Shadowland: Book One - Lies and Shadows, a Fan Fiction story | SparkaTale


Shadowland: Book One - Lies and Shadows

By: Max Paige

Status: Completed


During his first year at Hogwarts, Max must come up against many lies and facts about his family. His uncle has been sent to Azkaban on the day max receives his Hogwarts letter of acceptance. The young boy must now try to figure out what really happened to his uncle, and if he was unjustly sent to this awful place of darkness and punishment.

Created: November 5, 2021 | Updated: November 10, 2021

Genre : Fan Fiction

Language : English

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Reads: 1621

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      • Chapter: 1 Reply

        Oh a HP fanfic! I haven't read one of these in a while! 
        It looks good so far, you set out the premise and the characters quite well. I like Max Paige as a character already, takes a lot for someone to stand tall and be proud when people around him talk about a family legacy like his. I'll try and keep reading on as much as I can.

        November 8, 2021 | Deleted User