A silence enveloped us for a long time, where I was occupied by wondering what he saw.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and said something. “Sandy- Sanderson,” I corrected myself when I heard myself start to say his nickname, “There will always be things I don’t want you to know, but that doesn’t mean I think any less of you. I will always think of you as a friend or sibling and I hope I can still be yours.”

He looked at me for a moment, also as if he was studying me. Then he burst out laughing. I blinked, taken aback by his outburst. Before I could say anything thing or ask any questions, Sanderson hugged me. Not enough to hurt me, but just enough to slightly squeeze me.

“I should have known you wouldn’t get mad,” he said, “I thought you were mad at me.”

“Of course I wouldn’t get mad!” I said, “I could never ever in a million years be mad at you!”

He laughed again as tears of joy spilt over onto his cheeks “I’m am so happy …”

That’s when we remembered something very important. We both pulled back with our eyes wide. We both yelled out at the same time, “The bus!!”

6: Chapter 4
Chapter 4

I got home thirty minutes late that night.

Me and Sanderson missed the buses, so we were forced to walk home. We lived near the same place so we walked most of the way. We caught up on what we missed as we walked, with no silence. There was a tree at the fork between our streets. We sometimes met up there for the bus, but it wasn’t often.

After Sanderson and I said our goodbyes and he had walked down his street, I stood at the fork under the tree. I was afraid to go home because I knew my step father would be there. I also knew that he would get mad for me getting home late without calling to tell them. I was afraid to get hurt again. I didn’t want Sanderson to find out and try to stop him. Even if Sandy was an amazing football player I still highly doubt he could take on my ‘father’

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, I found myself on the doorstep of my house. I was breathing heavily and my arms shook with fright. I put my hand over my left arm as I took deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. A few minutes later, after I had somehow managed to calmed down, I put my hand on the silver door knob. And opened the door.

I was immediately hit with the sounds of cooking and the T.V. I didn’t hear anyone say anything as I closed the door. I felt hope flutter in my chest from the pit of my despair.

Maybe I can get to my room with no one knowing, I thought. Maybe I can just stay there for the night. I don’t even need to eat tonight, if I can just be alone with no beatings. Maybe, just maybe, I can be-

“Hey! Sam!” Ron said happily as he poked his head in for the living room, “You’re finally home!”

I panicked silently. Ron's voice was so loud, almost in a shout. Loud, hard footsteps crushed the hope that had flown out from me and pitched me down into despairs dark depths. When my father appeared, I felt my fear rise to new heights. He seemed more mad than I have ever seen him before. His nostrils flared in anger and his eyes were narrowed into some tight of slits that his eyes seemed black as he advanced to his prey, me. Ron gave me a confused look when I took a step back and flattened myself against the door, the look of pure fear evident on my face. When he stopped in front of us, he looked down at me with a menacing glare. His hands were clenched tightly into fists at his side that trembled with anger. Ron looked at me, then at my step father, then back to me. He just kept looking back and forth between us, occasionally asking, “what?”

“Ron,” he said in a low voice filled with anger, “Go help your mother in the garden.”



My trembling grew as Ron left to go help our mother in the garden, who was probably tending to her flowers. I looked down as my father advanced on me, trying to stop my trembling. He stopped a few inches, looking down at me glaring.

“Where were you?” His voice was laced with almost unimaginable anger and fury. It alone made me want to crawl into a correr.

My voice trembled as I replied, “I got caught up at school, a-and missed the bus. I-I had to walk home.”

“Then why didn’t you run?”

“M-my leg was hurt during gym,” I said quickly, “I came as fast as I could.”

His eyes got dark as he grabbed my upper arm. His nails dug into my skin, making me flinch in pain. I wanted him to let me go, but I knew if I struggled, it would only get worse. I guessed that Ron was the lucky one. My step father never hurt me around my mother and younger brother. He always made sure they were busy with something loud or out of the house or gone when he hit me.

I ignored the hits and kicks as he beat me. Yet again I am only a defenseless little girl against a wave of hatred and despair. He used anything he could get his hands on after a bit. A wooden spoon left a large purple welt on my arm. Blood formed from a belt lash on my back. Finally, when I was curled into a ball, wounds covering most of my body, he grabbed ahold of my right leg.

And twisted until a loud snap echoed throughout the room.



I screamed as white hot pain lanced through my body. He actually broke my leg. Out of all the things he did to me, this was the worse thing. My step father did hit me constantly but he had never broke anything before.

Through the pain, I vaguely heard the back door open and my mother shout my name. As frantic footsteps started to close in, my father leaned close to me. “You fell down the stairs, right?”

I didn’t even know I had nodded until he nodded in return. I was too focused on holding back my tears.

Suddenly, Mom appeared beside me, opposite of my father. Her eyes were wide with worry and horror as look down at me.

“My poor baby!” she said, grabbing onto my hand. “What happened to you?!”

Before I could answer, he spoke. “She tripped down the stairs,” he said with a hint of worry. “I was making dinner when I heard a thump and she scream. I found her like this.”

“What’s wrong with her?” Ron asked- or was it my mother.

“Her leg’s broken,” he said, “It has to be set or else it won’t heal properly.”

I felt hands grab onto my broken leg. A slight whimper came out of my mouth at the pain. When it was twisted again, I yelled loudly. I closed my eyes tightly in order to stop the tears from going down my cheeks. I dug my nails into my palms so hard that they bleed.

When it finally stopped, my vision became darker, blacking out everything as I passed out.


7: Chapter 5
Chapter 5

The next few hours were a blur. I drifted in and out of consciousness so I had no idea what was really going on. I remember Ron and my mother’s worried expressions and constant questions, but their words were incomprehensible and I sunk back into unconsciousness before I could answer them.

For hours, it was like this, until I finally woke surrounded by white. Something hard was wrapped around my leg, but I couldn’t feel the pain, so that was a plus. I was covered in something warm while my head was laid against something fluffy. Lifting my eyelids took most of my effort, so I didn’t try to lift my head to look around. I figured my step father had dragged me somewhere and had tended to my wounds so no one would find out anything.

My opinion of that soon changed when I heard a door open. I still didn’t have the strength to lift my head so I continued to lay there, staring at the ceiling.

Someone grabbed my hand, but I still didn’t look up. It took too much effort to even move my finger. Fingers gently smoothed down my hair. Weariness suddenly washed over me again as my eyes closed shut and I became unconscious again.

Before I slipped into unconsciousness, I heard a voice whisper quietly. “I’ll always be here, BG. I’ll always watch over you.”



The person was gone when I woke up next. In their place was my mother, who stared down at me, the worry obvious on her face.

“Sam?” Her voice was disoriented as if it came from far away but I could tell it was her. She held my hand, squeezing it lightly before wrapping one arm around my shoulders in a slight hug. “I’m so happy you’re okay…”

“Hey… Mom…” I said weakly. “What… What happened….?”

“You passed out after your father set your leg,” she explained. “We rushed you to the hospital. They managed to stop your bleeding after a while. You’ve been out for almost a week straight.”

A week?! I thought shocked. Then what happened…? That’s when I remembered the strange voice that I vaguely heard when I was still out of it.

“Hey mom?” I asked quietly. “Was any of my classmates here…? I think I remember someone talking to me, but I don’t remember who.”

“Oh, well I’m not sure… I don’t remember his name but he was… At least as tall as you, blonde hair and um…. I think that he had… Green eyes? Or was it grey…? Well, I’m not sure, but if I see him again, I’ll tell you sweetie.”

I nodded. My mind was working on who had visited me. It didn’t sound like Sanderson the way my mother described him. And he was the only person who called me BG. He didn’t give anything away from anything he said to me, so that didn’t give any help on who it would be. Maybe Sanderson will know…

Sanderson came soon after my mother left. I was awake again when he came, so he greated me with a small hug. I smiled and hugged back the best I could. It was good to see him again.

“Hey Sam,” he pulled back, “I thought I’d check up on you.”

“Thanks Sandy,” I said, giving him a smile. “So what’s in the bag?”

“What? This?” He held up the large pick bag with white wrapping paper inside. The writing in front of the bag were glittered and spelled ‘Get Well Soon.’ “Well, I thought that since you’re in the hospital, that technically makes you a nominee for a get well gift!”

“Sandy,” I said, holding back some giggles, “my leg’s broken, I’m not sick!”

He chuckled softly. “Yeah, yeah. I know.” He sat the bag down next to me. I tried to grab it, but he took it away.

“Sandy!” I whined.

“What?” he said innocently, “I didn’t do anything!”

“You said it was for me,” I crossed my arms. “So why can’t I have it??”

“You have to answer a few questions,” he winked playfully at me, “First one: What’s your name?”

“Sam Herrett,” I said, “Come on! Give me a hard one!”

“Fine. What’s 9 x 9 + 83?”

“Please, 164.”

“Okay, one more and this one’s a big one.”

I grinned. “Bring it! I’m ready for anything!”

Suddenly, he got serious before he opened his mouth. What he said confused me. “Who’s Gerald Herakel?”

I blinked in confusion. “Who?”

“Well, he seemed to know you,” he said, “But I don’t remember you talking about him. So who is he?”

“I don’t know who he is Sandy,” I repeated. “I promise I don’t.”

He nodded, “Okay then.”

I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. “Can I have my present now?”

“Yeah, here,” he handed the bag to me. I squealed a little happily as I opened it. It was the final book to my favorite series and a bunch of my favorite chocolate.

“Thanks Sandy!” I smiled at him while picking up a chocolate bar. “You’re the best!”

He chuckled. “Yeah, yeah. I know. Oh! I almost forgot.” He picked up the other bundle and placed it on my bedside. “Your school work.”

“Oh joy,” I said sarcastically.

He laughed again, causing me to become a bit mad. “Hey! Stop laughing at me!”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Sanderson continued to laugh though while putting his hands up in surrender. “It’s just you rarely sound sarcastic!”

“Yeah,” I mumbled, “I don’t like to kid much…”

Sanderson cleared his throat. “Well, I’d better get going before I’m late for school. Bye Sam.”

“Bye Sandy,” I said as he left.

When he was gone, I laid back. I was exhausted from sitting up for so long and I needed a break, but I had things to think about. Mainly who Gerald was.

I didn’t know anyone at my school who had that name and I didn’t talk to anyone out of school. Since I didn’t have any other type of activity after school or anything like that, I didn’t know who Gerald was or who he could be.

I sighed as my eyes drifted closed. Just another mystery to forget about…


8: Chapter 6
Chapter 6

I was allowed to go to school by the end of the week, but I still had a cast on. Sanderson helped me all the time with things. Surprising, my younger brother, Ron, helped me too. My father had not given me any beatings during the weeks I had my cast, though that was probably because he didn’t want to risk breaking my leg anymore than he had. The day I got my cast off, I knew there would be hell to pay. My prediction came true when I came home after school on the day I got my cast off.

The house was eerily silent: The TV wasn’t on, no shouts, my brother wasn’t even causing trouble, which was weird because he always did.

I walked into the kitchen, frightened a little. My fright only grew when I saw a note on the fridge, written in my mother's handwriting.


Ron and I are heading to the store for something special for your birthday. We’ll be home late though, because we have a party of one of Ron’s friends to swing by before heading home. Your father should be home soon though, so stay out of trouble until then. ;)


My dread grew as I finished the note. With my mother gone, who knows what my father will try now…

I quickly grabbed the note from the fridge. I then started towards my room as silently as possible.

When I reached the stairs though, a sound made me freeze at the first step of the stairs. I closed my eyes, fighting the tears from forming.

Please no… Not tonight… I just want to lay down...


“I-I have homework to do dad,” I said. Before I got far though, a fist clenched around my wrist. It didn’t come close to breaking, but it still hurt.

“Don’t lie to me, missy,” he growled in a low tone. “I know you don’t.” I didn’t say anything, only stood there, frozen to the spot by fear. “And, I believe you need to be taught a lesson for the past few weeks.” I still didn’t fight as he pulled me away, as he pulled me towards the basement. The basement where he worked on his experiments.

I didn’t fight when he strapped me down to the table. I fought back tears as he picked up a syringe.

“Just stay still now,” he muttered as he pressed the needle into my arm, “You don’t want to make me mad my squirming.”

As the liquid ran through my veins, I began to lose control of my body. I couldn’t feel any part of my body after a few moments. A few more and I felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn’t even feel panicked as he loomed over me.

“You’ll get it now,” he said. My father said something else, but his voice was too far away for me to tell what he said.



It was dark when I woke up next. After a few minutes of waiting, I would tell I was in my bed with the blankets over me. The moonlight filtered from my window on the opposite side of my bed, casting a kind of glow on everything. Under the blankets, I found to my horror, I wasn’t wearing anything.

Prompted by some unknown force, I sat up. The blanket fell from me with a soft sound. As it did, I heard a sound behind me. Something that sounded almost like feathers. And something seemed to be attached to my back, weighing me down.

What the….?!

I reached behind, a bit afraid, and felt my back. My eyes widened when I felt something soft, almost like a shirt. I couldn’t look behind me, so I grabbed it and pulled it to my front. My eyes widened even more when I saw what it was. In my hand was a fistful of  black color feathers.

It was wings I felt.

9: A/N

Hey, it's me again, just wanted to say this is the end of part 1, Just Another Day, and I will be posting the next part, From Bad to Worse, as soon as I can.


It's unfortunately the end of the school year and I don't have internet at my house, so this will be the last chapter for a while. I will try to post some when I go to my friends houses, but I can't make any promises. I do hope you all have a good summer and I will see you when I get back to school for sure. 


Try to check out some of my other stories on Wattpad, Millicent Dagworth; Quotev, Team-cat-ninja-acemist; and Archives of Our Own, Lexi1.


Once again, have a great summer everyone! I know I will! X-)



10: Chapter 7
Chapter 7

The wings were light brown with white spots, almost like there was a pattern. They were soft, silent when they ran over each other. They seemed familiar to me, but I was too busy with other things.

I felt like hyperventilating. My breath came out raged as I fought the urge to scream. The natural chill in the room made my breath misty so I saw it come out. I never felt the urge to cry though.

Then I remembered my 'father's' last words. I shut my eyes tight, trying to forget. But I never could.

I can't believe he would actually do that... Turn his own step daughter into one of his experiments...

I leaned back down, shivering slightly as I laid against the sheets. I pulled the blankets up to my chin, covering me again. I didn't feel anything as I grew sleepily. Soon enough, I fell into sleeps arms and began dreaming a dream that I dreamed of every month.


I was standing at the edge of a cliff. The smell of salt water smell was strong, over powering every other smell. The moon was high in the sky, it seemed over the stars and too large. The sound of the wave’s relentless beating against the edge of the base of the cliff.

I stared out at the ocean. It went on for miles and miles. The longer I looked out, I heard whispers. I couldn't tell what they were saying until they started to get louder.

"Do it..."

"You can do it..."

"Just do it..."

"It's always been in you..."

"Just one step ahead..."

I closed my eyes, letting myself become enveloped in the whispers. I couldn't tell who they were, only that there were a lot, hundreds. And before I knew it, I had fallen forward.

I stayed quiet as I fell, fell towards the rocks at the bottom. The voices still encouraged me to do something, but I couldn’t tell what they were trying to get me to do. I just closed my eyes as I felt the sea’s spray against my face. I kept my eyes closed even as I hit the rocks and I woke up.