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- Last login 12/21/24
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7/12/2021 update: Happy to see the site is back up and thriving. I have some new works in the works I hope to get done.
The account to officially read No Awakening, Awakening, No Sequence, Intermingle, Dibs! A Theory Finale and Lauren & Nav: Proxy's Organization. Legacy, The Ajna Chapters and spinoff works will be officially posted under the same stated account.
My series refer to the Young Adult, General and Tragedy genre. Definitely not for preteens. I have the right voices for Kev and Phase, but I most likely won't be alive or young enough to if my series is ever established in the public. I want to get my series out tho.
For anyone if you get confused from a seemly lack of Chapter orders. MillenniumProductions books of the 2000s:
No Awakening: Energy of Consuming Anxiety
Kev's Departure, Chapter 1. Pending, Chapter 2. False Advertisements, Chapter 3. New Years, 2000, Chapter 4. Rin's Sophomore Year, Chapter 5. Flash Back, Chapter 6. Anxiety, Chapter 7. Occasional Accidents, Chapter 8. Genesis's Consciousness, Chapter 9.
No Awakening: Announcing Apple
Apple's Awakening, Chapter 1. What's Luv? Chapter 2. Signature Enemy, Chapter 3. Green Apple, Chapter 4. Positive Listening, Chapter 5. Spy Something, Sneak Peak, Chapter 6. Preview, Chapter 7. After School Nostalgia, Chapter 8. Monster Announcement, Chapter 9. Surviving Destinies, Chapter 10.
No Awakening: Legacy of Kev and Rin
Privacy/Defeating Mesmerize, Chapter 1. Millennium Best Buds, Chapter 2. Fever Sequel/Oh Boy, Chapter 3. False Enemy, Chapter 4. Confronting Millennial Self, Chapter 5. Unconscious Band Aid, Chapter 6. Opposites, Chapter 7. Awakened Positivity, Chapter 8. Consciously Tied, Chapter 9. Progressed, Chapter 10. Promise, Chapter 11.
Awakening, No Sequence:
Transitional Start, Chapter 1. Critical Memories, Chapter 2. Series Establishment, Chapter 3. Tears From Above, Chapter 4. ConFrontin' Dilemma, Chapter 5. Skipped ParticiPatience, Chapter 6. Common Enemies, Chapter 7. Last Assignment, Chapter 8. What? In School Suspension, Chapter 9. Accurate Self Developed, Chapter 10. Phased Evil, Chapter 11. Harassed Finale, Chapter 12. Featured Warnings, Chapter 13. Defeated Incorporated, Chapter 14. Transition, 15.
Intermingle: Dilemma
The Build Up Chapters: Formation of The Meteors, 1. Heads Or Tails, 2. Meteors, 3. Away, 4.
Zodiac Chapters, Great Esteem, 1. Touch of Enlightenment, 2. Regular Aid, 3. Hour of The Zodiacs, 4. Rude Awakening, 5. Island Conflict, 6. Acquaintances, 7. Kept Back A Grade, 8. Indemnity, 9. YGL, 10. Sugarcoated Trafficking, 11. Problems and Evil Zodiacs, 12. Intercourse, 13. Gyro, 14. Obstacle Course, 15. Spiraling Organization, 16. Segregated, 17. The Interruption, 18. Deviations and its Confrontations, 19. Intermit of Segregation, 20.
Metairie. Achievement of Tomorrow, 1.
Butterfly Effect: New Butterfly, 1. Affects In Tha Air, 2. Rubber Band, 3. Day of Enlightenment, 4. April's Way, 5. Crazy, 6. Meteor Connection, 7. Partial Matter, 8. Introduction of The Rose Clique, 9. Suspension Break, 10. Joe/One week later, 11. Alarm, 12. Back Together, 13. Sequence, 14. Hard Work, 15. April's Round, 16. When Butterflies Collide, 17. Love, 18.
Mama Drama Chapters: Time Capsules, 1.
Curved, Dispute, 2.
Intel: Da, 1.
Pablo Chapters: Fiesta, 1. Meteors Meet Up, 2. Overnight Update, 3. Mockingbird, 4. Vitamin C, 5. Intel, 6. River's Flow, 7. Pablo's Room, 8. Tea Party and Crying River, 9.
Entanglement, Barbarian Involvement, 1.
AOL Chapters: Further Intel, 1. Inter Mission, 2. April and Dabora, 3.
Good 'Ol Days Association/Dilemma Is Over Chapters: Band Practice, 1. Transition, 2.
Dibs! A Theory Finale
Chapter 1, Widow's Theory. Chapter 2, Reporting, Myths Assignment. Chapter 3, Wonderful. Chapter 4, Metaphor. Chapter 5, Shivering For Something To Do Tour. Chapter 6, 2005 Awakening. Chapter 7, Catering Interests. Chapter 8, Transferred, Announcing Hourglass. Chapter 9, Premise.
Lauren & Nav: Proxy's Organization
Chapter 1, Beginnings of 6. Chapter 2, Proficiencies/Refrigerated Ignorance. Unauthorized, Chapter 3. Proxy's Intuitions/Bigger Things, Chapter 4. Refrigerated Ambitions, Chapter 5. Ending, The Black Swan Effect.
My inspirations for writing: Naruto, Earthbound, 2000s nostalgia.
Shout outs to look out for in my books:
Go Go Yuberi (Kill Bill)
Ajna (Indivisible)
Dragon Ball Z
Female gender Mowgli by ordeperv (DeviantArt)
Uvogin (Hunter X Hunter)
My shout out to Ajna isn't an act of f you to her creator/Mike Z or Lab Zero, but out of love for the character. She doesn't belong to me, but literally fits the theme of my works. All credits go to Mike Z's formerly Lab Zero for creating this amazingly beautiful character. I will be featuring this character in notes I purled my heart into.
Ajna is Phase's conclusive love interest. She eats his heart at the end of the day.
I feel happy. This is my finale series, The 2000s nostalgia. Another book I can always come back to and read or think about. I'm ready to put the pin down and focus on my life, so I can create another believable pacing.
I love and appreciate my readers. And I'm sorry I can't read y'all stuff.
Commented on: December 17, 2023
I over exaggerated the story. Intermingle is a direct sequal to Awakening, No Sequence.
Like my previous works, the story is finishing at it's own pace. As much as I feel some chapters are too short, it's the story that tells me when the chapter is done. And I do feel satisfied when the chapter is over, that don't put a strain on my body, so that was really all the work I could put into them. The way how my brain just knows when a chapter is finish is extremely important to me.
Commented on: December 17, 2023
I feel like I need to complete this. A story I wish I posted a long time ago. I will write at a reasonable pace as masterfully as I can. This will be my longest story of dilemmas I will actively support.
Commented on: January 20, 2023
Strong edits are still being made, keep a look out for them. Some mistakes are even embarrassing I'm seeing more everyday. I cannot stand anime style romance or culture, elements are uninvited in my books. No Awakening is not anime. Its more Nintendo and 2000s.
Anime like influences are being deleted from every chapter and what if I know of. Those are not how my characters act.
I can't wait to complete everything.
Commented on: April 21, 2020
I have been trying to add some new characters but man I couldn't make them fit for the life of oblivion. Haha The last most recent characters that amazingly fit the 2000s era are Ring and Luka, I wish were apart of the main story of No Sequence and Proxy's Organization. Thank you to all my readers and I'm still sorry for how I handled my female characters. Adding inaccurate characters really does ruin that ginuene and authentic approach.
Commented on: April 13, 2020
Ugh. I just made one of the most serious edits, I'm retarded. In a bit chapters, I had the Kiwis act inacurately. Their magical and female. Non of that overrated ish. All of the Kiwis wear dresses that resemble the Pac-Man ghosts.
Commented on: March 28, 2020
For fans who's still been reading, I'm sorry. I got consumed with ideas that don't truly fit the easthetic of my books. Some ideas feel really wrong, its like I'm forcing the characters to do so much, I need to chill.
I'm currently in the works of making final edits of the series as a whole.
Thank you.
Commented on: August 17, 2019
Ok. As emotional as I am now, I should be just about done with the What Ifs. Everything must come to an end. I feel like I got every idea and inspiration down, which is saying something. If I add more What Ifs, its because I couldn't help it with the unreleased What Ifs I have saved. I repeat, my bad for the exploit features. Haha No Awakening and the series at its entirety is an epitome of 2000s sexual themed music videos that displayed that urge awakening quality, which the characters are fully aware of.
Thank you to the readers that got my books noticed. I'm mind blown my self. That's my legacy for you.
Commented on: May 8, 2018
To my readers, sorry if I'm doing too much. I want to be done what the series what ifs at 40 count. Thank you for the reads.
Commented on: April 16, 2018
Ok, I really appreciate Dibs! A Theory Finale now. I guess it needed time to flourish. Dibs remind me of those teachers I had in middle and high school, the sexy ones. Haha Dibs is also really fun, a life of and phenomenon like Rin. Also, 2004-2005 nostalgia.
Commented on: January 28, 2018
If you haven't read No Awakening, I wouldn't advise reading A Daily Routine.
Also, Lore is translated as What If in No Awakening. It repeats for the other books.
Commented on: October 8, 2017
Lauren & Nav: Proxy's Organization
Been nostalgic for the late 2000s that gave me some inspirations. I didn't think I would see anymore books from me after Phase because, I can't see my books without Phase. I just don't know what to do if he isn't present in general.
I really like Lauren's design Haha and how she fights. A security guard as her associate was also too interesting to pass up. Her domination is what I would refer to that takes place after the main series.
Commented on: September 19, 2017
I really would like these events to be seen now. Also, I really wish I was able to expand on locations in No Awakening. Jet Li movies like Romeo Must Die, Kiss of The Dragon and The One, gave me some inspirations.
Upcoming events: Rin's Lure, Deposit, Randomness and Practice, with Practice basically taking place right after Lilith's transition. Haha Its The Government's Liquid making its debut.
Expect another limited series of moments that take place towards the end of the 2000s, associated with The Ice Box effect. After this, I really hope this is it for me.
Commented on: September 10, 2017
Confessions time. Haha
What I really appreciate about the series finale, are the Widows. I find my self thinking more about them when I think about this part of the series. Dibs is beautiful, what else can I say. The Widows are all around fascinating to me though. Its kind of hard to understand them. Like, what are they really doing? As I imagine my self inside their palace, I can honestly feel something isn't right as if their culture has already been stable for millenniums. Its.. concerning. Living in a black shiny palace based pyramid also sounds great. It makes you think once you realize Phase ultimately destroyed their culture, unawarely. The Ruins of The Thousand Year Door theme from Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door is another theme I associate with them.
Dibs really had a creative talent.
Commented on: August 22, 2017
Improved version of No Sequence from FictionPress transferred. I also added some inspiration from Gogo Yubari to April. Hopefully they aren't noticeably similar.
Commented on: August 11, 2017
Finally go around to transferring the improved version of No Awakening from FictionPress. It was actually fun. Haha I wish I came to my senses sooner. It feels really embarrassing to have left the SparkaTale version unimproved for so long.
Instead of having Genesis lose his mind into energy, I had him become the Alien's Heart, an eternal organ. It fits more with the millennium 2000. Bad enough he's already similar to Giygas from Earthbound. I also had his base designed after a computer system unit and shaped after computer body parts because repeat, its more millennium 2000.
Will be transferring the improved version of Awakening, No Sequence sometime next week.
Commented on: August 6, 2017
I might update my edits of No Awakening and No Sequence. Their really progressed on FictionPress.
No Awakening has a 1998 chapter now. Haha It made sense and I really improved Rapter's design.
Commented on: July 7, 2017
F that. I can really praise the body of the opposite gender at times.
Commented on: May 21, 2017
I really wish my book wouldn't appear on the front page ever time I update.
Also, I meant Will Smith.
Commented on: February 2, 2017
I'm thinking of posting What If's, small events of my characters. What If is translated as Lore in No Awakening. I regret not posting a 1998 Chapter, which I have a What If event for. It will also allow me to add development to Marcus and possibly introduced an African American version of Kev, influenced by Late 90s Will Smite. Dragon Ball Z inspired No Sequence events and Dibs! Shadows of The Widow's Wrath, influenced by Paper Mario.
They won't become continuous though.
Commented on: January 21, 2017
Alright. Dibs! A Theory Finale really has a lack of meaning compared to No Awakening and No Sequence, that I consider masterpieces. I need to clear this up for any confused viewers. The plot of the 2004-2005 series is based around Dibs fascination by Phase. Phase is eventually revived by the Widows that survive based around the length of Dibs intimacy that cured his prosthetic/enucleated syndrome and realized the Widow's civilization is a paradise without trying to actually be a paradise after his suicide attempts. Phase develops intimacy for Pixel, 6er's assistant, who's personality is a ticking time bomb, unaware as her race is dying around him. As Dibs interests eventually transfers, Phase realizes this, seeing Pixel in a lifeless state with his cured eyes. The plot of the story was Dibs awareness of the Widows that revive selective thoughtful antagonists and attempt to restore the antagonist's original mentality, baby sitting his early status. Dibs was stopping Phase from healing. Its brilliant. I just couldn't executed it properly for some reason. The hourglass speaks for its self.
Also, I made all of my female characters less revealing. I apologize for that Haha I had to at first. You will only noticed the differences of my first two novels on FictionPress though.
Commented on: January 12, 2017
It was a nice run. My inspiration, creativity juice is gone and I'm happy. May still edit some bits from time to time depending on how much I think of the story.
To my audience, Thank you.
Commented on: November 10, 2016
I apologize if some of the scenes and ideas are unnecessary. The Series Finale is suppose to be Phase's paradise. Also, the adult content really fit my characters as females in music videos were just as honest adult contented during the 2000s.
Commented on: September 29, 2016
Changed Phase's Right Hand Man's design to an influenced by Pharrell Williams. I realized his first design just wasn't right. I like how he now give off that deceiving approach.
Won't make anymore heavy edits.
Commented on: September 19, 2016
I had to change Ness's gender to female. It made too much sense. Hear me out. Ness as a male was too similar to Porky, out of place, basically looked the same as Kev who already is similar to Ness from Earthbound and his early dialogue was cheesy as if I tried to hard. The Lilith female I left under the name of Ness I admit can be influenced by Left Eye of TLC. I was able to capture her personality even through the bits of false Ness's quotes that turned out to be satisfying, I couldn't make work for false Ness. The Left Eye influence of Lilith Ness's design and personality is too brilliant to the story to pass up. She adds more debt, understand and emotion. Reread chapters 1, 4 and most of saga 3 if you want to understand. Also, the negative events that does fit for a male in saga 3 I edited as a male that mysteriously became affected by the false energy.
Exclamation Alert!
Don't read this paragraph if your just reading the series.
By Chapter 27, you can see that Kev doesn't want to fight Ness, Lilith, already aware and in denial. You may have noticed in Chapter 1, Kev may would have liked to partner with his later who became an antagonist by accident, but didn't feel the same as Kev moved on. As what Kev would say, he isn't fighting Ness, just he's rather fighting the monster and negative energy aiding her. Hopefully I redeemed her properly.
I won't make anymore heavy edits.
Commented on: September 17, 2016
This is my final work in writing I plan to make as short as I can. I intended to publish Theory Finale at the beginning of September, but I want to be able to look back on my work as soon as possible.
Hope you enjoy.
Commented on: August 25, 2016
This isn't how I wanted the ending, but it made sense. Hope you enjoyed the story.
Commented on: August 10, 2016
I had to keep the facility short and simple or it would have taken away the feel of my novel I'm trying to hold on to. I hope everyone can understand the meaning behind this chapter.
Commented on: August 3, 2016
Its nice to see that No Sequence is noticed. Thank you.
Made some edits.
Commented on: July 27, 2016
The hour was worth it. With how the series beginning is constantly viewed, the unedited details needed to be respected. Hopefully I didn't make anymore unexceptional mistakes.
In case anyone was wondering, the main character isn't me. Haha
Commented on: June 4, 2016
I'm better at writing the actual story than credits. Haha Hope everyone enjoyed. Made some last edits.
Commented on: April 4, 2016
Edited fixed dialogue in past Chapters, removed unnecessary reactions. Apple's Palace changed to modern day look of the 2000s , added details to credits.
Commented on: February 2, 2016
Alright. I just finished editing my older Chapters in the best way I know how. I can honestly say I'm more proud of my work at this point. To all my viewers, thank you. If you wished to see my writing in a better light, re-read the Chapters you last read for removed rambling.
Commented on: September 19, 2015
Why does it say "Book cover not available? I have a cover I want to use, but I don't think I'm able to.
Commented on: June 1, 2015