Status: In Progress
The world is at constant war with an alien race known as DarkTech. Our only hope is the Super Organization of Good, an organization of powerful fighters. We follow the ascent of Team A12 as their new team member is everything but ordinary.
Created: November 24, 2013 | Updated: January 16, 2014
Genre : Action
Language : English
Reviews: 0 | Rating:
Favorites: 2
Reads: 1887
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1: | #1: The New Fighter | 5789 |
2: | #2: Team A12: Mikee's First Battle! | 3700 |
3: | #3 Low Rank Respect | 5830 |
4: | #4 A Titan Battle! | 6821 |
5: | Chapter #5 | 7125 |
Total Wordcount: | 29265 |
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Comments / Critiques
Chapter: 1 Reply
I really like your story so far but really S.O.G.?? The Super Organization of Good? Is that really the best name you could come up with? I would seriously consider changing the name!
December 7, 2013 | Heather O'toole /Davies
Yes, sadly. ^^; I cannot change the name due to personal reasons. I have considered calling them a lot of other names like the Paladins. ^^
December 7, 2013 | Perfect Phoenix