Tiger's columbine, a Supernatural story | SparkaTale


Tiger's columbine

By: Thousnelda Raine

Status: Completed


Rufus Aceae was what most people would call intriguing. Part of this was because he was the second son to a notorious crime lord. Part of this was because he was a thief with abilities and technology his counterparts could only dream of. And part of it was the secrets which surrounded him and those close to him. All he needed to do was follow his family’s directions. But when he is forced into marriage he decides to instead follow his own tasks. But what will he need to pay for his own procrastination? Throughout history people have said there is a difference between the powerful and the rest of the world. Most of them simply do not know how correct that is…

Created: January 18, 2016 | Updated: May 10, 2016

Genre : Supernatural

Language : English

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Reads: 5611

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1: chapter 1 1094
2: chapter 2 1812
3: chapter 3 1342
4: chapter 4 919
5: chapter 5 964
6: chapter 6 1717
7: chapter 7 1760
8: chapter 8 1257
9: chapter 9 1546
10: Chapter 10 1134
11: chapter 11 906
12: chapter 12 1426
13: Chapter 13 913
14: Chpater 14 1194
15: Chapter 15 1570
16: Chapter 16 1689
17: Chapter 17 1148
18: Chapter 18 1340
19: Chapter 19 1181
20: chapter 20 1603
21: chapter 21 931
22: chapter 22 1272
23: chapter 23 686
24: chapter 24 763
25: chapter 25 1291
26: Chapter 26 940
Total Wordcount: 32398

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