Writing Tips | SparkaTale


Writing Tips

Posted by Administrator on May 10, 2019 | 947 Views

It  has been a while since the last blog post so why don't we get things going again with some writing tips!

  • Read your work out loud. You’ll find mistakes your eyes won’t catch.
  • Give the reader someone they can root for.
  • Once the reader has a deep connection with a character, make something awful happen to said character.
  • When writing dialogue, avoid using adverbs after he/she said.
  • Use paragraphs to transition between concrete ideas or pieces of a story.
  • If you don't know the meaning of a word, don't just guess and use it anyway.
  • As per  Quentin Tarantino, the best way to get to know your characters is to have the two of them sit down at a table and talk.
  • "Write. Just write. Keep writing. Then write some more. If you want to write something good you have to write a lot of bad in between."

What are some tips you can provide to other SparkaTale members?

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