Soluna: A Legendary Tale of Courage, a Fantasy story | SparkaTale


Soluna: A Legendary Tale of Courage

By: Thequeernote .-

Status: In Progress


Follow the tale of five brave adventurers in their mission to banish evil from the continent of Soluna.

Created: November 26, 2015 | Updated: January 31, 2016

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

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Favorites: 1

Reads: 4806

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1: Thera 1 1266
2: Jareq 1 1175
3: Laputa 1 1543
4: Jareq 2 2416
5: Cole 1 1109
6: Thera 2 2863
7: Cole 2 1647
8: Jareq 3 2275
9: Thera 3 1820
10: Atlas 1 1652
11: Laputa 2 2279
12: Cole 3 1341
13: Thera 4 1375
14: Atlas 2 1333
15: Laputa 3 1215
16: Thera 5 1373
17: Cole 4 1471
18: Jareq 4 1620
19: Atlas 3 1460
Total Wordcount: 31233

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