
Chapter 7

The Evening At The Tournament


Meanwhile, King Bobby was talking with Easeion.


" So, Easeion as you know Crayon is fighting next " said King Bobby.

" You fought against Warbler but now we are on the same side "

" Yes, I will diss Crayon during the match " said Easeion. " I will fuck with him good so good "

" Hahahaha "

" We need him to lose, I don't know about Electro as a fighter " said King Bobby. " Me, Challenger and Colour King are stronger than Crayon so Electro should have a shot "

" Electro believes Challenger to be a dick " said Easeion.

" Electro's victory will be important " said King Bobby.

" Yeah, Crayon will look so sad and useless which is the way I want him " said Easeion.

" Crayon will feel worthless , I will be smiling like the rest of the Bear "

" I want him feeling terrible, I want him to feel ashamed of himself "

" There is something I like about that "

" Well, we do need him to stay away from Warbler " said King Bobby.

" If that makes him do that, then that is good "

" Yes " said Easeion.

" I will be going " said King Bobby.

" See you later "


Electro and Oceanoke were together.


" Challenger's a dick " said Electro.

" Crayon will defend him which is not right honestly "

" It annoys me "

" Perhaps Crayon is not aware of what is happening in Colourland " said Oceanoke.

" That must be why "

" Crayon is a guy that never understood Colour King and what he did " said Electro.

" Colour King was not a dick "

" He understood Colourlandish people very well and he wanted them to not commit crimes against the country "

" Yeah, Colour King is great " said Oceanoke.

" He is a great leader "

" I am winning my fight tomorrow " said Electro. " The confidence is through the roof now "

" Good " said Oceanoke.

" Crayon must fall down and look not like a hero "

" If he was a hero, he would find Challenger to be a dick " said Electro.

" So, he isn't one "

" True, he is not one " said Oceanoke.

" I hope more Colourlandish see that he isn't one "

" I believe that they will " said Electro.


Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were together in the hotel.


" Crayon is going to look like a moron " said Xax.

" I am going to diss him during the fight " said Easeion.

" Electro is going to win " said Xax.

" We are united in our disdain for Crayon now "

" We will all be living it up and enjoying ourselves "

" Crayon will be a sad motherfucker " said Easeion.

" I do not want him to feel any joy in this tournament, his joy must be destroyed "

" As a Smithson, I will get revenge "

" Brett, Bill and Tara are counting on me so much "

" I will not let them down "

" This alliance will guarantee that " said Xax.

" Not to mention our skills "

" Yes, we are too strong " said Easeion.

" Hahahahaha " they both said.


Challenger was confronted by Blackin.


" So Challenger, you will go down " said Blackin.

" My love for Blackina is a love that cannot ever stop, I have a special desire "

" This desire is so strong "

" We'll see about that " said Challenger.

" I love Blackina so much, my love for her beautiful body will guide me to victory "

" It gives me so much power, my techniques are stronger due to that kind of loving "

" I know how to love Blackina "

" Her body ? " asked Challenger.

" I am confused here "

" Yes, you have seen her body for yourself " said Blackin.

" It is a great body, so great "

" Yes, I have " said Challenger.

" I just don't see how her body will change that "

" It doesn't add up "

" You will see for yourself " said Blackin. " Her body does so much, you will understand her body and what it will do "

" She will win her next fight "

" Challenger, you will see it for yourself "

" We will see " said Challenger.


Blackin then left towards where Blackina and Whites were and they were talking.


" Electro vs Crayon will be very interesting " said Whites.

" Easeion has promised to diss Crayon during the fight "

" We will get to see if Crayon deals with that well or not " said Blackina.

" I hope that he doesn't for our sake "

" I hope he doesn't " said Whites.

" It is better for Crayon to feel less good "

" Yeah, that would be perfect " said Blackina.

" Crayon's downfall will be good for the Bear " said Blackin.

" I will win this for Blackina "

" My cousin will do this " said Whites.

" Easeion will get to Crayon and make him screw up really bad "

" Yes, I do think he will " said Blackin.

" Hahahahaha " they all said.


Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were together with Grackle and Dove.


" Electro will be a good opponent to fight " said Crayon.

" I am ready "

" You will give him a nice asskicking, bakers want that from you " said Artby.

" I have given some good asskickings for baking, baking is very important "

" Baking is so important to a baker, bakers are very important for fighting "

" Fighting ? " asked Colourea.


" Baking is so important when I fight " said Artby.

" Bakers know that they are very important "


They do ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes, they know that they are well admired for baking, customers get it " said Artby.


" Customers understand what it means to buy bread, they never ever forget that "

" Uh, okay " said Crayon.

" We will be enjoying these fights " said Grackle.

" Same here " said Dove.

" I will be rooting Crayon on " said Colouruke.

" Bakers love us, they want us to win " said Artby.

" Baking does that, baking makes bakers want us winning a tournament "

" Baking ? " asked Dove.

" Baking is something that does so much, I will love baking more by the month " said Artby.

" Well, we should eat " said Challenger.

" Good idea " said Crayon.


They ate their supper which they enjoyed, meanwhile Warbler was with Allie.


" I am happy to see you here " said Warbler.

" King Bobby was so strong " said Allie.

" Yeah, he is very powerful " said Warbler.

" I want Crayon to beat Electro, King Bobby will be rooting for Electro "

" Yeah, that is for sure " said Allie.

" Crayon should be able to win "

" This is a fight that will be very intense " said Warbler.

" It is, I love you Warbler " said Allie.

" I love you as well, Allie " said Warbler.


Allie then kissed Warbler and they embraced each other.


Meanwhile Blackburnian was with King Bobby, Queen Starling and Diana.


" So, I heard that Easeion will diss Crayon during the fight " said Diana.

" Yes, he will do so " said King Bobby.

" Crayon has not been a friend to Warbler that he can have, I have done so much for Warbler " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler's potential is out of this world "

" If Easeion can harm Crayon, then it benefits us "

" Yes, his potential is out of this world " said Queen Starling.

" Easeion can do what is needed "

" We will save Warbler for the sake of Bird's Isle" said King Bobby. " Bird's Isle is a great place and it is place designed for Warbler "

" Warbler must be in Bird's Isle not with Crayon "

" Yes, he must come with us when you win " said Queen Starling.


" The dating site has done wonders for him, Crayon never did that for him " said Blackburnian.

" Not once "

" Yes, Electro needs a victory tomorrow " said King Bobby.

" He will get one " said Diana.

" Crayon must lose for the sake of Bird's Isle, Bird's Isle needs him to lose " said King Bobby.

" Bird's Isle needs Warbler this way, I'll never go against Bird's Isle "

" Same here " said Queen Starling.

" Bird's Isle is great " said Blackburnian.


Crayon and his friends were confronted by Easeion, Electro, Oceanoke and Xax.


" So what do we have here " said Easeion.

" This will be fun "

" You are a dick, Challenger " said Electro.

" Colour King is just saying that " said Challenger.

" He wants you against me "

" No, he is right " said Electro.

" Challenger, you have ruined this "

" Electro is right " said Oceanoke.

" He has not done that, bread goes against that " said Artby.

" Yeah, no " said Oceanoke.

" No bread will change what is going on " said Electro.

" True, bread does not change what is going on " said Oceanoke.

" Challenger's a dick " said Electro. " He's a dick to Colourland "

" That makes no sense " said Artby.

" It makes tons of sense " said Oceanoke. " I know what we are doing "

" Crayon has a match to lose tomorrow " said Xax.

" He does " said Easeion.

" He will win " said Artby.

" No, he is not going to do that " said Easeion.

" Crayon is going down "

" I will experience him losing "

" No, he is not " said Colouruke.

" Crayon will not win " said Oceanoke.

" Crayon will look like he cannot fight " said Electro.

" I will do that against him "

" I have what it takes "

" I know you do " said Oceanoke.

" We will see in our match tomorrow " said Crayon.

" Yes, we will " said Challenger.

" Well we are heading off " said Easeion. " Electro is going to win and you will look sad "

" Hahahahahaha "

" Yeah, Crayon will lose " said Xax.

" I am happy to see it " said Easeion.


They went to their seperate areas, Crayon and his friends continued talking.


" I was approached by Blackin " said Challenger.

" What did he want ? " asked Colourea.

" He was mentioning Blackina's body " said Challenger.

" He was talking about how beautiful her body is "

" What ? " asked Grackle.

" I am confused " said Colourea.

" Who knows " said Dove.

" I have no idea " said Crayon.

" Well, he will be fighting soon " said Colouruke.

" He is thinking things about Blackina's body that will not change fighting "

" Baking does, not Blackina " said Artby. " Baking helps fighting a lot "

" Bread does so much for the fighter "

" We will keep eating delicious bread which will guide us to victory "


" Uh, yeah " said Grackle.

" Yeah, we can head there before 6pm most days " said Dove.

" True " said Crayon. " I wonder who else will fight tomorrow "

" Blackin and Blackina maybe " said Colouruke.

" That is a possibility " said Challenger.

" Well, let's head to our rooms " said Dove.


They headed to their respective rooms. Meanwhile Melissa and Whites were talking.


" I am curious about what Easeion will do " said Melissa.

" I know that he will help the Bear " said Whites.

" Crayon will be off his game " said Melissa.

" We need that " said Whites. " He will feel so weak, the way we want him "

" Electro will have no problem " said Melissa.

" He will shock Crayon in the fight " said Whites.

" Crayon will look hopeless, the lack of hope is what we all want " said Melissa.

" You are someone I admire "

" Thanks, you too as well " said Whites.

" I like hearing that " said Melissa.

" I am glad you do " said Whites.

" I am happy you are here with us, you are truly a great Bear member "

" I am " said Melissa.


The two of them embraced, Crayon and Colourea were talking.


" I love you " said Crayon.

" Same as well " said Colourea.

" I will fight hard tomorrow " said Crayon.


Crayon and Colourea were kissing each other while embracing each other at the same time.


Meanwhile Warbler was called by King Bobby.


" Warbler, you know what is going to happen tomorrow " said King Bobby.

" Electro is fighting Crayon " said Warbler.

" We must support Electro for the sake of Bird's Isle, we must want Electro to win " said King Bobby.

" It will be an intense fight " said Warbler.

" Electro is strong "

" Warbler, Electro will take him down " said King Bobby.

" Electro is working with Colour King, who is going to bring back the partnership "

" I will see you tomorrow morning "

" See you then " said Warbler.


Meanwhile, Blackin and Blackina were kissing each other and were talking.


" Your body, it's beauty is great " said Blackin.

" There are so many beautiful parts of it "

" Thanks, I need that " said Blackina.

" I love hearing that "

" Our love and our power will make us gain a tremendous victory " said Blackin.

" Our desires for each other are so strong " said Blackina.

" Yes, nobody can love as much as I can ever " said Blackin.

" I am just too much in love for you, Blackina it seems to be "

" It is my Bear leader darling " said Blackina.

" Yes, it is me " said Blackin.


Eventually, night came and everyone went to bed.


Morning came, everyone came downstairs for breakfast.


" Crayon, enjoy being sad " said Easeion.

" You are going to lose "

" I am looking forward to this elimination "

" I mean it's great that Crayon will be gone this early "

" Woohoo "

" Crayon has a fight to lose today, Crayon's losing " said Xax.

" The fight will decide this " said Challenger.

" Crayon has shown lots of skill "

" Electro, you are ready " said Colour King. " You must make the next round and fight Challenger "

" Challenger's a dick, I will beat Crayon " said Electro.

" Yes " said Oceanoke. " I will be rooting for you to defeat Crayon, he has not understood Colourland "

" Yeah, it seems that way " said Colourclever.

" Understood Colourland ? " asked Artby. " Baking helps him understand it "

" He understands what bread does for it "

" That does not make sense to be honest " said Colourclever.

" Crayon does not get the harm that Challenger has done for Colourland "

" I have to agree " said Colour Dictator.

" Challenger is not a leader that we believe is a good one "

" This is why we want Colour King " said Colour Administrator.

" It does make sense, bread has helped his mouth taste better " said Artby. " His mouth is one of the best mouths now "

" Baking has tranformed his mouth "

" What Colourclever said is proving to be true " said Colour Dictator.

" I don't think that bakers have transformed his mouth but I believe that Crayon understands Colourland " said Colouruke.


" Crayon will be sad and frustrated " said Easeion. " He will beg for Colourea, I will enjoy this "

" I will love him losing the fight "

" This moment is huge "

" You won't get that satisfaction " said Crayon.

" Crayon, you are going to look like a dumbass today, that is just how it will be " said Xax.

" Yes, he will look like one " said Easeion.

" Yeah right " said Colourea.

" He will look like one " said Easeion. " I will be laughing my ass off "

" We will be living it up at the stadium when he loses the fight " said Xax.

" Yeah, it will be awesome seeing him lose the fight " said Easeion.

" He won't lose " said Grackle.

" Grackle, you are not right about that " said Colour Administrator.


" What proof do you have ? " asked Dove.

" I know what Electro can do " said Colour Administrator.

He will shock Crayon with his electrical techniques "

" Yes, I will succeed " said Electro.

" That is true, you will " said Oceanoke.

" We all want his victory " said King Bobby. " I care about Warbler, Crayon has not been a good friend to him "

" I have done so much for Warbler, it is not good for Bird's Isle if Crayon hangs out with him "

" Who Warbler hangs out with can change Bird's Isle a lot "

" Warbler must have great friends not friends that interfere with what is going on between him and Allie "

" Warbler loves Allie a lot "

" I don't see that " said Colourea.

" Colourea, you are just not getting it " said King Bobby. " You are not aware of Bird's Isle and the connection that Warbler has to it "

" Bird's Isle is counting on Electro " said Diana.


" They sure are, my brother Warbler needs this victory " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler needs a life that is better "

" My brother means too much for Crayon to win these fights "

" I will win this match today " said Electro.

" Yes " said Queen Starling.


They then enjoyed their breakfast which they ate, after that everyone then headed to the stadium.


" This match means so much for Warbler " said Lord Grackle.

" Warbler is a man that we will make sure is saved from Crayon " said Curtis.

" He cannot hang out with Crayon " said Draco.

" Yeah, it's not good for Warbler " said Rourke.

" Bird's Isle needs Warbler not hanging out with Crayon " said Curtis.

" That is why Electro will win " said Draco.

" The partnership with Colour King must happen" said Rourke.

" Yes, go Electro " said Draco.

" He will beat Crayon " said Rourke.


Crayon and Electro got into their respective areas.


" Crayon, I will never allow you to defend Challenger " said Electro.

" I will fight hard " said Crayon.

" Challenger has been a dick " said Electro.

" Defending him is never acceptable "

" I will not put up with it "

" Why not ? " asked Crayon.

" He has not been good for Colourland ever, Colour King must be in charge there " said Electro.


" I will fight for him and his vision for Colourland "

" His partnership with King Bobby must happen, it was so great "

" It really wasn't " said Crayon. " Lots of nations were invaded that were not threats to either Colourland or Bird's Isle honestly "

" Challenger has been too much of a dick, anyone that defends him must fall down " said Electro.

" I cannot let you support him like this "

" You must understand what I am saying "


2: Two

Chapter 8

Crayon vs Electro


An announcement came on.


" Crayon and Electro will be fighting in five minutes "

" There will be three matches today "

" Enjoy the fights "


Meanwhile people were talking.


" Man, I cannot wait for this " said Oceanoke.

" Electro will finish Crayon off "

" He will look like a sad motherfucker " said Easeion.

" I love him sad "

" There is something wonderful about Crayon being sad "

" We will be living it up when we see that " said Xax.

" Yeah, it will be awesome " said Easeion.

" Hahahahaha " they both said.

" I should be fighting soon " said Blackin. " Crayon will crumble hopefully "

" He will not win today " said Blackina.

" His elimination is what we all want here " said Whites.

" He will look foolish out there " said Melissa.

" Hahahaha, Crayon's no winner "

' He most certainly is not " said Whites.

" Bear members will make it further than him "

" Go Electro " said Colour Administrator.

" Colourland is at stake here "


" No, it isn't " said Challenger. " This is a tournament here "

" Colourland must be ruled by me " said Colour King.

" You can't really believe that "

" Unfortunately he does " said Colour Queen.

" Colourlandish people love Colour King and were happy to be ruled by him "

" Well, it is true " said Artby. " Baking is what creates winners "

" Bread does so much, Crayon will not lose thanks to bread "

" Bread is amazing "

" Hahahahaha " said Easeion. " No baker can stop the end of Crayon "

" Fear will awaken within him, with no hope for him in this tournament "

" I love the lack of hope "

" Same here, bro " said Xax.

" Well this should be a good battle " said Warbler.

" It will, Electro will be the victor " said Queen Starling.

" Bird's Isle is counting on Electro, go Electro go " said Blackburnian.

" No, it isn't " said Grackle.


" How could you disrespect Warbler like that " said Blackburnian.

" Crayon has been one of the worst friends for him ever "

" He has not understood his potential, the great meals he has eaten "

" Meals ? " asked Dove.


" Yes, Warbler means so much for Bird's Isle " said Blackburnian. " When Warbler hangs out with Crayon it is not good for Bird's Isle "

" When Warbler is with us advisors, it is good for Bird's Isle "

" Yes, it is for the best " said Curtis.

" I don't see that " said Challenger.


" Well, then you are wrong " said King Bobby.

" This is why I prefer Colour King "

" He is a brilliant leader just like myself "

" Colour King is the best " said Colourclever. " He has made Colourland such a good place "

" Yes, Colourland was brilliant under him " said Colour Dictator.

" Challenger is no Colour King " said Colourclever.


The fight then was about to start, Easeion was giving Crayon the thumbs down and booing him while Xax was laughing.


Xax then started booing while Easeion started talking.


" Crayon's losing "

" The embarrassment of Crayon is here "

" It is time for Crayon to lose the fight and everyone to see "

" I will love everyone seeing that "

" Same here, bro " said Xax.


Crayon then started charging up his Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Electro used his Ultimate Disaster Bomb.


" So, now you see my new power " said Electro.

" You will see my improved ability " said Crayon.

" I will make sure that a dick like Challenger will not succeed " said Electro.

" Colour King has not been one, he has been so good for people "

" What people would those be ? " asked Crayon.

" Great people from Colourland " said Electro. " People who see the type of leader that Colour King is, we need more like him "

" Colour King is amazing "

" He is a great leader "


Crayon then fired off his Ultimate Bird Bomb while Electro used the Ultimate Disaster Blast, the attacks collided with each other.


" Electro's got this " said Oceanoke.

" He sure does " said Colour Queen.

" Crayon is going down " said Colour Dictator.

" I must rule Colourland, the people need that " said Colour King.

" They need a leader that is more Colourlandish than Challenger "

" Colour King is that leader " said Colour Administrator.


Electro then started charging his Disaster Implosion while Crayon used his Bird Implosion, the attacks collided.


" Hahahahaha " said Electro.

" I am feeling great out here "

" I will keep fighting, let's go " said Crayon.

" Yes, let's do so " said Electro.


Electro and Crayon then started punching and kicking each other, knocking each other down to the ground.


Electro used his Disaster Implosion again while Crayon used his Heatwave Implosion, the attacks hit their respective targets.


Electro then got up, he used his Tenfold Disaster Strike while Crayon used his Tenfold Bird Strike, the attacks then hit each other and they went to the ground.


Electro then used his Electrical Barrage which directly hit Crayon and knocked him down.


" Crayon, face my electric power " said Electro.

" Hahahaha "

" You will see the end "

" No, I still have a lot more " said Crayon.

" Well, let's see it " said Electro.


Electro then fired his Disaster Implosion while Crayon used his Heatwave Implosion to counter, they were both hit down to the ground.


" Electro has got this " said Lord Grackle.

" We need his victory " said Colour King.

" Crayon losing means so much to Bird's Isle " said Queen Starling.

" Yes, when he loses we must celebrate " said King Bobby.

" He is still fighting " said Artby. " Bread keeps him fighting, bread has strengthened Crayon in many ways "

" You can tell that bakers love the man and want more bread in his mouth "


" They just say that for the money " said Melissa.

" Melissa has a point " said Whites.

" That is true, they just want Artby's money " said Easeion.

" Bakers will get it from him " said Xax.


" No, bread has made Crayon's mouth a better mouth which is great " said Artby.

" His mouth is so good now "

" A better mouth ? " asked Melissa.

" That does not make sense at all "

" Crayon will lose, bakers have done nothing for the man except make some money off him "


We all will witness him losing " said Blackina.

" Yes, he isn't going to win " said Melissa.

" He is not on the level of Blackin " said Easeion.

" I have confidence in Crayon when it comes to losing fights "

" I will get to see him lose the fight "

" Hahahahahahaha "

" Easeion, we beat him " said Colouruke.

" Blackin is more in love with me and more powerful now " said Blackina. " His love is so strong, the power that has been created from it is out of this world "

" I love Blackin "

" I love you, Blackina " said Blackin.

" Thank you, Blackin " said Blackina.


The fight continued, Crayon then rushed Electro with his Tenfold Heatwave Strike while Electro used his Electric Barrage. They both took damage but they both were able to get up.


Electro then used his Ultimate Disaster Blast while Crayon used his Ultimate Bird Bomb, the attacks collided with each other. Electro was slightly struggling but he got up.


" You are stronger than I thought " said Electro.

" Challenger is too much of a dick for me to quit "

" He has been one to Colourland "

" I just don't see that " said Crayon.

" Crayon, you know better than that " said Electro.

" You can support Colour King, he is not a dick "

" Challenger's a dick "

" I don't support him, he has gone so far " said Crayon.

" He has gone so far for Colourland and the Colourlandish people " said Electro.

" Challenger did not do that, let's fight "


Electro then fired his Ultimate Disaster Bomb while Crayon used his Ultimate Bird Blast to counter, they both were hit.


Crayon then used his Bird Implosion while Electro used his Disaster Implosion, they both were knocked down to the ground.


Electro was getting near the end but he got up.


" Electro cannot lose " said Oceanoke. " This cannot end like that "

" Bakers want that " said Artby.

" They have nothing to do with this tournament " said Colourclever.

" Bakers and tournaments are connected by baking, baking does so much " said Artby.

" Baking ? " asked Colour Dictator.

" Artby, you are not going to fool us "

" I'm not fooling people, I just love baking " said Artby.

" Baking's going to give Crayon the victory, bakers have loved Crayon too much as a customer for him to lose the fight "

" Hahahahaha " said Easeion. " I do not see that being true in any way "

" I have been booing him "

" I will break him "

" How has that been working ? " asked Challenger.

" I am booing him right now " said Easeion.

" He must have not heard me, I will start yelling right now "

" The Smithsons would want me to do so "

" I am proud to be a Smithson "


Easeion then starting booing extremely loud and Crayon noticed. He then started dissing towards Crayon and then people saw.


" Easeion is showing his frustrations towards Crayon " said King Bobby.

" I don't think Crayon is going to care " said Challenger.

" Easeion's anger can wait for Crayon "

" His fight with Electro is more important to Crayon "

" His anger will do something here " said Blackin.

" I have to agree " said Blackina.

" I know it will " said Whites.


Xax then started doing some dissing towards Crayon and some booing but not as loud as Easeion.


" You guys are great " said Blackin.

" Hahahahahaha, I love seeing this "

" I am glad you enjoy it " said Easeion.

" I was happy to boo Crayon and show the displeasure I have "

" Crayon will be brought down " said Whites.

" Electro is not going to win the fight " said Colourea.

" This booing will bring him down " said Easeion. " I can destroy morale a lot, I have been a huge morale destroyer when I want to be "

" I will make sure of this "

" I want the morale ruined for Crayon "

" Hahahahahahaha "

" Morale destroyer ? " asked Colouruke.

" I am just lost " said Grackle.

" Same here " said Dove.

" I have never heard of anything like that " said Challenger.

" Grackle, you don't get how I am " said Easeion. " You will be crushed by me and look really stupid "

" Hahahahaha "

" I am talented "

" Yeah, I think not " said Dove.

" Dove, he will win " said Xax.

" I will be happy to see him get his victory for sure "

" Same here " said Melissa.

" Bear members will always support each other "


Crayon then was irritated by the booing but not enough to distract him much. Electro then landed a punch but Crayon then was able to kick him. Electro fired off his Disaster Implosion with the last bit of energy but it was not enough to defeat Crayon who won the fight.


A voice came on.


" Crayon has won the fight, Blackin fights Oceanoke in 90 minutes from now "

" Good fighting here "

" I hope you all have enjoyed these fights so far "


People were talking about the defeat of Electro.


" I am pissed " said Oceanoke. " I really thought he would win this "

" I must beat Blackin "

" This will be a great fight " said Colour King.

" You must win "

" I will do just that " said Oceanoke.

" Oceanoke, you are part of this partnership " said King Bobby.

" My advisors and Colour King's officials are all part of it, we will get rid of Challenger "

" Then, I can give Warbler the life he needs while you can take over Colourland "

" You are an important part of this "

" You guys won't succeed " said Colourea.

" Yes, we will " said Colour Queen.

" Colourland will belong to Colour King, a man that is so Colourlandish "

" I am so Colourlandish, the people know that " said Colour King.

" Challenger has not succeeded in being Colourlandish "

" Yes, he must go " said Colour Dictator.

" I must win to get my crack at him " said Oceanoke.


" I will enjoy this battle, we must get rid of Crayon and Challenger " said Blackin.

" I am in love way too much to let them succeed instead of Blackina "

" I have a desire for Blackina that is so strong, that it cannot ever be stopped "

" I love way Blackina so much, no one will ever love someone in that way "

" Well, that is something that is no guarantee " said Colourea.

" Yes, it is " said Blackina.

" My cousin has loved Blackina so much, I don't think that anyone could surpass that " said Whites.


The fighters left the stadium, Easeion was talking with Xax.


" I am not happy about the results " said Easeion.

" It looks like I did not diss him enough, or Electro did not think that Crayon would have the talent he ended up having "

" I thought what I did would do more "

" I am pissed off to see Crayon in the next round "

" If Electro cannot beat Crayon, Oceanoke will not be able to beat Blackin " said Xax.

" Blackin is a man who truly loves Blackina "

" Blackin is so strong "

" When have any of Crayon or his friends done that ? "

"  His love for Blackina is something that you do not see that often " said Easeion.

" His power and his love for Blackina are truly legendary "

" They love each other so much "

" When Crayon's friends fight, I will be dissing them "

" Same here, I will say some trash talk " said Xax.

" I will also boo as well "

" Crayon is in the round of 16, we must diss him mercilessly "

" Yeah, hopefully he will be facing someone really unstoppable " said Easeion.

" I do not want him winning this tournament "

" If that happens, he will not be sad "

" I want him that way, the Bear does as well "

" Crayon being sad is so important "

" Yes, it must happen and it will " said Xax.

" I know it will "

" I do believe in our abilities to do so " said Easeion.

" Crayon will be hurt "


They then met with Melissa and Whites.


" Hello " said Whites.

" Hi " said Melissa.

" Glad to see you two " said Easeion.

" My cousin will steamroll this tournament " said Whites. " He will likely marry Blackina after "

" It will be such a good wedding "

" It will be truly for the Bear "

" Yes, it will be great " said Melissa.


" It will be a special marriage " said Whites. " I will be the best man "

" It will be a great wedding " said Xax.

" We will be great support for them " said Easeion.

" I have a lot of respect for Blackin and Blackina, they have done so much for me "

" Same here " said Melissa. " They truly are great "

" They will take this tournament "

" Yes, they will do so " said Whites.

" I will be a great best man for the wedding "

" I know you will be " said Xax.

" It will be an amazing moment "

" Yeah, it will be great to see a wedding like that " said Easeion.


Meanwhile, Crayon and his friends were talking.


" I am glad I won " said Crayon.

" Yeah, now you and Challenger are in the Round of 16 " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, it's great " said Colourea.

" Blackin vs Oceanoke will be an interesting match " said Dove.

" Blackin is the favourite " said Artby. " Baking has guided us, bread has truly done wonders for Crayon "

" My mouth feels so much better a mouth now, bakers have truly done magic with my mouth "

" Flour is their wand "


" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Their baking feels like a spell of taste " said Artby.

" I will never tire of bakers, my purchases have saved my mouth and made it better honestly "

" Saved your mouth ? " asked Grackle.

" Spell of taste ? " asked Colouruke confused.

" Grackle, bakers have saved it " said Artby.

" Colouruke, baking does feel that way to me "

" Saved it from what ? " asked Grackle.

" From not being the great mouth it is today " said Artby.

" Bakers have used mouth magic for special mouth transformations "

" Artby " said Colouruke.

" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.

" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, I am pretty confused by this " said Crayon.

" Crayon, bakers will guide you on this mouth journey which bread will help you understand " said Artby.

" Artby, we are just confused by this " said Colourea.

" My purchases can help " said Artby.

" I'm not sure that bread can do that " said Dove.


" Baking is how bakers make us understand each other more " said Artby. " Our mouths are special gateways for bread to allow our mouths to be transformed which makes them better mouths "

" Gateways ? " asked Colouruke.

" Colouruke's mouth is the gateway for baking, so that bakers can understand him with bread " said Artby.

" We have great gateways that can be understood by bakers, baking and bread "


Meanwhile Colour King was with Colour Queen, Queen Starling and King Bobby.


" Oceanoke must win " said Colour King.

" Electro could not beat Crayon but Blackin may be weaker " said Colour Queen.

" Oceanoke must fight very hard "

" Yes, this partnership must happen " said King Bobby.

" Crayon must stay away from Warbler "


" We have this great unity here, we must build on it " said Queen Starling.

" Challenger is our greatest threat " said Colour Queen.

" He will fall before me, I love the people and I will fight for them not to be ruled by Challenger " said Colour King.

" He cannot rule Colourland anymore, it has been disastrous " said Colour Queen.

" Crayon failed to be Colourlandish enough "

" So did Challenger, Colouruke, Artby and Colourea " said Colour King.

" I am extremely Colourlandish, we need more people like myself "

" My opinion is what Colourland has needed "


" Yes, me and you are the best leaders " said King Bobby.

" My advisors will make sure Crayon and his friends will never talk to Warbler again "

" Bird's Isle is too important for Warbler to be hanging out with the wrong people which is what Crayon and his friends are now "


Warbler is a good guy, they just use him for purposes against Bird's Isle "


More time continued passing and the fight between Oceanoke and Blackin was 30 minutes away.


3: Three

Chapter 9

Oceanoke vs Blackin


Blackin was with Blackina.


" I will show my love for you, Blackina in the fight " said Blackin.

" I love hearing that " said Blackina.

" When such a beautiful body is around me, I will not lose " said Blackin.

" Your body has made me a better fighter, I think about it so much "

" It is a stunning body "

" I have a powerful desire for you, it will never be cracked "

" I love you so much "

" My love for you is also very strong and powerful, I love this desire you have and you as well " said Blackina.

" I am so happy to see that you are here "

" Nobody can love like I can " said Blackin. " Nobody will ever love a woman as much as I love Blackina, it is not possible "

" I am glad you are saying this "


Blackin and Blackina were making out with each other and they embraced as well.


After that, Blackin headed to the arena where Oceanoke was as well.


At the stadium, people were talking.

" I believe that is me " said Colour King.

" Colour King has a great opinion " said Colour Administrator.

" Yes, his opinion must be protected from thoughts that are not Colourlandish ones " said Colourclever.

" Yes, that is true " said Colour Queen.


" What thoughts are you talking about ? " asked Crayon.

" Thoughts that encourage people to protest against Colourland " said Colour Dictator. " We need people to not protest because it makes them less Colourlandish "

" We need people more Colourlandish, not less "


" That is for sure " said Colourclever.

" When we are more Colourlandish, we are a better place which Challenger just doesn't get "

" Baking has helped him " said Artby. " His mouth is a gateway for bakers "

" You are not correct " said Colour Administrator.

" Colour King is a leader that Colourlandish people absolutely love, Colourlandish people are kept Colourlandish which is what they need to be "


" Baking bread helps people " said Artby. " Bakers understand that our mouths are great gateways for them to use bread to understand us "

" Gateways ? " asked Colour King.

" Regardless of those, we must be Colourlandish "

" I don't really believe in mouths being gateways " said Colourclever.

" At the moment, we are about Colourland "

" Colourclever is right " said Colour Dictator.


The match was about two minutes away, Oceanoke and Blackin were talking.


My love for Blackina will drive me to success " said Blackin. " I have loved Blackina so much, I have felt stronger due to that powerhouse love "

" C'mon " said Oceanoke.

" It matters not for this fight "

" I will fight for Electro, but I have trained my water abilities very strong "

" I understand your feelings for Blackina "


" My feelings are so strong " said Blackin. " Nobody has loved someone like that ever "

" Nobody has, my love is so strong for her "

" Regardless of that, I will give it my all and win this battle " said Oceanoke. " You will see amazing water techniques here "

" Yes, I will " said Blackin.

" I will give it everything " said Oceanoke.


The fight began, Oceanoke and Blackin were aiming punches at each other.


Blackin then kicked Oceanoke but Oceanoke then got back up and then he aimed two direct punches on Blackin.


Oceanoke then started charging for his Ultimate Deepsea Bomb while Blackin then used his Ultimate Bear Bomb. The attacks collided with each other.


Oceanoke got up and he used his Oceanic Barrage while Blackin used his Tenfold Bear Strike, they both hit each other.


Oceanoke then used his Ultimate Deepsea Blast while Blackin used his Ultimate Bear Blast, they both hit each other.


Other competitors were talking.


" Blackin is a great man " said Whites. " My cousin is winning this fight "

" He loves me so much " said Blackina. " He does so much for me "

" His desire for me is so strong, I love it "

" Oceanoke has skill, but Blackin is literally unstoppable " said Xax.

" He has done so much for the Bear in the past "


" Yeah, he's great " said Melissa.

" He is, I am so in love " said Blackina.

" I cannot stop loving Blackin, he is right when he says that nobody can love as much as he does "

" I will marry him, it will be a wedding full of great love "

" It will, I can sense the feelings " said Melissa.

" Same here " said Whites.

" I am proud to be his cousin "


The fight then continued.


Blackin then used his Bear Implosion while Oceanoke used his Deepsea Implosion.


They both then got up, Blackin then punched Oceanoke down.


" You have shown some strength here " said Blackin.

" My love for Blackina is too important for me to lose this fight "

" Well, there is prize money " said Oceanoke.

" I know what that means "

" Not to mention Colourland "

" Yes, me and Blackina will fight so hard to be the final two " said Blackin. " I have shown my feelings for Blackina more times than can be counted "

" Her beautiful body is out of this world "

" What involving Colourland ? "

" I still don't see how this will have an impact in a fight " said Oceanoke.

" Challenger must be replaced "

" Challenger is not good for Colourlandish people like Colour King "

" Electro lost to Crayon which is something that has pissed me off "

" Electro is a great guy, Colour King sees it "

" Well, Crayon must be stopped " said Blackin. " I have confidence that he will lose in the next round "

" Same here " said Oceanoke.

" Good " said Blackin.


The fight then continued, Blackin then rushed Oceanoke with his Tenfold Bear Strike. Oceanoke then used his Oceanic Barrage to counter the attack, they both took damage.


Blackin got up first and he started charging his Ultimate Bear Blast, Oceanoke used the Deepsea Implosion. They both fell down to the ground.


They both got back up, Oceanoke then punched down Blackin to the ground.


Blackin was able to get up first, he then started charging for the Ultimate Bear Bomb while Oceanoke used his Ultimate Deepsea Blast to counter the attack. They both fell down.


Oceanoke then got up and he used his Deepsea Implosion while Blackin used his Bear Implosion, the attacks collided with each other.


Blackin then got up while Oceanoke did, they both grabbed each other. They then were shoving each other and they both then fell to the ground.


Blackin then got up and he charged his Bear Implosion while Oceanoke then used his Ultimate Deepsea Bomb to counter the attack. They both were knocked down to the ground.


Oceanoke was slightly struggling but he was able to keep fighting.


" I will fight for Electro " said Oceanoke.

" Crayon will fall down "

" Well, that is something we can both agree on " said Blackin.

" Me and Blackina are tired of him "

" His demise means a lot to many people in this tournament "

" Well, we should keep fighting " said Oceanoke.

" I will not give up "


Meanwhile, fighters were talking.


" Blackin appears to have the edge " said King Bobby.

" Oceanoke is not finished yet " said Colour King.

" He has more "

" Yes, he will keep fighting hard " said Colourclever.

" The winner of this fight will take down Crayon " said Queen Starling.

" Warbler can no longer hang out with him "

" Crayon has let down Warbler " said Diana.

" That is most certainly true " said Rourke.

" Crayon is not who he says he is, nor what his friends claim " said Draco.

" True, they are not telling the truth about him " said Curtis.

" When he has bad friends it is not good for Bird's Isle " said Blackburnian.

" I have done so much for Warbler "

" Yes, you have " said King Bobby.

What does that have to do with Bird's Isle ? " asked Grackle.

" Warbler is from there " said Diana.

" You must know that, don't you ? "

" I think he does but he doesn't see the harm that Crayon does " said Blackburnian.

" I do, but Bird's Isle is not impacted by him hanging out with Crayon " said Grackle.

" Grackle is right, Bird's Isle is not affected by Crayon and Warbler hanging out " said Dove.

" Crayon has not been harmful towards Warbler " said Artby.

" Warbler is a big part of Bird's Isle being the brother of the head advisor " said Lord Grackle.

" He is very important to Bird's Isle "

" Crayon has not been a good friend "

" No advisor will tell you has been a good one "

" Grackle, you aren't showing me that you understand what is going on with Warbler " said Curtis.

" Yeah, he doesn't " said Draco.

" He does " said Dove.

" No, he really does not " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler is my brother "

" I will do what it takes, no matter what "

" Good " said King Bobby.

" Grackle and Dove are trying to mislead us "

" We will not allow them to do so "

" Warbler must be careful around them as well "

" Yes, he must " said Queen Starling.

" We will make sure that Warbler will be in good hands "


The fight then continued, Oceanoke then fired off his Deepsea Implosion while Blackin used his Bear Implosion. The attacks hit their targets and they were both knocked down to the ground.


Blackin and Oceanoke then got up, Blackin then used his Tenfold Bear Strike while Oceanoke used his Tenfold Deepsea Strike. Oceanoke was getting near the end.


" I will not quit " said Oceanoke.

" It is time for my finishing blow " said Blackin.

" It is for Blackina as well, her great body means so much to me "

" My love is a love that never goes away "

" My power is strong "

" I will give it my all with my next attack " said Oceanoke.

" Get ready, Blackin "

" I will be, Oceanoke " said Blackin.


Fighters in the stands were talking.


" So, this is it " said Easeion.

" My original boss of the Bear is so strong, I just wish that my siblings and my father were here to see all of this "

" Brett was a great man "

" Yes, he sure was " said Xax.


" Bear members will be the final " said Melissa.

" Yeah, for sure " said Blackina.

" The love that I have with Blackin is not like any kind of love "

" I love him so much "

" He always returns the favour as well "


Blackin then charged his Bear Implosion with tons of power while Oceanoke then used his Deepsea Implosion. The attacks then hit their targets directly and Oceanoke was defeated.


Blackina was extremely happy and she blew a kiss directly from the stands and smiled towards Blackin also.


" This victory is for Blackina a lot " said Blackin.

" My feelings are connected with her feelings, creating a powerhouse love "

" I love Blackina "

" Our love is so strong "


Both of them then headed into the stands.


An announcement came on.


" Blackin has defeated Oceanoke and has advanced into the Round of 16 "

" The next match is Blackina vs Grackle "

" This match will take place 2 hours from now "

" It is the last fight for today "


Everyone then headed outside the stadium.


Crayon and his friends were all talking.


" Blackina will be tough " said Grackle.

" I will fight hard "

" You got this " said Dove.

" Baking will help Grackle " said Artby. " Bakers have a respect for him "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Good luck " said Colouruke.

" Thanks " said Grackle.


" It will be an intense battle " said Challenger.

" Baking does lots in intense battles, bread makes us more intense " said Artby.

" More intense ? " asked Grackle.

" Yes, it does " said Artby. " Baking plays a big role in this tournament "


" I know the winner is someone who goes to bakeries "

" Baking does so much for fighting "

" Well, we can get bread after the fight " said Colourea.

" Sounds like a plan " said Colouruke.

" Our mouths need baking, bread has made them so good as mouths " said Artby.


Meanwhile, Blackin and Blackina were talking.


" I am so glad to see you win " said Blackina.

" It makes me feel so great "

" Yes, I was thinking about you as well " said Blackin.

" I do, our love is great "

" It sure is, we will have a great wedding after your victory of the whole thing " said Blackina.

" It will celebrate our love, a love that is stronger than anything " said Blackin.

" Bear members will get to witness our love as well "


Blackin kissed Blackina and they embraced again.


Easeion was with Xax, Blackburnian and Diana.


" Grackle is going to look like a moron out there " said Easeion.

" I know that "

" Yeah, he cannot beat Blackina " said Xax.

" Blackina is so strong "

" He does not understand that Crayon cannot hang out with Warbler " said Diana.

" He is purposely doing that " said Blackburnian.

" I hope that Blackina wins "


" She will " said Xax.

" Grackle does not have the skill to defeat her "

" Warbler must be safe from bad friends " said Diana.

" Yeah, Crayon has been a joke as a friend " said Blackburnian.

" He has not allowed Warbler to be the way that is good for Bird's Isle "

" Bird's Isle needs that for Warbler "

" Warbler is such a great guy, everyone in Bird's Isle knows this and loves this about him "

" Crayon's friends must lose " said Diana.

" They will, they are not good enough " said Xax.

" They will not win this tournament " said Easeion.

" I will probably be booing Grackle today, I want none of Crayon's friends winning any fight "

" I hope others can boo as well "

" Yeah, we can do that " said Xax.

" They must be eliminated for our sake "

" The Bear do not want friends of Crayon winning fights "

" The organization doesn't like it "

" Well, it was good talking to you two " said Blackburnian.

" I am glad that Crayon's friends are not liked by all "

" Same here " said Diana. " I wonder who Queen Starling will be fighting "

" I am not sure but I would assume that she will win her fight " said Blackburnian.

" Not even us are as strong as her "


They then left, Colour King was with his government officials.


" Grackle will be fighting today " said Colour King.

" King Bobby is very opposed to him "

" Yes, we want Blackina winning this match " said Colour Queen.


" I have heard that Blackburnian especially dislikes Grackle " said Colourclever.

" He believes that he is a bad friend to Warbler " said Colour Dictator.

" Grackle will lose " said Colour Administrator.

" With Electro and Oceanoke gone so soon, we must be flawless "

" That is true " said Colourclever.

" Yes, we must make Colourland more Colourlandish a place " said Colour King.

" I am the most Colourlandish person ever, my opinion is the best opinion that anyone can have "

" Yes, you are extremely Colourlandish " said Colour Administrator.

" If Challenger wins, there will be these protests " said Colourclever.


" Fuck protests " said Colour Dictator.

" Have we ever needed that "

" No, we do not "

" Colourlandish people do not need to protest "

" None of these protests are Colourlandish at all, we must make sure that there is no protesting "

" Yes, Colourland never needs that " said Colour King.

" Having me lead Colourland is great for anyone that is Colourlandish "


More time continued passing, Challenger was talking with Crayon.


" Colour King must be stopped " said Challenger.

" He wants to take over Colourland "

" This is a tournament, unless he plans on trying to kill us " said Crayon.

" Who knows " said Challenger. " We must be careful around him "

" Yeah, you never know what him and King Bobby will do " said Crayon.

" King Bobby has demanded me and my friends stop hanging out with Warbler "


" Yeah, we have to stop his advisors as well " said Challenger.

" We will keep fighting and win " said Crayon.

" Yes " said Challenger. " Well hopefully Grackle can pull an upset against Blackina "

" We should head to the stands, the match will start soon "

" Yeah, we should go there " said Crayon.


They then headed to the stands, Blackina and Grackle then were where the fighters fight.


" You will fall down " said Blackina. " Me and Blackin will be the ultimate couple in this tournament "

" Hahahahaha, his desire for me is unstoppable "

" He loves me more than anyone could "

" Regardless of all that, I will fight " said Grackle.

" I can win "


" No, you cannot " said Blackina. " My power is too strong, Blackin's heart and mine are connected to each other forever "

" There is no success for you here "

" I will fight hard, Crayon and his friends are counting on me " said Grackle.

" Crayon will be let down here " said Blackina.

" My love for Blackin is so powerful, people are always shocked that two people can love each other so strongly "

The fight was about five minutes away.