Forgotten World, a Fantasy story | SparkaTale


Forgotten World

By: Joakim Wall

Status: In Progress


A world filled with darkness is torn apart by war. The short age of peace appears over. Follow the Royal family of the Kingdom of Rhondor through war, interfamily politics, astounding sexual family intrigues and diplomacy. Follow young Azania, a servant turned slave by the ‘White Orc’. The Fire-Orc brother’s fight to create an Empire and Godlike beings make war on another plain.

Created: April 5, 2015 | Updated: November 16, 2015

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

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      • Chapter: 1 Reply

        "Her red dressed more torn and rather slowed her down."  Yes, 'dress' is a noun AND a verb, but in English nouns are not conjugated.  --She dressed in a red dress.  She dresses herself in a blue dress.  Etc. 

        'more torn and rather slowed her down.'    What is the sense of this?  More torn than what or maybe, when

        As written, the whole sentence makes no sense and needs to tweaking. 

        May 19, 2015 | Lynn Hollander