The Life of Maximilian Denvers, a Romance story | SparkaTale


The Life of Maximilian Denvers

By: Alois Denvers

Status: In Progress


My name is Casey Collins. I'm 15 years old. Once, I met a boy. He hates me now, my best friend calls him a douche, but one day, they'll both realise how wrong they've been.

Created: December 2, 2013 | Updated: July 11, 2014

Genre : Romance

Language : English

Reviews: 3 | Rating:

Comments: 4

Favorites: 5

Reads: 23859

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1: An Introduction 888
2: Chapter 2 688
3: Chapter 3 1249
4: Chapter 4 874
5: Chapter 5 1256
6: Chapter 6 897
7: Chapter 7 691
8: Chapter 8 787
9: Chapter 9 758
10: Chapter 10 1067
11: Chapter 11 865
12: Chapter 12 1161
13: Trishapocalypse 710
14: Chapter 14 932
15: Chapter 15 866
16: Chapter 16 1328
17: Chapter 17 911
18: Chapter 18 1139
19: Chapter 19 1265
20: Chapter 20 1352
21: Chapter 21 837
22: Chapter 22 962
23: Chapter 23 1025
24: Chapter 24 1021
25: Chapter 25 907
26: Chapter 26 1060
27: Chapter 27 813
28: Chapter 28 1041
29: Chapter 29 1073
Total Wordcount: 28423

Reviews (3)

  • Darian Garrett

    I've truly enjoyed this so far. Very well done!

    July 11, 2014 Flag

  • Miranda Herr

    I have to say, this is a great story, keep it up!!! Though it is a shame it doesn't get more attention...

    December 8, 2013 Flag

  • Lyssandra Blossom

    I think this is a very good story. The characters are interesting and well-structured, as is the main story itself. I like how quite a lot of the plots intertwine or connect, and how (somewhat like a TV series) a lot of the separate chapters are two or three parted stories with an underlying theme throughout the whole story.
    I do have some points, however.

    1). Perhaps a little more description on the characters' pasts? Just a personal thought, but I would really like to know more about quite a few of them, even if they are more minor characters. I am aware that this is structured like a diary or a blog, but it's just something you may want to take into account.

    2). You have an excellent writing style, however, I would like to see a bit more description. Not just in the topic of the characters' pasts, but in the surroundings as well and perhaps even a little more about Casey's feelings. Perhaps more about what the school itself is like or more on their teachers? Just a thought.

    Apart from these two comments, which I am aware are both to do with description, as I think there is a little too much dialogue sometimes, it is an intriguing tale and I think you have an excellent writing style!

    December 3, 2013 Flag

Comments / Critiques

  • Reply

    Just in general - I feel like the entire story is just a wall of text. I'm trying my best to read through it, but if you spaced them out - perhaps a new line every time someone speaks, it would look much more presentable, and more people would be attracted to the story? 

    Just a suggestion, your story is good otherwise.

    November 13, 2014 | Deleted User

  • Chapter: 8 Reply

    I'm really enjoying this so far. I can't read much more today, but I think tomorrow I can and I'm really looking forwards to it! Please continue writing!

    December 3, 2013 | Lyssandra Blossom

  • Chapter: 8 Reply

    I really like this chapter because this is where you start to develop on the characters' appearances more, which I think is something really important to have in a story.

    December 8, 2013 | Miranda Herr

  • Chapter: 24 Reply

    I think this is a really good opening and I really love it! Pleeeeeeeeeease write more <3 <3 <3 

    December 8, 2013 | Miranda Herr