Browse Stories | SparkaTale


Secrets Of The Rosewood Garden by Michelle Lacie Kat In Progress
Michelle has always been the most curious of the reclusive Rosewoods, her desire to know and understand her family as well as herself was only hindered by the fact that such knowledge was forbidden by her great-aunts and grandmother. However, at the age of eighteen and with the impending passing of her great-grandfather, Michelle begins her transcending journey into adulthood and discovers what it really means to be a Rosewood.

Updated: June 17, 2015 | Published: June 11, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Love of a Rose-Beauty and the Beast Fan Fiction by Darci Sennett In Progress
This is an entirely different take on Beauty and the Beast. What if Belles father had never been a part of the story to begin with? Instead Belle has been living in the village alone since both her parents died, and is somewhat of a reclusive person, who dreams of adventure. What if she had heard about this mysterious castle and the Beast within from a source in town, the source being Cogsworth’s older brother who had gone to visit him and discovered the castle under enchantment? Wanting to learn the truth behind the man’s story, Belle decides to seek out the castle on her own and find herself on an adventure unlike anything she ever dreamed. * I do not own any of the original characters or plots, they belong to Disney.

Updated: June 16, 2015 | Published: May 25, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Patricke by Kain Delo Completed
Paige is an absolute idiot in every page of the dictionary.

Updated: June 15, 2015 | Published: November 25, 2014 | Reviews: 0

Unsaid by Miheal Larson 3rd Completed
As Elwin walks the streets on Christmas Eve, he sees a young couple exit a shop. As the girl parades into the street, neither see the oncoming car. As her body is being taken away, her spirit stays behind. With the help of Elwin, she must get back to her body, but also learn how to move on before she gets there.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: June 2, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Rivergreen Brothers: The Washington Winter Gang Wars by Aaron Ehrman In Progress
Book 2: After Aniyah's murder, the Brothers across Washington now find themselves past their boiling points and Mark's bloodlust has reached unquenchable levels as he leads his gang in a violent gang war that stretches across the streets of Washington and into the Prisons. And with the media following them they now find themselves going against their enemies, the police, and their concerned teachers and classmates who are trying to pull them out of the war in this heart stopping, bloody, crime drama that will leave everyone guessing.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: June 12, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge: Last Breath by Swallowing Darkness Completed
Toute sa vie, Julian a vécu heureux. Bien entouré, et lui-même de nature agréable, il avait toujours su apporter du bonheur à son existence et à celle des autres. Du moins, c’était le cas, jusqu’à ce qu’une personne chère à lui se retrouve dans l’abime et qu’il y soit entraîné.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: June 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge: Home by Swallowing Darkness Completed
« Aucune personne forte n’a connu de passé facile » Quelle est la définition d’une personne forte? Quelle est la définition d’un simple passé ? Comment pouvons-nous admettre qu’une personne soit plus forte qu’une autre en fonction de son passé ? C’est tellement général, c’est dénué de sens ! Cela peut s’appliquer à tout le monde, car tout le monde considère leurs passé comme étant rugueux, de toute façon. « Les personnes faibles se vengent, les personnes fortes pardonnent, les personnes intelligentes ignorent » Il s’apprêtait à coller une balle dans la tête de l’homme qui représentait son cauchemar. Il faut croire qu’Ethan Lane avait cessé d’être une personne forte.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: May 29, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge: Lost by Swallowing Darkness Completed
- Arrête ça tout de suite, Courtney. Tu n’es vraiment qu’une imbécile. - Tais-toi, je n’ai plus d’ordres à recevoir de toi. Courtney la regarde d’un air de défi en brandissant son couteau. - Tu crois que tu me fais peur, que tu m’impressionnes ? dit Alison. Tu n’es rien. Tu n’es absolument rien, et quoi que tu fasses, tu ne m’arriveras jamais à la cheville. - C’en est fini pour toi, Alison. Il est temps pour le soleil brillant de cesser de briller. Elle tremble de rage. Elle n’en peut plus. Elle doit le faire. Elle va le faire… Courtney va tuer sa sœur.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: May 22, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge: The Sound of Silence by Swallowing Darkness Completed
Et si au lieu de voir nous pouvions observer, apprendre à contempler la beauté et distinguer chaque couleur du monde qui nous entoure ? Et si au lieu d’entendre nous pouvions écouter chaque parole et la comprendre, chaque larme silencieuse versée, chaque mot et pensée non prononcés ? Et si au lieu de juste sentir nous pouvions percevoir les arômes et les doux parfums de la vie ? Et si au lieu de simplement goûter nous pouvions aussi apprendre à apprécier chaque délice que nous offre la vie ? Et si le fait de toucher nous maintenait en contact avec la réalité, nous gardait réunis les uns avec les autres, nous faisait ressentir davantage ? Et si...

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: May 14, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge: Riverside by Swallowing Darkness Completed
La mort… Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qu’était exactement la mort? Est-ce qu’on souffre au moment de mourir, ou est-ce qu’on ne ressent rien ? Est-ce qu’on voit notre vie défiler devant nos yeux, notre famille, nos amis, avant que tout devienne noir ? Et puis… Qu’y a-t-il après la mort ? Avez-vous une idée de ce à quoi ressemble la vie après la mort ? Y a-t-il une vie, un paradis, un au-delà ? Ou alors une sorte de monde parallèle ? Peut-être n’y a-t-il rien… Je me suis déjà posé ces questions-là de mon vivant… Et aujourd’hui j’en ai la réponse.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: May 9, 2015 | Reviews: 1

Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge: Three Wishes by Swallowing Darkness Completed
Nous voulons tous quelque chose. Et la plupart du temps, nous voudrions tout avoir. C’est dans la nature humaine, le désir. Mais comme on dit, nous ne pouvons tout avoir. Sauf que ça, Andrew ne l’a pas compris, et n’a cessé d’en demander toujours plus. Erreur...

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: May 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Experimental by Kain Delo Completed
The Yangtze Preparatory is home to many students of all kinds. It's also the home of lovebirds a plenty. (A collection of short stories with different sets of characters who go to the same school) --- Book is set as complete but will be updated with new stories whenever.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: May 26, 2014 | Reviews: 1

Breakfast by Kain Delo Completed
She wants bed in breakfast for a reason but he doesn't need to know that.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: October 23, 2014 | Reviews: 0

Fortune Cookie Monday by Kain Delo Completed
A note. That was all it took to change our fate. And all I had to do was eat at Wong's.

Updated: June 14, 2015 | Published: October 23, 2014 | Reviews: 1

Throwin' Rocks Ain't Fun by Natalie Burke Completed
Eight year old Kailey is bored and decides to amuse herself with a little rock throwing. Things don't go as planned and she finds herself in trouble with her Dad. Warning: Contains spanking of a child.

Updated: June 13, 2015 | Published: June 13, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Fantasia by Unice Chang In Progress
Arwyn has just bought Fantasia, the first fantasy-based VRMMORPG, with 99% realism that you can play while you sleep. In the game, she becomes Fey, a moon elf starting in the magical Elvenwood. Join her (and her snarky narrator who likes to interject sarcastic comments in parentheses) on her exciting, often hilarious adventures inside this magical world full of every fantasy creature you've ever encountered in books, games, and movies, and a few that you haven't. Oh, and there's something strange about the NPCs in this game... See if you can figure it out before Fey does.

Updated: June 13, 2015 | Published: August 14, 2014 | Reviews: 2

The Kingdom of Eld by Eleanor Rekoske In Progress
Long ago, before written history, one of the most prosperous lands was the kingdom of Eld. However, not too long ago, the family was attacked and everything was left in ruin. Everard is a hired assassin. His current assignment: take down the whoever remains of the Eld family.

Updated: June 12, 2015 | Published: June 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Rivergreen Brothers: A La Vie A La Mort by Aaron Ehrman Completed
Book 1: Rivergreen, the name alone conjures images of a happy suburban town outside Seattle where kids can play, families can leave their doors open at night, and everyone can get along...but that's not the case. This is the story of Marcus Smith as he endures his senior year of high school while he and his friends survive in the most dangerous town in the country that was just five years ago a battle zone for a brutal gang war. It becomes even harder when the demons of his family and a new gang come to town and turn his life upside down in this bloody crime drama. Complete.

Updated: June 12, 2015 | Published: March 12, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Diario de dos vidas by Kyo Kei Completed
Cuando los médicos le dicen a Marth que sólo tiene un mes de vida se queda un poco trastocado ante la noticia. Es entonces cuando conoce a Karen, una chica que escribe todo lo que ha vivido en un cuaderno que lleva consigo.

Updated: June 12, 2015 | Published: June 12, 2015 | Reviews: 0

A Samurai's World: Close to Extinction by Thomas Boyle In Progress
On Earth, there were people called Samurai’s. Samurai’s used swords to do a lot of things. Protect, kill and slaughter. But then a race of people called Carabro from other worlds appeared on Earth and started attacking Earth. So the Samurai fought in the war and only a few Samurai’s survived the war. How will everyone react to the new world that the Carabro created?

Updated: June 11, 2015 | Published: June 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Autobio by Tifanny Ramdayal In Progress
Fragments of the life of an unknown damaged girl.

Updated: June 11, 2015 | Published: June 10, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Plyvale by Lana O'Conner In Progress
An Orphan all her life, Zeon has kept a low profile. When a letter stating her acceptance into a gifted school for magik arrives Zeon's life quickly changes. Struggling to understand her place and the extent of her power, Zeon will face many obstacles full of danger in her pursuit of the truth.

Updated: June 10, 2015 | Published: October 15, 2014 | Reviews: 0

The Tragic Author - A Short Story by Harrison Elliott Completed
Amelia is a writer struggling to finish her greatest work, a romance novel, after having been raped. Witness her conflict in this emotional short story about the depths of mental anguish a person can reach.

Updated: June 9, 2015 | Published: June 3, 2015 | Reviews: 0

The Family Reunion - A Short Story by Harrison Elliott Completed
Skinner is a small town man living in a cabin on the outskirts of civilization but when a letter shows up notifying him of an inheritance, he must prepare to face his brutal and drunken family as they try to uncover where the money went at any cost. Prepare for blood in this brutal short story about family, regret, greed, and violence.

Updated: June 9, 2015 | Published: June 4, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Omnipotence by 3Cheers 4Tyranny In Progress
Omnipotence: the ability to be supremely almighty and invincible in every sense and aspect. What if these omnipotent beings lived among us? What if they didn't know themselves that they were Gods among men? What happens when they learn of their power? And when great power is discovered, there is always the ones who desire it.

Updated: June 9, 2015 | Published: June 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0