Chapter 1

Calemvir used to be able to change into all kinds of animals, every animal in the universe, even mythical and legendary creatures. He could also cast magic; he could do these things longer than he can remember. Also, his parents ditched him in the woods because of this meaning to kill him. Although, he could never figure out why. But the woods had spoken to him, taken him in, helped him become what he is now -what he likes to call an Enchantor. He could now cast extremely advanced magic and used it to study runes that only seemed to appear to him. But no matter how much he tried to read it, he couldn't decipher it and was highly determined to find out what they meant.

One day mid-summer he was a Fallow Deer, a beautiful buck with a brown white-speckled hide. Dama Dama, Calemvir thought as he stopped a bunch of Sika deer. There leader was probably scouting ahead.

Perhaps I could overpower their leader; it would be just wonderful to command a group of these strong Sika deer. Have my own sort of posse.

Damn. He thought. His mind was adjusting to that of a deer's and he was thinking like one. He reminded himself that he was only here to find out why they had been restricting themselves to the far side of the forest.

''Hello, I am from your group but I got separated from you when I was a fawn. My mother was of a different race and I have finally traced you back!'' His eyes darted around to find an old looking guy. This was a nasty trick but he needed information. ''Uncle! Please tell me that you remember who I am?!''

You could tell that the old deer was confused, as his tufts of grey hair crinkled with his eyes when he squinted trying to scan his memory of Calemvir's face. ''Sorry, I can't really recall seeing your face. Maybe-'' He was cut short. Of course this was the response that Calemvir had expected as he forced a pained expression. ''Really? Wow I- I would've thought that you'd remember me...''

The leader who was more muscular and stern looking than any of the crowd had returned. ''It would be really nice to reminisce on old times and reunions but we need to keep moving, the hunter approaches. I caught sight of him.'' There was an array of gasps and worried looks. All Calemvir could think of was, Hunter?

As the group all walked ahead of Calemvir as he was still wondering about the hunter. But soon was stopped mid-ponder as a loud gunshot sounded throughout the meadow ringing in Calemvir's ears. There was a body on the floor, it was his 'uncle'. All crumpled up and bloody right next to him. He always took risks because you never know what you can achieve unless you make yourself vulnerable.

He spotted the hunter within a second of hearing the shot and seeing the dead buck on the floor. He was crouching down beneath ferns and tall grass. He had really dark, big evil-looking eyes and an ill-looking face. Maybe because his skin was pale like a dead person or because his cheek-bones were too long and misshaped to be human. He was wearing a black blazer complete with a classical red tie and a matching set of pin-striped trousers with black loafers. He looked fully badass and the rifle topped that.

Calemvir slyly trotted off into the woods, he hadn't looked back. This man dressed like he was going to a wedding or important meeting- not shooting deer. He thought as he ducked behind a Sycamore tree. His fur fell off, his tiny black hoofs grew and slowly turned into hands and feet. His muzzle shrunk back into his head and he was human again. As soon as he regained all his memory (the longer you stay transformed, the more memories you lose) he glanced round the tree anxiously. He had shoulder length, straight black hair and stunning blue eyes. He wore long black trousers that covered most of his bare feet and a black jacket with a cape that threatened to catch on the twigs and branches as he swayed.

He heard the slightest rustle of leaves and quickly cast a glamour over himself so the hunter would not see him. 'Fulgor de invisibilitate.' He whispered quieter than he thought he could. The hunter was close now, and smelt of ashes. He seemed to be looking at Calemvir, but he couldn't be! Could he? Then these words came out which pierced like icicles and sent prickles along the back of his neck.

''You cannot hide from a spy, we always find what we're looking for.''

Calemvir felt his whole body shudder. No human can see through glamours. But maybe this strange man isn't actually human. Then he heard the hunter speak again, in a very quiet tone that made Calemvir shudder again.

"I've been sent by the master to kill you Calemvir," A grim smile spread across the hunter's face. "We have learned who you are and know that you're included in the phrophecy. We will not let The Elder and Sakinsara triumph and in order to prevent that from happening, you shall have to die... now." With that he jerked, he shivered and shook. He staggered backwards into a gorsebush and came out, completely transformed.

He was dark, black even, with a huge scatter of spikes jaggedly strewn across his scaly back and a huge cloud of torn wings splayed out behind him. The sunlight was glimmering through the holes and smoke was billowing out through his nostrils, covering part of his evil, green slit-eyes. He was draco. A dragon. Before the shock could ease off him, the hunter, who was now a dragon lunged at Calemvir.

The dragon opened his mouth in an evil grin, his teeth bared. Then he spewed a huge ball of fiery inferno at Calemvir. It hit him with such force that it sent him flying backwards into a tree that probably had about 100 rings. He was rapidly shifting into animals at an exponential increase until finally, he stopped as human. He winced in pain, his whole body felt numb because he's never changed like that before and he was pretty sure that the tree which called itself Yggdrasil had said to avoid doing this because the result could be fatal. He stood up using full support of the low hanging branches. His voice sounded very tired.

"Who are you? Because I have no idea what you're talking about."

The dragon replied very calmly to Calemvir's surprise since he'd just performed an advance spell that took Calemvir two years to master. "My name is Darkus," he bowed his head. "The master's wingman... and also your worst nightmare."

Calemvir took this in but was still very dazed. He couldn't focus on any animals and tried to mirror Darkus. If he couldn't fight he still needed to defend himself anyway. He closed his eyes and pictured Darkus' body and re-designed it in a more practical manner where he could use his wings. Even if he could not fly, because he didn't know how when the wings sprouted from your back, he could try to manoeuvre them into a shield for protection.

He metamorphosed into an electric blue dragon with no spikes and light-blue eyes. He had big blue non-ripped wings and a long, slim tail that could be used as an icy whip. He felt quite proud of himself but couldn't take a minute to look at his imagination's masterpiece because Darkus spoke again, laughing a really evil-sounding laugh.

"Copying? Oh tut tut tut this' ll never do! Calemvir you have condemned yourself!" He muttered some words which Calemvir caught though he couldn't understand because they were in a different language.

2: Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Then the world turned hazy and gradually got brighter until it was the brightness of the sun. Calemvir's retinas burnt and he could see miniature fireworks that followed his every glance. When they cleared, he noticed that all the forest surrounding him was young, he didn't recognise most of the trees and surroundings but worst of all, he could not connect with the Yggdrasil Tree. As Calemvir span around slowly taking everything in, his eyes had dismissed Darkus, who was still standing in exactly the same spot.

But Calemvir was quickly brought back to Earth as Darkus spoke, '' Welcome Calemvir, to my homelands. I'm not going to be standing around so you can ask me questions because I have better things to do. So I'll just explain everything okay?'' Calemvir didn't answer. He was already planning to pin him to the floor and demand for answers. No need now though is there? ''Well, you see, you were always destined to be a dragon, it's written in the Scrolls of Ancients. In the Battle of the Ages, you are said to fight alongside Sakinsara and The Elder, I think I mentioned them before, so I'm really sorry but I am forced by my duties to erase your memory.''

Calemvir didn't believe he was sorry. ''No, wait this is a glamour isn't it? Everything is different. Also, You said you had to kill me not erase my memory!'' Calemvir was not going to admit it but he felt really scared deep down inside.

Darkus hesitated. ''I might as well tell you, you won't remember anyway,'' He took a deep breath, '' We have travelled to an island that is unknown to humans. Uncharted on maps. But this is where we live. It is covered by a charm of hiding. The Elder didn't want your kind discovering us. Oh and by the way, from now on you will only be able to turn into a dragon or a human. The Master did not request me to do this to you. To take away your 'Enchantor' powers. I just wanted a little fun. I say no more. Goodbye Calemvir.'' Calemvir felt faint. His knees gave way and he collapsed in a heap on the floor. He felt all his knowledge and powers being sucked out of him, all his memories slipping away, but he clung on to all the words Darkus had said. And the fact that he was human.

He felt the pulling on his mind. No. I am not giving up. He screamed in agony. His head felt like it was being ripped apart. But then it stopped and he stood up to find that Darkus had vanished and he heard a voice in his head. ''My, my, my, what a strong one we have here! I'll be back to see you one day. You are lucky that the Master has withdrawn me. I would have had a lot of fun screwing up your memories, making you believe false events that never really happened..." He paused for a moment, entranced. "Goodbye.''

Calemvir took a moment to comprehend this. Sakinsara? The Elder? The Master? Who are these people? Are they friendly? Will they-" He passed out. His whole body was exhausted.


"Is that what happened?" Whispered Calemvir and Sakinsara's beloved friend who was clearly enthralled in Calemvir's history. Her name was Meena. She brushed her poker straight auburn hair out of the way.

Calemvir was on the ledge of Sakinsara's cave. Dangling his feet off the edge as he glanced over at his unconscious lover. "Yes," He picked himself up off the floor and walked over to her. "I don't suppose Sakinsara will return any time soon?"

Meena saw a quick flash of sadness on Calemvir's face. 'He must really miss her' she thought. She spoke slowly "Hey, C'mon, I'm sure she's fine. The humans cannot be too bad. Even though she probably won't remember you for years to come, she will still be there and will be safe. Stop thinking about her and-" She stopped as Calemvir was knelt down, caressing Sakinsara's cheek. He was weeping.

"Meena!" He jerked his head around. If death was an expression, then his face would've looked like it but 10 times worse. "Please... stop. You know this is killing me. You're making me feel even worse about what happened. With Sakinsara in her condition. You are just adding to all the guilt I feel right now!" His furiosity was growing by the second.

Calemvir stepped up to Sakinsara's senseless body, all curled up on her side and kissed her on her forehead. A single translucent tear fell onto her cheek. Which fell down to the cold, cave floor. Then he ran and jumped off the cliff. Then changed into a dragon within nanoseconds. He dove and soared back into the sky and with a single flap of his wings, he flew to his old cave, the one that he had found, years ago.

Meena felt a slight twinge of anger at Calemvir. He's not the only one who loved her. Everyone misses her and since her banishment, the Mountain has been silent, with the only sound that filled the air was the lake's ripples, lapping quietly on the banks.

In the cave, Calemvir changed back to human and as the slight effect of nausea faded away he slowly strolled into the big, black hole of the cave. The Glowdust had been extinguished because he had not lived there since he met Sakinsara. He walked over to where his torn, burgundy mat was there still. He stepped on the rim of the woolen fabric and fell to his knees, sobbing with his hands. "Why? Why her? If anyone should be exiled it should be Darkus! Even the Dark One!"

Hours passed, but he still couldn't stand. His legs trembled and gave way if he even tried. "Sakinsara..."

This might not make sense right now. But it will as you keep on reading, it will all piece together and make sense in the end. It goes backward and forward most of the time and you can have the fun of guessing when. :)

3: Chapter 3
Chapter 3

I was at the edge of a cliff, looking downwards as the sun was setting on the horizon. There was a forest. All the trees were burnt, charred bits of leaves and twigs were spread amidst the newly fallen snow. Ash and embers were flying around and stinging my face, but I didn't care. I was in shock. Where am I?

I could see my life, my memories scattered across the depth of the slowly shadowing bottom of the cliff. They were in shards of glass, I could see that in each broken piece the memories were replaying over and over again. Then I heard a voice that startled me. It was sweet and gentle. ''Calemvir? Wake up.'' The voice seemed to be coming from everywhere, whichever direction I turned I couldn't seem to locate it. I tried to speak but couldn't. It was as if my mouth had been sewn up. ''Calemvir... wake up. Incantamentum de resurrection.''

Then he went back to reality. As he was driven awake by Latin, The language he used to cast his magic. He awoke to find two big, lime slit-eyes staring at him.

Darkus. Why can't he leave me alone? He's already pretty much RUINED MY LIFECalemvir thought. He lashed out and backed up against a cold, cave-like wall. It is a cave. But then he soon realised that he was looking back at a different dragon. A girl.

She was beautiful with wide green eyes and a pair of long, sleek dark wings and a shimmering tail that glistened in sync with her pretty eyes. He loved her eyes. He softened up a bit now that he knew it wasn't that damned creature, Darkus. He relaxed himself and spoke. His voice was still a bit raspy from the night before.

'Uhh. Hey! Umm...' He didn't really know what to say. Be confident. Remember that it is very easy to manipulate people for answers,'Well, this is quite awkward... Sister,' Why did I call her sister? Damn. I have to play along now. The girl looked really confused. Then she chuckled Calemvir repeated himself. ''Sister? Do you not remember-''

She replied in that sweet, gentle voice Calemvir had heard in his dream. ''Sister? Oh Calemvir, You need not use your clever 'manipulation' as you call it.''

Calemvir flinched with shock. He did not know how she knew his name, he thought he had imagined his name in the dream. Then-


He heard something metal had fallen on the floor. He turned around and saw a flash of a big blue whip. It reminded him of something, something he couldn't quite grasp. ''Stand back!'' He shouted, 'I think there's some sort of enchanted weapon in here!'' Calemvir remembered the time of when he was speaking to Yggdrasil and something 

The girl did not obey, she just looked really puzzled. ''Er... That's your tail.'' She stepped past him, dismissing his misunderstanding.

Calemvir felt a rush of embarrassment. And tried to cover it. ''Oh! So it is! Well... that's a surprise!'' Of course. I'm a dragon now. Forever. Even for Calemvir, this was too much. Tears slowly welled up in his eyes as he recalled on the past few events that had changed his life. But stopped. He had to obtain information otherwise he was going nowhere. ''So, what's your name?''

She answered straight away and with a question of her added a smile to seem more friendly. ''My name is Sakinsara. I believe you may've heard about me?'' She waited, for an answer. And even though Calemvir's head was still spinning, he still remembered that Darkus's words included 'Sakinsara' and 'The Elder' so he had yet to meet this 'Elder'.

''I have,'' He paused, ''From Darkus.'' Sakinsara's smile vanished. ''Darkus? Honestly, why can't he just stop playing with his victims and forget innocent people?'' She stopped and drew a deep breath. ''Alright. How much do you know?''

Calemvir explained his encounter with Darkus and how he had taken him to the island that Sakinsara called 'Sol Elebrindir' and how he had been an Enchantor and how he was nurtured by Yggdrasil and even started going on about how his parents had tried to kill him but couldn't succeed so left him in the woods. He had never shared so much information with one person like this. He hadn't even meant to mention the bit about his parents. It was as if this girl- Sakinsara had forced him to tell him everything he knew.

Sakinsara gave a muttered expression of excitement, joy and relief mixed together. ''Calemvir! It's you! I foretold this would happen. People called me bonkers but you're here now!''

Calemvir thought that this girl was actually a bit bonkers as she had said but in a nice sort of way. Especially when she said, ''Let me inform you of the prophecy.''

She can't be serious?

''Oh yes I am very serious.'' Said a voice in Calemvir's head. Calemvir dismissed it. ''I'm sorry but I haven't got enough time you see, I have to get back to Yggdrasil. Bye!''

He turned and found himself suspended on a ledge, hanging off the edge with his newly found strong grip with his claws. How did I get here? Did that crazy girl carry me up here?

Sakinsara stepped up to the edge of the cliff. ''Yes the 'crazy girl' did. She also accessed your mind and forced you to tell her everything she needed to know.''

''You accessed my mind?!'' Wait. I'm not an Enchantor anymore. I won't see Yggdrasil ever again? I have lost my abilities? I'm a dragon. Everything struck him instantly as his nausea and dizziness wholly disappeared. Even so, he passed out again and plummeted towards the ground.

Sakinsara sighed, gazed downwards and took flight. She soared downwards underneath Calemvir and chuckled as she picked him up with amazing strength and speed. Then she gently flew, wobbling a bit with Calemvir's weight, and took him right where he had fallen off.

She waited for Calemvir to wake up. She needed to explain more to him; she practised out loud what she would say to him. ''Well, I am the legend of old stories. The Saviour of All... Or whatever, that's just what's written in the Ancient Scrolls. It is said that one day I will have to make a decision that will effect everyone in the world. Including your kind.'' She finished and flicked her eyes across to Calemvir. She had heard shuffling and came to find he was looking at her, grinning.

"Nice story," He was still on the floor with his wings outspread in a protective shield. Sakinsara was a tiny bit angry with him, for a reason she did not know. ''Tell me more because to be honest I would love a bedtime story right now. Perfect timing when I was about to leave and reminisce on my old life since I guess I have to be a dragon for the rest of my days...''

"Hey a 'thank you' would've been nice for saving your life. Also don't use sarcasm with me because I will treat it as though it wasn't so I will finish the 'bedtime story'. You were brought here, not by Darkus, not by me, but by your destiny. Calemvir you are the one who shall fight alongside me in the Battle of Ages. You will not understand right now, but you shall in time."

Calemvir felt a rush of memories come back to him. This is what had been his life. (Not turning into animals, although he loved doing that). He had studied runes he had taught himself to read them and they always spoke of the dragons that would cross paths in a almost impossible way and would become the greatest of friends and have a love like no other. "I understand everything. I studied runes and they always spoke of two dragons that would be united forever. I would never have guessed that I would be the blue dragon." He was in wonder.

Sakinsara answered,"Yes I save people from the Master and his Spies but I rescued you for the sake of the prophecy." She stopped and closed her eyes for 5 seconds. Calemvir wondered if she was alright but then she opened her eyes and cursed under her breath something that sounded like Dampnas. Calemvir wondered how she knew Latin.

"I know Latin because I read your mind again and learnt all the phrases you've used during your lifetime but we'll talk more later. The Elder is approaching and judging by his speed, he already knows you're here." She had her eyes closed.

"The Elder? Darkus mentioned him. Is he-" He was interrupted by a pacing Sakinsara. ''He's my Guardian and he's coming this way right now so please don't do anything to wind him up. He has a really short temper."

Calemvir was actually going to guess boyfriend. He glanced around looking for something that could spring up another conversation. He found that the whole cave was dully lit with some glowing substance that seemed to be inside the walls. It glowed dark orange like the embers of a fire.

''That's beautiful.'' He whispered. Sakinsara added to the comment. ''Yes Glowdust is very beautiful. It only glows when a dragon is taking residence inside the cave. I think it's because it is exposed to fire. Our skin is very hot and we kind of bleed lava droplets so that must be it. Heat activates it."

Then a dark hue of yellow pounced on Calemvir.

4: Chapter 4
Chapter 4

He was very big, almost twice the size of Sakinsara but twice as less manners. Calemvir thought. He was very dark yellow, almost brown. He had green slit eyes although darker than Sakinsara's and a lot more moody looking, and two long whiskers that came from the sides of his smoky nostrils like a Chinese dragon. He was also speckled with little patches of light-blue spread across him and mostly on his back where they were more dense. They gradually got smaller at the end of his large bulky tail.

He was above Calemvir staring into his light blue eyes with his stern emeralds. Who are you? Spoke a gruff, ancient-sounding voice in Calemvir's head. Spy? Yes. You are a spy. I can sense the aura all around you. Leave this place. Go, tell the Dark One that if he sends one of his little messengers here again, they will perish.

''Let me guess. You're The Elder? Well. I never thought we'd meet like this. I'm Cal-" He was interrupted by The Elder.

"Silence!'' He held his claws up, ready to knock Calemvir out. but then stopped and turned to face Sakinsara, a bloody talon infested arm. "my child, I am disappointed. I would've thought you'd so clearly see that this scum you found is a spy." He snarled on the word 'scum.'

"Hey! No need for tha-" He was struck by The Elder. Calemvir felt the hot blood pouring down his face, some of it seeping into his mouth. It didn't taste metallic, it tasted like rock. Molten rock. So they really do bleed lava. Perfect. Something else to annoy me. He hadn't really believed a word of what Sakinsara had said. He thought she was just some crazy telepathic dragon.

"No! he may have the essence of a spy but that's because Darkus stripped him of his powers! Kill him and you basically kill the Dragon race! What would you have left to rule then? I'm telling you! It's Calemvir." At this sudden mention of Calemvir's name The Elder jerked backwards and stood up. he slowly stepped towards the edge of the cliff, swished around glaring at Calemvir. Their eyes met, sky to grass. "If you do anything. Anything out of line, I will be seeing you." With that he jumped out the cave and flew across to the opposite cave that was a few miles away from them. They had both watched The Elder drift away and away through the light breeze.

"Sorry about that. Darkus' aura was still surrounding you, The Elder thought you were a spy."Sakinsara sounded slightly annoyed by the event. She paused, she could sense and understand what Calemvir was thinking. "No not a spy with gadgets and whatever you think. But a spy who watches you, gets to know you, appears friendly just to gather information and then kills you."

Calemvir acknowledged this information but then blurted out, "Can you stay out of my head?! I don't want you rummaging around my head. OK?!" Doesn't she understand the word 'privacy'?

"No. I actually can't stop this. I can't control it. I hear voices inside my head. People's thoughts that are within a metre's radius. I make people tell me any information I need. I can also sense danger. I'm just highly sensitive to some things. No Calemvir, 'I don't 'see dead people' wherever that was from."

Calemvir suddenly felt really sorry. "Oh... Listen, I'm sorry I just don't feel particularly joyous after the happenings of yesterday." Sakinsara's downed expression changed immediately after Calemvir's words.

"That's alright. I'll try and stay out of your mind if I can. You heal really fast. You haven't even got a scar."" She paused for a second, grinning, "You hungry?"

Calemvir was indeed hungry. But what could he eat? He wasn't too keen on murdering animals and eating them raw. he waited for Sakinsara to make a sarcastic remark. Something like well you better get used to it or you're a dragon, you baby. But she hadn't said anything, Oh yeah, She said she won't listen to my thoughts anymore...

"C'mon, spread out your wings and jump off," Sakinsara chuckled as she gazed at Calemvir's widened expression. "I'm joking! There's another way. If you hang off the edge of the cliff and grab onto the ivy that grows. It's strong don't worry." Calemvir thought she was joking still, but she hadn't chuckled or smiled or anything after speaking so it must be real.

"All right. I'm going to try because I do climb when I'm a lizard," He corrected himself, "Was a lizard. It can't be any different as a dragon."

They padded along to the ledge of the cliff, their talons click-clacking on the floor. This place looks familiar. Wait, I saw this in my dream! It was true. He could see exactly the same forest, but it looked so different without all the charred and burnt trees. This place was green, full of life. There was a big lake in the midst of everything.

Sakinsara spoke no words as she dropped down to hang on the vines attached to the face of the wall. "I'm not going to make you do it on your own. I'm not that mean!" Calemvir fell beside her, stuck firmly on the ivy. Sakinsara had made it look so graceful, just that simple movement. Calemvir thought it would take ages to reach the bottom. it only took a matter of minutes.

They still didn't speak as they padded through the soft earth, making moulds of their footprints. Where is everyone?

"Everyone is still here, but asleep. That's what most of the dragons do when they are bored. This place is called the Mountain." Calemvir hadn't noticed that she had read his mind. But she apologised, "Sorry. I-"

"It's fine. I don't care, you can read my mind if you want. You said it's hard not to because you can't control it. It's fine." He repeated the phrase at the end just to prove that it doesn't bother him now.

"Thank you. But I will give you some privacy at least."

They reached the glistening lake. You could see huge red fish swimming around. "Those are Alberoom. They're poisonous to all but dragons, lets go get some!" And with that, she leapt into the water, making a splash. Calemvir jumped in after her without thinking.

It was deeper than he thought and very dark. Even with the rays of light shining through to the abyss at the seemingly bottomless lake, he could still see the Alberoom fish. They had tendrils of blue light coming off them. Then he felt a surge of current as Sakinsara sped past, chasing a shoal of Alberoom. She already had 1 in her toothy mouth. Calemvir decided to get one too, to prove he wasn't just a useless obstacle as Sakinsara had demonstrated just then.

He tried to sneak up on one that was glowing about 6 metres underneath him. Perfect. He drifted slowly downwards, trying to be as still as he could. Then he used his wings to stop him from going downwards. he managed to grab the fish, for a second. He stopped chasing it to catch his breath but realised he was underwater. If I just reach it now. Come on! He got hold of it and swam upwards. But something was pulling him down. It was something even darker than the big sea of a lake. Darkus. The spy was grinning, saying, "The Master changed his mind." Then the world went black.

5: Chapter 5
Chapter 5

"Calemvir?" A muffled voice sounded, extremely concerned, "Calemvir! By Elebrindir you're alright!" It was Sakinsara, Calemvir found out as her face came slowly into view. He was at the edge of the lake, the Alberoom fish on the earth next to a worried Sakinsara.

Calemvir meant to speak but just spluttered out a lot of water. Sakinsara nudged him with her head, caressing him, "Hey. Take it easy. You almost drowned! I saw you trying to get an Alberoom. You know we can't breathe water right? It seems to me you were ensnared by... something. Scary..."

Calemvir found he could speak now that he had coughed up nearly all the cold water, he raised his head off the floor. "It was Darkus!" He said quickly, "It was Darkus that I saw! He told me that 'The Master changed his mind'." Sakinsara jumped backwards as if he had said, 'I need to kill you because the clown with the big green top hat and matching bow needs it to brew his mice.'

"Oh no. This is bad..." She turned around, staring at the horizon. Then turned back, "Only call him The Dark One. His slaves call him The Master but we call that... waste-of-life The Dark One. He killed so many... innocent people until I appeared to The Elder, he sensed who I was, when I was just 3 years old I fought him. I was victorious but scathed with a mark. It appears now whenever I'm upset, angry, shocked. He put it there to show everyone that he will never be vanquished." She closed her eyes and stood up. Just underneath her eyes appeared a light purple oval, outlined with blazing silver, they started at the corners of both her eyes and descended towards her mouth and stopped. Then she opened her eyes, the mark staying there.

"Beautiful." Calemvir stared in wonder with his kind eyes. "Do not be ashamed by it. It is written that we will defeat The Dark One, so isn't he afraid that the prophecy is actually taking place?"

Sakinsara smiled the kindest smile she ever could, "You're so sweet. Most people stare at me in disgust- that's why I try to hide it." She sighed, "I think he is scared. But you cannot interrupt the path of fate. He has sent Darkus to kill you, now he's realised that you are a threat to him. But he'll have to get through me to kill you, it will take more than his wing man."

She paused, then glanced at the dead Alberoom, opened her mouth and spewed a ball of green fire at them, turning them a deep crispy brown with all the light strands burnt to virtually nothing. "I prefer my food cooked." They both grinned then bent their heads down to snack on the juicy red fish. The mouths were gaping open with the last look they would ever have, gasping with no water to breathe. It was a saviour to Calemvir's stomach. It tasted wonderful, like sweet lemon with honey and a smoky flavour as an aftertaste. Tasty.

After their meal, Sakinsara stood with Calemvir on the edge of the huge lake. "Okay Calemvir, you're gonna need to know how to fly. Step forward." He willingly moved closer, "Okay, now I want you to stretch out your wings." He expanded his huge, shielding wings and still hadn't gotten used to the fact that they were coming out of his back. "Okay, now what?"

Sakinsara spoke,"Copy me. Jump and flap your wings." She jumped instantly and flapped her wings and hovered 3 metres above ground. Calemvir jumped- and fell back down again. He asked, "What if I mess it up?"

You won't. Said a voice inside his head. This gave him a lot of confidence, although he couldn't tell whether he had muttered that to himself or Sakinsara. He sprang from the muddy floor and flapped his wings- a couple of times to get to the same level as Sakinsara. She had done it effortlessly, though this was his first time. He was already out of breath, Sakinsara wasn't even panting, not one tiny bit. So do you come here often? You seem really good at that. Want some help? he was recalling on what Yggdrasil had called 'Pick-up lines'. He was joking of course and started laughing really hard. Sakinsara joined in too when she picked up on his thoughts. "I hope you don't use that in real life."

"Well, I've never had the chance to. I was in a forest that was far away from humanity. I could see through all the tree's eyes and watch people, watch them get on with their perfect lives, nothing in their way." He wasn't upset, though he may have sounded it.

"Oh, I'm sorry," She waited a few seconds, looked down to the ground then looked back up with joy. "Look how high we are! Not bad for a first attempt!" But Calemvir wasn't listening, he was too amazed at how high he was, but he was tired. No. Not again. I am not going to continually embarrass myself, come ON CALEMVIR! He didn't fall. He wouldn't fall. "Sakinsara, I'm getting tired... I can't-"

"No. You can. Look at me. Keep flying, you're doing it. Now we're going to glide back to the cave. okay?" She turn around and set her wings at the right angle. "Let's go."

She gestured with her head for Calemvir to go first, he did. He could hear the wind whistle as he kept descending and flying forward towards the slowly expanding view of Sakinsara's cave. Sakinsara overtook him reluctantly. She kept trying to fall back but was just to fast for him. Or he was too slow for her.

"Sorry, I am just... Not too good at this. Ha. It's fun though if you exclude the 'exhausted' bit!" He was laughing.

"It's alright! You'll get used to it." Sakinsara replied jokingly also.

When they finally reached the cave, which felt like it had taken hours to Calemvir, they both latched on to the dry, rocky surface and hopped back into the cooling shade. This is why they sleep. It's soooo hot!

Calemvir collapsed onto the floor. He hadn't noticed that where he had been gripped by Darkus, he had claw marks cut deep into his leg. The pain had only just hurt him, as if he hadn't noticed until now. He raised himself off the floor. He tried to stand but kept falling. "Damn..." He used his favourite phrase again.

Sakinsara came closer to him, "What is it?" She flicked her pretty eyes down to Calemvir's ugly, bloody leg, "Your leg. Damn, as you said it. Being impaled by a spy can kill you."

Calemvir gasped, The pain was getting worse, "I know a healing spell, but I can't use it on myself. You're going to have to say it. Repeat after me...-

'By Rocky Earth and Crystalline Water,

Pure Air and Flaring Fire,

May you hear this wish,

I invoke you here,

Heal thy body and thy mind.' It's a mouthful, I know. But it should work."

His face was turning black, like prominent veins spreading across his face. "Calemvir, I hope this works," She drew a deep breath and repeated the words that had been given to her with no flaws. Perfectly.

"Thank you. It's worked, but I should've told you that it may have side effects." His face turned back to his normal blue instantly.

Sakinsara was glad that it had worked, but confused, "Side effects? Like what?"

"Well. If I was ever injured as an animal. I used to get back to Yggdrasil and he would say it to me. I sometimes turned back to human after that... Hey do you think..."

"No. It might work, but that's a slight possibility." She sounded as if she wanted it to work.

"But Darkus told me that I could turn back to human. I was taught by Yggdrasil to switch to animal. But I taught myself to change back. I could try it now."

Calemvir looked crazy with excitement. So did Sakinsara.

"Well, if that's the case. Then this just might work." They both smiled a very deep smile.

6: Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Calemvir did not know when he fell asleep after crying but he awoke to find that he was still tired. Then it dawned on him that he was not in his cave where he had been but in the middle of the forest between the lake and cave.

"Well, hello! It's been a while hasn't it?" Said an unfriendly voice meaning to sound friendly, "I just love speaking to you! How lucky I am!"

It was Darkus.

Calemvir was a dragon, although he hadn't noticed changing into one. Maybe it had become a sort of reflex when danger was around.

"Darkus. Stop doing this, you've already ruined my life, tried to kill my best friend and worst of all, taken the one thing that I loved in this world." He snarled because all his anger was welling up. How dare Darkus snatch him from his life and plant him somewhere to wind him up with his frustrating conversations,- which nearly always turned into fights.

"Oh yes! How is she? I heard you knocked her up? Oh Calemvir, you really have messed this up what with her being banished...''

That's it. Calemvir charged at the extremely irritating Darkus. He scraped him in the throat, barely hurting him.

"Well!" Said Darkus in disgust as if he had expected Calemvir to bow down before him and accept his rudeness, "I'll have to return when you've polished your manners. Tata!" He vanished into a wisp of air.

Calemvir shouted out to pure night, "If you're ability wasn't teleportation you'd be dead! You hear me?! Dead!" He hadn't expected to sound so harsh but when it came out it was. Every dragon had an ability. If only that annoying fool wasn't a master of Teleportation...

Every time that idiot mentions Sakinsara... It hurt him too much. "Saki, what do I do?" He sobbed silently.

The morning was beautiful, even so with the weird squawking green-birds. A voice sounded, it sounded panicky. "Calemvir? Pssst. Look what's happened! The spell... You were right!" Sakinsara was now lowering her tone as Calemvir blinked.

He was dazed and dozy from his few hours of sleep. Something wasn't right. He felt... familiar? Then he realised that he had hands and feet instead of scaly legs full of claws, arms and legs. A face that was not elongated like a horse and no sharp teeth that pierced his own gums when he wasn't careful.

"Etiam in Calemvir Enchantor est homo ultra Gratias Yggdrasil. Gratias!" Calemvir suddenly felt selfish and embarrassed at his sudden outburst of Latin celebration as he lowered his raised arms and looked at Sakinsara- who was human. She had slim arms that were pressed to her side, wavy long hair that fell to just below her shoulders. Brilliant brown eyes that seemed to illuminate the rest of her face. Her eyes are even prettier as a human. She had honey-coloured skin that was mostly covered by a draping cloth the shade of dark green. It was outlined with gold archaic runes that made her look very elegant. She was kneeling on the floor, one knee folded upwards and one knee face-down on the floor.

"Calemvir... I'm human." She sounded startled by her own voice speaking words she never thought she'd ever say.

Calemvir was going to reply with 'You don't say?' But held it back because he was too busy being mesmerised. Instead he spoke without a hint of sarcasm.

"Sakinsara?! How did this happen? I changed to a human... but how did you?" He did not understand why she was human.

Sakinsara replied, "In the middle of the night a glow seemed to be all around you," She gestured with her hand a big circle around Calemvir as she said this. Calemvir noted in the back of his mind that Sakinsara was right-handed, he used to make notes of everything when he was using his 'manipulation' skills, "You were lifted into the air and started transforming and I touched you. Then this... force pushed me backward into the wall and I woke up a human wearing this." She stood up and revealed that the cloth was in fact, a dress. She looked magnificent.

Calemvir thought she looked beautiful and stood up to see what he was wearing. He wasn't wearing what he had been when he was last human. This time he was wearing a slim jacket that was buckled with chains to keep it together. He was wearing black school trousers and was barefoot (as always) and had a huge cape that reminded him of a big flag for some reason. Completely different to his usual clothes.

"Wow. I'm different... oh and I'm not going to lie here but you look beautiful. Although you probably knew I had thought that anyway..." He was just joking around but then realisation kicked in.

"Wait... What if the Mast... sorry. The Dark One finds out? How are you going to change back? Is Catfish going to kill me or something?"

Sakinsara didn't know the answer to any of these questions but replied with one, "Who's Catfish? Are you implying that The Elder of the Ancients is a stupid little fish to you?" Calemvir couldn't tell if she was annoyed or joking.

"Actually Catfish are extremely remarkable. Did you know that they can taste what they touch and smell? Amazing..."

Sakinsara just dismissed this answer and decided to answer the earlier questions, "If The Dark One finds out other dragons can protect us while we try and change back. Which I don't know how to do."

Calemvir had an idea, "Maybe I inflicted the powers of my changeability into you. Focus your mind on being a dragon. Think of you, something no other dragon has. Your marks perhaps! It will take practice but you should be able to change within 2 hours."

"I hope this works," She said as she closed her eyes swiftly and waited a few moments, "Nothing's happening."

"Let's practice. Empty your mind and just picture yourself as a dragon."

This went on for nearly 2 hours but Calemvir never got bored. Of waiting. Until finally, something happened.

"Calemvir, I'm sorry about this. I'm probably never going to-" Then she started shimmering, like a container of fine white glitter had been spread evenly all over her,"Woah... I'm shiny..."

Then she hovered into the air and transformed.