The Hidden Side, a Fantasy story | SparkaTale


The Hidden Side

By: Deborah Francesca

Status: In Progress


There is a mom who doesn't know she had another child. The father is a powerful evil being so he took the child and let her grow until she's finally ready to be born. She has been surrounded nothing but evil spirits, and has been taught everything else but pity or help others except for someone named Jack Reaper. Now she meets new people who teaches her new things. She's changing.

Created: December 6, 2014 | Updated: December 30, 2014

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

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      Hi this is Francesca the writer and I just wanted to say please comment on what I need to do in order to make the story better. Since I'm not the best writer in the world I need help with my grammar as well and because English is my second language. Please comment thank you.

      December 11, 2014 | Deborah Francesca