Created: February 3, 2014 | Updated: February 3, 2014
Genre : Horror
Language : English
Reviews: 0 | Rating:
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She stands atop a hill with her back towards me
Her crimson locks dance with ease along the amber horizon
Her frail hands mockingly scrape at her side as if to calm an itch
Her head jerks up as she hears me approach
Her sunken eyes find mine with ease as she quickly turns my way
She reaches out to me with one arm revealing an awful wound
Her hair no longer dances; it struggles with each gust of wind to free itself from her
Her face is still familiar although it has aged beyond her years
Her eyes are sunken, her teeth deformed,
Her pigment grayed and sickly
Her face is still familiar; but, she is most definitely gone
She walks aimlessly towards me as I ready up to fire
Her crimson locks fall down to her shoulders
Her pudgy arm still reaches for me
Her bright green eyes become framed by her crooked smile
Her face is flushed and coated with the most innocent of expressions
She takes one last step and in a flash it is all gone
Her face once familiar is now completely gone.