Chapter 1

Hey everyone rxlambert here. Please let ell me what you think of my story and writing style. :)

Mason's POV ***Point of view***

Today, we leave to go to a festival called 'Porcfest' it's a liberty thing where people all over the country come for a week. It's a painful eighteen hour drive but it's only my dad, sister and me. My mom is staying at the farm too water the crops and well camping isn't her cup of tea.

"Mason hurry up it's time to leave!" I groan. I hate sitting down. I grab my book and run downstairs. My sister is exactly two years older than me. And I'm still taller, she's 6'1 and I'm 6'3. I'm 13 so she's 15. "Hey bookworm get your head out of the gutter and you butt in the car we need to leave if we want to get there by 7 tonight that's why we're leaving at six in the bloody morning Dad!" Kelly yells, mostly at me dad.

***Time skip they get to the campground.***

I'm awoken by a hand shaking me awake. "Mason we're checking and then you will be able to walk around." I nod. Almost as if on queue, my dad get's in the car and drives to the automatic gate cars use to be stopped by a train. *I have no idea what those are called let me know if you what they are called I'd love to know thanks* Some girl around my age is walking in front of us without shoes, she seems unshaped as dad honks the horn and yells, "I'll run you over if you keep going so slow!" She looks up and yells back, "Lovely I wanted to die in an unnatural way, works for the both of us!" My dad laughs and asks, "Do you know where campsite number 29 is?" She nods and starts laughing,

"Sir, it might help if you go the right way! You took a wrong turn you're in 'Serenity Valley' where people buy and sell things. It's based off an old TV show; Firefly. They're showing it tonight at the video tent," She leads us to our tent site and hands dad some cards, she smiles, "Unlike most places we pay goods for goods, this is shire silver, it's one ounce silver in laminated paper. I'm guessing this is your first year here so this here should last about a week, it's worth about $90. My campsite is 24, if you need anything just let me know,"

She is smart, like really smart. She has a slight accent from the north she must be from around here. My dad looks at her she's kinda tall about 5'4 and has blonde and teal strikes but her natural hair color is dark brown. She has a fair skin and hazel eyes with black glasses that are kinda big but one size away from being nerdy of hipster glasses. On her hands is about 20 different plastic bracelets, I catch one to say, 'knives saves lives' and 'Zachary Tompkins #27 born 1999 died: 2011' and the last one I can see says 'economic freedom in action.' She looks at her watch and says, "I'm going to a class but there's a teen mixer for teens ages 12- 18 at 7 it's free too get in so, if you guys want to come it's in the family tent near the pool, but it isn't a tent it's a building with only two walls. there was a fire last year a few months before porcfest and the walls burnt down.'' She was running barefoot down the pavement and she seems like she's running pavement. "Did she ever tell us her name?" I ask as we're unpacking. "No she didn't. but I feel bad she gave me $90 worth of silver and we didn't even get here name." My dad responses. My sister looks up and says, "I think she's from New England. Her Boston accent was wicked strong," the last part she imitates a new engender.

2: chapter 2
chapter 2

light swearing sorry if you don't like. And Mason and his family got there early so about 6:15. Sorry. :)

Some things in life isn't fair but, stacked against you. And that is when you show this fucked up world what it means to be strong. -Unknown

Mason's pov:

After she left, I walk around this never ending campground. I look at the time, 6:55. Damn I am going to be late. I start running/jogging and I see the building with 'Family Tent' in bold black letters on the building, and it's 7:09. Great, I so late. I see my sister talking to three other girls and sit next to her and put my head on her shoulder. I'm going to mess with her. "Hey gurl how ya' doing, I haven't see you in ages and damn where did you get them shoes?! They're totes the cutest things I've seen all day." The girls laugh and my sister looks at me in the eye and mumbles,

"Fuck off little brother," I put my head down and sigh,

"OK big sissy," she's hated that ever since we've been kids.

"Has anyone seen a girl this tall, with blonde and teal strikes in her hair?" I point to my shoulder. I want to meet this mystery girl since the last time I saw here.

"I think you mean Rebecca, I think she was with one of her sisters or her brother. This guy has been following her for the past few hours and she went to hang with her sister and her friends." I nod. She might not be here. In my head I sigh. The one who told me about Rebecca's name is named Nick he's about 5'9 and 15 Faith is 17 and Hope is 16. Faith and Hope are a cute couple they both are short, Faith is more of a ton boy then Hope who is a girly girl.

"Nick I'm gone for twenty minutes and you just make new friends, how dare you," This familiar voice sighs behind me. It drips with sarcasm. "God dammit Becky you're just not good enough! OK?!" Nick starts. Are they a couple? Is all that goes through my head.

"So, are you going to indenture my you ass hole or you going to make me make my own?" Rebecca says. As soon as she finishes that sentence a crackle of lightning starts and the rain starts pounding. "I guess you could borrow some of my friends. Just return them in one piece." She sighs and mumbles something along the lines of 'That's no fun'. "Hey I'm Kelly, Mason's brother," She points to me, "and we're from Pennsylvania." Rebecca looks at Nick as if asking, 'can I?' He nods, "Kelly I'm so sorry," Kelly and everyone else starts laughing. Then I get. It was funny. The next to speak up is Faith, "Hey, I'm faith and this is my girlfriend Hope, we're from Pennsylvania also." Becca put her pointer finger and middle finger on her left hand together and moves them in a solution manner. "I'm Rebecca most people call me Ricky and Mr. Cool Shit over there is Nick and he's from Massachusetts and I'm born and raised New Hampshire ." She sits across from Nick. There's an empty chair next to her and a shady guy sit next to her and tries to talk to her. She looks at Kelly, "I know this is weird but do you mind switching seats?" YES! She is going to sit next to me! "Ricky, how did you get your nickname?" Faith asks,

"My uncle found it to be too girly for me so he started calling me Ricky. He was tired of yelling, 'Rebecca I need more ammo' when we were hunting so, he yelled Ricky and I answered and it just kinda stuck," A girl in air cast walked, no gimped over to Ricky and said, "Hey I'm going to hang with Clare and Dory for a while OK?" She nods and walks away. We started talking and joking around until ten. A British man walks up to us and says, "We need you to leave unless you want to watch bee movie. Are you Miss Lancook?" He looks at Ricky who nods her head, "Yes I am, why do you ask?" The laughs, "You're Luke's daughter. Hard not to know. Good day," And with that, he was gone and so were we. We walk and Nick almost yells over the rain, "Big Goth Party at the Bit Tent!" Ricky ran as faster than anyone else, like it was a race. Hell maybe it was, but she is so fucking cute when runs. She's wearing short shorts, not ones that ride up her as but if any shorter they might have been. She wore a shirt too big that said, 'V is the new peace" *v for vendetta sign it's a V in a circle like a peace sign" We get in and it's a concrete floor that's soaking wet and a fog machine that must have been on for hours. We are in the side of the party. Few people were there other than the five of us we're there. Ricky heard a song by Panic at the Disco and started dance to it. "What song is this Becky?" Faith almost yelled, "there's a good reason these tables are numbered My favorite song by them next to I Write Sins Not Tragedies Or Miss Jackson!" After this she fell but Kelly must have seen this because she moves her hand in such a way that she gives me a nosebleed. We all run out trying to find a time. We look around for what seems like hours but were properly only minutes, Ricky cracks a joke in a southern accent she said, "And on the first day god said let there be light, and where there are light napkins best be there too, dammit!"

3: Chapter 3
Chapter 3

AN- I think I said Ricky was 13 if not she is now. and slight swearing sorry-rxlambert

Rebecca's OR Rick's POV:

After that eventful quest of finding napkins, Faith and Hope go with Faith's Dad for something that I didn't catch. But, Nick and the siblings, damn I know Kelly: and Mike, no, Mason! I feel bad for falling or else he wouldn't have had a bloody nose. Oh well, Mason's tall, with, short thin blonde hair. He seems like a nice guy. He really does. I'm sure we could be friends. He's like a teddy bear that no matter how old you get you still wanna hug him when you're sad or mad. I must have forgotten about the knives randomly located on my body (ex- hips, shirt, back and bar every now and then.) because I put my hand on my hip and jump about ten feet in the air because of how scared I was. "Goddammit Becky," Mason yelps.

"Sorry Prince Mason! Do excuse my weariness of my weapons on one of my hips and forgot about them, you would jump too," Nick, Mason and some bystanders laugh. One of my dad's friends come up to me, drunk and says, "Rebecca? Did you know what you are to me?" I shake my head, "A fucking enigma Rebecca! I know nothing about you, we need to hang out some time you that?" Nick and Mason laugh and he leaves. "What was that Ricky?" My sister, Stephanie asks and the air cast she's wearing doesn't help. "Well Gimpy, Matt *The drunk guy* must have been drink and got all physiological on my ass and told me about how I am an enigma, he knows about Emily and you, but me? I my friends am a fucking enigma. Steph what did you want? You don't just go stalking me," she smiles telling me something like, 'What would have you do at home but my boyfriend isn't here yet so…...' "What?" now I'm getting angry. "Will you cut this open?" It's a zip tie on a homemade bag of cookies. I pull out one of my knives and cut it. "Whoa! Ricky where did you get that?!" Mason almost drools over the basic switch blade. "Um this is a pretty basic knife, I have a ton more," I move my other hand to get my other knives on me. Stephanie and Nick laugh and Stephanie looks over at me and says, "Don't make him faint! Because I'm not helping," Mason laughs.

Sorry for a short chapter :(

4: Chapter 4
Chapter 4

Aw man I changed the plot of the story but it still has the same idea, clam your tits 

4 Years later: Mason's POV

I'm standing in the New England Airport on my 16 TH birthday. At least I'll see Ricky. A girl about 5'6 with short teal hair stands in the airport tear stained eyes and face. But when she looks where I stand she smiles. Ricky? I run to her and pick her up. She's about 135 pounds. "Mason! I've missed you," I laugh. I lean in and kiss her. Her lips taste like blue raspberries but the kiss was soft and passionate, she kissed back. And then I wake up to my walking alarm clock, Mom. Damn, "Mason, we need to have a family meeting, now," This wasn't her soft voice but scared and sad. What the? I walk out and sit on the floor where my dog, Fox sits and licks me. "As you know I've been talking to the Lancook family and Mr. and Miss Lancook passed away from a car accident and as well as two of they're daughters," I gasp, not Rebecca anyone but her, I loved her since I meet the barefoot knife wheedling crazy chick. The one in to Panic at the Disco and Firefly. "Rebecca and her sister Justice as well as her brother Brandon both live but they can't take care of her. We will take a family vote to see if see can live her." Everyone raises they're hands. She'll live here, I smile. This most likely isn't the best idea because my Mom looks up at me and winks. "Mason you and Kelly will go on a plane with her. She's never been on one before." I gasp. What?! she's 17 how can't she never been on an airplane before. Kelly is yawning and I see a tears leave her cheeks. "She lost most of her family and we have to be her new family, I don't care what happens. We'll care for her. What time do we leave," My mom checks her watch, "Leave in five hours, I thought you would agree so I already told her aunts yes that she could live with us." My sister looks up, "Aunts?" Mom nods, "Most of her family is bisexual or homosexual. We will not talk about in this hose we will not make her uncomfortable." My mom never cared if anyone was gay or not but, if people ever made for of gay people they would get it from my mom. I don't care if anyone's gay or not. But I still feel bad for her. She must be bullied at school. We always kept in touch. We always had a video chat with her at least once a week, but we only e-mailed this week.  I wondered why. I sigh it's 3 am I should sleep, I know I should but I can't. I look at Mom and sigh, "How many lay backs?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "None, you do need to be in the airport in about 90 minutes, you can go in your pjs if you want." I nod and dad walks with me back to bed, "I'm sorry your crush  had to go though that Mac," I walk back into the warm covers in our five story house, I know I won't sleep so, I don't bother, it's about a two hour plane ride to NH. This should be fun. *sarcasm* I wonder if P!ATD is as good as Ricky makes it sounds. *Panic at the disco is P!ATD*  I must have fallen asleep because Kelly comes in and shakes me awake, "We have to get Rebecca,." I nod and numbly walk to the rusty old pickup truck my dad uses in the fields. We have money, lots really, we just don't use lots, if any really. We don't need too. Dad drives us and we get a call from Mom. "Made a mistake sweetie planarity Beck already is here and waiting in the airport. And take her to the tattoo parlor she asked that one. I don't know why. But, you know, New Englanders," My mom laughed. She makes dad jokes, all the time. "K mom bye," We walk in and find a bunch of people in the airport A girl with short bright teal hair and neon orange over the ear headphones listening to music in cafe, I look over to Kelly, "Found 'Her," She looks around, "Bullshit." I grin, "Nope" I run to Becky but she doesn't notice me because I run into her and she looks around and says, "Pay attention dumb ass your going to break something, so calm yourself," her eyes are closed but you can see the circles under her eyes. I tap her shoulder, and she looks up and gets teary eyed, "Mason!" I pick her up and hug her, but I don't kiss her, I can't kiss her. "Let's get your bags," I say trying to lighten the mood, "How many and what colors," She doesn't wait to respond, "Two bags one neon orange and the other bight teal can't miss." Only two? No way my sister needs two bags to go to a trip for five days. I see them they're fairly large but not very much. "Did you hear about Nick and how he moved here?" She tries to make conversations, "I did, we're going to take you to the tattoo parlor down the rode from the house k?" She nods. "You want to get a tattoo?" "A few actually," she smiles. I don't ask, it must be personal. "OK let's go Becky..."

5: Chapter 5
Chapter 5

The songs Becky listens to are Build God, Then We'll Talk and This Is the Gospel *Piano Version* 

Ricky's POV: 

Death, I guess it's not the best thing of the world but, what can we do. Most of mine is fine. But I'm not sad, angry or happy, Hell no, I'm numb. My aunts helped me grieve. I never had time to grieve for any other of my dead family when I was younger, I couldn't that might have given me away. That's right I worked for the CIA until I was 16 I have some dirty little secrets for them but, we'll talk about that later. I worked undercover in the new England states mostly in NH. My home, I grew up on a farm because until I was 15 I would do schools and other harmless things but I went to Porcfest because I belied in it's morals. A bunch of gun owners who beliefs in the nonaggression principle. But that was all. I was lucky to be able to keep touch with Mason along as I didn't talk about my missions. But I will have to talk to his family about this. They need to know the monster that they let in they're house. I shoot a firearm and carry knives. I have permits in every state for my babies. I'm trying to dose off in the cafe so I'm sitting down and some ass hole runs in to me and my bullet wound in my shoulder, " He tap my shoulder, and  I looks up and gets teary eyed, "Mason!" he pick me up and hugs me, "Let's get your bags,"He say trying to lighten the mood, "How many and what colors," I doesn't wait to respond, "Two bags one neon orange and the other bight teal can't miss."  "Did you hear about Nick and how he moved here?" I tries to make conversations, "I did, we're going to take you to the tattoo parlor down the rode from the house k?" I nods. "You want to get a tattoo?" "A few actually," I smiles. I "OK let's go Becky..."Where's your lovely sister?!" He's running out of the airport but I don't know where the exit is, so, I sit on the ground, put my headphones back in and listens to music  Oh, P!ATD, how I love you.

It's these substandard motels on the (lalalalala) corner of 4th and Fremont Street.
Appealing only because they are just that un-appealing
Any practiced catholic would cross themselves upon entering.
The rooms have a hint of asbestos and maybe just a dash of formaldehyde,
And the habit of decomposing right before your very (lalalala) eyes.

I must have been singing because someone picks me out and I don't fight it. I open my eyes to find it's Kelly, "Hey girl, wheres my dip shit of a brother?" "Sorry to say Mr Dip shit ran away from me and I don't know where the exit is. I've never been in an airport before. We must find him love or hate him," She laughs, "How you feeling Beck," she never called me Ricky so, "Numb," she nods solemnly. She puts me down, "How much do you weigh honey?" Fuck I don't know last month I was 110 and under wight but that was because of a mission. I lie, "163," "OK I thought we were going to have to feed you a big for minute there" I nod I'm hearing anything anymore. But someone put's me in the backseat and I rest my head on Mason's lap in the backseat. "Off to the tattoo parlor," he yells he pulls off my headphones and puts them on his ear and he hears, 

Raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things.

"Jesus, Ricky where did you find this?! It's awesome?" I laugh, ""Guess," "Um...Greenday?" i shake my head, "My Chemical Romance," I shake my head "What," "Oh you know Panic at the Disco," "Lies! No way are they this good." I nod and fall back asleep, I wake up as we pull into a tattoo parlor. "Perfect timing Ms. Lancook," I think Mr Smith says. "I do have to ask what tattoos your going to get because-" I cut in, "Four ravens flying to my heart, they represent the dark and to me it means even in the dark my family will help me. I am not going to get a tramp stamp if that's what your asking,"   "You need a parent or gardenias to sign, I'll just say I have it before like my other tattoo." "Another?!" I nod, "It's a Dauntless Flame, it stands for bravery and self independents," He nods as if he understands, "How old are you?" "16 sir," "When's your birthday," "October and I don't know what day," Everyone in the car looks at me. "You don't know what day your birthday is?" I shake my head. "I worked undercover for the CIA until I turned 16 then I had a choose to stay or go and I went, you only know the month and year you were born, they gave me a tattoo for my 10 th birthday and I got the flame in a circle, the only other persons who knows this other than family is Nick, we often worked together and he chose to leave all my other family those chose to stay," they nod and walk we walk in, "Hey Ricky!" Someone yells and I see the one and only, Nick. "Nicky Boo!" I yell and he picks me up and spins me, I lean in and whisper, "They got 1942'd everyone but 734 and 524." Code names for family, wow how close we were, "What?! You ok?" I shake my head and point to my shoulder, "Shot," he nods, he never got shot I always got them, I've had about 19 in all.  "Ok you guys come with me in the back," He carries me like a child and sits me down takes off my shirt and removes the pice of cloth they use to cover up bullet wounds and says, "Did they take care of it?" I nod Mason looks up in horror, "Oh my god you've been shot!" I laugh, "It's not the first time," Kelly looks up and looks at me like, 'How many times?' "About 19," "It's healing just fine, better than some of then other ones I've seen you deal with," we both laugh, "OK who want's the tattoo? Rick?" I nod, "Four ravens flying down to my heart, like what Brent has," Brent was our other partner who passed away when I was 7. "OK lets go, you don't a parent or garden because well I still owe you one," I nod I took my first bullet for him in 2 nd grade. "After about ten minutes he puts on a band aid and says done, you can go, and e-mail me some more Rebecca Lynne," I look when he says my full name, "Is that her middle name?" Mason can't help but ask, I answer, "No it's my real last name, I haven't heard it in years,"  Everyone looks up even Nick, "I-i thought was your middle name!" I shake my head, "No,-' "I'm so sorry Becky," He hugs me, "It's cool, Lancook is a super fake name anyway, how much?" He looks up well down because he's 6'8, "Free, it's a simple one, and it's for Brent," We both say, "If life awards you with a strong goodbye then it will give you a new hello," It was his favorite saying, "Who was Brent?" "Our old partner who passed away during a case when I was seven," they all nod, "Let's go home," I nod and walk out. "Not to long before we get there, about ten minutes," I nod. "Does it hurt?" "What the bullet or the tattoo?" Both," "Nah they don't hurt they only do when someone bumps into in the airport while you try and sleep," "I said I was sorry!" Mason says, "No you didn't," "Fine I'm sorry I hit you in a bullet wound," "Good you should be sorry," everyone but Mason and I laugh, we pull into a long drive way into a five story building, and is on about 20 acres of land. "Here we go. sorry it's so cold out," I shake my head, "It's what 70? this is bathing suit weather where I live!"  Everyone laughs, "This is about as cold as it get's," "Holy crap it always this hot?! Jesus!" We walk inside and I meet their mom and Kelly show me my room, It big. I never had my own room before I always with Nick or my other teammates. She hands me bags and I start to unpack, I don't have very much clothing because I was given clothing for a mission the day before a mission so I only own about a week's worth of clothes, and my other bag has my posters and weapones as well as permits for the weapons, I start singing as I put up my Doctor Who Pandora poster. This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart [x2]
The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds
But they haven’t seen the best of us yet

If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
‘Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart [x2]

This is gospel for the vagabonds,
Ne'er-do-wells and insufferable bastards
Confessing their apostasies
Led away by imperfect impostors

Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart [x2]

Don’t try to sleep through the end of the world
And bury me alive
'Cause I won’t give up without a fight

If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
‘Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart

Oh, the fear of falling apart
Oh, the fear, the fear of falling apart

(Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart)
The fear of falling apart

When I'm done I here clasping, it's Mr and Miss. Smith, and I don't think they just want to hear me singing. But I might be wrong.  Though I'm rarely wrong.

6: Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Mason's POV: 

"Honey, were's Ms. Lancook?" Fuck, no one told about how her last name's Lynne. "She's in her um-..... Room I think she's in her room!" I suck at lying maybe I should take lessons from Ricky, she's super good at them, you know. "OK will you come with me too me too?" What does she want with me? Oh well, we'll see soon. Kelly hops off her bed as soon as mom opens the door, "Is Ms. Lancook in her room?" She nods, "OK honey will you come with me same with you dear," she says pointing down the hall to my father. They walk side by side, when we get to the room I see it's open and she's singing, she has a calming voice soft and yet so loud at the same time. 

If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
‘Cause these words are knives and often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart

She is so crisp and sharp at the end at every verse. At the end of the song she looks up to see Mom and Dad clapping, but by the way she looks she doesn't think it's genuine. Probably right. "Can we talk to you for a few minutes alone?" Mom says looking at the rest of us, "Sure Miss. Smith," She walks over and close the door and looks at me as if asking, 'what does she want?' I shake my head telling her I have no idea. 

Rebecca's POV: 

I look at Mason giving him a pleading look but he looks at me as if he has no idea, he might not. "Ms. Lancook, did I ever tell you how you like a little girl I use to work with?" My stomach drops, we know each other, and I know where. "No you didn't, do enlighten me," I give a coy smile. "Her name was Riley but often went but Rebecca, Ricky and a few other names. Damn she knows me! "Really, that's fascinating. What did you do?"  "Damn Riley don't play dumb with me, you need to help me!" She almost shouts, "Look I don't work with the CIA anymore I'm on a six year break. I'm going to go to a real school and do part time working for them," She smiles and I relax, "Ms. Lynne I didn't think you to give in that easily," "Miss. Sarah I always remember my weapons' teacher!" we laugh, "Did you see Nick at the parlor?" She laughs, "Yes I did I hope you told him about bullet," I nod, "It's healing quite quick, I did however steal Brent's tattoo," "May I see?" "Why, Miss Sarah are you asking to see my tattoo. I thought you hated them?!" She laughs, "Once a quirky mad man always a quirky mad man," I nod, "Why yes, how did you know?" "Your teacher just knows things, do you still have my bracelet I gave you?" I nod and take off my purple, 'Never Surrender' bracelet and hand it over. "You would always wear this on missions and say you won it or found it but never told the real back story behind it," I sigh sometimes people never learn, "Never, something you keep to yourself, still have moments like that," she nods and sighs, "I have moments like that, mostly about be a weapon's teacher. Do you still have your babies?" I laugh, "Every single one, each one has a permit too! Lucky me. Are we going to tell them?" she sighs, "Tonight at dinner, hope to see you again Ms. Lynne?" I solute her like we would at base. She smiles, "Dismissed,"

Mason's POV: 

After about ten minutes I hear, "Dismissed," and Mom walks out smiling and slightly teary eyed. "Sorry you guys can go I thought I would need to talk to you guys." We nod and walk away. As I walk I hear Mom say to Dad, "It's her," she sounds happy as if they we're close before and were torn away from each other. Maybe I'll check on her, I turn around and knock on her door after they leave, "It's open!" Ricky yells, her room has posters and pictures  located all over the room. "What happened between you and Mom?"  "Nothing really," I think she's lying, "Lies, tell me the truth," "I've meet her and your dad before, I wasn't sure before but I knew about your dad after I told him about the Dauntless flame, Nick and Brent.Your mom however, she called me by my real name like my real name I haven't heard it in years because I never told anyone. But she's my god mother," Wait?! My mom's my friends god mother and forgot? "Mason what ever you don't touch this green suitcase," I nod. I touch it later.

7: chapter 7
chapter 7

Mason's POV:

Rain, I love rain the smell of wet pavement, and grass when it rains. It washes away the pain and hurt from the past and let's you start anew. I love the lighting that I would once shy away from, I now welcome. To me, this is Ricky. She smells like pine wood, and she's quick like a whip. And five years ago I would shy away from this firecracker. But now I welcome her. 

I knock on her door and smell the distinct smell of pinewood. She opens to door, to me she is about up to my chest, she's wearing a white blouse and corset with a black lacy skirt and her hair is dyed back to a chestnut brown, "Hey," she mumbles. She looks perfect. "Why are you dressing like that?" I ask, confession in my voice. "I need to do a quick mission with Nick, he's picking me up in ten, your Mom know's don't worry," "I thought you stopped?" She nods, "So, did I, however the CIA doesn't think so, I love working too, I might take you to a simple one," She smiles, "I'd like that," She hugs me, I hear her whisper, "I love you," I pick her up and kiss her tenderly on the lips, but I know I pulled away too soon, I see her blush, "We'll take later," and she pecks me lips. "Don't break your feet in those heels Ms. Lynne!" she turns around and says, "Yes sir," and solutes me like she would a soldier, and walks away. 

My bedroom is around the corner next to Kelly's, I knock on that door, "In," I walk in, "I did it," I say, "I kissed Ricky, and get this, she kissed back!" She smiles, "Told ya, she had a crush on you too," Really?! This works out perfectly. "Did you see how badly it's raining out?" I nod. I love rain. 

Rick's POV:

I get a phone call, " Riley, will you do me a favor?" I laugh, "Yes, Sarah, what do you need?" She laughs, "Will you work Nick and go to the open paint gallery? There's supposed drug use, it's an hour in hour out," "Yes ma'am, corset?" "Yep, the black fancy one and dye the hair," "Will do," "Oh and Riley, you can date my son," wait, how did she know I have a crush on him? Oh well, "OK dearly noted," I hang up and dye my hair and change, white long sleeved blouse, black corset and a black lacy dress and kitty heels. Then there's a knock at the door, "Hey," "Why are you dressing like that?" he asks, confession in his voice. "I need to do a quick mission with Nick, he's picking me up in ten, your Mom know's don't worry," "I thought you stopped?" She nods, "So, did I, however the CIA doesn't think so, I love working too, I might take you to a simple one," I smile, "I'd like that," I hug him, I lean and whisper, "I love you," He picks me up and kisses me  tenderly on the lips, but he pulls away too soon, I know I'm blushing, "We'll take later," and I peck him on the lips. "Don't break your feet in those heels Ms. Lynne!" I turn around and say, "Yes sir," and solute him like I would at base, and walks away. To Nick's car. "Girl, did you get some? Your blushing like a mad man," I laugh, Nick is one of the gayest people I've meet, but you got to love him. "No, Mason just kissed me and I may or may have not kissed him back," He laughs, "Girl, I told you. Do you have an umbrella, it's pouring," He was right it sounded like pebbles hitting the window, "Thanks Nick for that lovely weather report, back to you, Josh," we laugh, "Yes, I have an umbrella,"  "So, names?" We rarely chose our own names, "Alice and Brent, our fallen hero," He nods, "Sounds great Alice," `

The rest of the night goes just fine quicker than usually, but all I can think about is Mason and I want to be with him, we finished in 45 minutes, and we're walking back to the car, "Hey Ricky, can I ask a question?" I nod. "What's your real name?" That's true, only Sarah and my family knows my real name, "Riley, yours?" "I like your name, mine's Hunter," To most people this would be odd, but to us this is something rarely done, telling your partner your real name. "Riley Lynne, I love it," "Hunter, what's your last name?" He sighs, "Davis, Hunter Davis, don't laugh," "I would do no such thing Mr. Davis,"  I decide to do something crazy, you learn your partner's birthday but you don't know yours, "April 12," he seems confused by this date until he understands the importance of this date that before, meant no thing is now his birthday. "Do you want to know yours?" I shake my head, "Nope,"  he laughs, "Thanks, it means a lot." We pull in to the drive way and we walk to the door in the lighting storm. It's about 5:30. "I got to go by Riley," "Bye Hunter," I open the door to find Sarah right by it, "He told you his name?" I nod. "and did you-" "Yes ma'am, I think I'm going to change, and talk to Mason," I solute her, "Dismissed Missy," I walk into my room and change into a crop top and shorts, I walk to Mason's door and knock, "It's open," I walk in, and he stops reading, 'A Rose of Melinda,'  "She dies you know?" "What?! What's with the spoilers Ricky?!" I walk up to him and kiss him, our mouths fit perfectly together, "When you get shot over ten time you can spoil anything you want," He cringes when I mention being shot so many times, "Dearly noted," "And can you not call me Ricky or even Rebecca?" He smiles and nods, "Then what," "I'm not sure yet," Even though I've been here for less than a day it feels like a week. "What are we?" "Humans, Mason, humans," "No not that, us," "I'm down to just about anything," "Will you be my girlfriend," "Of course Mason," "Why can't I call you Rebecca?" "It's not my real name," and with that I left.