Fred and George Weasley and the Snowballs in Voldemort's Face, a Fan Fiction story | SparkaTale


Fred and George Weasley and the Snowballs in Voldemort's Face

By: Fantasy Boudicca

Status: Completed


While retelling his story in the Burrow, Ron and his siblings come to a very startling realization.

Created: October 31, 2013 | Updated: November 1, 2013

Genre : Fan Fiction

Language : English

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Comments: 4

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Reads: 1008

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    • Reply

      Only the Weasly Twins would do this, just only them. 

      November 8, 2013 | Dyanna Rodriguez

    • Reply

      Yep. Only the Weasley twins can have the honor of having thrown snowballs in Voldemort’s face and lived to tell the tale. Not even Harry Potter himself can boast of that.

      November 8, 2013 | Fantasy Boudicca

    • Reply

      This isn't even that long, and it's one of the best fanfics I've read in a long time. No wonder You-know-who had it in for the Weasley's. Nobody like having snowballs thrown in their face. Especially if you're a megalomaniacal evil snake-faced warlock with a hate-grudge against anyone who even looks cross-eyed at you LOL. 

      March 25, 2014 | Mahelsonei Sonjen

    • Reply

      Aw, thanks! Yeah this was really fun to write if only because it is an excellent reason as to why Moldywart hated them so much (other than well, being Harry's bff family, and being a Light family with a small army of fighters).

      March 25, 2014 | Fantasy Boudicca