Status: Completed
Twenty-three years after the events of the Dreamer's Knight series, Jimmy Olsen Sakamota guards a small bridge in the middle of nowhere by order of King Gheraldio Iniagus the XXVII. When the king's eldest daughter is kidnapped by a dragon, however, Jimmy is sent on that most cliché of fantasy quests: to slay the dragon and save the princess.
Unfortunately for him, this is Wenapaj, and Jimmy's quest puts him face-to-face with ancient Glyche facilities, bad driving records, murderous androids, plush dolls, actors both good and bad (mostly bad), and mysterious love interests/possible hallucinations. Still, with his friends at his side, Jimmy might just have what it takes to save Sera from the Dragon.
Created: August 29, 2015 | Updated: October 13, 2015
Genre : Fantasy
Language : English
Reviews: 0 | Rating:
Favorites: 2
Reads: 19760
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