The Biblical Qur'an, a Supernatural poem | SparkaTale


The Biblical Qur'an

By: Name Names

Created: December 18, 2014 | Updated: December 18, 2014

Genre : Supernatural

Language : English

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Reads: 206

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1 וריאציה

1 - In the name of the Lord, the most great, the most merciful.

2 - All praise is due to to God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords - The Alpha, the Omega:

3 - The ruler of the Heavens, and sovereign over all the Earth.

4 - It is he we worship, and seek forgiveness of.

5 - Oh God, guide us through the narrow path: The path of your righteousness and presence.

6 - And deliver us from the path of those that hate you, and love evil.

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