Next Moon, a Supernatural story | SparkaTale


Next Moon

By: Stewart Moshier

Status: Completed


The story of Next Moon is made by the journal of the protagonist, a boy in a small town that has had a mysterious murder occur. His father is the Sheriff, and when the man of authority comes up with little leads, the main character gets nervous about something he starts thinking and coming up with. Maybe it was him who killed the victim. He'll learn a dark secret about his family that his father had kept from him for a long time. The journal isn't long and is over the course of a month, but only certain days of interest have entries.

Created: July 16, 2014 | Updated: July 16, 2014

Genre : Supernatural

Language : English

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1: Chapter 1 176
2: Chapter 2 364
3: Chapter 3 313
4: Chapter 4 349
5: Chapter 5 513
6: Chapter 6 238
7: Chapter 7 400
8: Chapter 8 884
Total Wordcount: 3237

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