After the Fall, a Adventure story | SparkaTale


After the Fall

By: Luna's Child

Status: Completed


Even when times seem dire, you must never give up. Stand strong. Stand together. YouTube read-along is up: /MNKPTrTuwhw

Created: November 27, 2013 | Updated: November 27, 2013

Genre : Adventure

Language : English

Reviews: 1 | Rating:

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Favorites: 4

Reads: 580

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1: After the Fall 198
Total Wordcount: 198

Reviews (1)

  • Andrew WC

    For not having any planning done and having it come to you while listening to Two Steps from Hell (of who I am a fan) this is actually a really good poem. I found it moving, even having no context as to what was going on, but knowing the song also helps give an impression as to where this was coming from. Overall: Very good.

    April 23, 2014 Flag

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