I am a college graduate with a Bachelor's in English Literary Studies. I have been writing since the sixth grade and hope one day to write something of a quality that I would want to publish.
Ello peeps,
Recently had problems with people taking my story(s) and claiming them as their own. I will no longer be posting completed works; excluding short stories like Bad Day.
Thank you for understanding.
There really isn't much to say about me besides the fact that I am complete internet trash. I love me some youtube videos, and some good Harry Potter of Hunger Games Fanfictions.
That being said, I enjoy writing and reading fanfiction. Mainly because it's a good way for me to escape reality for awhile, into something I know and somewhere I can add to something I love.
I'm a firm believer that true happiness begins with self-acceptance. If you can't love yourself, how can someone else? Nobody else can love you, accept you, and help you as much as yourself. You are your own biggest fan. As soon as you realize that, life will get to be much more enjoyable! I know, that's easier said than done. But if I can do it, I believe in all of you too!
Feel free to send me a message! I don't bite!