Chapter 7 Alice, Easeion's Villainess Meanwhile Easeion was talking with Alice. " Alice, I will make sure that there will be stuff stolen for you " said Easeion. " I know I can make sure it happens " " What do you plan to do ? " asked Alice. " I will request it to the organization " said Easeion. " We should steal other stuff as well " " It is important to the organization " " Easeion, you have been the villain that I need " said Alice. " It is very special " " I have been that villain for a reason, just like you have been that villainess for me " said Easeion. " I am so happy about this " " I love you in the way that a villainess should " said Alice. " We must show that we now are together " said Easeion. " It must be done " " True " said Alice. Easeion then kissed Alice, she was very happy about it and then returned the favour after. Easeion then headed to meet with his father, Brett. " Easeion, my son what brings you here ? " asked Brett. " It is about Alice, she wants certain things stolen " said Easeion. " What type of things ? " asked Brett. " Lipstick, soap, shampoo, hair products " said Easeion. " I see " said Brett. " We will need to find one of those drugstores " " They may be at other stores, but the corner stores probably not " said Easeion. " We should still take from them though " " Yes, the organization always needs more " said Brett. " I am glad that you andĀ  my sons and I am glad that Tara is my daughter " " I am glad to see that " said Easeion. Brett and Easeion shook hands then hugged. Bill and Tara were talking with each other. " You ready to get out there " said Tara. " I most certainly am " said Bill. " Easeion must be avenged, I must be the brother that he has wanted me to be " " I will be a great brother " " We need stuff stolen as well " said Tara. " That is something that is for sure " said Bill. " Crayon and his friends will fall down " said Tara. " Hahahahaha " said Bill. " Hahahahaha " said Tara. " The Smithsons rule this place " said Bill. " Crayon's going down, he will regret ever angering Easeion " " That is so true " said Tara. " Yeah, we will make sure he is taken down for sure " said Bill. Everyone went to bed and morning came, where Crayon and his friends were resting. Allie had arrived to visit, Crayon woke up. " So I heard you all won the fight " said Allie. " They sure did " said Challenger. " We did " said Crayon. " Colourea's new attacks did so much " " It is great to see " said Allie. " These attacks will continue getting stronger " " We must heal up, but you can continue training " said Challenger. " I will do so, I think about how Warbler is doing " said Allie. " He will take time, but he should be okay " said Challenger. " Good to see " said Allie. " It is " said Crayon. Time continued to pass and then Alice, Bill and Tara then headed out at night to steal with Bear members. " It really has been a while for this " said Bill. " It is good " said Tara. " Easeion is the man, we must do what is good for him " " I think about Easeion a lot, I will keep doing so " said Alice. " He truly is great " " Yes, he sure is " said Bill. " I am happy he is my brother " " Me as well " said Tara. Alice then saw a woman and then she fired off the Ultimate Darkness Blast knocking her out. The Bear members took the purse and the shopping bags. Bear members were attacking people and knocking them to the ground and they took wallets, knapsacks and necklaces. Bear members then headed towards this drugstore. They then rushed the clerk and then knocked him out. They then took shampoo, lipstick, soap, deodorant, money, gift cards, vodka and whisky. They met with other Bear members who robbed a corner store which they took money, gum, protein bars, lottery tickets, smokes and a wallet. They then saw another Bear member who had stolen a phone and a wallet. Bear members then were on a rampage just attacking everyone around the area and they took wallets, phones and purses. " We should head back to the hideout " said Bill. " Yes " said Tara. " Yeah, let's go " said Alice. Bill, Tara, Alice and the Bear members then headed with all their stolen stuff to the hideout where they were greeted by Brett and Whites. " Glad to see you all back here " said Brett. " Let's see what was stolen " " Money, phones, wallets, purses, vodka, whisky, smokes, gum, protein bars, gift cards, lipstick, shampoo, soap and deodarant " " Excellent to see, this is so much " " Yes, this is a good day for the organization " said Whites. " It really is " said Melissa. " The Bear really is a force to be reckoned with " ' Yeah, the Bear is great " said Xax. " Alice, we will give you the lipstick, hair products and soap " said Brett. " Thanks, I am glad to see what Easeion did " said Alice. " It is nice " " I am happy " " You are all dismissed " said Brett. They all went to their areas in the hideout. More days passed, Bear members continued training their abilities. Allie and Challenger did some training of their own as well. Whites and Melissa were talking. " Melissa, I have trained so hard " said Whites. " Glad to see " said Melissa. " It was great to see a lot of people robbed " said Whites. " It sure was, haha " said Melissa. " We are getting very strong " said Whites. " I admire you " said Melissa. " Thanks " said Whites. " You are quite strong as well, I am glad that it just us here for the arrangement " It is " said Melissa. " I like seeing this " " Same here " said Whites. Melissa then hugged Whites. More time continued passing, Crayon and his friends were ready to leave. " Glad to be better " said Crayon. " It is great to see Warbler is better " said Allie. " Thanks, I missed you " said Warbler. " Bakers have wanted us to be healed, they bake for our health " said Artby. " They care about our health so much, I feel so healthy just thinking about a baker " " Just thinking about a baker ? " asked Colouruke. " Yes, I think about bakers so much " said Artby. " Customers do that " " Do they ? " asked Colourea. " They sure do, customers love the baker " said Artby. " Customers understand what it means to bake " " They help bakers " " What does it mean to bake ? " asked Allie. " It means to care about the mouth of the customer, bakers understand my mouth " said Artby. " Bakers understand our mouths by respecting our taste buds with tasty bread " " They have treated my mouth so good and have treated it the way it should be " ' It is wonderful " " Treated your mouth ? " asked Challenger. " Challenger, have you ever thought about the way a baker cares about your mouth ? " asked Artby. " No, I have not " said Challenger. " We should get bread " said Artby. " Bakers must be thinking about how I have not purchased from the bakery " " My purchases mean a lot to the baker, bakers understand my purchases and how I care about the baker " " Let's go " said Allie. They arrived at the bakery, Artby was very happy to see bakers again. " I love bakers " said Artby. I missed seeing baking like this " Artby thanked all the bakers like usual and they got their bread and left. " This bread looks great " said Warbler. " Bakers have cared for my mouth so much, I am happy to see that " said Artby. " The baker to customer relationship stays strong with a customer like me " " Stays strong ? " asked Warbler. " Yes, my purchases have helped a lot with that " said Artby. " I want to keep being that kind of customer " " Uh, glad to see " said Colourea. " It means a lot " said Artby. " We should head off " said Warbler. " See you " said Allie. " Bye " the rest of them said. Warbler and Allie headed to their place and they went inside. " This bread looks great " said Warbler. " It sure does " said Allie. Warbler and Allie enjoyed eating the bread. Warbler and Allie enjoyed being with each other and they hugged each other. Challenger then headed to his place, Crayon and his friends arrived at their place. " Glad to be back here " said Colourea. " Same here " said Crayon. " It is great to see " said Colouruke. " Especially with all this tasty bread " said Artby. They then ate. They started hearing about the attacks. " The Bear must be stopped " said Crayon. " We really need to beat their next members " said Colourea. " So many people are getting hurt and robbed from this " said Colouruke. " Yeah " said Artby. " We need to keep training and eating bread " Time continued to pass and then Crayon kissed Colourea. Nighttime was about to come and they all went to bed. Bill and Tara had robbed more people again and got wallets, necklaces and a phone while Bear members had stolen tons of smokes, gum, headphones and lottery tickets. Brett was happy to s a good idea to me " said Colourea. They then headed to their usual spot in Colourland. " We should begin, the bakers want us super strong " said Artby. " Bakers always want stronger customers just in case a fight must happen " " Bakers must be allowed to bake at all times " " Uh, yeah " said Allie. Crayon and Colourea used the Heatwave Implosion, Colouruke used the Ocean Implosion, Artby used the Sun Implosion while Warbler and Allie used the Sky Implosion. " Nice " said Colouruke. I can now use the Heatwave Implosion which is great " said Crayon. " We can both use it, imagine the power of combining them together " said Colourea. " Bakers will feel safer baking " said Artby. " I am the type of customer who wants the baker safe " " Type of customer ? " asked Warbler. " Yes, I want to be a customer that cares about the baker, loves the baker, buys for the baker and respects the baker " said Artby. " It seems to mean a lot to you " said Allie. " We should continue our training, bakers want that " said Artby. Crayon used the Ultimate Bird Blast, Colourea used the Ultimate Heatwave Blast, Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Blast, Artby used the Ultimate Sun Blast while Warbler and Allie used theirĀ  Ultimate Sky Blasts. " Very good " said Colouruke. " We are getting very strong with our blasts " said Warbler. " Bakers will be so happy that we can defend baking super good " said Artby. " Let's use our bombs now " said Crayon. " Sounds good to me " said Allie. Crayon and Colourea used the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb, Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Bomb, Artby used the Ultimate Sun Bomb while Warbler and Allie used the Ultimate Sky Bomb. " Awesome " said Allie. " Glad to be able to use these heatwave attacks " said Crayon. " Bakers like that " said Artby. " Bakers know of how strong we are, we can make sure they can bake no matter what happens " " We should use our strikes " said Warbler. " Sounds good to me " said Allie. " Bakers want us to strike down our opponents " said Artby. Crayon used the Tenfold Bird Strike, Colourea used the Tenfold Heatwave Strike, Colouruke used the Tenfold Ocean Strike, Artby used the Tenfold Sun Strike while Warbler and Allie used their Tenfold Sky Strikes. " Great " said Colouruke. " Bakers have wanted me tough " said Artby. " Tough ? " asked Colourea. " Yes, they want their customers like this " said Artby. " Bakers love it, they can bake better knowing that they will not get hurt " " I love seeing bakers not getting hurt " " I can understand that, we should head to the bakery " said Crayon. " I learned some great techniques, we all did great today " " Let's go " said Allie. Meanwhile, Bear members were outside a bakery. " We should find them like this " said the first member. " Yes " said the second member. " The organization needs us jumping people, we must fucking do that " said the third member. " We'll jump Crayon real good " said the fourth member. Crayon and his friends then were hit by Bear members. " Hahaha " said the first Bear member. " What the " said Colouruke. " Colouruke, we got you good " said a second Bear member. " We will fight " said Colourea. " Bakers want us buying bread, I'll kick your asses for the baker " said Artby. " I won't let anyone stop my purchases " " Time to fight " said Allie. The Bear members then used their Darkness Strikes but Allie and Warbler used their Ultimate Sky Blasts to deflect and everyone took damage. The Bear members then used their Darkness Bombs while Artby used his Ultimate Sun Bomb which was too strong. " Aaaaaah " said a Bear member. " When tasty bread is available, I'll keep fighting " said Artby. " Bread needs to go inside my mouth " Two Bear members remained, while the other three were defeated. " The baker understands my mouth, my mouth has been respected by their baking " said Artby. Allie then fired up the Ultimate Sky Blast while Crayon used the Ultimate Bird Bomb which combined into a super powerful aerial bomb which defeated the rest of the Bear members. " Glad we won " said Allie. " Let's get bread, bakers need my purchases " said Artby. They went inside the bakery and got their bread, Artby thanked every baker. " This looks great " said Artby. " It sure does " said Warbler. " We used our moves a lot today so I'm happy about that " said Allie. " We need it, the next Bear members will be tough " said Colouruke. " That is for sure " said Colourea. " We will head to our place " said Warbler. " See you " said Allie. " Bye " the other four said. Meanwhile, Easeion had heard about the Bear members who did not succeed in jumping Crayon and his friends. " It really is a shame, I wanted that motherfucker jumped " said Easeion. " He would be a sad motherfucker which is what I wanted to see " " Still seeing him being cockblocked was a very good experience " " We will continue robbing people, the organization must keep it up " " I love the Bear " " I won't stop " Currently Brett was with Whites. " We should have Easeion with Alice for stealing tonight " said Brett. " I think that Alice would be really happy about that " said Whites. " She sure has seemed happy around him " said Brett. " When you are with a Smithson, it really is good " " Well the Smithsons have done so much for us, the only sad thing is my cousin not being here to enjoy it with us " said Whites. " Yes, Blackina as well but that is how things had to be sadly " said Brett. " It is, Blackin will never be forgotten " said Whites. " He's the man " " He has done so much " Time continued to pass, Crayon and his friends had their supper which they enjoyed. " Bakers are the people that have cared for my mouth " said Artby. " Cared for your mouth ? " asked Colouruke. " Yes, bakers have cared with bread for my mouth, they have respected my taste buds when others did not " " Others did not ? " asked Colourea. " Yeah, not everyone respected my taste buds " said Artby. " Crayon, the bakers have treated your taste buds with their baking " " It is what bakers want, they get your taste buds " " Bakers have truly loved them, they have shown love " " Artby " said Colouruke. " Yes Colouruke ? " asked Artby. " Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke. " Colouruke, you know me " said Artby. " You know my taste buds and how loved they are by bakers " " Bread is their way of showing their love towards the customer and their taste buds " " I am so lost " said Crayon. " Bakers get your taste buds, they care about your mouth Crayon " said Artby. " They get his taste buds ? " asked Colourea. Yeah, they get all of ours, they bake for my mouth " said Artby. " They bake for our mouths, they love our mouths " They love them with baking " " Our mouths have been so well loved " " They get all of our taste buds and our mouths are well loved ? " asked Colourea. " Yes, they understand because they get the baker to customer relationship " said Artby. Time continued to pass and they all went to bed, Crayon kissed Colourea for a bit before that. 2: Two
Chapter 8 Alice and Easeion Committing Crimes Alice and Easeon were with Brett. "Now you two need to head out and get stuff for the hideout," said Brett. "Easeion, you have not been out fighting anyone for a while now" "I will crush anyone that gets in my way," said Easeion. "They will regret it" "Hahahahaha" "I love that we are together for this," said Alice. "It means a lot" "It really does," said Easeion. "Yes it is great that you are with Easeion" said Brett. "People must be robbed" "Yes, for sure" said Easeion. "I will" said Alice. "It is great to do this" "Good" said Brett. "We have Bear members to assist both of you" "They will do a lot of good" " I know that you two will do amazing " " We will, when you got a villainess like Alice with a man like me there is no stopping us " said Easeion. " There is no chance " " Hahahahaha " " Hahahahahaha " said Alice. " You will all make me proud " said Brett. " For sure " said Easeion. " There's no way I would let you down " Bill and Tara then were there to say their goodbyes to their brother Easeion and Alice and they left for Colourland. Meanwhile in the van, Easeion and Alice were talking. " This will go great " said Easeion. " I have shown myself to be the villain that I must be " " In the way that I am that you are the villainess that I need, I must be that villain " " I am glad to see that " said Alice. " I am happy " " Same here " said Easeion. They arrived with the Bear members, Easeion then used his Ultimate Disaster Blast directly hitting four people and knocking them out. " Hahahahahaha " said Easeion. " I am so awesome beyond belief " " I feel so great now " Easeion then took their wallets, a phone and a necklace. Alice then blasted a woman with the Ultimate Darkness Bomb and she was knocked out, Alice took her purse and she took a ring as well. Bear members then grouped together and they broke into a corner store and they stole money, gum, protein bars, smokes, lighters, vodka and the wallet of the clerk who they knocked out. " Hahahaha " said a Bear member. " This is great " " It most certainly is " said another Bear member. A man was panicking but Easeion blasted him with the Thunderstorm Edge which shocked him and defeated him as well. Easeion took his wallet and then took his phone. Bear members had robbed a second store and they took the money, gum, smokes and lighters. They had filled one of the knapsacks with a lot stuff, they then broke inside a hardware store which was closed and they screwdrivers, locks, nails and hammers. They then arrived back, Easeion had saw a man who he blasted with the Disaster Blast which knocked him out. Easeion stole his headphones, wallet, phone and he took a laptop and he put it inside the knapsack of one of the Bear members. They then decided to head back to the hideout with everything that they stole. " Glad to see you two back here with the Bear members " said Brett. " Let's see what was stolen " " A laptop, phones, gum, smokes, lighters, money, wallets, hammers, screwdrivers, locks, nails, purse, ring, necklace, vodka and protein bars " " Very good, the people are going to panic hahahahahaha " " Yes, I want the people panicking " said Easeion. " It gives a good feeling for this organization " " I want Crayon feeling like that " " It is what is truly great " " Yes, we need him feeling that way " said Alice. " Alice, we will send you and lots of Bear members to fight them soon " said Brett. " Alice is the villainess that will end Crayon " said Easeion. " I love Alice a lot but seeing " Hahahaha " said Alice. " I am going to make sure of it " " Yes " said Brett. " We will send your group against them but not tomorrow " " You are all dismissed " They left to their areas where Alice then kissed Easeion and they headed to their own rooms where Xax then started talking to Easeion. " Easeion " said Xax. " I am glad to see that so much was stolen " " The Bear is truly on top " " Yeah, we have so much now " said Easeion. " I love this organization " " We have so much drinks now " said Xax. " We had a lot before but we have more now " " Yeah, we could drink a lot " said Easeion. " The members really like it a lot " " That is for sure " said Xax. " We are going to take over Colourland " " Brett has sold a lot of the necklaces, phones and rings " " He has a lot more money now " " Good " said Easeion. " That is what the Smithsons need and what must happen " " The Smithsons must get what they want " " Yeah, they deserve it " said Xax. " The news will talk about these attacks " said Easeion. " Hahahaha, it's great " " I love the fear within Colourland " " It shows we are doing amazing " " It is good to see people be more afraid " said Xax. The Bear wants that " " Bear members know they have skill " " They are succeeding " " Bear members are doing great " said Easeion. " I am happy for them " " I know that Alice is feeling great about me " " She is " said Xax. " She wants you so much " " She is happy with you " " Well, I'm great " said Easeion. " Wanting to be with me is something great " " I am proud of myself " " I do agree with that " said Xax. " You have done so much for the Bear " " We will never forget " " Good, anything I do cannot ever be forgotten " said Easeion. " I know about my importance " Meanwhile Tara and Bill were talking. " It is great that they stole so much " said Tara. " It does show when a Smithson is around, anything is possible " said Bill. " It sure is, Colourland will belong to us " said Tara. " Hahahaha " said Bill. " The Colourlandish will truly suffer and the Smithsons will take it all from them " " Yes, the Smithsons are not being stopped " " That is so true, the Smithsons are a great family " said Tara. Crayon and his friends got up and they made their breakfast which they enjoyed. They then headed outside, on the way to their regular training spot they saw Bear members who saw them. " You four " said the first Bear member. " You will all fall " said the second member. " I eat too much bread for that, baking will make us win " said Artby. " Baking is so useful " " Bread does a lot " " Hahahaha " said the third member. " We will take over this place, you four are going down " said the fourth member. " We are ready, bakers want us that way " said Artby. " I will not let down bakers " " Let's fight " said Crayon. Crayon charged up the Sky Implosion while the Bear members used their Ultimate Shadow Bombs, the attacks collided with each other and they all took damage. The Bear members got up and they grabbed Colouruke, while Artby kicked one of them and they all fell down to the ground. They all got up, Crayon then punched a Bear member while one grabbed Colouruke but Colouruke shoved him off. Colouruke charged up the Ultimate Sea Blast while Colourea used the Ultimate Heatwave Blast, the blasts combined to create this hot, wet, giant blast which knocked them all out except one. " Nooooo " said the Bear member. " We will take Colourland for ourselves " " No, you won't " said Colourea. " True " said Colouruke. " Bakers want to keep baking, I won't let you treat bakers like this " said Artby. " Bakers cannot ever be treated this way, baking does too much " " The Bear does not care about that shit " said the Bear member. " But why ? " asked Artby. " Doesn't Easeion eat bread with his siblings " " Not to mention other Bear members " We have people who make meals at the organization " said the Bear member. " Bakers are not a concern for the Bear " " Bakers do so much " said Artby. " They have cared for my mouth with their baking " " They also care about the taste buds of the person as well, bakers are great people " " I try to be a good customer in return for what they have done for me " " Customer ? " asked the Bear member. " Hahaha " " The Bear are going to take over, you will truly face real terror from the organization for sure " " Hahahaha " " Customers are ready to fight " said Artby. " Especially a customer like me " " I am ready to fight " said Colouruke. " Baking made Colouruke so ready, bakers care about him " said Artby. " Bakers have cared for everyone I know, I fight for the baker " " Well prepare to go down " said the Bear member. " Bring it on " said Crayon. The Bear member charged up the Darkness Bomb while Colourea used the Tenfold Heatwave Strike which was way too strong and the Bear member was defeated. " Bakers love us fighting " said Artby. " We should go to the bakery, they will care for our mouths " " My purchases have helped bakers a lot honestly " Meanwhile, Alice and Easeion were outside the hideout and they were training their moves together. Easeion then fired up his Bear Implosion, the power was insane. " I love it, I love seeing that from you " said Alice. " Thanks, I am showing myself to be the villain that you need " said Easeion. " It means so much to me " " Now you go use your strongest move " Alice then used the Darkness Implosion, it was stronger than the one that Flora and Jessica know how to use. " Glad to see, Alice " said Easeion. " You are the villainess that not only I need in my life but the one that the organization needs " " I am so happy " " Glad to see, Easeion " said Alice. " Yes, the organization wants me being this happy with you " said Easeion. " The Bear wants us together, the Bear needs this type of thing " " That is very good " said Alice. Easeion then kissed Alice, they headed inside and they saw Xax. " So training went well ? " asked Xax. " Yes " said Easeion. " Easeion used the Bear Implosion, it was so strong " said Alice. " Easeion's the man " said Xax. " He has turned into a serious contender here " " He can fight " " I have turned into the villain that Alice wants to be, that is the way things must be " said Easeion. " Good, we need you to be that way " said Xax. " The Bear must take over " " It will not be like last time, Crayon will be stopped " said Easeion. " My siblings will not allow him to survive " " The Smithsons are too good for that sort of thing " " We are a great family, so good " " Yes, I love the Smithson family " said Alice. " They are going to succeed in getting the revenge that is needed " said Xax. " Yes, I will head upstairs now " " See you " said Easeion. While that was happening, Whites and Brett were talking. " We should send Alice and lots of Bear members to fight Crayon and his friends tomorrow " said Brett. " They must go down " said Whites. " Yes, it what is needed " said Brett. " Easeion is very happy with Alice, he knows that she will end Crayon for him " " Crayon will be finished " said Whites. " He has no chance " " He cannot survive anymore " " Hahahahaha " said Brett. " We will also continue stealing " said Whites. " Bill and Tara need to go steal some more " " I do know that we need more Colourlandish people robbed " " Our organization will take over Colourland " said Brett. " We will continue the stealing for sure " " Good " said Whites. " I will let Alice know later on today " " Yes, she must know " said Brett. " You are dismissed, Whites " Bill and Tara were talking. " I am hearing that Alice may fight tomorrow " said Bill. " She will crush that Crayon guy " said Tara. " He must be gone, Easeion is so tired of him " said Bill. " He calls him a motherfucker for a reason " said Tara. " It is a good reason " said Bill. " The Smithsons will reign supreme " said Tara. " The Smithsons will not be stopped " said Bill. " Hahahaha " " We will be stealing more " " For sure, the Smithsons are great at that " said Tara. " More Colourlandish will be robbed " said Bill. " Just the way we want them " said Tara. " For sure " said Bill. Crayon and his friends continued walking around and they met up with Warbler and Allie. " Hey all " said Warbler and Allie. " Hey " said Colouruke. " How are things ? " asked Allie. " We fought these Bear members " said Crayon. " We gave them a good asskicking " said Artby. " Bakers have wanted that, my love for the baker is so strong " " I feel like bakers should stay loved " " Love for the baker ? " asked Warbler. " My mouth " said Artby. " My mouth is involved with the bread and I make sure that my mouth is treated the way that my mouth should be treated " " The way your mouth is treated ? " asked Allie. " Artby has claimed that " said Colourea. " Yes, bakers have respected my mouth " said Artby. " Bakers care so much for it when they bake " " They use bread to show how much they care for my mouth " " Bakers truly love the mouth of the customer " " Bakers know how to keep their customers happy " " Well, that is something " said Colouruke. " Colouruke, they care for your mouth as well " said Artby. " They care about their customers a lot " " Uh, I guess " said Colouruke. " We should head to the bakery now " said Crayon. " The bakers are waiting for us, they love my purchases " said Artby. They then headed to the bakery where Artby thanked all the bakers, while that was happening Whites had a discussion with Alice and Easeion later on. " I have something to say " said Whites. " Whites, what do you have to say ? " asked Easeion. " Alice and Bear members will be sent in to fight Crayon and his friends tomorrow " said Whites. " They will crush them " said Easeion. " I know that they can do this " " I will be glad to do so " said Alice. " You will leave early tomorrow morning " said Whites. " Understood " said Alice. " Easeion, we will let you ride there with her " said Whites. " We know of what you think of her " " We know you love her a lot " " Thanks " said Easeion. " I am glad to see this happen " " I love Alice, I have made sure to be the villain she needs " " We expect success " said Whites. " There will be a lot of Bear members there to fight " " They will represent the organization with pride " " They know that they are representing the Bear " " The Bear is the best " said Easeion. " Yes " said Whites. " Our takeover will be brilliant " " Yeah, it will " said Easeion. Artby then thanked the bakers when he arrived with his friends. " Thank you for treating my mouth the way it needs to be treated " said Artby. " Uh, thanks " said a baker. " Your baking treats my mouth the right way, I love your baking " said Artby. " I love bakers " They got their bread and left. " This bread looks great " said Colourea. " It sure does " said Allie. " It will be great with tomato sauce " said Colouruke. " That is for sure " said Crayon. They then headed their seperate ways and said their goodbyes. Crayon and his friends had their bread with tomato sauce which they enjoyed a lot. " That was great " said Colouruke. " My trust in bakers has paid off " said Artby. Time passed, Crayon and Colourea were making out with each other and they all went to bed. 3: Three
Chapter 9 Alice and Bear Members Are Ready For Fighting Alice, Easeion, Bill and Tara got up and they met downstairs. "Alice, are you ready?" asked Bill. "I sure am," said Alice. "I have been the villain that I must be around you, your abilities have gotten very strong," said Easeion. "Crayon will beg for mercy" "I will not care" "Bear members are not going to give to him," said Tara. "That is for sure," said Bill. "Crayon will look like a sad motherfucker, he must fall," said Easeion. "He will never succeed" "Yes, the Smithson family is counting on that," said Tara. "I know what the Smithsons mean to the organization, by eliminating Crayon I will be doing what is best for them," said Alice. " Hahahahaha " said Easeion. " There is no stopping Alice " They headed to where Whites, Xax, Melissa and Brett were. Easeion and Alice you two are ready to go aren't you ? " asked Whites. " Yes " said Easeion and Alice. " Good " said Brett. " We would expect just that " " Bye " said Melissa. " Crayon will be finished " said Brett. " You will crush them " said Xax. " Crayon will fall " said Melissa. " He cannot be kept around, Alice will do what is necessary " said Tara. " This is true " said Easeion. " Crayon will be hurt " Bear members were there and they got inside their respective vans. Xax, Whites, Brett, Melissa, Bill and Tara waved their goodbyes to their Bear members and they were off. " I am looking forward to this " said Easeion. " They will fall " said Alice. " Crayon is not going to get away with stopping the organization this time " said a Bear member. " I know he will not " said Alice. Time passed and they arrived in Colourland. " So Easeion, what is the plan for you ? " asked Alice. " I will try and see the battle hidden " said Easeion. " They do not believe that I need to fight " " Brett believes in our members " " That is true " said Alice. " You will do so great " said Easeion. " I know you will " Crayon and his friends got up and made their breakfast which they enjoyed, they met up with Warbler and Allie outside. " Hey " they said. " Hello " said Crayon. " We should head out " said Allie. " Good idea " said Warbler. " Yeah " said Colouruke. " Let's go " said Allie. They then were walking and then they found a very open area which Bear members and Alice were there. " Well, look who it is " said Alice. " Alice " said Colouruke. " There are lots of us " said a Bear member. " We have sixteen other Bear members here " said Alice. " Me, Colourea and Colouruke will fight Alice " said Crayon. " You three can fight the Bear members " " We have you outnumbered and Crayon is not fighting " said a Bear member. " Hahahahaha " " We will have you beaten " said Artby. " My abilities have gotten stronger and my high bread intake will just help that even more " " Bakers do so much " " I eat so much bread these days " " Bread intake ? " asked a Bear member. " That will do nothing here " " That is very true, our talent will overwhelm you all " said another Bear member. " Bread will do a lot " said Artby. " I am not afraid of Bear members " " Bring it on, Bear members " said Warbler. " The Bear is so mighty, so powerful " said another Bear member. " Colourland will belong to us this time, you lucked out last time " said another Bear member. " We will take everything " " Bakers say otherwise, let's fight " said Artby. " I fight for the baker, when I do so I will win " " Let's begin " said a Bear member. The fight began. Artby then started charging up his Ultimate Sun Blast while Warbler used the Sky Implosion. Three Bear members used their Ultimate Shadow Bombs and the attacks collided with each other. They all got up, the Bear members then all kicked Allie while Artby and Warbler punched two of the Bear members. One Bear member grabbed Allie while two more rushed to punch her but Warbler knocked them into each other and they fell down to the ground. " We are going to hurt Allie " said a Bear member. " It is what the organization demands " " We'll just see about that " said Warbler. " The Bear will take over " said a Bear member. " We are powerful " Bear members used their Darkness Blasts while Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Blast and Artby used the Sun Implosion, they all took damage. One Bear member was defeated, four of them rushed Artby, they all rushed the four members and they all punched each other. They all fell to the ground but Warbler then got up first and he used the Sky Implosion which directly hit, defeating two Bear members. " Nooooo " said a Bear member. " I will fight for this organization always " " Me too, the Bear is worth it " said a second Bear member. " The Bear is always worth it " said a third Bear member. " Let's continue the fight " said Allie. Allie then charged up the Sky Implosion, Warbler used his own as well. Three Bear members used their Super Darkness Blasts to counter, they all took damage. Two Bear members got up and they grabbed Artby while they were grabbed by Warbler and Allie and they all fell directly to the ground. Artby then got up and he used the Ultimate Sun Bomb while two Bear members used their Ultimate Shadow Bombs, the attacks hit their respective targets and one more Bear member was defeated. Two Bear members grabbed Allie and they then knocked her down to the ground, Warbler then used the Tenfold Sky Strike to knock them both down but they were able to get up. The Bear members used their Times Seven Shadow Strikes while Allie used her Tenfold Sky Strike, one more Bear member was defeated. " Our members " said a Bear member. " This pisses me off " " I hate seeing this for our Bear members " " Same here " said another Bear member. " Baking has done a lot, I have thanked bakers for the progress I have made " said Artby. " I'm staying alive thanks to their bread " " Bread is so wonderful " " I love bread " " Let's continue this battle " said Warbler. " Yes, we should " said a Bear member. Two Bear members then rushed for Warbler with their Times Seven Shadow Strikes while Artby used his Tenfold Sun Strike and Allie used her Tenfold Sky Strike which defeated one of the members. Three Bear members used their Ultimate Shadow Blasts, Warbler used his Sky Implosion to counter and they all were hit by the attack. They all got up, the Bear members then used their Times Seven Shadow Strikes while Artby used the Sun Implosion and Allie used the Ultimate Sky Blast, the attacks hit their respective targets. Two more Bear members were defeated. The remaining five Bear members then used their Darkness Blasts while Artby used the Sun Implosion and Allie used the Sky Implosion. The attacks hit their targets and two more were defeated but Allie was slightly struggling. Our organization cannot do it, but how " said a Bear member. " Alice will crush those three " said a second Bear member. " She will make Easeion proud " said a third Bear member. " Easeion ? " asked Artby. " Yes, Easeion is with Alice now " said the first Bear member. " He has claimed to be the villain that she needs " said the second Bear member. " Easeion is great for her " " How so ? " asked Allie. " He has requested products be stolen for her " said the third Bear member. " Easeion is a great man " said the first Bear member. " He will be successful " " He will get what he wants " " He will enjoy the takeover " said the second Bear member. " It will be great " " Hahahahaha " they all said. " Well, Easeion will not succeed at doing what he is planning " said Warbler. " You guys are struggling against us and neither Crayon or Colourea are fighting this group " " Alice will lose the fight and the relationship will be over " " Warbler, you are wrong " said the first Bear member. " Alice has gotten better " said the second Bear member. " We do not want Alice to die but since she is attacking our friends they will fight " said Warbler. " Now we will continue this fight " Warbler then fired up the Ultimate Sky Blast while Artby used the Ultimate Sun Blast. The three Bear members used their Darkness Blasts, the attacks hit their targets head on. Artby was slightly struggling but he got back up and he then kicked a Bear member, which defeated the Bear member. The remaining two used their Darkness Bombs, Allie then used her Sky Implosion. They all took damage, only one Bear member was left. " My members " he yelled. " I am shocked " " I will use my Ultimate Shadow Blast to get my revenge right now " " The Bear cannot go down like this " Artby used his Sun Implosion to counter, the attacks collided and all the Bear members were defeated. " Yes " said Artby. " I'm glad we could do it " said Allie. " Bakers are so proud " said Artby. " Baking has done a lot " " We have done great " said Warbler. " We really have " said Allie. " I am happy the training paid off " " Yeah, it did " said Warbler. The fight between Alice against Crayon, Colourea and Colouruke began. Alice then charged for the Darkness Implosion while Crayon used the Heatwave Implosion, they both took damage. They both then got up. " Easeion is a great man " said Alice. " He even requested things be stolen just for me " " Hahahahaha " " The Bear is taking over " " I have these feelings for him " " You won't get away with this " said Colourea. " I have been the villainess that he needs " said Alice. Easeion has been the villain I need " " We are great for each other " " No matter what type of villainess you are, we will keep fighting on " said Colouruke. " You will all be destroyed " said Alice. " Hahahaha " Colouruke then charged for the Sea Implosion, Alice used her Ultimate Darkness Blast, the attacks hit their targets. They both got up, Alice then punched Colourea. Alice grabbed Colourea and pushed her into Crayon who jumped out of the way, causing Colourea to fall. Alice then charged up for the Ultimate Darkness Bomb while Crayon used the Ultimate Bird Bomb to counter, they both took damage. Alice got up and she used the Darkness Implosion while Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Blast, the attacks hit each other and they both were hit. Colourea was charging for the Heatwave Implosion while Alice used the Darkness Implosion again, the attacks hit their respective targets. " Hahahahaha " said Alice. " This is all for Easeion " " Easeion is very capable " " He will get what he wants for sure " " He's capable at insulting me but he will be stopped again like last time " said Crayon. " Let's continue " " Yes, let's keep fighting " said Alice. " Bring it on " said Crayon. Alice then charged up the Ultimate Darkness Blast while Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Bomb, they were both hit. Colouruke then started charging for the Ocean Implosion, Alice then used the Darkness Implosion to counter the attack and they both took damage. Alice then used the Tenfold Darkness Strike and directly hit Colourea with the attack. Colourea got up and she punched Alice but Alice then kicked her. Alice then started charging for the Darkness Implosion while Colouruke used the Ocean Implosion, the attacks then collided with each other causing them to both take damage. Colouruke was slightly struggling but he was able to get up. " I won't give up " said Colouruke. " I will keep fighting strong " " You will be taken down " said Alice. " Nobody will get in my way " " Let's continue this fight " said Colourea. " Yeah " said Crayon. Crayon then started charging for the Bird Implosion while Alice then used the Darkness Implosion to counter and the attacks then hit their respective targets. They then both got up, Alice then rushed for Colourea with the Tenfold Darkness Strike but Colouruke used his Tenfold Ocean Strike to hit Alice. Colouruke then started charging for the Ocean Implosion, Alice then used the Darkness Implosion. The attacks collided with each other and they both took damage. Colouruke got up and he directly punched Alice, knocking her down. Colourea then used the Tenfold Heatwave Strike, Alice used the Tenfold Darkness Strike to counter and they both fell to the ground. Alice then used the Darkness Implosion while Colouruke used the Ocean Implosion, they both directly hit their targets. " Hahahahaha " said Alice. " Colouruke you will be finished very soon " " I still will fight " said Colouruke. Colouruke was getting near the end. " I cannot give up here " said Colouruke. " Colouruke, that is what would be the best for you " said Alice. " No, I'll keep fighting " said Colouruke. " Well if that is the way you want to go down then fine, I'm okay with that " said Alice. " Easeion wants that " " He is great " " I don't care about him " said Colouruke. " We are fighting against you right now " " What he does will not change anything here " " True " said Crayon. " Easeion is a man that has shown how much he wants me to be the villainess he needs " said Alice. " He has been the villain I need " " I love Easeion " " He needs ? " asked Colourea. " Yes, Easeion needs someone " said Alice. " He has been very frustrated about what happened to the Smithsons so I needed to take action " " I needed to do this since nobody else would do that for him " " I have shown that " " I show feelings for him " " Alice, he has done some very questionable things " said Crayon. " If you want him, I won't stop you from dating him but we are going to continue fighting " " Yes, he will arrive to see me win the fight " said Alice. " I love Easeion " " We will win " said Crayon. " Let's continue the fight " " Yes, let's do so " said Alice. Crayon charged up for the Bird Implosion while Alice used the Darkness Implosion to counter but Crayon's attack did more damage and they both fell down to the ground. Colourea then used the Tenfold Heatwave Strike, Alice used the Ultimate Darkness Blast. The attacks hit their targets, Colourea was slightly struggling but she got up. Colourea then used the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Alice used the Ultimate Darkness Bomb to counter, they both were hit. Colouruke then kicked Alice while Alice punched him, Colouruke was insanely weak right now. I can barely move " said Colouruke. " We will win it for you " said Crayon. " Yeah " said Colourea. Crayon then punched Alice while Alice then fell towards Colouruke who then was hit down and defeated. Alice was slightly struggling but she got up and she charged for the Darkness Implosion and she directly hit Crayon who then was slightly struggling. " This cannot be happening " said Alice. " Easeion wants me to stay with him " " He will lose it " " That is his issue to deal with " said Crayon. " This is not a problem of mine " " He will have to deal with this, the Bear chose to attack us " said Colourea. " Yes, this is on the Bear " said Crayon. " The Bear are responsible " " Easeion must see me win, he cannot see me lose " said Alice. " I will keep fighting no matter what " " I will win this fight " Alice then charged up the Ultimate Darkness Blast while Crayon used the Ultimate Bird Blast, the attacks hit their targets and they both took damage. Colourea then rushed for Alice with a punch and it landed. Alice got up and she then started charging up the Darkness Implosion while Crayon used the Bird Implosion, Crayon's attack was stronger. Alice was getting near the end, she was very frustrated. " How could I do this to Easeion " said Alice. " I wanted to be that villainess for him " " He will get so angry seeing this shit " " The organization will be furious " " I cannot believe this is happening to me, Easeion deserves so much " " Easeion's a great man, he was the villain I needed in my life " " Look, we don't want to kill you but you are in a weaker condition than me and Colourea " said Crayon. " You will not be able to defeat us " " The Bear will get their revenge " said Alice. " They will remember this happened " " No single Bear member will forget " " The Bear never forgets " " Whether they forget or not, let's continue this fight " said Colourea. Alice then got up and she charged every last bit of energy into the Darkness Implosion. " This is for Easeion and everyone in the organization, I am his villainess " yelled Alice. " I love Easeion, I love him so much " " Easeion matters a lot " Crayon then used the Bird Implosion while Colourea used the Ultimate Heatwave Blast, the attacks were stronger allowing Crayon and Colourea to win the fight. " I'm glad we won " said Crayon. " Same here " said Colourea. " The training has paid off " said Warbler. " Bread helps when it comes to winning a fight, I love bread " said Artby. " I love bakers " " It is good we beat all those Bear members " said Warbler. " It is " said Allie. " Bakers will be happy " said Artby. " Colouruke, Crayon and Colourea are not in the best condition so we should call the hospital " said Warbler. " Good idea " said Allie. " Bakers want their customers to be healthy for purchases in the bakery " said Artby. They called the hospital, Crayon contacted Challenger after. " We won the fight " said Crayon. " Glad to see " said Challenger. " Keep this up " " Me and Colourea were standing at the end against Alice " said Crayon. " Warbler, Artby and Allie fought lots of Bear members " " Very nice " said Challenger. " Did you call the hospital ? " " I did " said Crayon. " Good " said Challenger. " You should all rest there for a bit " " That is a plan for sure " said Crayon. " We do need to recover " " See you there " said Challenger. " Bye " said Crayon. Crayon and his friends then arrived at the hospital later, while that happened Bear members brought Alice's body in the van. Easeion then got in the van. " Man, this pisses me off so much " said Easeion. " This was not supposed to happen " " She was the villainess that I need, now what " " The Smithsons must be out being more ruthless than ever " " I will get my revenge and that motherfucker Crayon will be sadder than ever " " He will be taken down " " I guarantee it will happen " " We know you can do it " said a Bear member. " Not to mention Bill and Tara " " Yeah, the Smithsons have what it takes to take down those friends " said Easeion. Easeion and the Bear members then arrived at the hideout. " What happened " said Brett. " Alice lost " said Easeion. " I am infuriated, I will get my revenge " " I cannot believe this " " We will make sure that the Smithsons take everything " said Brett. " It means a lot to be a Smithson " said Easeion. " I will always know what it means " " We will send Alice to the healing area " said Brett. " We want the best for you " " Thanks " said Easeion. " It is great to see " Bill and Tara then arrived. " Alice is gone ? " asked Tara. " Wow, unbelievable " said Bill. " Alice seemed so happy being the villainess in Easeion's life " " It is something we must remember " " Yes, we will not forget " said Tara. " We will get our revenge " said Easeion. " It is the Smithson way " " Smithsons are always about revenge " " For sure " said Tara. " The three of us, we will steal so much " said Bill. " I know a lot will be stolen " " We will not give a fuck what happens to the people in Colourland " said Easeion. " Any Colourlandish who protect Crayon deserve to truly suffer " " They cannot protect him " " It will be like old times " said Tara. " It sure will " said Bill. With our father leading this great organization, there is no stopping us " said Easeion. " There sure is not " said Tara. " Hahahahaha " " Hahahahaha " said Bill and Easeion. They then headed to their seperate areas, Xax was talking to Easeion. " Easeion, Alice is really gone ? " asked Xax. " She is, the Smithsons will be stealing more than ever " said Easeion. " The Smithsons must be stealing " " Good " said Xax. " The rest of us are insanely powerful " said Easeion. " That is for sure, Crayon and his friends will not defend the country any longer " said Xax. " Colourland is ours " " It sure is " said Easeion. " Hahahaha " said Xax. 4: Four

Chapter 10

The Smithsons, The Bear's True Crime Family


Brett was with Easeion, Tara and Bill.


" Tonight you all must be stealing together " said Brett.

" We will do great " said Easeion.

" There is a lot that has not been stolen " said Brett.

" That is very true " said Tara.

" We will not let you down " said Bill.

" Good, that is what I would expect " said Brett.

" Now get ready for stealing "

" We will send Bear members there with knapsacks to make sure everything can put inside "

" Glad to see " said Easeion.

Brett dismissed Tara, Bill and Easeion.


Night came, the Smithsons then headed into a van together.


" This is great " said Bill.

" The people of Colourland will fall to us " said Tara.

" Hahahahaha " said Easeion.

" I feel so awesome "

" Same here " said Tara.


They then arrived in Colourland, Easeion then fired the Ultimate Thunderstorm Blast which knocked out four people.


Easeion took their wallets and their phones.


Tara then used the Tenfold Darkness Strike and knocked out a woman, she then took her purse.


Bear members then used their Darkness Bombs to open the window of a store.


They then took candy bars, gum, protein bars, smokes, lottery tickets, lighters, vodka and whiskey. They took money out of the cash register.


They put it inside the knapsacks and they left the store.


They then saw a man who they all punched down to the ground, they took his wallet.


Bill then used the Ultimate Deepsea Blast and he hit several people with it. He then took their wallets, necklaces and a phone.


Bill then grabbed a man then threw him down to the ground knocking him out. Bill took his wallet and a phone.


Bear members had continued to break into stores with their Ultimate Shadow Blasts and they kept taking more smokes, gum, lighters, money, candy bars, lottery tickets and protein bars.


They then left and then headed with the Smithsons who had finished roughing up people and they got more wallets and phones.


They then headed into their vans and they headed back towards the hideout.


" This is great " said Tara.

" It sure is " said Easeion.

" We are truly great " said Tara.

" It is great for the organization, great for the Smithsons " said Bill.

" Hahahahaha " they all said.


They then arrived with the Bear members where they were greeted by Brett.


" Let's see what was stolen " said Brett.

" Money, gum, lottery tickets, protein bars, wallets, necklaces, phones, smokes, lighters, candy bars, vodka and whiskey "

" Very good "

" There is a lot of money here "

" I am glad to see my sons and my daughter do all of this "

" I am so proud as a father "


" Not to mention the Bear members who also helped in all of this "

" From all the lottery tickets in the past that were stolen we got about 5,000 dollars "

" Good to see " said Tara.

" Yes, there is no stopping the Smithsons " said Bill.

" Smithsons " they all said.


Brett dismissed Bill, Easeion and Tara. Xax, Melissa and Whites were talking.


" This is great to see " said Melissa.

" Now it is our true elite members " said Whites.

" We are so skilled "

" There is no stopping us " said Xax.

" Hahahaha " said Whites. " The organization will take everything from Colourland "

" Yes, Colourland will be ours " said Melissa.


" It is the way that it should be " said Xax.

" Our abilities have gotten so good as well " said Melissa.

" Crayon will be finished "

" He must be removed " said Whites.


" That is for sure, we cannot keep him around " said Melissa.

" If Alice is gone then we cannot keep a dangerous person like him around "

" We still have the location of Challenger's office so we should make a trip there " said Xax.

" Yeah, that sounds good " said Melissa.

" We do need to go there "

" That is true " said Whites.

" We can take from Challenger again " said Xax.

" That would be great to do that " said Whites.


Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were resting, Challenger was talking to Warbler who was less injured.


" I am glad that you all could defeat Alice " said Challenger.

" Yeah, that was a good thing " said Warbler.

" The Smithsons will be sent in probably " said Challenger.

" Yeah, I wonder if Blackin is leading the organization this time or not " said Warbler.

" It is hard to say " said Challenger.

" We do know that Easeion is around so we must be very careful, Easeion is not a man you want to be around "

" That is true " said Warbler.

" He is quite dangerous "

" Yes " said Challenger.

" He is quite aggressive as well "


Time continued to pass and Bear members continued to rob people.


" Hahahahaha " said Easeion.

" Crayon and his friends have done nothing "

" That is so great to see "

" I love to see them fail "

" Maybe that fight hurt them too much " said Bill.

" I'm glad it did " said Easeion.

" Hopefully they will give up forever "

" That would be great "

" It would " said Tara.

" We are stealing so much, our members have so much stuff now " said Bill.


" The Bear is too good for Crayon " said Easeion.

" I know he is losing to Bear members "

" The Bear is truly a great organization " said Tara.

" Our best members are so skilled "

" When you are a Smithson, there is no stopping you that is for sure " said Bill.


Brett enjoyed the organization continuing to steal more, people of Colourland were more panicked and hurt.


Crayon and his friends checked out of the hospital, the injuries were healed.


" Glad to see we are healthy again " said Colouruke.

" Just the way bakers like " said Artby. " The bakers must be very concerned about my mouth "

" Bakers do think about my mouth "

" Your mouth ? " asked Challenger.

" How much of their bread has gone inside it ? " asked Artby.

" Bakers cannot tolerate the lack of bread in my mouth "

" Bakers will be happy to see us but I think they would understand " said Colourea.


" Bakers think about my mouth a lot " said Artby.

" They are so concerned about my mouth, they know how to treat it when others did not treat it the way that their baking has "

" Bakers are amazing "

" Their baking ? " asked Warbler.

" Yeah, they treat my mouth the way it needs to be with their bread " said Artby.

" Let's go to the bakery "


They then headed towards to the bakery, Artby was happy to see bakers again and then he thanked the bakers.


" Your baking " said Artby. " I think about how you all bake, every ingredient you put in the bread "

" Uh, thanks " said a baker.

" You see my mouth here, my mouth has loved the way you treat it " said Artby.

" It is good for my mouth "

" Um, okay " said a baker confused.

" Your baking treats my mouth so good, the way you all bake is amazing " said Artby.

" I am glad to have this special mouth care "

" Mouth care ? " asked Colourea.

" Colourea, you haven't noticed that ? " asked Artby.

" No, nothing like that " said Colourea.

" Same here " said Colouruke.

" Bakers care for my mouth a lot, the bread is great mouth care " said Artby.

" I am glad that bakers are that way "


They got their bread and left.


" This bread looks great " said Allie.

" It sure does " said Warbler.

" We are going to have fun eating it " said Artby.

" That is for sure " said Crayon.

" See you all later, we will train tomorrow " said Challenger.

" We must be ready for the Bear "

" Sounds like a plan to me " said Allie.


Challenger left and headed back to his place, after that Allie and Warbler then headed back to theirs.


Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby arrived at their house.


" Glad to be back here " said Colouruke.

" Same here " said Crayon.

" Bakers like us living here " said Artby.

" Their baking tells that story "


They then ate their bread.


Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby then heard about the continuing attacks.


" This is terrible " said Crayon.

" It sure is " said Colouruke.

" We will need to intercept their attacks " said Colourea.

" That is for sure " said Artby.

" We will keep our usual training " said Colourea.

" Yeah, for sure " said Crayon.


Warbler and Allie were kissing each other and then they joined each other in the bedroom and went to bed.


Crayon and his friends went to bed, meanwhile Easeion, Bill and Tara then headed to where Challenger's office is.


Easeion broke in using the Ultimate Thunderstorm Blast. He then let his siblings in.


" This takes me back " said Easeion.

" We haven't stolen any office supplies so it is a good place for us to be "

" We can go back to stealing them again "

" Challenger will be upset "

" Very true, bro " said Bill. " We are going to take it all that is for sure "

" Challenger must suffer " said Tara.

" He must " said Easeion.

" Time to write some notes here "

" This is great " said Bill.


Easeion wrote a long note in the office and left it there, Tara and Bill wrote a bunch of others.


" Hahahahaha " said Easeion.

" I love this shit, I cannot wait for the reaction "

" I love these reactions "

" There is something amazing about it "

" We all cannot wait for it " said Bill.

" The Smithsons will love seeing what happened " said Tara.

" Yeah, it is great family fun for all of us " said Easeion.

" It sure is " said Bill.

" I will be having fun "


They then stole staplers, paper, paper clips, markers, pencils and they then found more rooms which they broke into.


Easeion kept writing on paper and hanging it up and they continued stealing more supplies.


They did this for more rooms and they found a special key which allowed them to enter this room where they saw Colourlandish flags and other country related stuff.


" We should put the Bear logo in the room " said Bill.

" Yeah, that sounds like a great idea " said Easeion.

" I want fear within Challenger "

" I love the idea of him being scared "

" Well, the Bear do want him scared " said Bill.

" The Bear is going to take over Colourland " said Tara.

" They sure are " said Bill.

" There is no stopping us " said Tara.

" Yeah, we are great " said Easeion.

" We are truly great Bear members "


They then put the Bear logo in the room and then they stole more supplies.


Then then put the Bear logo all over the place and they then left the building.


" Hahahaha " said Easeion.

" I am happy "

" This is so great "

" I am scaring Challenger so much, I just know it "

" I know you are " said Bill.


Easeion then blasted some people with his Ultimate Thunderstorm Blast and knocked them out.


They took their wallets and phones, they got into the van and they headed to meet Xax and Brett.


" You three " said Xax.

" I am curious to see what happened "

" I hope that the notices that were posted will bring fear "

" Everyone in the Bear wants this fear within him "

" We stole tons of office supplies, wallets and we posted so many messages on paper there " said Easeion.

" Yeah, Challenger will freak out " said Tara.

" Good the Bear needs a terrified look within him " said Brett.

" It is great for the organization " said Bill.

" It most certainly is " said Xax.

" Hahahaha " said Easeion.

" The Bear is the best " said Tara.

" There is no stopping us "

" That is true " said Xax.


They showed the stolen stuff to Brett and they were all dismissed.


Meanwhile Whites and Melissa were talking.


" I am glad to see that we are becoming this strong together " said Melissa.

" Yes, it is wonderful for the organization " said Whites.

" It sure is, I respect you a lot Whites " said Melissa.


" Same here, you are the strongest woman here " said Whites. " We need that a lot "

" Thank you, Whites " said Melissa.

" No problem, I am here for you " said Whites.

" We are very strong, we will be there for each other when possible " said Melissa.

" The stealing has gone great which is good "

" It is good for us " said Whites.

" I am happy that we are in a organization like the Bear "


Melissa and Whites embraced each other and then went to bed.