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Chapter 1 Raid

Moonstone Keep

Warning: Sexual content, violent scenes and harsh language.

Moonstone Keep

The young woman’s red hair swirled around her head in the wind as she quickly stumbled, half run down the hallways of the keep. Her red dress was down under her waist it was far too long for anyone to successfully run in and be quick about it. Her long legs stumbled forward, almost falling over herself. She could hear screams echo through the keeps stone walls. Her mind raced in fear, unable to think of anything else but to run and escape the terror. She heard the brute and savage roar of Orcs. But she could not hear from which direction they came from. Every time she turned a corner and saw it was empty, she thanked the gods for saving her.

Azania turned a corner and knocked immediately into a larger frame. She fell on her butt and looked up at the frame she ran into. Her eyes widened in horror and panic as a grey skinned Orc stared down at her. He growled at her, showing his saliva dripping teeth. He stared at her with yellow and frightening eyes.

Azania was terrified and scared beyond any other part of her previous life. He suddenly bent forward and grabbed her hard. He pulled her to her feet and forced her with him.

 “D-don’t k-kill me p-p-please,” Azania begged.

Her blue eyes pleaded with a mixture of pure fear to the Orc. But a part of her wanted him to kill her.

He dragged her with him. Holding her arm tightly.

Azania wasn’t sure if it first was a Gundalhorn Orc or a Dunnland Orc. But when she realized he didn’t have any visible fangs she knew he was a Dunnland Orc. The Gundalhorn Orcs hadn’t left their territory behind their walls for over one-hundred-and-fifty years.

Passing by a chamber she heard screams and moaning mixed with growling. She looked inside upon passing by and was horrified at what she saw. Several young servant women was being raped by Orcs. She couldn’t watch the poor blonde Elves, or hear their cries and screams for it to end. The Orcs appeared to have doubled up on the poor young Elves. She hoped by the gods that her fate shouldn’t be the same. She would rather die right now.

She was pulled out in the courtyard and thrown to the ground. She could see several buildings burning and many bodies laid on the ground.

“I found her inside, Warchief Thrall,” the Orc said but in the tongue of the Orc.

Cowering on the ground Azania didn’t know who he spoke to.

“A human female?” A rough voice inquired. The voice was dark and echoed in her ears.

Slowly Azania dared to glance up. She was surrounded by a group of dozens of grey skinned Orcs. All appeared to be Dunnland Orcs. But one Orc was more visible then the rest. He was much taller, more muscular, his chest was bare and he held a blood dripping Orc blade in his hand. He had no facial hair and was bold. His red eyes stared her down. His skin was pale, white. He was a Northern Orc from northwest of Atheros. His skin was covered in battle scars. He was a terrifying sight.

The White Orc, Azania thought.

She gasped and her eyes widened. She was shaking uncontrollable in fear.

He growled.

Terrified for her life she did the only thing to protect herself she knew how. She crawled on her knees forward, towards him. He was clearly the leader.

The White Orc arched his eyebrows in interest, wondering what she was doing.

Stopping in front of him she looked up.

“M-master,” she managed. “S-spare me p-p-please,” she begged him. “I-I b-b-be-beg y-you.” Tears stung in her eyes and she tried to blink some of them away.

His lips curled into a smirk, showing more of his large sharp white fangs.

A few chuckles from surrounding Orcs echoed in her ears.

“M-m-master,” she met his blood red eyes.

“I take this one,” the White Orc declared. She couldn’t understand anything he or the others had said. They spoke some Orc language.

“No!” The Orc who dragged her out snapped at him. He drew him blade and readied his shield. Unlike the White Orc he had a chest plate of steel and a helmet. “I found her so I own her. The salve is mine by right.”

The White Orc smirked, licked his lips and lashed his blade at the Orc. He blocked it with the shield. But with another hard hit the White Orc forced the shield from his hand and the next second he cut his head off.

The Orcs around cheered and laughed as the blood splattered. The White Orc roared, filling Azania with fear.

He turned around and reached down and grabbed her. He pulled her up by the color of her dress.

“What are you doing here human?” He demanded in her language. “Why is a human in a Spring Elf keep?”

She tried speaking but she was too scared. Her voice was not working properly.

“Speak!” He growled harshly. She almost jumped out of her skin.

“I-I-I served Lord F-Faendal II,” she stuttered.

“Served?” He said. “Yes. Do you pledge to serve me?”

She nodded immediately.

He smirked viciously. He let go of her.

“Come human,” he said, turning to the men. “Pillage what’s left of the keep and enjoy the women!”

Growling and cheering the Dunnland Orcs made their way towards the main doors to the keep. Azania stumbled after the White Orc. She didn’t know what he would do to her, or if she would live long. But she would not allow him to make her carry Orc children. If she dared or even could stop him when he wanted her body.

Western Mountains

Hundreds of Night Elves marched forward in formation in there dark blue shining armor. They filed through the stone clad mountainous terrain, a large Cliffside to their left and a rocky hillside to their right. Hundreds of meters ahead of the army rode two pair of Night Elves. They were scouting out ahead. In front of the marching files of elves rode a tall man with light blue skin and long blue hair. His emerald green eyes watched the road ahead of him and the terrain around him. His name was Rexarus and he was a general in the Night Elf army. He was a decorated war hero and a skilled swordsman, as well as a skilled tactician. Behind him come officers on horseback. His long elven ears peeked as he picked up new noises. Two of the scouts rode to the right as the other two was quickly returning to their brothers in arms.

“General, Rexarus!” One of the scouts exclaimed.

Rexarus raised his hand and stopped.

“Halt!” His officers called. “Halt!”

“General, Goblins approach from the southwest,” the scout warned him. He panted heavily.

Rexarus saw how the two other scouts was quickly riding towards them now as well.

 “Goblins, gentlemen, at the ready,” Rexarus ordered.

“Battle formation!” Officers barked. “Goblins!”

Two men rode back down the lines of armored troops and barked out the order to battle.

With a few slick moved a line of Elves with large shields and swords was in the front with archers standing in front of them and several ranks behind them. It took only seconds for the elves to move into a tight battle formation.

“Archers ready!” Rexarus commanded.

“Archers ready!”

He rode into the ranks of his men.

Dark green skinned Goblins swarmed over the rocky hills. They screamed and cried out at the top of their lungs, swinging swords, axes, maces and whatever weapons they carrier. They appeared to have some sort of formation, but it wasn’t certain. It appeared they just, like always charged into the battle. The ugly and disgusting little creatures looked vicious and ready to kill with weapons drawn and swinging. They looked truly terrifying as they approached the elves.

“Release!” Rexarus shouted.

The elvish archers fired their arrows into the Goblin rank and file. Almost every arrow found a target. They cried out and gaps appeared in their ‘formation’. The archers in front slipped back behind their sword wielding brothers-in-arms who covered up the line, leaving no gaps in the front.

The elves quickly reloaded and launched another swarm of arrows into the quickly advancing goblins. Many fell immediately and cried out of their wounds. Some were stomped to death by their comrades. The goblins smacked into them, swords hacking away at the first of their ranks. If one Elf was killed another stepped in and covered the gap. Another wave of arrows striked the middle of the Goblin force. The Goblins was yelling and growling.

“Hold the line!” Rexarus commanded his men. “Do not lose an inch of ground to the foul beasts!”

The elves held and cut the goblins down with only a few casualties.

“Send them back to the stone they crawled out from!”

As they held their ground against the vicious goblins. Their steel spilled goblin blood.

“Advance!” Rexarus ordered.

The first lines of Elves pushed forward, while cutting at the Goblins.

A Goblin squad of simple wood crossbows aimed and fired. The metallic headed arrows hit the elvish shields and drilled several centimeters through them. Some were lucky and hit an Elf in the head, killing them instantly. Most of the crossbow Goblins was killed by precise elvish archers. The Elvish soldiers continued pushing forward, forcing the Goblins back into a chaotic defense.

Rexarus drew his sword and raised it.


The first rank of elves abandoned the defensive shield wall and attacked the Goblins head on. The three ranks behind them engaged the goblins as well. One of Rexarus’s officer led a flanking formation to outflank the goblins left flank. The little green goblins, half the size of the elves, began a chaotic retreat. They fled, but in vain as the Elves cut them down without mercy.

Rexarus watched his men follow the cowardly goblins and slaughter them.

“Halt, reform!”

The Elves stopped the pursuit and returned to their original formation. Rexarus wanted some surviving Goblins to tell the King and his court the tale of how they were massacred against his well-armed forces. If the conflicted continued like this the Goblins would soon agree to peace talks. He was confident of it. And, they would agree to whatever terms the beautiful Night Elf Queen demanded. Otherwise they would be crushed and their kingdom lost forever.

Rhondor Capital, Keep Stables

The grey castle of Rhondor rose amidst the mist towards the sky with high towers and high and thick walls. The city’s walls was tick and high enough to resist most attackers. Although they weren’t sieged in the war twenty years ago with Lord Sau’rith many Rhondor soldiers died. Sau’rith had been defeated before he reached their lands. King Hornvald still remembered when he fought in the last battle. He was there when Sau’rith was slain and his army routed. A man of thirty-three years he were no longer. No, now an old man of fifty-three Hornvald was still considered one of the greatest military leaders in the human kingdoms, and perhaps even Atheros itself, his people liked to think. Although his age he was still agile and could swing a sword and ride a horse with his men-leading from the front-into battle.

“Good morning my lady,” a young stable boy greeted.

Ariel nodded back with a pleasant smile.

She looked out over the mist filled street leading to the gate to the keep. The gate was presently closed with guards in grey armor standing guard. Her long auburn hair was grabbed by the wind.

She watched the gate with a worried expression. Concern sparking in her light brown eyes.

“You better not have been out here all night,” a male voice said teasingly.

Ariel looked over her shoulder at her twin brother Johan.

The bold medium muscular built man had brown eyes and an auburn colored beard. He was twenty-four years old. He stepped towards her with a smirk.

Ariel rolled her eyes.

“No,” she said coolly.

Johan walked up and placed his arm around her shoulders, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder.

“Because I remember you being out here last night too,” he reminded.

“It wasn’t night. It was early evening and I didn’t stay that much longer then you and Bella,” Ariel said defensively.

“If you say so.”

“I do say so.”




Johan glanced at her as she rested her head.

“Father will return as soon as he tracks down that pack of Orcs,” he said. “He can take care of himself.”

“Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t worry,” Ariel argued.

Johan smirked over how stubborn she always was.

“His men won’t let anything happen to him, or Jon,” he told her confidently.

Jon, the Crown Prince and their older brother was with their father and two hundred other knights hunting down a pack of Orcs who had attacked several villages along the Unclaimed Regions border to their lands.

“You seem almost more worried than Lady Inga,” Johan commented.

Ariel snorted lightly.

“I just hope they come home in one piece,” she sighed deeply.

“It is just a pack of Orcs, dear sister,” Johan reminded. “It isn’t like their fighting an organized army of Elves or Dwarves.”

She frowned at him.

“What?” He asked.

“What about Gundalhorn Orcs?” She questioned. “Or-or the White Orc, they say he is”…

“But they aren’t chasing Orcs from Gundalhorn,” Johan reminded her. “They’re not hunting that White Orc either. Just a pack of regular Orcs. A few dozen at most.”

He squeezed her shoulder a bit.

“Relax Ariel, please.”

He turned her around.

“Come. Let us go eat. I’m starting to freeze in the wind.”

Inside the castle princess Bella walked through the corridors towards the dining hall from the library. Her auburn hair was fixed in a ponytail, her blue wonderful eyes searching the floor in front of her. She was taller than her siblings and had a very attractive hourglass shape. Bella was twenty-seven. She found herself alone in the corridor at the moment. Not a person or sound in range of her sense.

Suddenly someone came up behind her and grabbed her and shoved her hard against the wall. She was about to scream when she saw it was Adan, her two year old older brother. Adan had long soft brown hair and a clean shaved face. His brown hair watched her as he leaned in closer to her, pressing his body against her.

“Adan,” Bella whispered. “Y-you scared me.”                

“I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to,” he apologized.

She could feel his breath touching her face. His left hand wandered up and caressed her breast through the thin yellow fabric.

“This isn’t the place to”… Bella started.

His lips connected with her in passion. They pulled closer to each other, hungrily wanting more. Bella knew she should stop. They should stop. They’re standing in the middle of a corridor of the castle. Any servant, maid or even their mother could see them. And she didn’t even dare think what might happen if their parents found out. Disowned and exile at best. But she couldn’t stop. She didn’t want it to end. Ever. Her brother’s right hand pulled her dress down slightly, exposing her breast. He caressed her right breast affectionately as his left hand followed her curves down and lifted her dress up. His hand went under and moments later Bella squealed.

Finally she pushed him away from her.

“W-what are you doing?” He asked, confused and disapproving of it. He didn’t like being pushed by his anyone, not even his younger sister. “You want it. I can tell that you”…

She slapped him and glared firmly at him.

“We can’t do this in the corridor,” she whispered harshly.

Adan narrowed his eyes and slapped her right back. He slapped much harder than she did.

Bella raised her hand and put it on her cheek. It was still burning from his hand. She stared in shock at him. He had hit her. He had actually hit her. He had never done that before. No one had ever done that. Her father had spanked her when she was a little girl once for breaking a vase, but what was different. He had become angry with her but… he had never hurt her before.

“I… I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I’m sorry I… maybe we can continue in your chamb”…

“We are expected in the dining hall,” Bella said coolly. “Best not to keep the twins wait.”

She walked away from him. He stood and watched her walking away in disbelief of what he had just done to her. He forgot himself and watched intensely as her hips moved seductively, to him anyway. It wasn’t intentional but he was deeply drawn to run after her and roughly take her right on the stone floor. He just barely stopped himself.

“I’m so sorry,” he pleaded.

She didn’t reply and disappeared around the corner.

2: Land of Atheros
Land of Atheros

Kingdoms and Peoples of Atheros

Atheros was a world filled with many races from Humans to Elves and from Orcs to Centaurs to large humanoid Lizards.

The vast landscape is filled with enormous wonderful fields of grass and flowers, grey mountains, dead wastelands and snow covered fields and mountains.

There is an enormous land known as the Unclaimed Regions that stretches huge distances that isn’t ruled by any king nor queen. Bandits and packs of Orc’s and worse creatures room the wastelands and attack any caravan who dares pass them by.

Realm of the Undead

Dark Lord Sau’rith was a man of unknown age, a necromancer from young age, an Orc-Human hybrid that leads the largest undead army Atheros has ever seen. From forty years have he fought to conquer all of Atheros. Twenty years ago he was slays in battle and his empire collapsed. The undead armies rallied to different Underlord’s and infighting destroyed what was left of Sau’rith’s realm, as dozens of Underlord’s fight to fill the power vacuum Sau’rith left. It would take decades, if not several hundred years until anyone might gain enough power to replace him.

The Lizard Empire

They are an old race with ambitions of grandeur. They fought the human kingdoms a hundred years ago and lost. Now they fought against their common enemy Lord Sau’rith until his demise. Their Empire are the size of almost all the human kingdoms put together. They have a friendly relationship with the Normodian’s.

Human Kingdoms

They consist of twelve kingdoms who usually unite against common threats, such as the Lizards a hundred years ago and the Normodian Slave Principality. The kingdoms lost many uncountable soldiers fighting Sau’rith. But now a new generation was growing up to take their place. A hundred years ago they fought in the Fourth Human-Lizard War and won. On the edge of the Unclaimed Regions, kingdoms like Dal, Jagendal, Rhondor and Dalara always have their forces on high alert, ready to counterattack any pack daring to cross the border.

The most powerful kingdoms are Garrith-Ir, Sombadur, Telmar, Dalara, Northernheim and Rhondor.

Normodian Slave Principality

Stretching across the southern end of Atheros they are a faction of humans that turns to slavery as their main income. Ruled by Princes elected by the nobility the people are poor and often starve in some regions. Slavery is forbidden in many parts of Atheros, such as the human kingdoms, most Elven Kingdoms, except the Dark Elves, the Dwarves and it is also illegal by the Centaurs. Having to actual use for slaves the Cave Trolls don’t care either way. The slave trade has been blooming sense the Undead Underlord’s need every bit of manpower they can get.

The Centaur Kingdom

Lying in the west the Centaurs is ruled by a Royal family and the Khan is the strongest family male can only be the can. Many Centaurs fought alongside the humans against the undead legions. They have a close friendship with the Garrith-Ir Royalty.

The Elves

The strongest faction is the Night Elves, ruled by a ruthless Queen with a large and powerful standing army. They are currently in a border conflict with the Goblins. It have lasted for almost two years.

Smaller Elves are the Spring Elves, Moon Elves, Sun Elves, Mountain Elves, Wood Elves, and Snow Elves and off course the Dark Elves, on the edge of the Unclaimed Regions. The Mountain Elves lost much in war with Lord Sau’rith.


Atheros has several types of Orcs. A human is about five-seven feet tall. Most Orcs stand on seven or eight feet tall.

The Northern Orcs live in the northwestern snow covered plains and mountains, bordering the Snow Elves. They have hardened and pale skin, mostly using thick hide or fur armor. They have visible fangs.

The Baldur Orcs live mostly in the southwest, below Centaur territory. They have light grey skin and use leather or iron armor. They have no fangs. They are slightly smaller than the other Orcs. They are about five to six feet tall.

The Black Orcs are larger the any of their cousins. Their skin is black and they have the best weapons and armor of all Orcs. They have large fangs. They are the best warriors on Atheros and often in history have served as mercenaries in wars.

Gundalhorn Orcs came from the large stronghold of Gundalhorn, their skin is dark grey, strong, tall, fangs, excellent engineers and skilled in siege technology. They have spent the last hundred-and-fifty years behind their thick stone walls.

Dunnland Orcs have grey skin and yellow eyes-most common eye color amongst Orcs-and come from Dunnland originally. They have no visible fangs. Dunnland is a part of the Unclaimed Regions and on the edge of the Northern Wasteland. The Dunnland plains and Dunnland Forest was on the edge of Sau’rith’s realm twenty years ago.

Fire Orcs came from the steps bellow the Dark Mountains. They have red skin, large sharp fangs, red skin and red or black eyes. Why they have red skin in unknown. They are the best warriors in Atheros. Their skin is thicker than most Orcs. Fire Orc Berserkers is known to be almost unstoppable when they mass up and charge into battle. Fire Orcs are known to fight without armor.

In the Unclaimed Regions Orcs with dark green skin appeared. They have small fangs showing. They are the result of breeding between the Black Orcs and Northern Orcs. They are known as the Unborn Orcs and march as a single people, as a single army and as a single kingdom in the Unclaimed Regions.


They have a chaotic kingdom ruled by a King in the western mountains. The ugly grotesque little creatures are in a conflict with the Elven Imperium. A conflict they are losing. Goblins is known to be good builders and engineers but not very skilled soldiers. They have many hundreds of slaves they have captured or bought from the Normodian’s.

Cave Trolls

Based in the western mountains their kingdom are underground in large caves. They have been in conflict with the Goblins and Elves in the last fifty years.

The Dwarves

Dwarves are the best smiths in Atheros and also the greatest builders and miners in Atheros. They prefer keeping to themselves and they are rumored to some of the largest gathered treasures in Atheros. Heavy Dwarf troops are some of the most heavily armored soldiers in Atheros. Dwarf mountain keeps are some of the greatest fortresses to ever be built.

3: Chapter 2 Rise of the Brothers
Chapter 2 Rise of the Brothers


Azania’s survived the Orc raid on Moonstone Keep after begging Warchief Thrall to spare her life and allow her to serve him.

General Rexarus slaughter a Goblin army in the Western Mountains.

Rhondor’s King and Heir are out hunting for an Orc pack pillaging their land.

Rhondor Capital, outside the Keep Walls

Walking inside a wooden building Ariel catches the eye of the children inside. Two of her guards follow her inside while the other four remain outside the school building. Outside the mist was still thick and the Kings party hadn’t returned home yet.

An older Dwarf with grey hair and a brown leather coat looked up from where he stood in front of a group on children sitting on the floor.

“Oh, princess Ariel”, he bowed his upper body in a formal greeting. “How happy we are that you had come”.

A few of the older children stood up and bowed whilst many of the youngest didn’t really know who she was other than that she came visited them sometimes. One of the little girls ran up and hugged her.

“I missed you”, she said.

Ariel rubbed her back before she bent down and hugged her.

“Did you miss me too”?

Ariel smiled.

“Yes I did Hildegard. I missed you all very much”.

“But me most”, the girl told her.

“I missed you all honey”, Ariel said.

“But me most”… Hildegard was about to shoot a demanding glare at her.

“Enough of that Hildegard”, the older Dwarf said firmly.

She hung her head in defeat.

“Yes, Sir Glóin” she said.

Sir Glóin was the only Dwarf living in Rhondor. He had been master-of-arms, master-of-horse and in charge of teaching Johan and Ariel when they were little.

A little boy tugged her sleeve.

Looking at him he showed her a paper.

“See? I wrote that”, he said proudly.

She read it.

“I am very impressed Jeremiah”, she said smiling.

He smiled widely and shined with pride over his work.

Neck Breaker Clan

Azog’s raised his red skinned arm and made sure everyone could see the Fire Orc head he held. He roared and threw the head forward to the ground. It rolled and the Orcs around roared approvingly with bloodlust and thrill after the fight.

Azog had long black hair and his white eyes looked at the Fire Orcs around him with a spark of thrill. He was tall and very muscular, even for a Fire Orc. He had a pair of leather trousers but his upper body was bare. It was how Fire Orcs fought. They didn’t use armor. His large teeth showed. They were about five-ten centimeters outside his lips. Most opponents would be filled with fear just by looking at him. The same went for Azog’s brother.

Azzeroth was a few years older than Azog. He had long black hair and white eyes, like his brother. Fire Orcs had black or red eyes, but Azog and Azzeroth had white eyes. He had a large muscular frame and was ever as tall as his brother, a little taller even. His sharp teeth were larger than his brother. They were between ten and fifteen centimeters long. His fangs were eighteen centimeters long.

Regular Orcs were around 7 to 8 feet tall. Azog were 8.7 feet tall and Azzeroth were even taller with a height of 9.4 feet. A regular human were between 5-7 feet tall.

Azzeroth slashed with both his Orc blades, cutting into the skin of the Fire Orc opposing him. The Orc stumbled but remained standing. Azzeroth attacked him and savagely pierced his chest and cut his throat open. Azzeroth cried out in a vicious savagely roar that echoed in the sky. The sand under his feet was coloring red as the dying Orc was bleeding out. Azzeroth walked to him and placed one of his blades firmly in the sand. Bending over he cut the Orcs head of and raised it with his hand, holing the black hair.

The Orcs around him cheered and roared.

The two brothers had been challenged by two other Orcs, a fight they had now won without a scratch.

“Victory”! Azzeroth roared.

He threw the head aside and attached both his Orc blades to his waist. The brothers towered over the Orcs around them. As the head touched the ground the Orc warriors and their families gathered cheered louder.

Azzeroth and Azog returned to their tent.

Entering the large tent Azzeroth pointed at a Dark Elf slave girl.

“You, clear the table and get the map”, he growled at her.

Frightened of the sight of her masters she immediately hurries to get everything off the wooden table. Her name was Tirnelwen. Azzeroth watched her young attractive body. She had grey skin, with long white hair and a slender body. Her hips moved seductively, although she didn’t try anything of the kind. The last thing she wanted was to attract Azzeroth’s attention in that manner. Her red eyes widened when she felt a large hand creep up under her skirt.

Too afraid to speak or move she remained standing in place, allowing Azzeroth to touch her privates. She squealed as his fingers played under her skirt.

Eight months ago she was captured by them in a raid on a village in the human kingdom of Northernheim. At first she tried standing strong and refused to allow Azzeroth to touch her. But after he almost beat her to death any courage inside her was now long gone.

He finally stopped and gently gave her ass a smack to get her moving.

“Get the map”, he said.

She hurried deeper into the tent to get the map. She almost collided with Urzun, Azog’s wife. She had red skin, black eyes and a strong and attractive figure. At first glance it was obvious for anyone that she was pregnant. She was in the ninth and final month. Her black hair was set up in a short ponytail. Her showing teeth was six centimeters long.

“Watch it”, she warned Tirnelwen.

Tirnelwen didn’t understand Orc tongue but she didn’t need to understand to know what she said. She bowed in an apology and moved passed her as quickly as her feet could carry her.

“My love”, Azog walked up to Urzun and laid a hand on her large stomach. He planted a kiss on her lips. “How are you? And how is the little one”?

“We are both fine”, she smiled, kissing him on his lips.

Both looked down on her expended stomach.

“He or she will come out any day now”, Urzun said. She looked up to meet her husband’s eyes. “Do you remember when we agreed that our children would have it better and easier growing up then we had”?

Azog sighed.

“Yes”, he acknowledged. “I will give our child what I promised. You had my word”.

“Where’s that map”! Azzeroth demanded.

Tirnelwen ran into the room and handed him the rolled together map. She almost tripped as fast as she ran.

He laid the map out over the table and shoved the two mugs still on the table to the ground, spilling out the ale.

Urzun huffed.

“This is your promise brother”, Azzeroth smirked grimly, pointing at a spot on the map.

Azog looked closer on the map, leaning over the table he placed his red thick hands on the maps edges.

“Barthir-Gunthur”, he read.

“A human fortress”, Azzeroth explained. “The Northernheim humans controls it”, he started smiling grimly as he looked at his brother. He raised his hand in front of him and clenched it. “We will take it and crush them”!

Azog smiled grimly.

“Yes”, he said. “We can turn it into our own home”.

“It will be the beginning our people needs”, Azzeroth exclaimed. “An Empire! Our Empire brother. And it will start their”.

Tirnelwen looked on with curiosity as she tried comprehend what her masters was talking about. She was confident that they were planning some raid or an attack of some kind. They were clearly excited about whatever it was they were planning.

“The Neck Breaker Clan will be known throughout Atheros”! Azzeroth punched his fists into the table, making Tirnelwen jump in fright.

Azog smiled and turned his head to his wife.

“A place for our children to grow up”, he said.

Azzeroth was quiet for a moment.

“Yes”, he finally said, his mind wandering to his little baby girl.

Little Sahina, named after their little sister who was murdered ten years ago when a Lizard tribe launched an unexpected assault. Sahina was only twelve years old at the time. Azzeroth was the one that found her bloody body first once they returned from their own raid against a nearby Orc clan. Azog and Azzeroth laid aside all rivalries between them and gathered every warrior that could hold a weapon and ride a wolf. They set out and that same night they attacked the unsuspecting Lizard tribe’s camp. They didn’t leave a single man, woman or child alive. They wiped out the entire tribe.

Many a Lizard was ripped apart by wolf teeth that night. Seven hundred bodies littered the bloody grassland as the sun went up. Only forty of their own riders died that night. That event united the brothers against all of Atheros. Warriors from many other Fire Orc clans joined the Neck Breaker Clan under the next six ten years. These warriors brought their families. Many saw the brothers as the greatest warriors the Fire Orcs had ever had. It was also unique that two brothers worked together, both as Warchief’s for ten years.

Azzeroth’s mind came once again to little baby Sahina and then to the three unborn children he had. He had three pregnant slave girls. One of them was a young Dunnland Orc that had been captured in a raid two years ago. The others two was humans, one from Nor and one from the neighboring kingdom of Dalara.

Sahina’s mother, Datuna was a Fire Orc that died in childbirth three months ago when Sahina was born. She inherited her father’s white eyes. Datuna had married Azzeroth because of political ties with another Fire Orc clan rather than love-as with Azog and Urzun-Azzeroth would do whatever it took to protect his little baby girl and he would raise her in the protected walls of the Barthir-Gunthur Fortress.

Azzeroth left the tent and walked into another, placed beside theirs. Inside was an Orc female breastfeeding Sahina.

“Warchief”, she said with a strong voice, bowing her head.

Azzeroth nodded firmly. He stopped and looked at the baby girl.

4: Chapter 3 New Life
Chapter 3 New Life


Princess Ariel visited a school in the city.

The Fire Orc brothers Azzeroth and Azog killed their challengers and planned an attack on Northernheim, a human kingdom.


Three days have passed sense last and the mist have cleared mostly.

Ariel laughed along with her sister Bella and Jon, her older brother’s wife Inga. Inga had blonde long hair, a fair frame and beautiful deep grey eyes. She was in the third months of her pregnancy.

“No”, Bella laughed.

“No I mean it”, Johan said, chuckling. “I’m telling you how it happened”. He pointed at his brother Adan. Adan grinned, both with embracement and laughter. “The horse carried him around for the gods know how long until we managed to get it under control and father lifted him down”.

“I never heard about that”, Bella proclaimed.

“It wasn’t my best moment”, Adan smirked.

“We chased that damn horse around for”… Johan started laughing. “…It was probably twenty people chasing it in the end. If not more”.

“To my defense”, Adan said. “The horse was very high and I was very little at the time”.

Johan clapped his back where he sat in the couch.

“Oh”, Inga suddenly gasped and looked down at her expanded stomach.

“What’s wrong”? Bella asked.

She laid her hands on her arm.

All attention turned to her.

Inga smiled.

“He’s kicking”, she took Bella’s hand and placed it on her stomach. “Or she”.

Bella smiled when she felt the little critter kick.

“Oh, I think he or she’s gonna be a spitting image of daddy”, Bella said.

A servant entered the chamber. The only light in the room came through the windows or from the fire.

“Excuse me, lords and ladies”, he apologized for intruding. “But The King is returning”.

Ariel stood up.

“What”! She walked quickly for the door with Inga after her.

The others walked more relaxed and at a slower pace.

Exiting the keep into the courtyard the two women say knights off their horse and leading them into the stables. Ariel spotted the armored figure of her father. His brown long hair and beard blew in the wind.

She ran towards him.


He turned and smiled widely when he saw her. He extended his arms wide.

“Ariel, love”, he embraced her.

She realized quickly that it wasn’t very comfortable to hug someone who wore a thick armor. She saw her brother appear to her side. Turning she hugged him too. Jon had auburn hair with a matching goatee. The thirty-six year old had a strong and attractive appearance. His grey eyes searched above his sister’s head, looking around for his wife.


Ariel heard Inga’s voice and knew it was time to let go of him. Stepping aside Inga immediately hugged her husband and kissed him.

“You look really strong in that armor, honey”, she complimented him.

He run his hand through her blonde hair.

“You’re even more beautiful than the day I left”, he smiled warmly. “I have thought about you ever minute of every day. Even amongst the slaying of those Orcs I couldn’t think about anything else than your beauty”.

He titled her head up and gently pressed his lisp against hers.

“Father, I am glad you returned home safely”, Johan said smiling. He, Adan and Bella approached the already gathered group.

Their mother Queen Marion came after them. Her long auburn hair grabbed by the strong wind.

Neck Breaker Clan

“What? Who”? Azog demanded.

He stood in his tent with his brother as the scouting party had returned. Sense they decided on the attack on the Barthir-Gunthur Fortress they have traveled closer to it with the whole clan.

“A clan of Baldur Orcs is sieging the fort, Warchief”, the warrior explained.

Azzeroth snorted amused.

“Baldur Orcs. Are you certain”? Azog asked.

“Confident”, the Orc confirmed.

Azzeroth smiled grimly. Baldur Orcs was the smallest Orcs. They were no match in battle with their clan. True enough their size notwithstanding, they were Orcs and Orcs were good warrior.

“How many”? He asked.

“Several thousands of them at least”, the warrior said. “It is a very large clan”.

Azzeroth turned to his brother and laid a hand on his shoulder.

“We can easily crush them”, Azog said.

Azzeroth shook his head.

“No. we will not crush them”, he said firmly.

Azog arched his eyebrows.

“What are you thinking brother”? He asked.

The warrior appeared intrigued to hear the Warchief’s plan in person.

Azzeroth laid both his hands on his brother’s shoulders.

“You and I will challenge their Warchief in a duel. He fights one of us and we slay him and unite our clans”.

“Bring the Baldur Orcs into our clan”? Azog questioned. “Baldur Orcs”?

Azzeroth started smirking grimly.

“Yes brother. Thousands of warriors ready to do our bidding. We must commit to changes if we are to build our Empire. Why let our own warriors die taking the fortress when the Baldur Orcs is already there”?

Azog grinned viciously. He knew it would take a lot of men to rebuild the fortress afterwards.

“Why waste warriors fighting the Orcs? We take the siege and break the walls down”.

Azzeroth turned around, his eyes catching Tirnelwen.

“Can you smell it”? He asked her. “The smell of victory”!

The Dark Elf shivered to her very core. Not daring to speak. Having spent eight month as a slave she was still considering herself lucky. Azzeroth hadn’t decided to fuck her yet. She didn’t want to ever sleep with an Orc. Least not him. But if he decided on taking her by force, there was absolutely nothing she could do, other than turn in whatever position he desired. This far he was simply touched her at occasion.

He turned around again.

“We should leave now”, Azog said.

Azzeroth nodded in agreement.

They walked out of the tent. They got up on their large white wolves. They were from the very northwest on Atheros. Giant snow wolves-a gift from a Northern Orc clan they met nine years ago. After winning the clan admitted defeat and gave them gold, food, women, weapons and those two snow wolves to leave them in peace.

Clan members gathered around, wondering what their Warchief’s was doing.

Azog cleared his throat.

“Brother, sisters! We will return before the night dawn tomorrow. When we do… we will have a large Orc army at our backs”, he breathed. “Our homeland is in sight”!

The Orcs cheered.

Azzeroth drew his blade and raised it towards the sky.

“The Neck Breaker clan will be talked about for the next ten thousand years”!

The Orcs roared, cheered and clashed weapons together.

Orc Encampment six miles from the Moonstone Keep ruins

Azania woke up on a bed with a thick and soft animal pelt over her. For a woman who was now a slave, at least she could sleep comfortably… and alone. Hearing mumbling she turned her head she saw the White Orc, or Thrall as his name was. He was changing it appeared. He stood naked in the tents other end. She covered her hands quickly.

Hearing something he turned around.

“I see you’re awake”, he said flatly in the common human tongue. He frowned. “Look when I speak to you, human”!

She lower her hands to find him fully turned in her direction, his large pale Orc member hanging down freely in the air between his legs. Her eyes widened and she covered her eyes again and turned away from him.

He chuckled at her.

“Bigger than any human, I’ve been told”, he said smirking.

He pulled his leather pants on.

“Get dressed and if you need a bath go down to the river”, he told her.

“A b-bath”? She stuttered. “W-with a-a-all those”…

“No one will touch you”, he assured her coolly. “They wouldn’t dare because they know I would kill them if they did”.

He exited the tent, leaving her alone. She got dressed with a brownish leather shirt and a black shirt with short sleeves and a cleavage. She had preferred something else but sense Thrall choose it she didn’t dare argue. Exiting the tent she looked around. There were many tents around. She spotted dozens of Dunnland Orc warriors around and even a few Black Orcs. They were taller than the Dunnland Orcs and like it sounded they had black skin. And that was all only in the immediate vicinity of Thrall’s tent. There was probably hundreds of warriors around. She wondered where these Orcs families where. She hadn’t seen a single woman or child sense she came here three days ago.

She considered what Thrall had said and looked down on herself. She shook her head. There was no way she would bathe with a hundred Orcs watching her, desiring her body. No way, not until it was critical or she was forced. Or a better condition arose.

She needs to hang in there until she can find a way to escape without being recaptured. She dared not think what they would do to her if they caught her trying to escape. Until then, staying on Thrall’s good side would keep her safe and alive.

5: Chapter 4 King of the Ugly
Chapter 4 King of the Ugly


The Orc brothers Azzeroth and Azog march with their clan to Barthir-Gunthur. They decide to challenge the clan leader of the Baldur Orcs already sieging the fort for leadership of his clan.

Azania thinks if she can escape the Orcs grasp and regain her freedom before Thrall decides to take her if she waits for her chance.

King Hornvald and Prince Jon return to Rhondor after successfully killing the Orc pack in their lands.

Western Mountains, Mount Mumbai, Great Goblin City

In the underground city of the Goblins word arrived of another failure against the Night Elves. The massive city were built into the mountain. Of all Goblin cities under the mountains, this was the biggest by far. It was full of life and Goblins everywhere. But in the far highest point in the caverns were the Goblin King under the mountain. Grynn the Fat, a dark green skinned Goblin that went up for this name.

In the large bedroom chamber moaning echoed between the stone walls. The fattened Goblin King thrust into the young Moon Elf as she sat on her hands and knees in front of him. He roughly pulled her long blonde hair. The young naked Elf moaned with every thrust. Having spent her entire adult life pleasuring men-was born a slave-she knows how to pleasure a man and to make him think that she annoyed it as much as he did. Sense Goblins weren’t known to be very tall creatures their members wasn’t usually ‘that’ big. In her line of work in the Kings service she have learned even more so, to pretend.

In the chambers corner sat a young Orc girl-not more than sixteen of age-hugging her legs. The young black skinned Black Orc could only think that she would rather die than spent a second taking that Moon Elf’s place, fucking that disgusting fat Goblin. But she couldn’t help but admire the Elf. She knew exactly how to stay on the good side of the ugly King. But it was above her Orc pride to allow him to touch her.

A knock on the wooden doors echo and the King stopped. He left the Elf alone on the bed and stood up with a cover around his waist. He had a long nose and brown stern eyes.

“Enter”! His cracking spat filled voice called.

The Elf acted saddened that he had put their session to an end. Which she knew enthralled him.

The double oak doors opened and a green skinned Goblin entered.

He bowed to the King.

“Why are you bothering me at this hour”! Grynn demanded to know.

“Forgive me, your grace”, the raspy Goblin voice apologized. “But the Night Elves has crushed the army you sent towards their border”.

“All seven-thousand men”? Grynn asked harshly. “Where is General Xyran”?

“He was amongst the dead your grace”.

Grynn snorted.

“At least he had to dignity to die in battle”, he said coolly.

“The Elves dignitaries has sent an offer to negotiate a peace that is… good… you both parties”.

The Orc girl snorted amused. The Goblins didn’t have even close to the grace in words that the Elves had. Even the Centaurs and Orcs had more grace in their speech.

Grynn cursed.

“Get out”! He roared.

“The Elves require an answer within two hours to send home to their Queen”, the Goblin explained, taking a few steps back.

Grynn glared at him.

“Send them backing”! He snapped. “No peace. I will crush them”!

The Goblin nodded with a smile and left. He believed the King had made the right decision. He closed the doors to the chamber.

Ge returned to the bed.

“Get dressed and get out”, he commanded the Elf.

She slowly crawled towards him.

“Are you tired my lord”? She slid her hand over his head and under his chin. “So much on your mind all the time”, her voice was filled with faked sympathy and worry.

“Out”, he slapped her hand away.

She obliged and made her way to dress and leave his chamber.

He turned to the Orc girl.

“Undress”, he ordered.

Her eyes widened.


She stumbled to her feet and slowly walked with trembling feet towards him.

He licked his fat disgusting lips.

“You should be proud”, he said with hunger in his eyes. “You are my first Orc”.

She sat down in front of him on the bed. He reached out to pull her rags off and touch her young body. His lips approached hers with a scary pace. Pulling out a dull dinner knife from her sleeve she raised it and stabbed the King in the right eye.

He cried out in a satisfying scream of pain and incredible agony. She smirked with thrill and pulled the knife out. He fell backwards onto the bed and before he knew it she stabbed him in the left eye. The Orcish savagery got her blood pumping faster and she breathed heavily with a glim of pride in her eyes as she cut his left eye out.

“I take this as my trophy”, she declared victoriously.

She stood up and turned towards the doors. They opened and two Goblin guards entered with spears at the ready.

“Majesty”! The called in unison.

“K-kill her! Kill her”! Grynn screamed. “Kiillll Her”!

The guards jerked back when they saw the Kings bleeding eyes. They charged at the Orc girl but she avoided them and grabbed one of their spears. Turning it on them she thrusted it into the Goblins chest before fleeing out into the corridor. From the right she heard more Goblins approaching.

She ran down the left corridor and turning a corner she spotted a Goblin guard. He drew his sword whilst she stabbed him repeatedly with her dinner knife in the unprotected throat. She started running again. Taking his sword and leaving the knife behind her.

“You can do this Grutuna, she told herself. You’re an Orc. You can do this.

She heard the voices of Goblins close in around her. Two came up in front of her. She cut ones arm off and sliced through the leather armor. The second’s first attack was blocked and she kicked him in the stomach, before he recovered she finished him with stabbing him through the throat. He gurgled up blood as he tried to breathe.

She looked over her shoulder. Ten more Goblins rushed towards her. She ran until she entered into the large cavern. It was a circular formation with wooden walkways and tunnels to the sides. A thick main bridge went over it below it in the caverns bottom was a deep river that ran out into a lake. It was probably a hundred or more meters down. Grutuna ran out on the bridge and stopped in the middle as Goblin soldiers approached her from both ends of the bridge. She decided to trust in fate and leaped off the bridge and down into the river.

“Don’t let her escape”! A Goblin officer barked. “Find and bring her back! The King wants her alive”!

He grabbed a soldier and throw him off the bridge. The Goblin screamed and plummeted down. He smacked into the river and disappeared.

Grutuna crawled out from the cold water and laid down on her back on the beach. Her left arm hurt badly. It had broken when after she leaped down into the river. She was incredibly lucky to even be alive right now and she knew it. But the Goblins would continue looking for her so she couldn’t stay long. She had also lost her sword when she plummeted into the river.

“Are you alright little Orc”? A friendly voice asked. “So you need assistance”?

She looked up to find a tall tanned Elf with brown hair looking down at her.

“W-who are you Elf”? Grutuna demanded.

“I am Legonin, young Orc”, he said courtly. He reached down and helped her to her feet. “Your arm seems broken”.

“It is”, she acknowledged. “We must leave now”.

“Why”? He asked suspiciously.

“Goblins will be here soon, I fear”.

He gestured for her to accompany him.

“My village isn’t far away through the forest”, he explained. “Come with me”.

6: Chapter 5 Challenge
Chapter 5 Challenge


The Black Orc girl Grutuna escape the Goblin city after stabbing King Grynn in his eyes and cutting the left one out as a trophy.

Sieging Camp at Barthir-Gunthur

Azzeroth and his brother Azog up to the Baldur Orc guards on their white wolves.


They stopped as two crossbows was aimed at them. The guards seemed slightly frightened by the large Fire Orcs.

“We will speak with your Warchief,” Azog said. “Stand aside.”

The Orcs looked at each other and lowered their weapons.

“Follow me,” one of them said.

They rode into the camp in a slow pace. They spotted hundreds of tents in sight. Azog smirked. It seemed the estimates of the Clans size was true. Thousands of warriors, Baldur warriors but warriors nonetheless. The Orcs around them watched the large Fire Orcs with interest.

“This army will do us fine, brother,” Azog said.

Azzeroth smiled grimly. “Yes, brother. They look weak but they will still be useful.”

Three Baldur Orcs appeared in their path. Stopping the three Orcs glared up at them. Azzeroth got off his wolf.

“Who are you” Fire Orc?” One of them demanded.

“I am Azzeroth and this is my brother, Azog,” the large red skinned Orc with long black hair said.

The Orc studied them.

“We are the Warchief’s of this horde,” another said. “What business should you have with us?”

Three clans than, Azog thought. Joined forces to take on a larger target.

“We are here to challenge you,” Azzeroth explained. “Challenge your leadership.”

The Orcs chuckled.

“You think our men would follow you?” The third questioned, chuckling.

“We are the most powerful Warchief’s you will ever meet,” Azog snapped.

“If you are afraid”… Azzeroth said grimly. “Then you”…

One of them drew his blade.

“We fear no one!” He pointed the blade to Azzeroth. “Ready yourselves Fire Orcs!”

Azog stepped down from his white wolf and drew his long blade. Azzeroth drew both his blades. One Warchief drew a two handed axe and the other a blade and a chief. The Baldur Orcs around growled and cheered on as the battle would soon commence.

The axe wielder striked first. Azog dodged the axe which hit the ground hard. He moved in and decapitated him. His body collapsed and the warriors around were stunned in how quickly he had killed him. Meanwhile Azzeroth’s right blade clashed with the shield and his left blade swung around and clashed with the others blade. Backing off he kicked the shield and forced the Orc to the ground.

Was this Baldur Orcs? Was this the best they had? It they were Warchief’s they were probably the greatest warriors amongst them. This would be much easier than he had thought. They were probably good enough to kill humans but not Fire Orcs.

He raised both his blades and assaulted the Orc lying down, trying to stand up. They broke through the armor and he cried out, before his body went limb. Turning to the last of the Warchief’s he readied himself. Grinning grimly he licked his lips and attacked. His attack forced the blade from his hand and with the other cut him across the chest. He shrieked and fell. Azzeroth roared to announce the Orcs dead. The Orcs around cheered and growled and clashed weapons.

Azog smiled viciously, like a predator moving in for the kill.

“We have our army, brother,” he said.

The Orcs recognized how easily they had killed their former leaders and now raised their hands to their chests to swear loyalty to them. The brothers knew that word would start spreading like a forest fire through the camp soon enough.

Azzeroth attached the blades to his waist and pointed at an Orc.

“You, where are your Warchief’s tents?”

“Follow me Warchief,” the Orc said.

The brothers followed him with their wolves coming up behind them to three tents gathered on a hill. They were white and larger than the rest. Azzeroth walked into the tent in the middle, which was slightly larger than the others.

“Check the other tents, brother,” Azzeroth said.

Azog nodded.

Inside the tent Azzeroth found a table with maps and an Elven knife. A chest stood opened with weapons inside it. It wasn’t a lot in the tent of value.

Behind a hanging cloth he spotted a female figure moving. A slender body and long hair.

“Master?” An elvish voice asked. “Are you coming to bed with me?”

He moved towards her and gently looked behind the cloth. On a bed lied a bear pelt and a naked young Snow Elf with pale skin and long snow white hair. She had wonderful looking soft skin and large breasts.

He presided to enter and reach around her. His large hands touching her large firm breasts. She let out a soft moan.

“When did you learn to do that?” She asked. “It feels”…

She tiled her head back, intending to rest it against her master’s shoulder but her head didn’t find a shoulder but someone’s chest. She opened her eyes and noticed a pair of red hands was touching her, not light grey like master Gagar’s. She turned around and pushed him away with narrowing eyes.

“W-who are you?” She demanded. “My master will”…

“He is dead,” Azzeroth said with a smirk. He liked her spirit.

Her eyes widened and she stared at him.


He nodded.

“My brother and I lead the clans now.”

“Y-your older brother?” She inquired.

He knew why she asked. She was trying to find out who was oldest so she should know who to suck up to.

“Younger,” Azzeroth told her honestly.

She stepped towards him, moving her hips seductively and placed her pale hands on his chest, gently rubbing his skin.

“I am so, so sorry for pushing you master,” she apologized seductively. “You are so much stronger than my old”…

He raised his hand to hit her. She jerked in terror and stumbled back.

“N-no please!” She screamed.

He lowered his hand, having actually not intended to hit her, only scare her.

“Let’s get one thing straight,” Azzeroth said with a menacing voice. “You belong to me now. I own you and as long as you do what I say you will be fine. But know that I am not a fool.” He narrowed his eyes. The Elf was trembling under his gaze. “I will not buy into your mind games. Do you understand me or do I have to make you?”

She shook her head.

“I-I-I u-understand master,” she assured. “D-don’t hurt me. I-I am here to pleasure you.”

He smirked.

“How good are you?” He asked. “I doubt you can handle me.”

Azog swung the Orc blade he found in the tent. It was rather good, although too short for his taste. Putting it back in the rack he opened a bottle of ale and emptied it in moments. It was human ale but it was better than nothing. He usually preferred stronger Orcish ale. He started hearing loud moaning noises from a young female in the tent his brother was in. he rolled his eyes. Azzeroth had found some slave woman and was testing his price.

As the moaning and cries of pleasure ended Azog made his way into the third tent. His brother came out from behind a cloth and picked up an elvish knife. Behind him a young Snow Elf came. She looked curiously at Azog before half hiding behind her master.

Azog snorted.

“I see you found someone,” he said studying the woman in light and thin robes. His eyes followed her frame, watching how the cloth clung to her curves.

“Elendess, meet my brother Azog,” Azzeroth said bluntly.

She bowed her head from behind Azzeroth. She stood, letting her body intentionally touch Azzeroth, occasionally rubbing her breast against him. It was clear to Azog that she was seeking his favor.

“I have gathered some officers of theirs,” Azog said. “It would be time to know how their siege is going.”

Azzeroth nodded and they headed out. He noticed Elendess walked after him, not wanting to let him out of sight.

“Master,” she squeaked.

He turned half way to her and arched his eyebrows.

“What Elf?” He asked with a demanding tone.

“M-may I come with you master… please?” She asked with pleading eyes. “Please? I’ll be really good and I’ll never argue.”

He sighed and nodded.

“Get up,” he got up on his wolf.

She jumped up behind him and happily wrapped her long thin arms around him.

7: Chapter 6 Planning a Raid
Chapter 6 Planning a Raid


Azzeroth and Azog killed the three Warchief’s of the Baldur Orc clans around Barthir-Gunthur and joined their clans into one, the Neck Breaker Clan.

The White Orc’s Encampment

Azania and ate what the Orcs called dinner. It consisted of ale and flesh. She had no idea what she was actually eating but it was kinda good, although it still tasted a bit funny. She sat outside in the camp on the ground with her wood bowl filled with the mysterious meat stew and a large wood glass with Orc ale. Around her it appeared most of the Orcs was eating. They ate without any kind of table manners, laughed, spilled ale and at occasion started fighting.

It wasn’t easy but she was starting to learn to ignore all the sex hungry eyes watching her. It was harder sense sometimes someone shouted something in Orc tongue at her. But at least she knew that no one would actually touch her without Thrall’s consent. But that didn’t stop them from asking her to undress or take a bath with them. It was unnerving to be around so many sex hungry Orcs. And also, if Thrall tired of her he might just give her to his warriors to use as they wished.

“You eat very little human,” a female Orc stated.

Azania looked up.

“Not good enough for you?” She sneered.

“Excuse me if I don’t eat as quickly as you all do,” Azania scoffed.

The female huffed and turned around.

“What is it anyway?” Azania asked, happy that someone talked to her without sexist remarks.

The female turned around and her yellow eyes looked down on Azania.

“Pig, bear, sheep and Elf,” she told her with a grim smirk.

“Oh, I”… Azania’s eyes widened. “E-Elf!”

The woman nodded. “Yes.” She pointed at the bowl. “You could be eating someone you knew from the keep.”

She walked away, leaving Azania to stare horrified at how bowl. Was she kidding? She hoped to the gods that she was but she wasn’t sure. But she had eaten meat stew pretty much every day. That’s what the Orcs almost only ate if they could choose. She pushed the bowl away, feeling like she had to throw up. She quickly drank all the ale from her cup, trying to get the taste of meat out of her mouth.

Decided she’s eaten enough for a lifetime she left and quickly returned to her, or rather Thrall’s tent. But entering the tent she realized she walked right into some sort of meeting. A dozen Orcs was gathered around a table with several maps on it. Thrall eyed her. She stopped, thinking if she should leave or not. He waved her over.

She hesitated when she saw a shorter brown haired woman serving mugs of ale grimace as two Orcs was grabbing away at her butt. Thrall waved his hand lightly again. But realizing he would get mad if she refused she stepped over. He reached around her waist and pulled her in closer. She felt relief when he didn’t touched her inappropriately. Apparently he just wanted her presence by his side.

“Jagendal won’t see it coming,” a Dunnland Orc said. He had grey skin, a beard with long black hair, of medium height for a Dunnland Orc and yellow eyes.

His name was Uzul and Azania remembered he were Thrall’s second in command.

Other packs of bandits and Orcs have raided into their land and a group of bandits are currently pillaging villages around their capital,” he continued. “There forces are already busy.”

“They won’t see us coming,” another Orc huffed.

“The question remains”… Thrall said. “How much wealth is there to gain from invading them? That question troubles me.”

Azania though that Uzul seemed like a good soul, for a brutal Orc warrior. He was one of the few at the table that had never given her a sexist comment or even glanced at her in a sexual manner. It was most possible that he was because she ‘belonged’ to his Warchief. But she’d like to think that it was because of some other reason.

“Then let us raid deep inside human land Warchief,” one of the Orcs growled.

Thrall glared at him and glanced around the table, at all the Orcs faces.

Most of them nodded but some shook their heads, they preferred this plan instead.

“Let us attack deep into their rich lands!” The Same Orc again growled. His name was Girgon.

“They are too powerful for that,” Thrall growled back. “Heavily fortified cities with stone walls, catapults, thousands of soldiers and they know the ground. Do not forget that Rhondor have many horses for their men.”

“We cower in the outskirts of their territory. Leaving the wealth for those braver than you,” Girgon sneered.

Thrall let go of Azania and punched his fists into the table, making the smaller Dunnland Orcs flinch in fear. Girgon wasn’t one of them though. Although he was a Dunnland Orc he had the bravery of a Black Orc or perhaps even a Fire Orc. But the question was if he had the skill in battle to match it.

“You dare call me a cowered!” Thrall roared. He drew his blade. “Back up your statement than scum!”

Girgon growled but didn’t draw his own blade.

Thrall snorted and reattached his sword and smirked at Girgon.

“I thought so. Watch your tongue Girgon. Or I swear I’ll take it out,” he threatened… no not threatened. He promised. “You are lucky you are a skilled warrior and can command. Otherwise you would be dead.”

Azania couldn’t help but be impressed. From wheat she had been taught Orcs killed each other whenever they argued about these things. If anyone disrupted or spoke up against a Warchief it often resulted in a battle to the death, but Thrall wasn’t like that. Sense Girgon was a good soldier and officer he warned him for his transgression, but kept him around. It was actually very impressive. It was like he was trying to change and have a new way of thinking.

Thrall refocused on the matter at hand.

“No, we will go into Jagendal and Dal, maybe into Dalara also,” he said in a hard and decisive tone.

“I agree,” Uzul concurred.

8: Chapter 7 Vision of a Titan
Chapter 7 Vision of a Titan


Thrall plan a raid into human lands and Azania seems to start appreciating him in a new way.

Neck Breaker Clan

The next morning he planned on taking the clan to Barthir-Gunthur and Azog who remained with the Baldur Orcs and continued the siege. But that was for tomorrow. After an evening of ale, wine and sex Azzeroth turned to his bed. Azzeroth were now lying on his bed, fast asleep with the Snow Elf Elendess and two of his human slaves beside him, sharing his bed. Elendess had insisted on lying on top of him, resting her head on his chest.

He found himself surrounded by bright white light. His feet was standing steady although he saw no ground under them.

“Hello? Where am I?” He called out.

There was no reply.

“Where am I? Is there anyone hearing me? Speak up!”

There was yet again no reply.

Suddenly Azzeroth was surrounded by darkness. He saw nothing but heard echoing shrieks. They grew louder and louder. He covered his ears, although it was to no use. The shrieks grew louder and scratched at his mind. He gave out a loud roar and fell to his knees.

Then, as quickly as it started the shrieks stopped and Azzeroth opened his eyes.

“What in the gods name?” He said.

He stood on a flower filled plain. The sun shinned as brightly as ever.

Azzeroth growled in irritation. This was becoming ridiculous and it started to annoy him.

“Azzeroth,” a voice spoke in his mind.

He spun around but his eyes didn’t find the person speaking. The voice belong to a female. It was dark and echoed in his mind.

“Where are you?!” He demanded.

“Azzeroth,” it spoke again.

“Who are you!?” He screamed. “Show yourself cowered! Or are you scared?”

A dark laugh echoed from the female voice.

“Show yourself!” He burst.

“Do you see the cave entrance, mortal warrior?” The voice asked.

Azzeroth turned around and saw the ground beneath his feet move and a mountain approach him. As the ground stopped he stood in front of the entrance of a cave. He stepped inside and found himself in a dark room with stone pillars and two staircases. One going up and one going down.

“Go down the stairs handsome mortal warrior.”

“Who are you? Why would I listen to you?” Azzeroth demanded. “Where is this place?”

A light laugh escaped the female voice’s owner.

“You are in one of my old temples, great Azzeroth. I have a gift for you beneath the mountain temple. If… if you are warrior enough to kill the Templars protecting my sword. ”

Azzeroth snorted.

“Go to the plains of Jor’ragh and slay my Templars. Take the ‘Blade of the Void’ for yourselves. You warrior. You grand Warchief”.

“Enough of this whore. Show yourselves!” Azzeroth growled.

“Very well.”

Azzeroth stare as a figure appear in front of him.

She was tall, with grey skin, purple deep bright glowing eyes. Her long hair was pitch black and her arms and upper body slender. Bellow her waist she had the body of a spider with eight strong and yet slender and sharp black legs dug into the soft grass covered ground. The back was covered by red markings.

She walked slowly towards him.

Azzeroth stared at her with wide eyes.

“Lady Hiramithra,” he exclaimed. “T-this cannot be.”

Her light grey lips smirked.

“A thousand years ago no one would believe that we weren’t real. You should be honored. I have the power to make you the greatest Warchief of all time,” she spoke. “I need a champion, a real warrior. The greatest warrior… to wield my power, to lead my armies onto this world.” She reached towards him and her spider legs slowly led her forwards.

Azzeroth’s mind told him to step back from her but he had mistakenly made contact with her beautiful purple bright glowing eyes. They were beautiful, perfectly wonderful and he couldn’t turn away from her gaze.

“I need a handsome and strong Warchief to be my messenger and champion to Atheros and the continents beyond,” Hiramithra told him with a sweet seductive voice.

“T-the continents beyond?” Azzeroth managed to return to sanity. “O-of what d-do you speak m’lady?”

She smiled sweetly.

“Do not worry your mind about it just yet, my brave warrior,” she leaned in and whispered into his ear. “Find my blade, Azzeroth. Find my blade.”

Azzeroth’s body jerked and he sat up quickly in the bed. Elendess quickly sat up and laid her hand on his chest.

“Are you okay master?” She asked quickly, her eyes widened with worry.

The two human women awakened.

“Master?” One of them asked with slight concern. As much concern a slave can have for the male who enslaved her.

Elendess heard Azzeroth’s heavy breathing, his eyes were wide and his pupils enlarged.

“Master?” Elendess asked with great worry.

He sucked air into his lungs.

“I had a vision… a vision of a Titan,” Azzeroth breathed.

The women gasped in shock.

9: Chapter 8 Battle of Barthir-Gunthur Part 1
Chapter 8 Battle of Barthir-Gunthur Part 1


Azzeroth has a vision with a female Titan with a half spider appearance from ancient times.

Neck Breaker Clan Camp

The Dark Elf Tirnelwen was in the tent designed for her master Azzeroth’s ‘property’. She was chatting away with some of other slave women Azzeroth owned. Suddenly they started hearing happy roaring and yelling. Something had happened that got the Fire Orcs cheering.

“I wonder that’s going on?” One of the human women asked.

She was one of the three slaves pregnant. She was four months pregnant already.

“I bet someone killed something,” Tirnelwen said with disinterest.

An Orc woman entered the tent.

“One of you go and served your master ale,” she said. “He deserves it.”

The seven month old pregnant Dunnland Orc began to stand up when the second human woman laid her hand on her shoulder.

“You shouldn’t work too much in your condition,” she said softly and glanced at Tirnelwen.

“W-why me?” Tirnelwen demanded unwillingly to perform the task.

“You’re the only one here who isn’t pregnant,” the woman said.

“If you get yourself pregnant with the master, you can stay with us next time,” the Orc grinned.

Tirnelwen stood up and glared at her.

“I’d rather go fuck a bear than him,” she walked towards the tent exit.

The others giggled. Tirnelwen was surprised when the Orc female slapped her across the face with an angry look.

The red skinned woman appeared very angry with her. She had heard the comment and didn’t appreciate it.

“If I hear that again I will tell the Warchief and he will gladly punish you,” she warned.

Tirnelwen nodded gently.

“S-sorry,” she looked away.

Once she walked into Azzeroth’s tent with a tray with a mug ale and two bottles she saw a Snow Elf woman with him. She looked strangely at her. Given her light clothing and how she hung to Azzeroth’s muscular right arm she would assume she was a slave. A new toy for him to play with. The woman looked like she wanted his attention.

“Excellent!” Azzeroth said waving Tirnelwen out of her thoughts. She raised the tray and he grabbed a bottle instead of a glass.

“Have a sip,” he told her, pointing to the mug.

“No thanks master,” Tirnelwen declined.

“Drink,” he sneered.

She swallowed and nodded. She put the tray on the table and picked up the mug. She didn’t like Orcish ale. It was way too strong for her. Especially sense she didn’t drink or ever had before she ended up here. In the middle of drinking the Snow Elf stepped up to her and smiled widely.

“Hi,” her already annoying voice greeted. “I’m Elendess. What’s your name Elf sister?”

Tirnelwen lowered the mug and was about to speak when Elendess stepped around her. Before she turned she felt a pair of light hands grope her breast. She gulped and her eyes widened. The only reason she didn’t pull away and slapped the younger girl was because Azzeroth appeared approving and if she hit her, he would slap her, if she was lucky. She would probably teach her a lesson or so later.

“Isn’t it rude not to answer?” Elendess said. “You really shouldn’t be rude to me. I’m just trying to get to know you and be your friend.”

“T-Tirnelwen,” she stuttered. Her face flushed heavily.

“I’ve never met a Dark Elf before. I have only heard of your people. Have you met a Snow Elf before?”

Tirnelwen squeaked as the Snow Elf continued touching her breast and also pushing and rubbing her own large breast against her back. Dressed thinly Tirnelwen felt more of the large breasts then she wanted. She felt her nipples which seemed to harden.

“Y-yes… I-I have. N-now stop i-i-it,” she demanded.

“Why?” Elendess asked, faking sadness.

That was when Tirnelwen noticed Azzeroth had left them in the tent alone. She pulled away from the younger Elf and narrowed her eyes on her. She than slapped her hard, sending the woman to the ground. She looked up with sad and scared eyes.

“W-why did you d-do that?” She asked confused.

“Don’t ever touch my breast again,” Tirnelwen threatened. “Let’s get one thing straight. If you want him. Take him. I don’t care so if you’re trying to outdo me. Don’t. Feel free to let him fuck you all you want”.

With those harsh words spoken she stormed out of the tent.

Rhondor Keep

“We need to talk,” Adan said entering his younger sister Bella’s room.

She sat in a soft armchair reading a book. She looked up. Her long auburn hair blowing in the wind from the open window. Her blue eyes watched her two years older brother close the door behind him. She took a deep breath. She breathed out and closed the book.

“I’d rather not,” she said. “I said I forgave you.”

He stepped closer to her, step by step.

“I know that,” he affirmed. “But I still see you’re angry.”

“Your mistaken,” she assured him.

But he shook his head.

“No,” he said firmly.

She sighed and resisted to smirk sweetly at how wonderful he looked.

“You and I…” her brother started, he leaned down to her and placed his hands on the armchair. “…haven’t had sex for a week.”

“Poor thing,” she said sarcastically. “Leave me alone and find a kitchen maid to fuck if you’re horny.”

“You think a kitchen maid can compare to you?”

“Isn’t that what kings, princes and lords do?” Bella retorted, furrowing her eyebrows. “Fuck young maids who doesn’t know any better?”

He leaned in quickly and kissed her. He grabbed her head and forced his tongue into her mouth. Not that she resisted him much. Her mind fought on if she should allow him or not. Could she really reward this behavior by allowing him the pleasure she felt?

Feeling her raise her arms he let her head go and grabbed her wrists, holding her arms down. But the next second she kicked him between his legs. He pulled back and grabbed his hurting groin. She pushed him violently away from her.

“What the fuck is wrong with you!” He hissed.

“M-me?” Bella replied darkly. She couldn’t believe he had just said that she was the one with the problem. “Fuck you Adan.”

He walked towards her.

“We are gonna make love and you will love it,” he told her firmly.

She took a step back. He grabbed her and kissed her again. This time the passion of their lips was completely one sides. She worked hard of getting him off of her. She fell backwards, finding the bed beneath her. He started working on her dress, with her hands working against him all the way. Pulling up her dress he exposed his member and brought it out to position it on her entrance to penetrate her. But a knee hit the exposed groin and his eyes went up in his head and he stumbled to his feet and fell to the floor. He grabbed it protectively and twisted in pain.

Bella got up, fixed her dress walked over him to grab a comb. She started on her hair, ignoring him completely. When he finally got up she turned and glared with rage at him.

“I-I-I’m so sorry,” he apologized. “I swear I don’t know what came over me and it won’t ever happen…”

“Get out,” Bella spat venomously.

Adan opened his mouth but didn’t speak but decided on leaving.

Neck Breaker Clan Camp

Azog watched as his brother came walking towards him. Azog stood by a table, surrounded by Baldur Orc officers. With Azzeroth walked several strong Fire Orc warriors. He had brought their clan to the new camp. The warriors was preparing to join the Baldur Orcs in the attack on the fortress. Azog noticed that the Elf, what was her name? Oh right, Elendess. She was on his heels with a sweet smile and hanging onto his left arm tightly.

“Night will soon fall, Warchief,” an Orc brought up.

Azzeroth stopped by the table.

“We will attack after nightfall,” he declared.

One of the Baldur Orcs pointed on the map, specifically the fort itself.

“Barthir-Gunthur is a seven-hundred year old fort consisting of three levels of walls. The outer walls are thick and high, behind them come many of the living quarters for the civilian populations. We estimate that it’s thirty to forty-thousand civilian human behind the walls. The second wall is not as high and it’s also not as thick. The third wall are a last holdout around the keep in the middle of the fort, to make sure that the nobles and leaders survive the longest,” the Orc explained the forts built.

Azog nodded in heavy thought.

“How many knights are inside?” He asked.

“We believe at least two-three-thousand, Warchief.”

Azog nodded.

“With an army of nine-thousand it shouldn’t be a problem,” Azzeroth said confidently. “Assuming our siege towers can get us over the walls, that our catapults can take out theirs and the gate isn’t too strong for the ram.”

“There is also a tunnel,” Azog said. “They are apparently building a tunnel under the wall. They can fill it with explosives and take down a part of the damn wall.”

Explosives was a very new technology that hadn’t been used much or was widely known in Atheros. Many didn’t believe it could be useful or would ever work.

Azzeroth smiled.

“When is it done?” He asked.

“In five to seven hours,” Azog said.

Azzeroth sighed.

“If the fort is as heavily defended as you say, we will still be fighting than I think,” he looked at the Orc officers. “I want all forces ready to attack in two hours. We will strike from the north and south.”

They nodded.

The humans would have to focus their defense on the north and south and would be completely taken off guard when the east blew.

Azzeroth and Azog both smirked.

“Brother,” Azog said. “Come, the Baldur Orcs have something you will like. I know you’ll love it.”

Azzeroth arched his eye brows.

“Come,” Azog walked from the table with Azzeroth. Elendess followed her masters every step.

They walked through the camp until they stopped by dozens of large cages. Shrieks and clashing against the cages echoed in their ears. The sounds of whips reached their ears and the occasional shout of Orcs. Elendess jerked back with widened eyes. She quickly grabbed her master’s arm and hid behind him, burrowing his face into his large muscular arm.

Azzeroth was shocked to say the least.

“Unbelievable,” he managed to proclaimed.

The cages was filled with large fears looking giant spiders with large hungry and saliva dripping teeth.

“They are tame,” Azog exclaimed with a smile. “Seventy of them are here. Everyone with Baldur Orc riders who have trained for this.”

Azzeroth’s lisp curved into a wide bloodthirsty grin.

“Spider riders,” he said.

Azog nodded.

Azzeroth started walking towards the only cage with one lone spider inside it. Elendess tried pulling him away, but in vain.

“N-no master, please don‘t go closer,” she begged.

He shrugged her off and continued walking. Seeing Azog didn’t go closer she ran and hid behind him.

He snorted at her cowardice but allowed her to hide behind him.

“Master!” She hissed, wanting him to come back. “Master, please!”

“That one is a Queen!” Azog said.

He followed his brother, leaving the scared Snow Elf standing alone.

“I will ride this one into battle,” Azzeroth declared. A mount fit for a real Warchief, he thought.

“The humans will cower in fear at the sight of these creatures,” Azzeroth said laughing.

“Aye, they have never seen these beasts of the east before,” he said.

Hours go by and the sun was going down and darkness was setting in.

Azzeroth was thinking about his vision last night with Lady Hiramithra. How she appeared to him. Had it been true? Or perhaps just a dream. No, it hadn’t been a dream. It was real. He knew it was. It was only two days travel to the Jor’ragh plains and that strange temple. A Titan. A Titan. Why would one of the ancient Titans appear to him? Should he tell his brother about what he saw? What would he even say to Azog?

“Master?” Elendess asked, standing in the entrance to the tent with a bottle of ale. “I brought your ale. It is of a good vintage… or so they said. I’m afraid I don’t know much about Orc ale.”

She noticed Azzeroth wasn’t paying attention to her. He looked deep in thought.

“Master?” She asked. “Are you okay?”

She walked closer and put the ale down on the table, placing her hands on his broad shoulders and started massaging.

“Are you thinking about that vision you had master?”

“Hmm?” He glanced up at her.

“Master?” She asked. “You seem very tense. Spilling enemy blood will do you good.”

Azzeroth chuckled.

“Indeed, Elendess,” he agreed.

10: Chapter 9 Battle of Barthir-Gunthur Part 2
Chapter 9 Battle of Barthir-Gunthur Part 2


Azzeroth ponders his vision and he joins his brother Azog in preparing for the final attack on Barthir-Gunthur.

Neck Breaker Clan

Catapults placed on towers along the first and second walls of Barthir-Gunthur fired out over the approaching forces whilst the Orc catapults were firing back. A ram was approaching the main gate and arrows traveled up and down the wall. Siege towers came in from the north and south. A lucky catapult shot smacked into one of the wooden contraptions and it collapsed into a pile of wood as half the tower came crumbling down.

Burning shots flew over the wall and landed in the city, spreading fire and panic. The civilians behind the first wall, or some of them, were already hurrying behind the second set of walls, in case the Orcs would breach. For seven-hundred years Northernheim knights had defended the walled city. For seven-hundred years Barthir-Gunthur hadn’t fallen. The King had stated that as long as Northernheim troops were defending it, it would never fall. That was coming to a test very, very soon as the city was in flames.

Azog was impressed by the human knights. They stood on the wall, united in the face of certain death. But perhaps not certain death. Not yet. Not until the first wall were breached. Then it would be certain death for them as they no doubt tried protecting the women, children and elderly.

Siege towers approached the walls and the ram touched the gate. Human archers fired down, filling the outside gate region with the bodies of Baldur Orcs. Unfortunately the pure number of siege towers and heavy catapult bombardment was too much for the defenders. Azog watched from on his white wolf as the first ramp from a siege tower landed on the wall. Archers fired into the now open gap with Orcs, killing countless of them. With the arrows fired the Baldur Orcs rushed into the knights and brutally swung their blades, axes and maces.

As the battle was going on, behind the lines Azzeroth watched the battle from afar in the camp. Standing on a hill he watched the fires from inside the walled city as the smoke rose towards the sky. He was sure his brother could handle the beginning of the battle. After all only Baldur Orcs was taking part. There were no use throwing away Fire Orc life just yet.

He looked down at the baby girl in his arms. Sahina’s white little innocent eyes looked up at her dad. She had gotten her white eyes from her him as Fire Orc usually had black or red eyes. She gurgled and stretched out her tiny arms and reached up and grabbed a few strains of her dad’s hair that hung over his shoulders and onto his chest. He tickled the little girl with his finger, making her wiggle in his grip and giggle mixed with gurgling.

“Warchief, the battle has begun,” a female Orc with light grey skin told him. “Warchief Azog asked for you.”

Azzeroth ignored her statement and continued looking down at the beautiful little red skinned girl in his arms. He couldn’t wait until he could hear Sahina’s tiny steps against the stone floors of Barthir-Gunthur. To hear her first words, watch her take her first footsteps. Swing her first blade and kill her first enemy.

“What do you think about your father’s vision?” He whispered softly. “Should I go find the ‘Blade of the Void’?”

“Warchief?” The female asked.

“I heard you!” He snapped. His white eyes glaring menacingly at her.

“Y-yes Warchief. Sorry,” she apologized, stepping away.

He turned his attention back to his baby girl who started crying. Most likely scared by her dad’s shouting. He hushed her and cradled her gently.

“It’s okay,” he said softly. “It’s okay.”

Slowly she stopped crying and with innocent eyes looked up at him. He started walking. Stepping inside a tent a young Fire Orc woman turned to him.

“Warchief,” she greeted.

Azzeroth handed little Sahina over to her.

“Take care of her,” he commanded.

“Of course Warchief,” she promised.

He rushed towards the cages with spiders and opened the cage to the large Queen. Getting in he mounted up on her and rode her out of the cage. Most of the spider riders were already ready for battle and the rest was being mounted as he waited.

The knights on the walls were horrified as Orcs upon giant spiders started climbing the walls. The riders quickly reached the top of the wall and their blades cut through anyone nearby as teeth chopped into any man unlucky enough to be in range for the spider’s teeth. Azzeroth slashed at a knight, cutting through the armor and leaving a decapitated corpse behind on the wall.

The knights were well-trained with medium silver armor, a large enough shield to protect themselves and a broadsword. But even though each knight took at least one to three Orcs with him they were still taking heavy losses that they cannot afford.

One of the spider riders leached out and cut the throat of a knight who were just barely in distance of his sword. A knight charged at him with a spear. He raised it and stabbed it through the spiders head. The creature shrieked and convulsed before it collapsed and laid dead. The Orc leaped at the knight, forcing him to the ground with a battle cry.

He chopped the man’s arm off with several swift movements of the Orc sword. He punched the man in the head and threw his helmet off. He proceeded to bite into his neck and bite off a piece of skin and flesh. He spit it out in his face and the blood flowed like a river from the wound.

Azzeroth cut down any human near him as he moved with the spider Queen on the wall.

“Kill them all brothers!” He cried out.

A thunder of roars echoed in response. The spider riders was heading down the wall on, forcing soldiers to scatter with the terrifying monsters advancing down the walls inner side. Orcs from the closest siege tower joined in swarming the wall and head towards the stairs in the tower on the wall as the spider riders headed straight down the wall.

“Form the line you fools!” A man in a silver armor but without the helmet shouted. He had his sword raised as knights formed up around him. His black-auburn hair blow in the strong evening wind. “Hold them back!” The wind had slightly grabbed his black-auburn beard.

Sir Leonidas Aventus was a lord and knight of twenty-seven and a rising star in the Northernheim army and political ranking system. He was engaged to a young and beautiful noble woman of seventeen from Orrivaskir in the west of the human kingdoms. Leonidas’s blue eyes searched around.

“Pikemen, form a frontline!” He shouted.

He saw several giant spiders approach them.

“If we fall, your families, all families in the city will die!” He declared to the men massing around. “The women and children who survive will be turned into slaves! Is that what you wish for them! I say… we cannot allow it!” He breathed. “They shall not pass!”

The street they were on was blocked off completely and it was the only way down from the wall. Any moment now Baldur Orcs would storm out and into their lines.

“We are men of Northernheim! It doesn’t matter how many Orc comes passed those walls. We will hold!”

Two spiders attacked but stopped short of the spears. They kept their distance, at the moment satisfying with shrieking and showing their teeth. The growling and roaring of reached the knights ears and the first few Orcs came from the tower and straight at them.

“Hold!” Leonidas cried out.

The initial shock from the Orcs smashing into them almost cracked the line, even though several warriors fell upon the end pf human spears. The line held and the Orcs bashed on the knights shields. Blood and gore flew as the Orcs and knights cut at each other.

In his peripheral vision Leonidas spotted something climbing down the wall of a tall building on the right side of the street. He turned his head and saw to his horror a giant spider-although without a rider-crawled down the side towards them. He jerked backwards and pointed up with his broadsword.

“Archers!” He cried out.

A few knights with bows stood behind the lines saw the spider and targeted it. But before they could release the black creature leaped right into the human group of knights. In seconds chaos spread and the line of shields, swords and spears crumbled. The creature bit into the neck of a fallen knight and ripped the fleshy exposed area apart. The long legs turned the body around and it leached out at another knight, easily killing the man who had dropped his sword and shield. It kicked several to the group for the Orcs to slay.

Leonidas sliced with his sword, but missing as the spider stepped back, out of his range. He slashed again but missed. The spider hissed and attacked him. Leonidas managed to avoid its teeth and to be knocked down by its legs. He managed to cut it across the face. But it didn’t kill the creature, only angering it further. Suddenly the ground seemed to be rocked by a massive explosion. Unknown to them, the eastern wall had just exploded and huge massed of Orc warriors-both Fire and Baldur Orcs-were moments away from invading the city’s first section.

“Fallback!” Leonidas yelled on the top of his lung. “Fallback to the second wall!”

The men hurried down the street with the Orcs right behind them, cutting them down as they ran.

Rhondor Keep

Ariel watched her twin brother Johan and her older brother and oldest sibling Jon faced off against each other with swords on the courtyard. Johan scratched his auburn beard as the wind swooped over his bold head, his brown eyes carefully watched Jon, trying to figure out his next move.

“Come on, Johan,” he heard Ariel say. “You can take him.”

She wore a red dressed that-in Johan’s opinion-fit well with her eyes.

Jon’s short auburn hair had been grabbed by a gentle breeze and it tugged at his goatee.

Jon stepped forward and swung his light sword. Johan blocked him gently and countered. Taking a few steps back Jon blocked in and countered.

“You can do it, Johan,” Ariel cheered on with confidence.

“Don’t be too disappointed,” Jon said with a smirk.

Johan chuckled and striked, only to have Jon block it.

From the Keep Jon’s wife Inga exited and walked towards the siblings. The wind grabbed her blonde long hair gently. Her grey eyes watched Jon’s graceful steps. She admired his light steps and the gently yet firm swings with the sword.

“Who is winning, Ariel?”

“I think Johan might win this time,” Ariel replied with a smile.

Jon chuckled.

“Oh, please sister. Don’t give him falls hopes.”

Johan furrowed his eyebrows.

“Funny,” he said bluntly.

Jon smirked at him.

Finally with a finished blow Jon striked and Johan’s sword fell to the ground.

“See, a told you so,” Jon smiled.

“Next time,” Johan said with confidence.

“You’re a good swordsman brother”. He smirked. “I’m just a little better.”

The two women snickered.

“Overconfidence brought down the great mammoth,” Ariel teased with fact from an old children’s story.

Jon glanced at her with arched eyebrows. His eyes caught Inga’s and he stared into her wonderful dreaming eyes. Ariel smiled sweetly, realizing they were staring dreamingly at each other.

Palace of Queen Alycia

Night Elf Queen Alycia was a tall with long dark blue hair and a pair of wonderful deep blue eyes. Her skin was light blue and soft. She was a very attractive woman and her people loved her beyond anything else. Two young Night Elf women was gently combing her long hair. She was sitting in a comfortable chair in front pf a mirror.

A male servant stood a few meters away across the room.

“My Queen. General Rexarus have sent a report of another victory against the Goblins,” he said.

Alycia looked at herself in the mirror.

“He believes his forces will reach the Goblin city in a week.”

“Good,” Alycia nodded with satisfaction.

“However. He says he needs more men to actually take the city,” the servant explained.

“Fine,” Alycia said coolly. “Whatever he needs to end this dreadful conflict. Find Lord Kael’nis.”

The servant nodded.

He left the chamber.

“I am sure the Goblin King will surrender when he came to his senses, my queen,” one of the servant women said.

“He better,” Alycia said bluntly. “Otherwise I’ll burn his city to the ground along with his people. I don’t have time for them anymore. My plans to unite the Elvish Kingdoms into one have been delayed for two years.”

Barthir-Gunthur, Third Wall

The sun was going up and most of the first level of the fort city was on fire. If it had been built with wood instead of stone it would be nothing but dust and smoke left. Only half an hour ago the second wall had fallen as Azzeroth himself led the assault that smashed through the gate. Leonidas was standing on top the wall, just above the gate. The last gate wasn’t nearly as thick as the first and second gates. As the first gate was of steel and the second was of thick wood, as the third was made of wood, but not as thick. Without a doubt a ram would break it down. Leonidas knew it and he was in the middle of organizing the archers raining arrows down on the Orcs who of course fire back. He hadn’t seen any ram yet but he knew it must be of the way.

“Get more arrows up here before the archers ran out!” He yelled at the young boys working in the armory. “If we ran out of arrows we’re history!”

The two boys who was carrying up stones immediately ran down towards the armory. The stones was gathered on top the wall and when the ram arrived, Leonidas planned to throw them off the wall. If the aimed and had luck of their side, they would hit some poor Orc in the head and either smash it in or knock him out.

Leonidas kept his head down as arrows rained over them. He was feeling lucky that the Orcs had bows and not crossbows which was-in his experience-more effective. But luckily only a few Orc clans in Atheros used them.

“Sir Leonidas”! A soldier called.

Leonidas turned around to see the young soldier. The helmet looked rather a bit too large for him.

“Yes? Speak up”, Leonidas said.

“Captain Harkin sent me to tell you that most our ammunition was left behind in the second section of the fort,” the young man explained. Leonidas could see worry and fear in his sky blue eyes.

“I see,” Leonidas said with an indifferent tone. “We’ll have to make do without it than.” He wanted to avoid scaring the young man or anyone around him further. “This is Barthir-Gunthur after all. Should we let it fall without a fight”?

“No, sir!” Knights proclaimed in unison around him.

“People will be speaking of this battle for the next thousand year’s boys!” Leonidas said confidently. “Let’s give them something interesting to talk about. Such as the bravery, honor and skill of the knights of Northernheim. And how they fought and took down ten Orcs per man!”

Cheers escaped from the men around him.

“Spiders approaching!” Someone cried out. It came from someone far west on the wall from Leonidas.

He turned around to give orders to a few troops.

“There coming with a ram!”

“Sir!” A young boy called out. “Sir, Captain Harkin request you to send two dozen men to the northern side of the wall. They need reinforcements. The gate have almost fallen to the ramp.” He stopped and panted.

Leonidas mentally cursed and took a deep breath. How could he spare two dozen men?! He couldn’t! There was no way he could hold the southern wall and the gate if he lost two dozen men. But also he couldn’t refuse his superior. He had to send Captain Harkin some men. Perhaps a dozen men would be enough. At least he could hold if he did.

“Go to Lieutenant Wolf-Heart and tell him to take ten men and reinforce Harkin in the north,” Leonidas commanded calmly.

The young boy nodded and ran back down from the wall to carry out his command.

The ram reached the gate and started pounding it. It was only a matter of time before it broke.

11: Chapter 10 Battle of Barthir-Gunthur Part 3
Chapter 10 Battle of Barthir-Gunthur Part 3


Azog and Azzeroth attacked Barthir-Gunthur and although Leonidas Aventus fights with all his might and gathering the knights to defend the eight-hundred year old fortified city, however it seems the Northernheim army cannot hold their ground and the Orc forces advance into the city.


Azog looked out over the Orcs swarming through the third walls broken gate. The humans tried to hold them back. But Azog knew it was over already. It was only a matter of time sense they were on the verge of breaching in several places. He was only half in the battle sense he was wondering where his brother was. Once again he had disappeared. He didn’t understand why he had been so distant sense he returned from taking their clan to the siege. Something was distracting him.

He turned to a warrior by his side.

“Find my brother,” he commanded. He narrowed his eyes. What the heck was going on with him? He’s never done this before.

The shield wall held up as axes, swords and spears clashed, littering the ground with guts, blood and cut apart bodies.

Azzeroth heard how the screams died down slowly and soon the cries of clashing steel and iron and the echoing screams of warriors and puny humans began to end. It appeared it was over.

Irth’ion’nor, his giant spider Queen who he rode into battle stood beside him. Images of Titan Goddess Lady Hiramithra appeared in his mind. Her words echoed. What could he lose to have the ‘Blade of the Void’, it seemed very powerful, sense it was the sword of a Titan. It was actually starting to make sense to him, why she appeared to him and not someone else. He was a powerful Warchief with an army at his command and his brother by his side-also commanding the same army-sharing in honor and glory. They were unstoppable. She must have seen his potential.

Lady Hiramithra’s appearance must be a sign that he will build an Empire to last. And this. This. Barthir-Gunthur will be the birthplace of his empire that will last for ten thousand years. He was interrupted by a strong voice.

“What in the three hells are you doing”? Azog demanded.

Azzeroth turned around.

“Brother”? He asked confused.

Azog stopped by his side and crossed his arms over his bare muscular chest.

“You left the battle before it was over,” he said harshly.

Azzeroth looked up towards the sky.

“I knew you could handle it brother.”

“It isn’t the point! I need to know you won’t leave in the middle of an important battle, Azzeroth!” Azog snapped. He sighed. “Look. We took dozens of soldier’s prisoner and thousands of civilians are still in the city, hiding in their homes.”

“We should let them go,” Azzeroth mumbled.

“What?” Azog croaked. “Why?”

Azzeroth turned to him.

“To prove we aren’t as barbaric as they claim Orcs always have been. We can be as civilized as any human, Elf or Centaur,” he said.

Azog sighed.

“We need the manpower to rebuild the walls and the city,” he argued.

“Perhaps some want to stay, work and then they can work.”

Azog sighed and nodded.

“Very well brother. I suppose you’re right,” Azog agreed reluctantly.

Azzeroth sighed and turned to his brother.

“I had a vision,” he bluntly explained. “Of a Titan.”

“W-what?” Azog stuttered in shock. “W-what Titan? Are you certain?”

Azzeroth nodded.

“Which and what did it want?”

“Lady Hiramithra. She wants me to go and find her sword,” Azzeroth said.

“I never believed that the Titans weren’t real. Those stories about battles between the Titans and the New Gods were just stories,” Azog pondered. “They’re real? I’m not sure what… I want to believe you but…”

“I know,” Azzeroth interrupted. “But I have to leave for the Plains of Jor’ragh and search her temple.”

“How do you know she have an old temple there?” Azog questioned. “No one have believed in the Titans for at least a thousand years”.

“She told me it was there,” his brother explained.

Azog looked dubiously at him for a moment.

“Okay brother. I won’t argue with you. If you really saw it, I believe you,” he breathed out before continuing. “Why does she want you to find her sword?”

“She believes me worthy of being her champion,” Azzeroth said with a tiny piece of pride. “She spoke of continents beyond Atheros, Azog.”

Azog raised his eyebrows.

“What?” He exclaimed surprised. “Unclaimed lands beyond Atheros?”

Azzeroth nodded with a grim smile.

“It is all for us to conquer in her name.”

Azog looked at him with uncertainty. He laid a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself brother. First take a dozen warriors and go find the sword,” he said. “I will stay here and organize the clan and the cities defense.”

“She promised me an army to lead,” his eyes flickered as he stared into Azog’s white eyes. “Her army. I will lead it to conquest.”

“One thing at the time brother,” Azog said determinately. “Find the sword to prove it was all real first. If it is powerful… than we can speak of this again.” He picked up on that Azzeroth said that ‘he’ would lead her army. Not them but him alone. But he was confident he wouldn’t be betrayed by his brother.

Azzeroth sighed deeply and nodded.

He liked seeing his brother take charge and make decisions that he usually took as being the older brother. He was prude that Azog stood up for his belief considering the circumstances of the situation.

As the sun stood high in the sky Leonidas found himself surprised when all captured Northernheim soldiers and any civilians who pleased was allowed to leave for the closest Northernheim city. He was surprised that they allowed them to go. Orcs never allowed enemy soldiers to live. Usually they executed any who were captured after the battle. He didn’t know how many women they kept as slaves but it looked like many was leaving with the rest of them.

12: Chapter 11 Pentent of Dovee'raa
Chapter 11 Pentent of Dovee'raa


Barthir-Gunthur fell in the Orc attack after a brave fight. Surprisingly all captives was allowed to leave. Azog confronted his brother about his unusual state of mind-away from the battlefield.

Azzeroth leaves for the plains of Jor’ragh to find the sword of Titan, Lady Hiramithra, with Azog’s blessing. He dreams of conquering all of Atheros and beyond.

City in the Forest of the Elves

“How have you been sleeping, young Orc?” Legonin asked.

Grutuna opened her sleepy eyes and stared at the tan skinned Sun Elf. He had long brown hair and hazel eyes. He smiled down at her.

“Never slept better,” Grutuna confessed before yawning.

Her yellow eyes watched him carefully as she ran her black skinned hands through her short black hair before she sat up in the comfortable bed.

“I really appreciate that you’ve taken me in,” she said. “Not everyone would.”

“Oh, don’t mention it young one,” Legonin waved her off with a smile. “But you need to stay here until all your wounds have healed.”

“I think I can manage that,” she smirked.

He turned on his heels.

“I’ll make sure you’ll get something to est.”

“Wait,” Grutuna said. “I…I really really appreciate this. You saved my life.”

Legonin turned around and gave her a kind smile.

Grutuna leaned back and rested in the soft bed as the sunlight came in through the window. Deciding the sun wasn’t going to allow her to sleep she got up and dressed in the light blue skirt and the bright yellow shirt they had left for her. It wasn’t something she thought fitting a Black Orc. Especially after she blinded the Goblin King himself. In fact she had his left eye in her pocket as a trophy. She kept that to herself sense Elves probably won’t find it as impressive as Orcs would. And besides, she didn’t want to anger or upset her hosts in any way. If the Goblins came they could protect her. Without a doubt they wanted revenge for what she did before escaping.

In short a male Elf arrived and bowed with his upper body.

“M’lady, this way to the dining hall if you please,” he said politely and gesturing her to follow him out into the hallway.

Grutuna followed him. She had to admit she was starving. Walking through the white hallways she spotted an older Elf, a Snow Elf with long white hair and an even longer white beard. His skin was very pale and his light blue eyes took a quick glance at the Orc Girl of sixteen winters. He wore white robes and had a white staff which explained everything-almost-that Grutuna needed to know. He was a member of the Mage Circle.

The Mage Circle was an ancient order of wizards, sorceresses and all kinds of magic users. They were the most powerful magic users in all of Atheros. In the Great War against Sau’rith they fought against him and was partly responsible for slaying him in the last battle. Their numbers consisted of folk from Elves, Humans, Centaurs and even Goblins and Orcs.

When she entered the dining hall she had to leave her thoughts behind. She stared in surprise at the giant table in front of her. Legonin gestured for her to sit down across from him. She did so and the Elf servant left them after bowing to Legonin.

“Y-you’re some kind of lord?” Grutuna asked bluntly in awe.

Legonin shook his head.

“No, no not at all. This palace belongs to my cousin,” he explained with a smile.

Grutuna cut into the food in front of her immediately. She barely had time to bother herself with speaking to Legonin. She had never eaten anything remotely as fantastic as this.

“Who was that Elf out there?” She was unable to control her curiosity. “The man in the robes. The mage.”

Legonin nodded. He knew who she meant.

“Kaman is a member of the Mage Circle and one of the oldest living members. Supposedly he’s almost six thousand years old,” Legonin explained. “He’s been through it all. Lord Sau’rith, the Orc Lord Margolis six hundred years ago and the fall of the Titans.”

Grutuna frowned.

“The Tita-what?”

“Titans,” Legonin clarified. He leaned forward and sipped from his glass of water. “You know of the New Gods?”

“Joanna the Lightbringer, Brenna the Fair, Lucius the Strong, Loretta the Truth Speaker, Barth the Deceitful…”

“Yes exactly,” Legonin interrupted. “No need to name them all. Who were the Titans?” he cleared his throat as Grutuna listened carefully. “I am a tad surprised that you don’t know of them. But then again it have been four thousand years sense the Orc peoples all believed in them.”

“A-are they gods?” She hesitated.

“More along the lines off monstrous demons that play gods. They were deceitful, evil, bloodthirsty and very, very dangerous. They don’t exist on our plain of existence. They are somewhere else. On the same… or at least a similar plain to the New Gods. You see Grutuna. The New Gods and the Old Gods fought a war over Atheros to for control over us. To control who we worshipped and how we did so. Books dating back to those days-Elven books-they speak of that the New Gods stood upon their homeland-the Colluvium and decided to protect us from the power of the Titans”, he took a pause. “Do you believe in the New Gods, Grutuna?” He inquired.

“Um, yeah I… guess,” she shrugged. “What? You don’t?”

“I believe in some higher power. If that is the New Gods or not. I cannot say. But the New Gods… are they so unlike the Titans… really, are they? They both claim to be our Gods and we worship them. Of course the Titans are worshiped my less than a few hundred across Atheros. Only a few small cults have survived through the ages.”

“So… this eh, war between the Titans and the New Gods,” Grutuna began. “Was it some kind of holy war than on our… plain or did that just fight on their plain and if so, how can all this be known?”

Legonin smiled at her curiosity about the subject.

“Armies marching blindly into battle for two centuries until the Titans lost. Or so it is believed. Much of the ‘fact’… is propaganda to proclaim the greatness of the New Gods, made up by priests, monks and Kings who wanted to control faith and the people.”

“So…” Grutuna tried piecing it together. “The Titans are gone? Right?”

Legonin nodded firmly.

“Yes. You don’t need to worry. I guarantee you they are as gone as they are forgotten by Atheros. They only exist in books and fairytales now.”

“How many Titans was there?” The Black Orc asked.

Legonin seemed to ponder the question.

“I don’t know I’m afraid. There were originally dozens but it isn’t know how many supposedly ‘survived’ the war. We know that six of the New Gods fell in the war. Such as the famous Lucifer the Savage and Matilda Blade-fist, the original Goddess of Warriors.”

She leaned over the table, closer to him.

“How powerful would they be?”

He shrugged.

“I don’t have all the answers young Orc. But according to legend they had an army of demons that came through the ‘Gateway of the Titans’.”

She arched her eyebrows.

“What’s that?”

“It is… again according to legend, a place in the southern Wastelands to the east. Deep in the Undead lands that used to belong to the Lizard Empire. The place is real but if it really is a gateway for the Titans to transcend to our world from their dimension, no one knows. No one can activate it anyway if it was. Only the Titans and they are gone.” He paused to drink. “They did create several objects of great power and thrusted them deep into our world to be used to further their goals.”

“Like what?”

“Lord Hikon, the ruler of Madness and Insanity created a book that gives its Keeper extraordinary magical power. Although if kept by one person for too long you would go insane and become mentally unstable. There is also Lady Hiramithra. She created a sword, the ‘Blade on the Void’ for her chosen champion to wield and with it she grants control of her demonic armies. Anyone cut down by it, their soul is sent to the ‘Void’, where they suffer for eternity. Lord Dovee’raa created a Pendent. A pendent that grants the user the power to control lesser beings like, Goblins and creatures like wolves, bears and Dragons-when they weren’t extinct, that is-and of course Undead. It gave its keeper the ability to form an army of mindless minions. Rumor is that Sau’rith searched for it during the war.”

Legonin paused.

“There are other objects but let’s save that for another time, shall we?”

Grutuna smiled and nodded.

“But for last. All these objects are extremely dangerous and hard to resist to use. They can corrupt even the kindest and strongest of men. Wizards and warriors and even Kings fell to their power.”

“But what happened to the objects?” Grutuna insisted.

“Hmm. They disappeared. A few is locked up under care of the Mage Circle. Although none of the spoken of, to my knowledge.”


Ariel sat down beside the young girl with ebony black hair. She rubbed her back gently to comfort her. Her brothers Adan, Jon and her twin brother Johan was present. They were disusing with their father the king. The ebony black haired girl tried to keep her tears inside her but her eyes was filling.

“We have to track them down and bring them to justice,” Jon argued.

“We should just kill them,” Adan hissed.

“That is not our way son,” his father Hornvald said coolly. “We can’t ride headlong into battle.”

“Our way?” Adan sneered. “Those bandits slaughters these innocent merchants. The caravan was unarmed and defenseless!”

Hornvald narrowed his eyes on him.

“And they will pay. But we do not cure blood with blood, my son,” he said. “Otherwise we are no better than them.”

Jon had his arms crossed under his chest with his wife Inga hanging on his shoulder.

“Bandit bands are moving almost freely in from Jagendal in the east,” Jon said. “The Jagendal King can’t keep his own land safe and it threatens our people.”

Hornvald nodded slowly. He glanced at the black haired girl. Her name was Ana and she was one of only a few survivors from a merchant caravan that was attacked. Her parents had been killed and honestly, she was lucky to be alive herself.

Ariel was gently rubbing her back as Ana tugged her pendent in her hands. It was a gift from her mother when she was six. Her mother had told her that if she had it on, they would always be together. Someone it felt as if it was a lie now. The pendent was made out of solid gold with as red jewel in the middle.

“That’s a very wonderful pendent you have, honey,” Ariel said sweetly, trying to take her mind of the tragedy.

“T-thanks my lady,” Ana replied meagerly. She rested her head against Ariel’s shoulder. “M-my mom gave it to…” she broke down into tears.

Ariel embraced her gently.

“Let it out sweetie. It’s gonna be okay now,” she said.

13: Chapter 12 Banished
Chapter 12 Banished


Azzeroth is on the way with a dozen strong warriors to the Plains of Jor’ragh.

Grutuna is healing up in a Sun Elf palace with her new found friend Legonin.

Anna, a young girl survived a bandit attack but lost her family. She arrives in Rhondor’s capital with for help and is wearing an interesting pendent.


Ariel left the library after having read the end of a book, leaving her slightly older sister Bella alone. She met her brother Adan in the doorway. He ran his hands through his long soft brown hair and seemed very unease. He gave her a short smile before entering the library. Ariel didn’t think more of it and continued on her own path.

Bella looked up and was less than pleased to see him. Last time they spoke alone Adan had tried to force her into having sex. This far, he was lucky she hadn’t told their father and mother about the attempted rape. She knew he wasn’t normally like that. In fact, he had never done anything like that before. He had never lost control like that before. She was sure that that was it though. Control. She had convinced herself that it was only a questioned of how much control he had. After all being near someone as attractive as her couldn’t be easy.

“You look beautiful,” Adan commented with a kind and soft voice. She didn’t respond, simply continued reading her own book. “That dress really brings out your eyes.”

His eyes tried staring into her blue one. But she firmly avoided his brown gentle eyes.

He understood why. He had behaved terribly only a little more than a few days ago. He had almost raped her and now he had to sort out the ‘misunderstanding’ before she decided she should be with him again.

“You know I love you,” he tried.

This forced Bella to look up.

“Do I?” She questioned with narrowed eyes. “You won’t have done that to me if you loved me.”

“If anything I am too much in love with you to see straight,” Adan defended.

Bella sat up straight.

“That’s your defense! You tried to rape be because you were too much in love with me?” She hissed furiously.

He breathed heavily for a moment.

“I am sorry Bella, I just…”

“That’s just it,” she said. “You say something nice, turn around and try taking what you want and then apologize afterwards.” Her glare intensified. “Leave me be, Adan.”

“Listen to me wench,” he burst out in anger, pointing threateningly at her. “You do not decide what happens. What we do. You are just a weak woman. You can’t end this.”

“Watch me,” she snapped, walking towards the door.

He stepped into her path.

“How about if I let people know what kind of a whore you are?” He asked.

She stared at him in shock. It quickly turned to anger. She pushed him out of the way and stormed out of the library. Adan cursed and turned around and went after her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the library before closing the door.

He pushed her against the wall.

“Listen to me you fucking whore. You are mine and I will destroy you before I let you go,” he looked into her eyes with the fury of a dragon and the hunger of a Fire Orc. “Now I expect you to come to my chamber tonight. Otherwise you will regret it.”

He stepped back from her and continued staring into her scared eyes. He opened the library door and in short disappeared behind a corner.

Bella remained leaned against the wall. She closed her eyes and slipped down to the floor. She hugged her knees and buried her face on her knees. Soon a sobbing sound escaped her. She didn’t know what to do. Adan was becoming more and more lustful and full of rage. Sooner or later he was going to hurt her. Or worse. She had to do something before he killed her.

“Are you hurt milady?” The voice of a young woman asked worried.

Bella felt two pair of young soft hands upon her shoulder and arms.

“Milady, what has happened?” Another young female voice asked.


Bella slowly stumbled up on her feet, with the two young maids gently holding her.


“Should we find the King, milady?”

Hornvald planted a gently kiss on his wife, Queen Marion’s cheek. He stretched his hand through her long auburn hair. Suddenly the doors to their chamber opened wide and Bella stumbled inside with tears sliding down her cheeks.

Her mother immediately turned to her with great concern. She met her and gently laid her hands on her shoulders.

“What is wrong dearest?” She asked.

Bella hugged her tightly and sobbed loudly.

Hornvald stepped up to them and looked at his daughter.

“What has happened?” He asked with worry.

Adan turned around as the doors to his own chamber was kicked open. He was surprised to see his younger brother enter. Johan, Ariel’s twin brother narrowed his eyes and held a stern grip of the handle to his sword.

“Johan?” Adan asked innocently. “What now?”

Four knights followed the prince inside.

Johan said nothing. He simply looked at his older brother with disgust, anger and hatred.

“Come with us,” he finally said harshly.

Adan hesitated.

“What is going…?”

“Follow us or the guards will drag you!” Johan snapped.

Adan nodded slowly and did as he was told. He was sure that this misunderstanding was soon cleared out. Johan and the knights let him to the throne room where their father sat firmly on the throne. He had a cold look in his eyes. A look of betrayal. Their mother sat on her throne by Hornvald’s side. Queen Marion had a look of disappointment, disbelief, sorrow and many other mixed feelings. Jon stood by his father’s side. Ariel stood on the right side of the room by the grey stone pillars with Inga-his Brother Jon’s wife and… Adan’s eyes widened when he saw Bella. She looked scared and filled with sorrow.

What had she told them? What had she told their parents? Had she confessed their love? No, no. then she would stand alongside him surely. But he was confident all he had to do was defend himself and this would be over. He opened so anyway. It depended on what lies and fact the bitch had told them.

They stopped before the throne of the King.

“Adan,” Hornvald said with a dark and angry voice. He was trying hard to control himself. “Never in my life did I think I would hear something like this.”

“Whatever it is about father. It is surely a lie,” he tried assuring. “I assure you…”

“Silence!” Hornvald barked. His voice echoed through the large hall. “You would dare to assault your own sister.” His voice grew more silent. “I have heard you tried to rape your sister.”

Adan looked at Bella who stood with Ariel.

“She’s lying! That fucking…”

His father rose quickly from the throne.

“Dare not talk to your sister in that tone!” He yelled.

Bella turned halfway around and leaned on Ariel who embraced her with tears filling her own eyes. Ariel closed her eyes, unable to look at her brother.

“You, are hereby banished from Rhondor and removed from the line of succession on penalty of death if you return,” Hornvald spoke.

“Y-you can’t do that!” Adan snapped. “I’m your son!”

“You Adan… are not my son,” Hornvald returned to sit on the throne.

Adan stared in horror at his father.

“S-she’s lying!” He exclaimed.

He took three quick steps towards Bella but Johan pushed him back. He pulled up his sword and aimed it for Adan.

“Give me an excuse… brother,” he spat venomously.

14: Chapter 13 Love
Chapter 13 Love


Prince Adan has been banished from Rhondor by his father King Hornvald after he threatened his sister Bell when she tried to end their affair. She lied to her father and convinced him he had tried to force himself on her and nothing had happened between them in the past.

Under penalty of death he can never return to Rhondor.


Jon was lying on his bed looking across the room at Inga who was reading a book. Noticing he was still looking at her she lowered the book and met his eyes.

“What?” She asked casually.

Jon smiled, his eyes looked down to her bulging stomach.

“You think it’s a boy or girl?” She asked when he didn’t answer.

“Hmm,” he pondered. A smile rose on his face. “Perhaps both?”

Inga snickered and put away the book and walked over to him. She sat down beside him and rested her head against him. He placed his arm over her shoulders.

It had been three days sense Adan’s banishment from the Kingdom.

Inga looked up at her husband.

“I’m sorry about what happened. But don’t blame yourself,” she said soothingly. She knew him well enough to know he was blaming himself for not knowing what Adan was capable of. That he didn’t know he was capable of trying to rape their sister. No…his sister. Adan wasn’t his brother any longer as far as he was concerned. Just as their father didn’t think of him as his son.

“I should have seen it,” Jon mumbled.

“Not even his majesty saw it, sweetie. How were you suppose to see it? What makes you so much greater than anyone else?” She planted a sweet kiss of his lips. “Don’t blame yourself. You couldn’t have known.”

He hesitated but then kissed her back.

“Maybe your right,” he said meagerly. “But I still can’t help but feel betrayed and weak for not seeing it.”

“You should feel betrayed,” Inga insisted with her soft voice. “But you are anything but weak my love. You are the strongest, bravest and kindest man in all of Atheros.”

He kissed her gently and looked into her beautiful eyes. The moment seem to go on for countless wonderful hours.

“H-how is Ariel?” Inga finally asked with concern.

Jon sighed deeply and switch in his seating on the bed.

He looked to the door to their chambers.

“She hasn’t left her chamber for three days. She barely eats anymore. Not even Johan can cheer her up and by the New Gods…” He looked at her. “…he tries. He really tries. You know Inga. I think there is a certain bond between twins that no other people have. A special love that never dies away. No matter what. And if Johan can’t cheer her up. I think no one can.”

“Perhaps in time,” Inga said comfortingly. “She needs time. It has, as you say, only been three days sense Adan tried to…” She prevented herself from saying it. “How is Bella?” She asked instead.

“Could be better,” Jon said with deep sadness. “This is… hard to take for her. Especially her. They, eh… they were close.”

Inga felt bad that she was taking him through these sad memories and decided to try talking about something else.

“I think we should try for twins,” she said smirking.

Jon turned to her with a surprised look. It turned into a smile.

She pushed him down on the bed and crawled on top of him.

“I don’t think it works that way,” he proclaimed as he pulled his shirt off.

She flickered her eyes.

“I think we should try anyway,” she whispered seductively.

“Who am I to say no?” He retorted.

15: Chapter 14 Temple of Hiramithra
Chapter 14 Temple of Hiramithra


Adan has been banished from the Rhondor keep, his family and the whole Kingdom of Rhondor.

Inga tries to cheer her husband, Prince Jon up after the experience with his brother and his horrid actions against his sister Bella.

Planes of Jor’ragh

Azzeroth got off Irth’ion’nor and looked around. His look ended on the temple entrance carved into the mountainside. A large open gateway led the way inside. He drew his two blades and walked towards it.

“Follow me warriors,” he commanded.

Fifteen warriors was following him. All were strong Fire-Orcs. With weapons drawn they marched inside the temple. Inside the large entrance chamber four massive fifteen meter statues rose towards the ceiling. They were statues of Hiramithra. Azzeroth recognized her glorious lower spider body and her six long slender legs. The chamber itself was huge, a hundred meters across.

“How long it must have taken to carve this place into the mountain,” one of the warriors commented.

“Amazing,” another said, breathe taken.

Azzeroth agreed. The temple was amazing. It was even more fantastic then it was in his vision.

“Beware of the Templars,” Azzeroth said. “We don’t know who we are dealing with yet.”

“Templars,” one of the warriors sneered. “Warchief, they sound like priests with weapons. They cannot triumph over us.”

“Agreed,” Azzeroth said coolly. “But we will not underestimate them, all the same.”

“Off course, Warchief.”

They stepped down the stairs with Azzeroth in the lead. It was dark but it didn’t bother him in the least. He was driven by his desire to find her sword quickly. These lowly bugs didn’t deserve to keep Lady Hiramithra’s blade. He would gladly slay them all.

The stairs seemed to go on forever, but finally a hallway appeared. A few torches was attached to the walls to keep it lit up. Azzeroth gripped his blades tighter. They were approaching their destination. He could feel it. Those Templars was nearby and ready to die. It was colder here than in the entrance chamber.

“Go in peace brother,” a male voice said in the distance.

The voice echoed through the hallway. Making their way towards the end the Orcs were ready for battle, ready to spill blood. Azzeroth was doing it for himself, his daughter and Lady Hiramithra. His men was doing it for him, for loyalty and honor. A wooden door stood between them and several voices. Azzeroth looked to his men. They were ready.

He kicked the door open and burst inside.

Almost twenty men looked at him in shock. They had black robes and silver metal masks. Many of them had swords attached to their waist.

“How dare you come this deep into Lady Hiramithra’s temple heathen Orc!” One of them snapped in outrage.

“I came in the ladies name,” Azzeroth said with a vicious grin. “Ready yourselves!”

“Kill the heathens!”

The Templars drew their swords and the Orcs launched into battle. Azzeroth slashed at a man, cutting him almost apart. Blood spit out as he fell to the floor. He cried out in the midst of battle as he cut down any man around him. One of the two closed doors opened and more Templars stormed inside the chaotic fray of battle. A crossbow echoed and the metal head burrowed deep into the neck of an Orc warrior. While the Templar was reloading he was cut down with an axe.

Azzeroth decapitated two men in one blow and drilled his blade through a man’s gut. Soon the room laid quiet. Blood and bodies littered the ground. He looked around to see how many brave warriors he had lost. Only four of his fifteen warriors was lifeless on the ground.

One of the warriors stood by a bed where a dead man laid.

“He must have died of some illness,” he pondered.

“Warchief,” one of this warriors pointed to the ground on the rooms over side.

Azzeroth turned around and saw a figure crawl towards a sword. He smirked and walked over. Placing his hand of the Templars hand he heard-to his surprise-a female cry in pain. He pulled the Templar to her feet and removed the mask.

To his surprise it was a woman. He estimated her to be in her thirties. She had light brown short hair and a defiant look in her eyes. She was bleeding slightly from her forehead. She had been lucky and only gotten knocked out in the battle.

He held her by her throat against the wall. The warriors chuckled at the sight of the woman. She had a curved body and small breasts.

“You will pay for this… Orc scum,” she swore.

“Perhaps,” Azzeroth admitted. “But you’ll have to get in line I’m afraid.”

He threw her back to the ground. Azzeroth looked at the only closed door. The blade must be behind it.

“I go ahead alone,” he said firmly. “Stay here and… keep her safe,” he smirked.

“Gladly, Warchief,” one of the warriors grinned.

“Warchief,” one of them protested. “I could not die well in future battle, knowing you went ahead on your own.”

Azzeroth hesitated but nodded.

Azzeroth forced the door open and walked inside. The sound of the female Templars screams and the ripping of her black robes reached his ears. One of the warriors followed him.

The female Templars voiced was muffled.

“You might regret coming with me and not spending time with the human,” Azzeroth said.

“I take my own slave when I get back to Barthir-Gunthur,” the warrior said.

Azzeroth laughed.

“As will I, I think.”

They stood in a large chamber with a sword held up by a pair of stone statues of Templars. The ‘Blade of the Void’ laid stretched between them.

“There it is,” Azzeroth exclaimed in amazement.

He sheathed his blades and slowly stepped forward. He reached out and grabbed the sword. Gently he removed it and gripped it firmly. It wasn’t too heavy. In fact he was rather light. The blade was curved, long and of silver and it had blood red markings covering it. He swung it and it felt like a fit.

Suddenly a dark cloud of energy appeared. The Orc warrior drew his blade but stepped backwards. Azzeroth stumbled back a step but stopped himself and held his position.

“My great warrior,” a familiar female voice spoke.

Hiramithra’s grey skinned upper body appeared. Her purple glowing eyes, her grey lisp, her sharp teeth and her black long hair.

“My lady,” Azzeroth exclaimed. He stared at her in shock.

“You have succeeded my brave and handsome warrior. But there are one Templar alive. You must kill the last.”

Azzeroth bowed his head.

The Orc warrior threw himself to the ground and bowed deeply.

“There are more to do, handsome Warchief,” Hiramithra said. “But for now. You should return to your family. Speak of what has happened here. Spread the word that the Titans has returned. That I have returned.” She looked at his muscular body frame with desire. “In time, I will need your help, Azzeroth.”

“Anything,” he assured her.

“I cannot walk upon Atheros yet. I cannot meet you and let our bodies touch. You have to help me into your plain.”

Azzeroth kneeled.

“You have my word I will lady down my life go bring you to our realm. I will have the foundation of an empire ready, standing tall in your honor,” he vowed.

Hiramithra smiled before she disappeared.

Azzeroth swallowed and closed his white eyes. He took a deep breath. He had no idea how much time had passed by him. It felt like time itself had stopped.

He turned around and began walking.

“Come,” he told the Orc.

The warrior got up and followed him.

“That was… incredible, Warchief,” he said, barely over his breath.

They entered the room where the rest were enjoying the surviving Templar of Hiramithra. They turned to them and their eyes gazed upon the ‘Blade of the Void’ with impressed expressions. The woman lied shaking on the ground. She were naked and curled up into a ball. The Orcs was standing around her.

“You found the blade, Warchief,” one of them commented.

“More,” Azzeroth said. “Hiramithra appeared to me.”

The Orcs eyes widened.

“T-the Titan?”

“Who else?” Azzeroth growled.

“I-it was incredible,” the Orc that had followed him spoke up. “Simply incredible.”

Azzeroth looked at the woman.

“Kill her,” he sneered.

She glared up at him in defiance.

“You monsters can rape me, you can kill me, even torture me, but you can never break my spirit. When I die I will join with Lady Hiramithra in her realm,” she said confidently with venomous words.

Azzeroth turned away from her.

“I wouldn’t count on it.”

16: Chapter 15 Rebuild
Chapter 15 Rebuild


Azzeroth slayed all the Templars of Hiramithra in her temple, on her orders and took the ‘Blade of the Void’. She appeared to him and spoke from her dimensional realm beyond that of the living. He promised to one day free her and allow her to walk upon Atheros. He promised her an Empire.


Azog walked through the hallways of the castle inside the third set of walls. All bodies and weapons had been cleaned out of the castle keep and most of the city. But it would take time to repair the walls again. The Orcs was in the progress of settling into the city permanently. He and his brother’s family had moved inside the keep, including Azzeroth’s slave girls. He had to admit it both bothered and amused to see how the Snow Elf wanted to live as close to Azzeroth as possible. For now all the slave girls live in one large chamber, except those who were pregnant who would get a chamber of their own.

His niece, cute little Sahina had her own chamber in the wing of the keep that was designed for children and care for them. Azzeroth had demanded constant protection-something Azog didn’t disagree with-and ten Fire-Orcs was assigned to Sahina’s personal guard.

Azog was concerned about his brother’s new view of the Humans. It seemed he was making a lot of changes-or wanted too-in the Orc hierarchy. The strongest survive. That was always the Orc way. When a Warchief dies, his son’s battle to be the next Warchief until either only one stood or the others surrendered. But Azzeroth wanted to change it so the oldest child of a Warchief becomes the next Warchief by blood.

Azog made his way into his chamber were his wife Urzun sat on the bed. His white eyes caught her expanded stomach. She was in the last and ninth month of pregnancy. Her black hair was hanging behind her back in a ponytail. Her black eyes looked up from the little baby in her hands. The red skinned little girl wailed her arms and gurgled, mixed with giggles. Azog recognized the little girl to be his niece.

He smiled.

“You look wonderful with her,” he complimented.

She smiled back beautifully.

Sahina grabbed her finger and struggled to wrestle it down.

“She’s going to be as strong a warrior as her father and uncle,” Urzun said confidently with a sweet smirk. “I am sure of it.”

Azog chuckled.

“No doubt.”

“You know when your brother will return?”

Azog shook his head as he walked into the room further.

“In a few days I would think. Perhaps a week. If he return with the sword or not, hopeful it’ll be the end of it,” Azog said.

He was worried over his brother’s actions during the battle of Barthir-Gunthur. He had lost himself and ignored the battle and spoke of visions of Lady Hiramithra, a Titan goddess. They were all long dead though. Assuming they were real in the first place.

“Why don’t you believe he actually had a vision?” Urzun asked curiously.

Azog arched his eyebrows.

“You say you believe him?”

“Why would he lie?” She retorted. “Many has had visions before.”

“I’m not saying he’s lying. Just… just that he might have had a simple dream,” Azog explained.

Urzun shook her head lightly.

“I doubt that is what happened. I think this could be one of the greatest things that has happened to the Clan. If a Titan has returned to speak to Azzeroth, if we are in her favor,” she stopped herself.

Little Sahina had started crying.

“What’s the matter little girl?” Urzun asked sweetly. “Are you hungry? Maybe tired?” She cradled her tightly in her arms. “Hey, Azog. Look.” She stood up.

“What is it?” Azog asked with a bit of concern. “Isn’t she well?”

She smiled and nodded towards Sahina. As she raised her up.

“Look, Azog. Her first teeth.”

Azog stepped over and looked down at the crying child. And indeed, she had two tiny teeth, only a few millimeter long.

He smiled.

“Oh. Azzeroth will love this when it gets back,” he said.

Urzun sat down on the bed and exposed her right breast. She started breast feeding the little girl and she stopped crying and her tiny hands grabbed on and she started sucking quickly.

Azog sat down beside Urzun and placed his hand gently on her stomach, under Sahina.

A thought came to him and made him snort.

“What?” Urzun asked.

“I just thought to it. Among Humans a Queen or princess never breastfeed their own children. Sometimes princes and heirs but usually not.”

Urzun frowned. Humans, she thought.

“You can do that for our own child soon enough,” he said compassionately, changing subject.

“If it is a boy, I think you were right, we should name him after your father,” Urzun smiled warmly.

Azog brightly returned the smile and leaned closer to her.

Urzun watched the little child in her arms. She was sucking hungrily on her nipple and gripping her breast tight with her tiny hands.

“Aringath,” Azog said out loud. “The name of a real warrior.” He had a proud tone in his voice.

He gently tickled Sahina’s stomach and she giggled while wailing her arms and legs. All the while she continued holding onto Urzun’s breast. Urzun smiled and continued watching her. She noticed she had stopped swallowing and sucking and was just moving her jaw. She smiled and allowed her to continue as she knew the little baby was now nursing for comfort instead of hunger. She was lost in her small innocent white eyes.

“Think our child will have your eyes?” She asked, looking into Azog’s white eyes.

“Maybe,” he said.

Forest of the Elves

The Black Orc Grutuna walked along the wonderful roadside with trees stretching for the sky. These trees was incredibly tall as they reached towards the heavens themselves. It was some of the highest trees she’d seen in her young life.

“You really grew up here?” She asked.

“Yes,” Legonin nodded.

He walked beside her with his hands clapped behind his back.

“It’s so beautiful,” Grutuna breathed slowly.

“Isn’t it?” He agreed. “The Forest of the Elves is a beautiful place. Nothing like the forests north of the Black-eye Mountains. Uh…no offense, off course.”

Grutuna smiled.

“None taken. Because I agree with you. I’ve never seen anything more amazing then this place. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out for my fifteen years of life.”

“The woods are tens of thousands of years old,” Legonin told her. “They are older than civilization itself. Orc, Human, Centaur and even Elf. This forest outdates us all. According to belief of scholars they outdate the Titans by a long-long time.”

Grutuna looked at him with curiosity.


Legonin nodded.

“If you believe in the Titans off course, young one,” he added.

Grutuna smirked.

“Right.” She looked at him. “Can…can you tell me more about them, Legonin? They interest me?”

He nodded slowly.

“Very well,” he cleared his throat and breathed out and in slowly, enjoying the fresh air. “One of the Titans were Sarth’dothrak. He had the lower body of a squid and the upper body of a man…supposedly. Sarth’dothra is…or I should say were, supposedly,” He added again. “…the ruler of the oceans and beyond.”

“Beyond?” Grutuna inquired. “What do you mean? Beyond?”

“Some older religious writings say that he ruled lands beyond Atheros. Other continents.”

Grutuna’s eyes widened.

“But,” he calmed her. “There have never been proof of other continents. The scrolls was likely written by cultists what worshipped Sarth’dothrak. Don’t lay any hope into it, young one.”

“Oh,” Grutuna sighed. “To bad.”

“It is a very exciting thought, indeed,” the Sun Elf deemed.

“Yeah,” she agreed full-heartedly.

17: Chapter 16 Support
Chapter 16 Support


Azzeroth found the ‘Blade of the Void’ and is returning home to Barthir-Gunthur. Back home, his daughter Sahina grew her first tiny teeth.

Grutuna enjoy her stay in the Elven village with her good friend the Sun Elf Legonin.

Unknown Village in Orrivaskir

Local Inn

A strong and muscular man with brown dirty hair emptied his glass of mead in seconds. He was very tall and his brown eyes burrowed into the smaller man sitting across from him. Smaller men sat around the table, all listening on the conversation between the giant man and the smaller. Even a pair of Black Orcs was present. The smaller gently sipped from his own glass of mead. The giant of a man wasn’t too happy looking. He was suspicious of the others motives.

“You say who you are…” he said dubiously. “Yet I don’t know if to believe you or not.”

“What possible motives could I have to deceive you, Lucius?” The smaller asked genuinely.

He scratched his long brown hair and leaned forward.

“Either way, Lucius. I need your services and that of your band and I am willing to reward you well during and afterwards. Especially afterwards.” He sipped from the glass. “You may have gold or your own farmland to settle in. Whatever you wish when you have helped me require my goal.”

“So you say,” the giant man said. “But why should I trust a Rhondor man claiming to be a prince?”

“Don’t trust me than. Trust the gold.”

Lucius leaned back.

“There are many opportunities for riches,” one of the Black Orcs spoke up. He glanced at Lucius and the smaller man. “Northernheim has lost lands and the fortress of Barthir-Gunthur to a pair of Fire Orc brothers. They will definitely pay well for anyone who fights for them.”

Several men around the table nodded in agreement.

“You forget something,” the young man added to his statement.

The Orc snarled at him and the younger man leaned back defensively.

“I am just saying…Barthir-Gunthur is one of the most heavily fortified fortresses in the human realm. Any attempt to retake it will result in many casualties and surely they will put all mercenaries in the front…that way, they can avoid paying you.”

“Man has a point,” someone stated hesitantly to agree with him.

Lucius grunted.

“The Snow Elves always need men to fight the Northern Orcs,” he said bluntly. “There are conflicts all across Atheros for us to join.”

“But that’s straight across the continent my friend,” the young man added. He straightened. “I swear to you that I am Prince Adan of Rhondor and I will, on the honor of my ancestors pay anyone who fight for me to take my rightful place of Rhondor’s throne and claim the woman whose body is rightfully mine.”

“Ex-prince,” the Orc added grimly.

Adan ignored the comment and stared at Lucius.

“If you decline it is fine, I will find others that will surely accept my offer with ease,” he assured the mercenary captain.

Lucius muttered something under his breath.

“Very well…prince. We stand with you,” he stood up. “Where should I have all my men meet you?”

“Night-Grove Keep,” Adan told him. “It is at the edge of the Iron-Forge Mountains and the south-western border to Rhondor. The Night Elf Duke owes me big time. His army stand behind me too.” They both shook hands. “I will join you when I have met with others I wish to recruit for my cause.”

Lucius nodded.

“Any others waiting at this keep already?”

“A pack of Dunnland Orcs…about thirty or forty of them,” Adan explained.

“How many men does this…Elf Duke have?” One of the smaller humans asked curiously.

“Five-hundred humans and elves,” the ex-prince explained.

As he left the inn his mind wandered to Bella. He dreamt of once again thrust his manhood into her, taking her and if necessary, teach her that she belonged to him…for ever and ever. Till the end of time. The thought of touching her hot body, her breast, her thighs, her ass, her soft skin, the very thought of it drove him crazy and hard. He had to have her and he had to have her soon. It had been a month sense he was banished from Rhondor by his father. He had taken many a whore sense than. Humans, elves, dwarves and even a lizard woman but no one had fulfilled his needs as Bella had done. Her pure presence in the same room was almost enough. It would drive him crazy to see her in the company of others and being unable to touch her. He had been forced to control himself and maintain the illusion that they were only siblings and not lovers. Then she had backstabbed him and made their father banish him from the keep and the kingdom itself.

The whores he had taken in a vain attempt to take her place hadn’t worked. He had tried very hard to find the right woman to sleep with but he had failed. There was only one ‘Bella’. It was now obvious to him. He had hurt several of the women in his violent nature to find a fitting woman when sleeping with them.

Getting up on his horse he forced himself to think about something else. The amount of gold he had wasn’t very big and if this planned attack was delayed even by a week, he wouldn’t be able to pay the mercenaries and they would leave his service. If the conflict turned long and he couldn’t win a decisive engagement, they would demand payment and he had to say no. They would in the best case leave. In the worst case they would kill him and and riot through Night-Grove in search of loot. It was doubtful that Duke Arius would protect him against his own mercenaries at the cost of his own land, his own people and his own men.

18: Chapter 17 The unholy empire
Chapter 17 The unholy empire


Adan start gathering support to hunt down his family, take the throne of Rhondor and take Bella as his, be she willing or not.

Eastern Atheros

The forest was filled with nothing but dead and rotten trees. Black and dark brown rotten trees stretch towards the skies. The skies was darkened to the point of oblivion by dark clouds. Thunder echoed constantly around and rain often fell from the constantly darkened sky. The sun had not shinned through for over a hundred years. But twenty years ago-during the age of Sau’rith-it was far darker and colder. The climate had improved sense his death-although just by a little, too little for anyone who did not live there to recognize. In the open dark and grassless field a huge dark tower stretched to the sky. High and thick walls stood tall around it, keeping any enemy outside the walls.

Strange creatures patrol the dark skies and the walls were guarded by undead or undying creatures of the Unholy Legion. The Unholy Legion was formed from a remnant of the Necromancer Lord Sau’rith’s undead armies. They were just a part of the former greatest undead fighting force that had ever been assembled under the eyes of the gods or the Titans.

Many and most believed that the Titans was either completely extinct or never existed. That was commonly believed by Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Centaurs, Trolls and Hobbits…more or less…all of them. The Lizards believed in their existence. The ‘Gateway of the Titans stood in their lands. In the Undead lands the Titans existence was well known and many believed that they were still alive. The supreme leader of this high dark tower was no different. She was confident that if she amassed enough wealth and power they would contact her. She wanted their power to conquer land and cut her own empire out of Atheros.

The massive dark metal gate opened slowly as a caravan of riders appeared from the dead forest. Riding dark mounts they closed in on the fortress. Many of the riders had black robes with hoods covering them from sight. One of the riders, riding in the front was a female without robes. She had a thick dark silver armor carried up by her slender and slim frame. She was very tall, standing on almost seven feet. She was a Mountain Elf and for an Elf she was quite tall. To say she was an Elf might be an overstatement. Her skin was grey and cold to the touch. Her hair was long and white as snow. Her eyes glimmering with the color of a glowing blue. A large two-handed Greatsword was attached to her back.

Along with the riders in the black robes she rode through the open gates and they started closing behind them. The seemingly young female looked around her as her black horse stopped. She studied the undead creatures and monsters moving inside the walls of her palace.

A human male approached her. He was an older man in his forties and by the first look, he was frightened.

“S-should I take your horse, milady?” He asked.

“Do so,” she replied with a dark echoing voice.

She got off and walked towards the tower as her horse was brought to the stables. The black robes riders with her followed in her tracks. Half of them walked in other directions to see over the walls. Eight Black riders followed her directly towards the tower. They all had two-handed Greatswords of steel on their backs. The woman-whose name was Drusilla-had the appearance of a Mountain Elf in her early or mid-twenties. This being far from the truth though. She was in her mid-twenties when she was slain in combat against the undead forces of Sau’rith almost sixty years ago. It was in the beginning of Sau’rith’s war against Atheros. She was a champion of her people and Sau’rith denied her the glory and pride of dying in battle and reawakened her as a Champion in his Undead Horde.

When Sau’rith died she was freed from his grip and able to think for herself once again. As all other Champion left behind when their lord and master Sau’rith died, she fought for power in the war that had torn the undead lands apart further for twenty years now. But all the same, she was still unlike other undead Champions. When she literally stumbling over a little six year old human girl twenty years ago, Drusilla had proceeded to raise her in her fortress. The girl-names Sae-was now a servant who lived inside the thick walls of Drusilla’s fortress. Although she had spent most of her life inside those walls she was still terrified of the undead creatures. The half rotten warriors and demons. The demons who was left behind many thousands of years ago.

They had lived in the eastern lands of Atheros for many thousands of years. For the humans, elves and other races they were simply more monsters. But for the undead and their Champions they were a mix of races from another world, from another dimension. Sent to them from the Titans so very long ago.

Upon entering the dark tall tower Drusilla passed by a few half rotten walking piles of bone in light armor with a shield and blade in hand. It wasn’t long until she saw Sae coming towards her. The brown haired young twenty-six year old woman hurried towards her. Her blue eyes showing she was frightened ever moment of her wakened life.

“M-milady…I-I wasn’t aware you should return early,” Sae stuttered.

“It ended early…obviously,” Drusilla replied dryly.

“O-off course milady,” Sae said with a nod. “I understand. D-did it go well?”

“In a ways,” Drusilla said with a cold grin rising over her light grey lips.

“Oh?” Sae moved right by her side, keeping up with her quick pace.

“Kaan and Greymore is both dead,” Drusilla explained. “They refused to consider an alliance in the end, forcing my hand.”

“Y-you slayed them, milady?”

“Off course I did,” Drusilla snapped. “Don’t be foolish.”

Sae bowed her head and shrieked at Drusilla’s harsh voice.

“I beg of forgiveness, milady,” Sae apologized. “I did not think.”

“As usual,” Drusilla sighed.

Sae glanced at the black robes men behind them.

“D-did you manage to m-make their forces follow you?”

Drusilla glanced at her.

“I have most of them under my command.”

“You are incredibly powerful milady,” Sae complimented. “I-I have no doubt you will conquer all of Atheros one day.” She smiled encouragingly.

“I care little for your opinion. But thank you for the compliment.”

Unsure what to reply, Sae bowed her head and remained quiet.

Drusilla looked at her.

“Where is Draugin?” She asked. “I want to speak with him immediately.

“Eh…I believe he is not here right now,” Sae replied, worried Drusilla would be angry with her answer. “He left a few days ago to organize the Legions among the northern border after the offensive from Garr’s army. He decided to go and take care of it himself.”

She noticed Drusilla narrowed her eyes with distrust.


“Silence,” Drusilla snapped. She stopped and turned around, glaring at Sae.

The young woman froze and trembled as she stared up at the undead Overlord. She wanted to look away but she didn’t dare to move. The glowing dark blue eyes striked at her very soul. The black robed guards stopped and silently waited.

“M-milady?” Sae dared asking.

Drusilla gripped her arm tightly and pulled her with her when she continued walking.

“I don’t trust him,” she said silently. “He is too power hungry to not try to weave the undead to his control.”

“S-surely h-he isn’t as powerful as you,” Sae said, looking up at her. “Your mind is so much more powerful. You can handle whatever support Draugin has gathered. If he would even dare oppose you or your Legions.”

Later arriving in Drusilla’s chambers the robed guards had left. Two black robed creatures remained outside her chamber. Walking inside Sae managed to glance at one of their hands. The hand was black and bony. They gave her the shivers every time. Inside her chambers Sae detached the Greatsword from Drusilla’s back. Barely able to carry it she hang it on the weapons rack. She almost dropped it but Drusilla was quick enough and caught it with her right hand. Sae looked apologetically at her.

“Will you call the aids?” Drusilla asked calmly.

Sae bowed her upper body.

“Yes milady. Right away.”

Drusilla opened the double doors to the balcony and stepped out in her silver armor. She took a deep breath. She looked out over the dark dead forest outside her fortress to the west. She watched the large ten feet feet giant black furry bat-like creatures patrolling the sky around her fortress. At least sixty of them patrolled the skies as far as she could see. Drusilla smiled. Her main advantage over other Champions turned Overlords was air power. She had a large force of demonic flying beasts at her command. She had far more than any other Overlord in the east. But what she needed to assert her domination over all her opponents was the ‘Gateway of the Titans’. If she controlled it she could bring through demonic forces from the dark dimension.

After her undeath at Sau’rith’s hand she had only one purpose in life. Conquest. Nothing else mattered. She always asked herself why she spared the little girl’s life. Why did she spare Sae and raised her? She was a simple human child. Six years of age. Many children had died at her command before. Why was this one so different? Maybe a part of her old self intertwined in her decision. She liked to hope that was what happened. She didn’t take her as an heir. She would never die of age or illness so there was no reason to pick an heir that might very likely die before she would. Something she didn’t like thinking about what that Sae had no parents and that she was the only motherly figure she could remember in her life. Yet she lived in a place where she was constantly scared. Constant fear of the beings surrounding her and constant harsh treatment by the only parent-figure in her life.

As a little girl Sae had run and hid in the tower hundreds of times from ‘scary monsters’, leaving Drusilla to look for her. It irritated her every time.

As an undead Overlord Drusilla didn’t care about things she used to. She cared almost only for conquest, nothing else. Such feelings as sympathy, love, honor, she didn’t care for such things. They had no purpose in her life.

“Milady,” Sae interrupted.

Drusilla turned around. Three undead female aids stood in the chamber. She walked inside again and reached her arms out. The three females started taking her armor of carefully. They proceeded to cover her naked form with a black tight gown.

“Wine,” Drusilla said. She reached out and quickly Sae put a bottle in her hand.

Although eating and drinking had no purpose anymore and served no meaning she enjoyed the taste of good food and a bottle of good vintage wine. Through a Normodian merchant caravan she received wine from all across Atheros. She paid an excellent sum of gold for every bottle. The Normodian merchants she bartered with had become extremely rich and influential sense starting to trade with Drusilla’s Unholy Empire.

She opened the bottle and drank directly from it.

“Dwarf?” She asked, glancing at Sae.

Sae nodded.

“It’s from the Third Era, year 950 to be specific.”

Drusilla arched her eyebrows.

“Four-hundred years, huh. Impressive. Must have taken those slave trading Normodian’s some doing.”

“Surely milady…” Sae agreed. “…you’re worth it though.”

The female aids left after finishing dressing Drusilla.

Drusilla walked towards the balcony again, with Sae in tow.

“Milady?” She asked. “How is it in the west?”

Drusilla looked at her with a furrowed eyebrow.

“Excuse me?”

Sae blushed slightly.

“Oh, I…err, I mean, I’ve never been to the west. I’ve never even left the fortress except to accompany you. I’ve never been west. You lived there in your previous life.”

She waited a moment for an answer.

“Green grass fields with flowers, tall green trees, flowing rivers, snow covered mountains. The Unclaimed Territories are nothing but deserts,” Drusilla explained, to Sae’s surprise. “Sau’rith managed what they have never been able too. Uniting a species. All undead followed his whim for forty years. It has never happened before and I can’t say if it will happen again…”

“Off course it will,” Sae insisted.

Drusilla looked down at her.

“You will manage it,” Sae said confidently.

Sae shivered as Drusilla’s cold grey hand landed gently on her shoulder. It squeezed gently and Drusilla smiled warmly, something she didn’t do very often. It warmed Sae every time she did though and she didn’t mind the coldness of her touch.

“I will always have faith in you mom,” Sae said smiling.

Her heart dropped when she realized what she had said. She froze and didn’t dare turn her gaze to face Drusilla. She imagined she was glaring at her right now. Although she was actually staring at her in surprise. It wasn’t the first time Sae had misspoken and called her mom. It happened all the time when she was a little girl. But it had been many years sense last time now. Drusilla suddenly realized she was smiling and put her arm around Sae and pulled her in closer. Given how Sae grew up Drusilla was surprised it hadn’t happened more often and understood completely. She didn’t say anything, but calmly held her. She sipped from the wine bottle and offered it to Sae. She declined with an anxious nod. She was starting to realize Drusilla wasn’t mad at her for calling her mom.

Sae felt like she was melting. It was the closest to a hug Drusilla had ever given her.

“I-I’m sorry,” she apologized suddenly. “It w-was a-a slip of the tongue.”

“I know, it’s okay…h-honey,” Drusilla replied, stumbling over the last word.

Maybe Sae needed an actually motherly figure in her life. A kind one. She had often considered it but always kept a ‘gap’ between them. Treating her like a servant girl. But Sae had always revered her like a real mom. No matter how badly she had been treated sometimes she always thought of Drusilla like a mother. She always hoped that sooner or later Drusilla would open up and let her inside, become the mother she always dreamed of having.

Sae was stunned. She had never called her anything of the kind before. She had never referred to her as ‘honey’ or anything with affection for as long as she could remember.

“Eh, milady?” Sae asked gently, not wanting to ruin the moment.


“May I go and eat?”

Drusilla turned to her and realized.

“Oh, right. I forgot you have to eat. You’re still alive and not undead. Sorry. Yes, I suppose you may go and eat,” Drusilla said.

She let go of her and Sae bowed before departing her chambers. Drusilla looked after her. Was that good? Was that what she wanted? Was that…lovingly? She really couldn’t tell very well. All this emotions thing must have be very hard for the living.  She was kind of happy she was undead right now. Feelings was so very confusing and made no sense.

The door opened and a figure of rotten flesh and skeleton appeared. He held a spear in his right hand and a shield in the other.

“Overlord,” he spoke in a raspy voice. “The Normodian Lord Tyrell has arrived. He awaits in the main hall.”

Drusilla nodded.

“I’ll be there shortly.”

The undead figure nodded and left the chamber.

The White Orcs Encampment

Azania had finally forced herself to bathe, pray that not too many unwanted Orc eyes watched her. The river water was slightly cold but it was still comfortable. She doubled over and forced all whole frame under the water. She rose her head and shoulder over the surface and breathed. She pulled her orange hair back and stuck an annoying lock behind her left ear. She was about sixty meters or so from the camp, allowing her to bathe in silence and alone. She laid back and let herself float on the water surface. She closed her eyes and allowed the water to slowly take her down the river slowly. For a moment-a mere moment she forgot she had been forced into the service of an Orc. Thrall to be precise.

Her head bumped into something hard. She stood up and rubbed the top of her head. She had probably bumped into a badly placed stone in the river. Turning around she found she was wrong. Her eyes widened. It was just her luck to take a bath at the same time and in the same place as the ‘White Orc’, as some called him.

Thrall had kneeled down in the water, looking in the opposite direction from her. She quickly kneeled down in the water and covered her breast with her hands. Her face blushed with embarrassment. Thrall didn’t seem to care about her presence. Or he hadn’t noticed her. Deciding on the latter, she slowly backed off, hoping to avoid him seeing her naked.

“Where you going?” He asked.

Azania squeaked and lowered herself further into the water.

He seemed to have enough respect for her not to turn around. She couldn’t help but to notice that in the month she had been here, he had never touched her. He had still not decided to take her. She was thankful of that but she had never expected an Orc to be this way. He did take her for a slave and didn’t that usually mean that she belonged to him, her body belonged to him? In his mind, she was his property and so why hadn’t he used her yet? It wasn’t like she could refuse him sex. Even if she could fight him off, she wasn’t brave enough to dare anything of the kind. She was happy that he didn’t require her to call him master or lord. Nothing fancy like that. They were on something like a ‘first name basis’ you might say.

“Did I not ask a question of you?” Thrall asked.

“Y-y-yes,” she stuttered forward. “Y-you d-did.”

“Then, why do you not answer?” He inquired.

Azania opened her mouth to speak but didn’t say a word at first. She didn’t actually have a reason for that. She hadn’t thought of it as a question she should answer.

“I-I…don’t know,” she shrugged nervously. “S-sorry.” Please don’t stand up. Please don’t stand up. She begged that he would remain sitting. She could do just as well without seeing him naked…again. Once was more than enough.

Unfortunately he didn’t see it the same way and rose. Straight ahead of her, now instead of his upper back was not his ass. He only stood three meters from her, giving her an uncomfortable close view of him. Staring at him, she admitted to herself that his rear had a strong look to it and…

Her eyes widened and she gasped when she realized what she was thinking about. She covered her eyes with her hands and completely forgot she had been using her hands to cover her breasts. Sense she was covering up her eyes she could not see that he had turned and was not studying her firm and round and slightly saggy breasts. He licked his lips before he turned and walked out of the water and dressed himself.

“You gonna stand there all day?” He asked when he was done dressing.

Azania slowly lowered her hands and realized he was standing on the beach with his trousers on. He was looking at her. She squeaked upon realized her breasts was completely exposed. She immediately covered herself again.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of,” Thrall stated bluntly.

“Huh?” She replied confused and dumbfounded.

He nodded towards her.

“Constantly covering yourselves,” he snorted amused. “Humans constantly think that they must cover yourselves, as if you are all embarrassed by the thought of nudity or worry that you are ugly. In this regard, you have nothing to worry about.”

She wasn’t sure what do respond to that. He probably had a point. Orc and human cultures was so different. A little bit of skin was nothing strange and disgusting to see in public for an Orc, male or female. If a woman showed too much skin in a human town she was branded as a whore by everyone immediately.

“You are a beautiful female by the standard of any race,” he complimented her.

Azania, trying really had to stick to her ‘brutal savage’ view of him, was ashamed that she was blushing over his comment. A part of her felt intrigued by him. Wanted to know more of him. Wanted to be close to him. Touch his pale skin. Another part of her wanted to escape and see him die. Of course she was bluntly aware that she didn’t have anywhere to escape too. Moonstone Keep was gone and her only family was in the human Kingdom Nor. That was way too far across Atheros for her to go alone. Besides, if she escaped and Thrall found her, he would in the best case kill her. In the worst case he would torture her or let his warriors have their way with her.

“…Thanks,” she suddenly voiced. She didn’t want to be rude and make him angry with her. “I-I appreciate it.” She took a deep breath.

Thrall was sitting on a rock by the river and looked out over the wonderful landscape around him.

Azania took a deep breath and let her arms fall and revealed her breasts. To her happy surprise Thrall didn’t look in her direction at all. Turning his head he threw her a soft pelt to dry herself with. The pelt lied on the edge of the water. Azania decided that sooner or later he would see her naked and stood up. She awkwardly stumbled out of the water and picked the pelt up. She swung it around her small frame and slowly walked towards Thrall. Glancing at him she sat down beside him on the rock.

“Have you ever seen a proper sunrise from the Black-Eye Mountains?” He asked.

Azania shook her head.

“No, never been that far east. I’ve never been past Moonstone Keep before to be honest,” she said honestly with a calm demeanor. “Is it nice?”

“Nice?” he chuckled, looking into her eyes as she turned to meet his face. “There is only one more beautiful place to see a sunrise from.”

“W-where?” She asked, getting trapped in his red eyes. They seemed so kind, so warm. Not at all those of a killing brute.

“Ice-Peak Mountains,” he explained. He seemed very happy that she was interested in what he was saying. “When the sunlight bounces off the fallen snow it sparkles and the dawn seems magical.”

“Magical,” she mumbled dreamingly staring into his eyes. She tilted her head and sighed happily. She was only moments away from leaning in for a kiss when he looked away and stood up. She was trying to trick herself that she was happy he had done that. Trying to trick herself that she was happy she didn’t get the chance to feel his pale lips touching hers. She was succeeding very-very poorly with convincing herself. She was wondering if he was trying to tease her when she actually desired his him because she hadn’t been so open with him earlier.

Fortress of Drusilla, main hall

Drusilla stepped into the main hall with two black robes guards with her. She was still in her black dress. She quickly spotted the tall but skinny Normodian male. His dark-almost back-skin, his bold head and the grey plotting eyes. He was dressed in blue and white silk clothes. He smiled upon seeing her before him. He bowed deeply.

“I am glad to meet you again, it has been too long,” he said, initiating the usual smalltalk.

“It has indeed,” Drusilla agreed with a smile. She didn’t like smalltalk but found it useful sometimes. “Four months I think?”

“I think so. I am sorry it has been so long but I wanted to find the perfect bottle for you, a gift from me and my wife for your friendship,” Tyrell said.

Drusilla arched her eyebrows and pretended to care. “Wife? You’ve married? Congratulations Tyrell my friend.”

He smiled warmly.

“Thank you kindest,” he replied charmingly. “I married her three months ago, it was ‘Day of Stars’ and the sun was shining in the sky, as brightly as ever, blessing our union that is to last till old age.”

“What’s this female’s name?” Drusilla asked. “She is Normodian I presume?”

“She is,” he said. “Her name is Alicia, niece of the prince himself in fact.”

Drusilla knew it was supposed to be impressive that she was a relative to the prince but she didn’t care at all. Although she pretended to be not to insult him.

“Oh, err…that means you have royal ties now, huh. Impressive indeed.” She laid a hand on his shoulder. He shivered at contact with her cold grey skin. “Now, you spoke of a special gift for me?”

Tyrell nodded immediately.

“Yes-yes. A Centaur bottle of Blood-wine from the Third Era, year 238 to be exact,” he explained with his charming tone.

Drusilla was impressed. So old Centaur Blood-wine was extremely hard to come by.

“How much for it?” She asked bluntly.

“It is a gift, my lady,” Tyrell reminded her.

“But it must have been hard to find such a bottle. Surely I must compensate you for your work,” Drusilla protested. She wasn’t sure why she bothered. Most people probably wouldn’t but as an Undead, she didn’t care for wealth. All her forces was undead or demons she she didn’t need to pay them as you paid mercenaries. Sense they weren’t peasants she didn’t need to go home to attend their farms and families after some time.

“I want you to have it. It is a gift and a proof of my friendship,” Tyrell told her. His eyes flickered to a curved undead female servant who passed them by with a trey. His eyes studied her hips and ass. Her hips moved seductively as she walked away. Drusilla noticed his attention for the female and looked over her shoulder.

“Stop,” she raised her voice.

The female stopped and turned.

“Milady,” she greeted curtly. “I am at your command.”

Drusilla glanced back at Tyrell.

“There are other ways to repay then gold,” she said bluntly.

Tyrell tried holding his excited smile back but failed brutally. He eyed the attractive female, not thinking much of the fact that she was in all sense ‘dead’.

“Leave whatever you are doing and accompany Lord Tyrell to the guest chamber and entertain him until he tires,” Drusilla commanded.

“Your will is my command,” the female bowed and placed the tray of a small table. “This way my lord.”

Drusilla gently shoved him in her direction.


She didn’t have to tell him twice and he shortly disappeared around a corner with her. Married or not, males still had desires and with his wife far away in the Normodian capital city, she could do little for his desires of the flesh.

19: Chapter 18 Miracle of Birth
Chapter 18 Miracle of Birth


Drusilla tries to open her heart to her adopted ‘daughter’ as the charming Normodian merchant Tyrell arrives. Azania grows closer to Thrall. She tries and fails to fight her feelings on the matter.


Tirnelwen ran through the corridors in search for master Azog. She breathed quickly and almost fell on her own feet several times. She shoved her way to Baldur Orc servant women gossiping. They snapped at her in Orcish but Tirnelwen didn’t care. The attractive Dark Elf had other things on her mind. She finally ran into a pair of Fire Orc shaman.

“Where is Master Azog?” She asked quickly.

The shaman wore fur trousers and a cloak of fur from a bear. Their red eyes glared down at her intrusion. They had been discussion the religious divide that existed between the Orcs and Humans living in Barthir-Gunthur and the villages that had been conquered. The villages had been conquered by Azog while Azzeroth had been gone. They were currently occupied by Baldur Orcs with Fire Orc leadership. Fire Orc officers was leading the less skilled and smaller Baldur Orcs. Raiding parties constantly attacked Northernheim settlements. It was a tactic Azog and Azzeroth had agreed upon even before they attacked Barthir-Gunthur. They would burn crops, force people to leave, force Northernheim reinforcements to be needed on all fronts, in all villages. It kept the Human enemy on their toes and off the Neck-Breaker Clans back while they rebuilt the defenses and prepared for their next offensive. For the military part, Azog at least knew that assuming some fighting tactics and strategies from other races and combine them into their own tactics and strategies.

“Where is he? It is urgent!” Tirnelwen exclaimed.

“In the stables with Warchief Azzeroth,” eon of the shamans explained rudely.

Tirnelwen hurried towards the main entrance as quickly as her legs could carry her. When she came into the entrance hall she saw both the brothers. Azzeroth noticed her and chuckled.

“Happy to see me?” He asked sarcastically. He knew she didn’t like him at all. Infact he knew she despised him.

Azog chuckled with him.

Tirnelwen stopped.

“Master Azog, Mistress Urzun is having the child,” she immediately explained.

“W-what!” Azog exclaimed, turning all attention to her.

“She is having your baby master,” Tirnelwen explained as quickly as her voice could bare. “She is in your chamber with the women.” She referred to the Orc women who handled these things in the clan.

Urzun had been expected to actually have the child almost a month ago but it hadn’t happened that way. They were all worried that something was wrong with the child. That might explain why it was so late. It was in the middle of her tenth month of pregnancy.

Azog ran down the corridor before anyone could say another word. Tirnelwen turned to Azzeroth to force herself to welcome him home and noticed the strange blade on his back.  She titled her head curiously to have a better view. Was it the ‘Blade of the Void’ he had promised to bring back? He noticed her looking curiously at the blade. She seemed intrigued.

“This…” he brought it forth. “…is the blade I left to find. I easily took it from those Templars and slaughtered them with ease.” He spoke proudly.

“So it was a real vision,” she said in amazement.

He glared at her.

“You doubted me?” he demanded.

She stepped away and raised her hands defensively with slight fear. She mentally kicked herself for saying something like that.

“No, I-I didn’t mean it like that…I swear I did…” she saw Elendess approaching. “Look master, she’s very happy to see you.”

Azzeroth turned around just in time for Elendess to stop a meter from him.

“Master,” she said with a big smile. “I’ve longed for you greatly.”

The large breasted Snow Elf stepped closer and touched his bare chest.

“You must be tired after your trip, perhaps I can help you relax master?” Elendess requested with a seductive and hopeful look.

Azzeroth gently pushed her back and walked after his brother.

“Master?” Elendess asked confused with worry rising. “Master, did I do something wrong?”

“His brother’s wife is giving birth,” Tirnelwen explained quietly. Although she liked seeing Elendess squirm she didn’t think now was the time.

“Master Azog?” Elendess inquired.

“How many brothers does he have?” Tirnelwen asked sarcastically.

Elendess narrowed her eyes on her. The tension between the two was clear.

“I’m going after to see if master’s feeling okay,” Elendess said, walking around the Dark Elf. “We know you won’t.”

“Watch out for the roaches,” Tirnelwen teased darkly.

Elendess narrowed her eyes further and ignored her. She had-as Tirnelwen very well knew-a terrifying fear of roaches. It might seem irrational but it was actually very rational. It wasn’t the regular five centimeter roaches that scared her. It was those giant 2.5 feet roaches that scared her. Those giant roaches had a colony in the waste tunnels under the city. The colony had been destroyed and whatever roaches found had been slain by the Orcs. The roaches could be very dangerous if they could infect a city. In the west-about thirty years ago-a roach colony wiped out an entire Moon Elf village.

“You really need to learn to be less disrespectful. I bet you have never had as much action as when I touched you Elf sister.” She smiled with satisfaction when Tirnelwen narrowed her eyes, like daggers that jabbed at her.

Elendess looked even more appreciative when she saw Tirnelwen noticed how happy she looked.

Azog slammed the wooden door open and rushed into the bed chamber. Urzun was lying on the bed with Fire Orc women surrounding the bed. She groaned painfully. Her eyes showed happiness to see Azog entering. He kneeled by her side.

“Are you alright love?” He asked.

“Do-do I look okay?!” She snapped, but with a loving tone. She reached out and he gripped her hand tightly.

She squeezed tightly and he squeezed back.

Standing outside the door Azzeroth waits, not wanting to intrude. He heard Urzun’s voice. She exclaimed in high pain. He noticed Elendess coming up behind him. She placed her hand on his back and looked up at him. She heard Urzun clearly. The Snow Elf did nothing but look at him tenderly. Azzeroth felt an aching feeling in his chest and looked down at Elendess.

“Where is Sahina?”

Elendess was slightly disappointed that he didn’t ask anything of her but she understood his love for his only child. She respected him for that love. It was very…human or Elvish of him.

“She’s in her chambers master,” she said. “I think you at least. Oh master, she has grown her first teeth I heard.”

“Really?” He looked very excited and impressed.

Elendess nodded her head with a smile.

“Oh yes. Very cute little teeth. She’s as adorable as ever.”

Azzeroth found himself just staring at Elendess. She looked at him passionately. He had no idea how much time had passed by when he heard a child’s crying through the door. Gently Azzeroth opened the door and entered. Urzun held a tiny red skinned child in her arms. The little baby cried as she held him and Azog patted the little head. A smile filled his face. His white eyes looked up at his brother and waved him over.

“Come brother!” His echoing voice called.

Azzeroth walked in and kneeled down beside Azog by the bed. He smiled, looking down at the little boy. He had not inherited his father’s white eyes but they were black. Urzun kissed the little tiny boys head.

“We’ll name him Blae,” Urzun looked up at her husband. “After your father.”

Both the brothers smile proudly, but of course Azog was the proudest.

20: Chapter 19 So it begins
Chapter 19 So it begins


Ana, the only survivor from a bandit attack on her trade caravan in Rhondor. Her parents was killed and she was taken in by Princess Ariel who felt sorry for her. After over a month of living in the castle, Ana was leaving on a small caravan that passes through her home village. She brings the pendant her mother gave her with her. Unknown of its purpose or power.

Rhondor, nearby forest

Ana pulled the ebony black hair from blowing in her face as she sat in the back of the wagon. Dark clouds move along the horizon. She looked at the walls of Rhondor’s capital city who disappeared in the distant horizon. She sighed and closed her eyes. She grabbed her pendent, who hung around her neck and squeezed her hand tightly around it. She missed her parents deeply. She missed them so much. A few tears streamed down her face.

As night falls they stop and they pull the two wagons up and light a fire. Ana remains quiet and listen lightly on the men of the caravan. Three of them was traders. The only woman in the caravan was the wife of one of them. Two men in light leather armor act as guards to them. They were a pair of mercenaries that had been hired to guard the traders from bandits or wild animals.

Ana wasn’t interested in partaking in their conversation and her mind was on her parent’s memories, her last memory of them she had. Memories of the attack. The attack that killed them, them and many others.

Growling wakes her up in the darkest of night. She looked out over the field they had camped on. She gazed out to see if she could find whatever was growling at her. She was worried. Was it a wolf? A bear or some Orc bandit?

She noticed both the guards wielding their swords, searching for the source of the dark growling.

Ana stood up. She was getting very scared. The growling sounded like it come from every direction.

“What is it?” One of the traders ask.

“Wolves,” a guard said. “Dire wolves by the sounds of it. Probably a pack.”

Ana shivered in fear. Suddenly the growling increased and turned into a more barking sound. A dark furry creature leaped from nowhere and at a guard. He dropped the sword and the wolf tore into his flesh, tearing his neck out and ripping a large piece of flesh off.

As panic broke out Ana ran as quickly as she could. She was but her blue skirt made it harder to run quickly in. looking over her shoulder she heard how the cries of the others died out. She doesn’t think but just run as fast as possible. Only growling and barking echoes in the air. She heard the wolves coming closer.

Suddenly she falls forward. She turned around and stares into a Dire wolf coming at her with a hungry look. Her eyes widen and her body shivered to the bone.

“S-stay away!” She cried out in panic.

She opened her eyes, realizing she wasn’t quite dead yet. She saw three Dire wolves standing before her. They had stopped attacking and was just staring patiently at her. They moved backwards, apparently seeing her fear and backing off. Ana sat back and had no idea what was happening. She didn’t understand why she wasn’t dead yet? Why they weren’t tearing her apart.

“G-get away from me!” Ana cried out, pleading in horror. Her body convulsing in horror.

To her shock and confusion the wolves back off and ran off into the darkness surrounding her. She stared at where the wolves had disappeared. She gently stopped squeezing her pendent and let go of it, leaving it hanging around her neck.

“Oh gods, thank you all. I will pray to you all next time I am in a temple. I swear it,” Ana mumbled, still frightened but also greatly confused.

Golden Mage Spire

Northwestern Atheros, near Ice Peek Mountains and Glacier Stronghold

The Wizard Kaman walked up the Golden Mage Spire of the Mage Circle towards the meeting chamber. The older Snow Elf’s long white hair and long beard was grabbed by the wind through an open window. He was dressed in white robes and he held a white magnificent staff.

Kaman had arrived, only moments ago from an Elven city in the Elven Forest. It was the same city that Legonin and Grutuna stay. He noticed the Black Orc girl looking in awed at him. The only thing he knew about her was that she arrived with a young Elven man named Legonin the day before.

He entered a hallway and walked towards the large double golden doors. Large twenty feet golden statues of former High Masters stood on both sides. Eight statues rose towards the ceiling. The current High Master was the ninth sense the Mage Circle’s creation. Large pillars stood between the statues and large windows covered much of one side. Two men in golden robes and hoods nod subtly at him and with a gesture the double doors open by themselves.

“Ah, brother,” a male voice said with a slight cheerful tone.

A human male with a grey beard and a bold shiny head smiled at the Snow Elf. Kaman replied with a tired but polite smile and nod of his own. The second man had the same white robes that Kaman had. Kaman joined the other white robes men and women around the white marble table. The table in the chamber was huge and many seats around the table was empty. These members was in other places of Atheros.

“Brother Valter,” Kaman greeted. “I am afraid my journey took longer than I said in my letter.”

“Do not worry about such small things brother,” a young woman said with a smile. “We know you had a large distance to travel.”

Kaman returned the smile.

She had very pale-almost white skin, and long silk hair with the color of the whitest of snow. Her blue eyes was kind and sweet but hide ambition. Unlike Kaman and Valter, her staff was ebony black and had a black glowing crystal swirled in on the top.

“Thank you, sister Jaleesa,” Kaman said appreciative.

She nodded subtly.

“You are quiet a distance from home yourself. The Black Towers quiet far away.”

She smirked at him.

“I suppose I am.”

Everyone around the table turned to the men at the tables end. The High Master sat quietly. He was the oldest, wisest men in the Mage Circle. He was human but had led the Mage Circle for almost one-thousand years. How he had lived for so long was only known for a chosen few in the Mage Circle itself. Jaleesa and Kaman was amongst them, including Valter.

“Brothers and sisters…” the High Master said, his voice rising for all to hear. “I am pleased that we could gather so quickly. There is a matter we must discuss.”

Everyone was silent and respectfully looked at the High Master.

He cleared his dried thirst.

“There was an attempt to infiltrate the vault,” he said concerned.

Concern and worry rose in the chamber.

“How is that possible?” A man asked.

“Does this person work for us?” A woman asked.

An older woman beside the High Master shook her head.

“It is a male, a Night Elf male. He is a highly skilled thief of artifacts. He refuses to speak of how he came to find the vault.”

“How long ago was this?” Kaman asked.

“Almost three weeks ago,” the woman beside the High Master explained. “It seems some form of magical barrier is mentally blocking our attempts to use magic to find the information we need. For anyone to do that… it must be someone very skilled.”

The mages looked at each other, shocked over the news.

The High Master coughed. He carefully straightened his back on his chair and spoke with a low but firm voice.

“I…will meet and speak to this man myself soon.”

An older Orc woman leaned forward.

“You are traveling to the vault?” She inquired for specifics.

The High Master coughed. He cleared his dry throat and proceeded to shake his head.

“This…thief is being brought here. He will arrive in a few days.”

“Are the vaults security increased?” The same Orc woman asked.

“I wouldn’t worry about that.” Jaleesa interjected. She turned and looked in the Orc’s general direction. “Even if a lone thief found the vault. No one can break into it. The artifacts cannot be reached by anyone but the members of the Mage Circle itself.”

Several members nodded in agreement while some supported the Orc Shaman’s point of view. Her name was Yutol Uzukuma. She was a strongly built Orc with dark green skin, yellow eyes and long black dreads and a pair of short fangs, but they were enough to add to her scary appearance. She was what was officially known as Unborn. The Unborn Orcs was the result of breeding between Northern and Black Orcs over several generations. Some suspected that Dark Elves were involved somewhere too, but it was cheerily speculation. They mostly stayed in the Unclaimed Regions.

“I would not be so overconfident,” Yutol said, keeping her temper in check. “Remember sister Jaleesa, that he did after all find the vault in the first place. Who is to say he has told no one else?”

“Or perhaps, someone sent him to steal one of more of the Titan artifacts,” Kaman suggested carefully.

“No one has ever made it through, even the Glass corridor,” Jaleesa reminded them. “And…sister, it is not overconfidence, but knowledge among other things.” She smiled smugly. “No one can break into the vault beside a member of the Mage Circle and…well…” she gave a little laugh. “…I can’t see that happening.”

Supporters for her theory lightly laughed at the idea that someone from the Mage Circle would fall into such darkness and try stealing any artifacts.

Yutol leaned forward and stared sternly at the pale Sorceress.

“It would only take one.”

Several members nodded firmly. Both Valter and Kaman was amongst those who supported Yutol’s theory.

“Any member would know that a thief could never get inside.”

Yutol disliked Jaleesa’s confidence.

“So there is nothing to worry about,” a woman stated.

“Unless…that is what they want us to think. To feel safe and secure,” Kaman said thoughtfully. “We cannot be too sure. The artifacts are powerful objects.”

“No member of the Mage Circle have ever fallen victim to their power. Surely you aren’t suggesting that we are dealing with a traitor?” Jaleesa said, ending on a sweet laugh, joined by many other. Many agreed with how foolish and childish the thought of a member of the Mage Circle falling to the Titan’s power.

Before Kaman could defend his statement the High Master raised his right hand.

“No matter the case…we shall get to the bottom of this, no matter how small the matter might turn out to be.”

Deep darkness

“Why should things go differently this time?” A raspy male voice asked, cutting through the darkness.

“Time is irrelevant. Only one thing survives time,” an attractive feminine voice said. “Knowledge.”

“And us,” Lady Hiramithra said. “Now…enough of your endless speeches of knowledge.”

“Knowledge survives the passage of time.”

“I don’t have time for your nonsense, Dehomia,” Hiramithra said, sighing.

“You would call knowledge nonsense? Information is one of the things that drive the mortal world,” Dehomia replied, offense in her voice.

“Enough ladies,” a dark, slimy and horrifying voice echoed forth, through the empty darkness.

Hiramithra and Dehomia stopped speaking.

“Apologize, Mon Haemas,” Dehomia finally said.

“It is of no consequence,” Mon Haemas said. “Hiramithra. Your forces are ready if this champion of yours succeeds to open the Gateway.”

Hiramithra scoffed.

“My demonic horde have been ready for millennia! While I’ve built and prepared, what have you all done? Huh? Dehomia have spent the last four-thousand years playing around with the mortals in Atheros. Gathering knowledge for herself, making pointless deals with them in exchange for small amounts of your knowledge. And what about Dovee’raa and Sarth’dothrak? Or Hikon?”

“Don’t question my knowledge or power!” Dehomia snapped furiously. “I am the Titan of Knowledge! And knowledge is power!”

“How dare you question the ruler of the ocean?” Sarth’dothrak inquired calmly, but with an angry tone hidden behind.

“Enough,” Mon Haemas voice echoed. “It is true that you have done good work for the last four millennia, Hiramithra. Dovee’raa has planted his pendent in the mortal world. Much of what we do is watch our actions of the past plays out in her grand design.”

“Don’t patronize me, Mon Haemas,” Hiramithra snapped. “Let’s just hope the pendent isn’t snapped up by the Mage Circle.”

“Either way,” Dovee’raa interjected. “Are we sure that Azzeroth can handle the task in front of him?”

“He is only one. Even with his so called ‘kingdom’, he can’t smash through the entire Lizard Imperial army,” Lord Hikon said.

“I believe that he can do it,” Hiramithra said. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have chosen him as my champion in the first place.”

“We. Will. See,” Dovee’raa said slowly and firmly.