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I'm looking for someone to help edit my stories

My very careless when I'm writing, so I have a lot of mistake, but English is also my second language so I'm not super fluent at it. I need a, what some people call, beta. You up for it?

by Cosmos Unity | Nov 9th 2013, 14:47

  • Would be interested... Of course, I'm very picky. Feel free to decline. Are you looking for help on a story for just the grammar and spelling? Or some outside opinions on character and plot development too? I can tear every little thing apart because that's my nature and I have to restrain myself most of the time... I'm really not that qualified as a writer, though. I have strong opinions but no expertise to back it up. All I can say is that I try my best. Always. Would definitely be interested in giving feedback, if you wanted that. If you want someone a little more experienced, I'd understand that, too. Truthfully, I'm not very good at fixing grammatical and spelling errors without looking deep into the plot. So let me know what you think!


    Liz uli | November 10, 2013

  • Since you say you're picky, why don't you read my story first to see if you like it. Of course I have other stories too, but one of them already have an editor and the other one just doesn't seem like stories I'll be good at writing. Others I haven't written yet, but I do have a long list of what to write next. I don't think I qualify much for being a writer, but it still like to write.


    Cosmos Unity | November 10, 2013

  • Sounds like an interesting story, from reading the summary and prologue. It was too much too work with and not enough at the same time... Ah paradox! Haha, well the prologue was of course not much to base an opinion of but the setting intrigues me. On first thought, I think the summary is too long. I just want to make sure that you understand that if I help you edit... things will turn to madness and there will be red pen all over the page (theoretically). That's what all my drafts look like... even the final! And if you love to write, that's good enough for me! All I'm interested in is having fun building a story and learning. (Even if it means having my story ripped apart by a carnivorous sister, who I have to say... edits other people's college apps and spares no mercy). All I can offer is the stuff I've learned from people around me, books, and school. If you're still interested, PM me and I'll give you my email. Then you can send me stuff to edit and such.


    Liz uli | November 10, 2013

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