Chapter one - my birth

A/N – hey readers. I decided to re-do this chapter since the previous draft was such a mess. What can I say? It was a burst of inspiration that didn’t come out in the way I had planned :L  I hope you enjoy my first dabble into greek mythology :D Also this is my first time writing in the first person if anyone has any advice it would be very appreciated :)


Chapter one – my birth


“That’s it, my maiden,” I heard as I strained to extend my arms and legs.

“Come on my dear everyone is eager to meet you” I strained further wanting to meet the encouraging voice. I found some give in the soil above me and began to straighten my back. When I fully stood I felt the enveloping heat of the sun on my skin and the invigorating soil under my toes. I heard a squeal of delight.

“It’s not every day you see the birth of a mortal!” I opened my eyes and saw an angelic woman before me, her violet eyes full of love and her waist length curls of blonde hair shining, golden, in the sunlight. White feathered wings arched proudly over her head and as she moved closer I noticed each feather was traced with silver that glimmered with every step. She wore a lilac chiton held in place by silver clasps that hugged her tall frame perfectly.

“Welcome my dear to this beautiful land where you will find bounty and a life of care you deserve” She whispered to me as she hugged me.

“I don’t understand” I whispered back. She broke our embrace and held me at arm’s length.

“You have just been born from the earth, Gaea. She has given you life and will provide everything you need throughout it.” This was so sudden. I tried to organise my thoughts to take in what she was telling me but to be honest, there weren’t many of them.

“You must meet everyone they’ve been waiting for you”

“What?” I gasped as I looked behind her and saw a large crowd in front of me. Unlike Astraea they were all naked; varying in height and hair colour they were all looking at her eagerly.

“Come on” she squeezed my hand in reassurance.

“I’ll be here every step of the way”

I swallowed hard and we stepped forward onto the grass. I looked out at all their smiling faces and felt my stomach twist.

“I, Astraea, ambassador of the golden race of man introduce you all too….”

I looked at Astraea nervously but she just inclined her head encouragingly.


“Callidora!” Astraea echoed. “Our new addition, Callidora”

The crowd clapped and cheered but I felt the ground shift under my feet. Astraea and I turned around and saw the small patch of over turned earth shift and change before our eyes. The earth and grass shifted back into its original place then as we looked on an elm tree began to sprout and grow. After just a few moments a fully grown elm stood just where I had been born.

“I think Gaea approves of you Callidora” Astraea beamed at me.

“This is amazing. Who is Gaea?” I asked as Astraea walked to the base of the tree trunk.

“I think explanations can wait until later” the elm bent a branch down to the goddess which she delicately broke off. She walked back to me curving the branch into a wreath.

“For now we have a new arrival to celebrate” Astraea placed the wreath on my head and traced the side of my face lovingly with her hand.

“Callidora means the gift of beauty. It’s definitely a fitting name for you”

I smiled at the complement. Astraea then turned to the crowd spreading her silver gilded wings.

“We shall hold a celebration for Callidora. I’m going to tell Krios the good news, you all know what we need”

Astraea then leapt into the air and began her flight to the titans’ home. As the crowd disbanded to their various tasks I could take in more of my surroundings. We had all been stood in large meadow. The grass was a bright emerald colour dotted with delicate flowers. I knelt on the ground taking in the sweet taste of the air and the smell of the flowers.

“An amazing place to live isn’t it?”

I snapped to attention at the new voice. I jumped as the voice came from a woman sat next to me.

“Sorry, I didn’t notice you were there”

The woman giggled. I frowned, unsure of what she found funny.

“I was the same when I was born. Too occupied taking the beauty of the earth to notice anyone else”

The woman giggled again brushing back a lock of straight black hair from her brown eyes.

“It’s the colours, especially these purple ones”

“Oh those are called Iris. If you look closer there are spikes of yellow too”

I kept looking on at the ‘iris’ becoming lost in the deep purple of its petals.

“I could braid them into your hair if you like, for the celebration later”

“Really? I’d love that thank you”

She picked some of the flowers and gestured for me to turn around. When I was comfortably sat she knelt behind me.

“I’m Xyanthe by the way”

The two of us continued to chat as she worked on my hair. We continued like this for the afternoon watching the people gathering wood and food for the celebrations.


It wasn’t long before Astraea saw her Grandfathers mountain-side home, a distant glint of marble in the setting sun. As she flew closer the goddess began to glide to the enormous propylaea that served as a gateway to their home.

I can’t wait to tell him the news

As she came closer Astraea lowered herself onto the flat marble platform Krios had built for his winged children. When she felt the cool marble on her feet she rushed to the main gate. The gate itself was of simple construction, two large square towers with the doors between them, except every block was made of stark white marble with deep azure veins tracing their way around the structure.

The gate watchers spotted the approaching goddess and promptly bowed as the large doors opened. Normally she would have stopped to greet them and ask about their day but she was too much in a rush to notice them now. She began to ascend the stairs these irritated Astraea slightly since she could fly up them in half the time but Krios had a strict grounding policy in his home since her brothers, The anemoi, would wreak havoc racing each other within the corridors of the palace. Eventually she had reached the top and was making her way through the entrance hall which was a basic square of columns with curtains between them rather than walls, there was an open roof since krios always enjoyed the view of the night sky. There were loungers and tables with bowls and glasses in case they were going to receive company but all were empty, they were alone tonight.

Astraea noticed the vacant seats.

Please don’t have them visiting others today

The titans were close siblings and were very common visitors in each other’s homes. She brushed aside the black curtains as she emerged from the other side of the hall. She looked on the rest of the palace. Krios’ palace was certainly one of the most difficult to navigate. There was a wall around the perimeter with the propylaea as the only entrance. Within the border was the usual mountain landscape, with buildings dotted inside the complex. Naturally the largest was Krios’ own home with his wife Eurybia this was the one Astraea was now making her way towards. Even though his home was open on the mountain side Krios never had it landscaped. He kept the mountainside at its most natural with large fir trees and wildlife, which Astraea had always respected him for. As she walked along the path Astraea saw the sun begin to set behind the trees and began to go at a faster pace. Before long Astraea had reached the high columns of Krios’ home, made of the same marble as the gates. She made her way up yet more steps and into the corridors of the palace.

“Grandfather! Grandfather!”

Astraea called as she drifted from room to room, each lit by the soft orange of the setting sun. Eventually in a corridor she bumped into one of the servants of the palace.

“Hello lady Astraea. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Astraea acknowledged him as he bowed his head in greeting. She didn’t recognise his olive skin and boyish features. Her grandfather was always accepting new staff, but only when the mortals volunteered. They remained naked like the others not in service and they were treated like equals within the titans home, mortals mostly volunteered to serve the gods out of respect not force.

Astraea inclined her head.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know your name. Could you tell me where my grandfather is?”

The servant only smiled.

“I am Pacorus. I have only been here recently but I think….”

The man’s voice trailed off as he counted on his fingers. With each count Astraea felt the urge to tap her foot impatiently.

“It is about this time master Krios and mistress Eurybia move to the roof to watch the setting sun”

Great, the stairs to the roof are on the other side of the building.

Pacorus noticed the goddesses face fall

“I’m sorry my lady is there something wrong?”

“Well another mortal was born today and I don’t want to miss the celebrations”

The servants face lit up.

“That is amazing news! I guess in this…….. extraordinary circumstance I don’t think master Krios would object to a granddaughter having a ‘flighty’ mood”

She grinned noticing his hint.

“I guess not, thank you for your help Pacorus”

Before the servant could respond Astraea was brusquely walking down the corridor to a gap in the pillars, her wings spread wide.

Within moments Astraea was landing on the roof, instantly she spotted where Krios and Eurybia were lying on pillows watching the sunset in each other’s arms.

Astraea saw the last rays of the sun were gleaming on the horizon and approached in earnest. She cleared her throat.

“Grandfather I have some news”

The couple jumped, shocked out of their moment together. Krois turned on the pillows to face her. His short, sandy, hair slightly tousled where Eurybia had run her hands through it and his deep midnight blue eyes glinting in the brightening starlight. He was always more active at night.

“Astraea my dear it’s a pleasure to see you”

He turned mischievously to Eurybia.

“However unexpected it maybe, what is it you wanted to tell me?”

The titan asked as he rose, straightening out his black chiton and adjusting the position of his dark blue himation on his tall muscular frame.

“And how is it you reached the roof so fast?”

He added raising an eyebrow questioningly.

“Well another mortal was born today I thought you would like to know but I need to make it back before the celebrations started”

“Hmmmm that’s great news but not exactly worth your effort of flying all the way here and disturbing our evenings…….. entertainment. Is there something else?”

“I was hoping that we could talk about that privately but it can wait if your erm….. busy”

Eurybia giggled at Astraea’s last statement.

“There’s no need, If Krios can hear it so can I. remember I am your grandmother too and frankly if I stood up now it would compromise my dignity a bit”

The titaness glanced at the discarded pins and belt as she propped herself up better on the pillows, gathering the material of her sea blue chiton as she did so.

Astraea stood nervously glancing to Krios then to Eurybia, she cleared her throat.

“When the mortal was born, her name is Callidora by the way, an elm tree grew where she had come from the earth and her looks are akin to a goddess. She could pass for one of us with the right clothes”

The couple looked at Astraea as if she had gone mad. A few moments passed before Krios opened his mouth to speak.

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at my dear. It’s not the first time Gaea has propagated a tree in place of a birth mound and as for looks I’m not too sure where that would be of any concern”

Astraea looked to the now dark horizon in frustration and saw the Aries constellation, Krios’ symbol, rise in the sky.

“I mean that I get the feeling something bad is happening. Gaea can be prophetic, yes? Well and elm means strength of will but also the death of a state of existence. I’ve seen olive trees, pine trees even the odd cypress tree but never an elm in the event of a birth”

She raised her arm gesturing to the Aries constellation.

“And she is born on the first night of the rising of your constellation, Aries, a sign of the spring and new year, essentially a symbol of renewal. Not to mention at this time she is born in your province, the south, and I think her goddess-like appearance is conformation that Gaea has intentionally interfered and created this woman out of the normal cycle as a sign, a warning of the end of man”

Eurybia brushed back a wisp of black hair and looked at Astraea in concern.

“I think you’re putting together pieces that aren’t there. Just because you’ve never seen an elm doesn’t mean it’s never happened and the timing is coincidence. I know mother she has never been known to be this subtle and as for her gift of prophecy she can be a bit dramatic at times. Honestly dear you should just enjoy this as any other birth”

“No you don’t understand it’s not just her but lately I’ve felt a change in the cycle of mortals there are less births but the number of spirits being taken back into the earth to be born is the same.  There is something going on and Callidora is the cosmos warning us about it”

Krios placed a hand on Astraea’s shoulder reassuringly.

“It’s nothing to worry about. Numbers of mortals as with any other earth-dwelling creature are bound to go through their phases of bounty and decay, it’s only natural.”

Krios could see this wasn’t of much reassurance to his granddaughter and sighed.

“How about you keep watch on this mortal? If there turns out to be a sign then you can come back and we’ll look into it. But for now there truly is nothing to worry about, life is as good as it has ever been.”

The titan then joined his wife on the pillows.

“For now go and celebrate, it’s a beautiful night”

“Fine, but I’ll be back if there is anything new”

Astraea spread her wings and started her flight back to Callidora’s birth celebration, leaving the titans to their evening together.


“I hope she comes back in time” I said nervously.

“There’s no need to pace like that Callidora. For someone born this morning you’re awfully stressed”

I gave Xyanthe an exasperated look.

“I don’t want her to miss it”

I sighed as I sat next to Xyanthe on the grass, watching the starlit sky. We sat in silence looking at the multitude of blinking lights and the pale moon lighting the meadow in its pale glow. I had to admit the wonderful sight soothed me a little.

“She’s the first person I saw when I was first born today and I want to show her the great job you did with my hair”

As if to illustrate my point I began nervously fingering a brown lock of my hair, breathing in the smell of wood that had been gathered for large bonfires.

“I’m not even sure what to do at this celebration anyway”

I added, bringing my knees to my chest.

“If I’ve learnt anything about you in the last day is that you over think. You’ve asked me countless questions today on just about everything. Have you ever thought of just feeling what to do?”

I snorted in derision.

“How do you do that exactly?”

“That’s what I mean. Don’t ask questions just go with the flow. Do what you feel is right, there’s something called free will I suggest you use it”

I pondered this for a while. Xyanthe and I had become very close over the day we spent together but I didn’t expect her to know me that well. Xyanthe continued her rant.

“We live on earth provided with everything we could ever need throughout our lifetime. There is plenty of game to hunt and fruit to pick, not to mention we can live in any way we wish doing anything we like and whilst living amongst gods no less. It is truly a free life with no hard struggle and the freedom to speak our minds, everyone is equal and everyone is good. There’s no need to do everything perfectly for the first time……….”

I just silently continued to listen to Xyanthe talk whilst watching the other people doing the finishing touches decorating the tables of food with flowers and preparing kindling to start off the bonfires. Then a distant silver glint caught my eye. At first I thought it was just a star but as I looked more intently I realised the star was moving towards us. As the silver glint moved closer I could see the outline of a woman.


I shouted running forward waving my arms. Astraea smiled and waved back at me as I began jumping up and down out of excitement. Before her feet even touched the ground Astraea pulled me into a hug.

“Hello Callidora”

“I thought you were going to miss it”

We broke our hug and I beamed at the goddess. Astraea laughed and straightened the elm garland on my head.

“I didn’t think you would be that excited to see me”

We both turned to hear panting behind me.

“Next……..time…… decide………… to run off…………. give me a warning”

Xyanthe had just caught up and bowed her head to Astraea.

“Welcome goddess”

“Thank you Xyanthe”

Astraea then turned to me

“Shall we get this started then?”

The three of us walked back to the bonfires where a chorus of voices began announcing Astraea’s arrival and to light the fires. Not long afterwards each bonfire began to blossom into flames, illuminating the whole field. The people started crowding around us. Xyanthe grabbed my hand and pulled us to the front of the crowd.

“What’s going on?”

“Shhhh just watch”

Astraea’s eyes glazed over and she raised her hands above her head. She spread her silver wings wide as golden scales materialised into her grasp.

“I Astraea goddess of justice, daughter of Astriaos titan of the dusk and of Eos titaness of the dawn, announce the arrival of a new mortal to this world. Callidora!”

I could hear Astraea’s voice resonate within me, across the meadow and to the land beyond. It was as if I could feel everything around me rejoicing at my mere presence in the world. Astraea herself was a sight to behold, the silvery gleam of her wings in contrast to the golden flare of her scales. As I watched in awe Astraea spoke once again in her rapturous voice.

“May she be provided with everything she needs, may she be happy throughout her life until sleep takes her once again, may she be protected and never feel fear”

With these last words Astraea walked towards me and lowered the scales into my hands. They still flared yet felt cold to the touch and I could hear the hum of the power flowing through them. The scales remained exactly level as the silver and golden lights began to die out and Astraea returned to normal. When she was fully aware again Astraea cupped my hands, still holding her scales, in her own and looked into my eyes.

“You are truly a gift to this world don’t forget that”

The scales melted in my hands and disappeared. The sheer acceptance of the world to me sent my mind reeling. I could feel it almost calling to me, welcoming me. The two of us stood for what felt like a life time my hands in hers, her face frozen in a smile. As I returned to reality I glanced at Xyanthe whose mouth was agape in shock.

“I……. I have never thought the scales could ever be that level for a mortal”

I could hear her whispering to herself. In that moment Astraea let go of my hands.

“Let’s begin!”

She announced. After that I couldn’t remember much. the night was a blur of dancing, eating and laughter. We pranced and leapt around the bonfires until the early rays of the sun peaked over the horizon. The only thing I could remember was the feeling of utter happiness and joy.

2: chapter two - cracks
chapter two - cracks

A/N – hello :) sorry this update took so long and for this novel they will be few and far between but i will make the chapters extra long to accommodate for the long wait :) this is my first time writing in the first person so if anyone has any advice or tips on how to improve this i would be very grateful :) I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoy writing it :D


Chapter two – cracks


In a world of her own, Rhea lounged upon a kline, one hand on her stomach, heavy with child, and the other held lazily by her sister Phoebe. Who was sitting upon velvet cushions on the marble floor talking was the other titanides. The kline was forged of gold which was ornately carved and draped with comfortable fabrics of various shades of yellow and orange. The six sisters were arranged in a circle of cushions, of similar colours, and various gold trays laden with delicious food. Rhea had insisted that she could join her sisters on the floor but to her reluctance had insisted that two mortals fetch her a kline from the throne room.

“You don’t want any unintentional harm to the little one”

They had insisted. She admired their concern but Rhea knew the childs fate and it made her heart ache. The thought made her wince and caused her hand to flinch.

“Are you ok Rhe-Rhe?”

Phoebe asked, noticing her sudden movement.

“Just a kick, nothing to worry about phoebs”

Rhea smiled, running a hand through phobe’s golden locks reassuringly. Phoebe’s sky blue eye’s glittered a smile back.

“Alright if you’re getting tired just say so”

“I think I have energy enough to hear you all gossip”

Phoebe squeezed Rhea’s hand and turned back to join the conversation. Not interested in hearing Themis and Tethys quibble about morality Rhea went back to her own world. Usually meetings always went the same way anyway. The intention was to discuss the ruling of the land but since the mortals lived of Gaea’s, their mother, bounty little imput from the titans themselves was needed. Normally their children like Astraea and many others wandered the land regulating the weather and sorting, if any, minor conflicts that really weren’t worth their attention. Each titan or pair of titans ruled a compass point, phoebe and coeus ruled the north, Krios and his wife eurybia ruled the south, hyperion and theia the east, iapetus and his wife clymene ruled the west, Tethys and Oceanus ruled all oceans and water surrounding the land while rhea herself and cronus lived in the centre ruling the entire land. Themis and Mnemosyne having no compass point attributed to them nor a cosmic partner to rule a portion of the land found their purpose with the mortals teaching them order and language which lead to many an argument between the two sisters. Where each titan or titan-pair ruled they had their places of residence for them and their children where they stayed and carried out thier duties which, for this golden age, really were very few. Rhea and Cronus’ palace in the centre of the land really was a sight to behold. Every wall, every floor was made of marble lined with vibrant gold viens. Each window ornately carved and each room adorned with the finest furniture and decor. Themis had always described it as ‘more rooms than sense’ or complained it was too extravagant for the king and queen of the cosmos but rhea never really paid attention, even as a child Themis was irritatingly pious. Rhea herself accepted that for its purpose it may be too big but it always reminded her of the prosperity over which her and her husband ruled and what harm did it do anyway?

The room the sisters were currently using was one of the smaller lounges which was one of rhea’s favourite rooms. She had nicknamed it the ‘sunset room’ because the two large windows faced the setting sun every evening illuminating the room with reds and oranges which caused the gold viens in the marble to glitter warmly. It always brought back the memories of her mother, Gaea, holding her when the sun set comforting her childhood fear of the dark. She was admiring the sunlight on the pillars either side of the door when she heard Tethys raise her voice.

“I dare you to say that again!”

Her deep sapphire eyes trained on Themis like knives.

Themis casually brushed a grey lock of hair behind her ear.

“I said maybe the younger generations of gods wouldn’t be so unruly if your daughters didn’t devote their time to seducing them”

The titaness repeated with an emphasised snotty tone. Theia and phoebe shared an uneasy glance neither one wanting to get involved, sympathising with Mnemosyne who was seated between the two. Tethys’ slightly scaled skin visibly bristled as she replied through gritted teeth.

“Don’t you dare target my children if you have anything to say to me then fine I can more than handle you myself but do not drag them into it. In fact how do i know you’re not just jealous and uptight? When exactly was the last time you had a lover?”

Mnemosyne’s eyes shifted from one sister to the other her face clearly showing her regret at her choice of seat.

“Look let’s just calm down. Remember our sisterhood....”

Mnemosyne tried to diffuse the situation and put her arms between the two but to no avail as she was rudely interrupted by Themis who was firmly in lecture mode. Unfortuneatly in this state of mind Themis couldn’t be hushed and would have the last word.

“Shut up Mnemosyne. I will have you know Tethys I am fully in control of my emotional faculties and spent years controlling and honing my foresight whereas you have been happy paddling around with Oceanus doing no good to anyone or the running of this world. Maybe your daughters would have tighter morals if they didn’t have their mother as such a loose example and before you accuse me of any jealousy I can assure you beings as low as a procession of chaotic oceanids wouldn’t even stir the smallest ounce of emotion”

Themis then turned her chin up at Tethys and proceeded to pick up one of the honey cakes from a gold tray.

Mnemosyne sank into the cushions while the other three sisters looked on in horror, this was the farthest Themis had ever gone. You could see something snap in Tethys’ eyes as she backhanded the honey cake from Themis’ hand, sending the tray all over a now surprised Mnemosyne.

“You uptight, pious, snobby, over-bearing excuse for a prophetess. How DARE you question my role I provide water to all the lands which, might I add, you just traipse around dictating to anyone and everyone how they should live. MY element is the source of life for all plants which helps feed the populations of mortals YOU just place them under shackles of regulation and order, Which. Serves. No. PURPOSE!”

Themis stood to Tethys face-to-face, breaking her calm and level facade. No-one told her that her work was useless.

“How would you know the importance of order you water dwelling whore”

“Someone needs to knock you off your high horse simple-minded seer”

“Useless sea hag”

“Pious matron”

“Moraless scum swimmer”

As the two ferociously hurled insults at eachother Mnemosyne had now fully immersed herself in a protective shell of orange cushion and honey cake crumbs. Theia and phoebe just watched, their mouths wide. Themis and Tethys had never argued this badly before and they had to admit ‘water dwelling whore’ was a new one on Themis’ part albeit a bit exaggerated. Rhea was sick and tired of this performance nearly every time they met Tethys and Thetis would goad eachother until one didn’t like what they heard.


The two fell silent as Rhea’s shout echoed around the room. In the group of six Rhea was always the grounding force between her sisters but being pregnant she now leaned toward more violent means. Rhea rubbed her forehead in an effort to divert a headache.

“We had this meeting to discuss matters concerning the mortals and so far all you two have achieved is a bitching session”

She continued to scold them as she looked from one to the other.

“We are by no means perfect but we each have our role to play. Tethys, you provide the world with water in order for it to survive and your children lead a bold legacy in carrying those waters inland to where the creatures and plants of the land can be sustained. Themis, you are an ambassador between the mortals and us gods you have taught many others how to manage disputes and given order to make sure this land doesn’t collapse upon itself in chaos. I should think that two such important parts of this land would have the wisdom to be able to atleast be civil to meet and talk about how we can benefit the land”

The two just looked at their sandles in shame, Tethys even began fiddling with the belt holding her sea-weed green chiton in place.

Rhea lounged back on the devan and let out a deep breath when she had finished her speech. Instantly Phoebe and Theia were at her side buzzing around her nervously.

Mnemosyne stood brushing the honey cake crumbs off of her sleek black chiton and picking them out of the curls of her long black hair.

“Rhea is right remember your places in the cosmos and make amends”

Themis took stray strands of hair which had come loose and put them back into her hair clasp, which was encrusted with quartz beads, and re-adjusted the pins in her white chiton.

“I am not one to deny when i have done wrong, i’m sorry Tethys”

“Me too Themis”

Phoebe and Theia both whipped their heads of golden hair round on Tethys and Themis.

“Who do you two think you are putting strain on Rhea while she’s pregnant. You know the trouble she has”

Theia scolded putting her hands on her hips. Phoebe mirrored her sister piping up.

“Yes she doesn’t need this I think this meeting is over”

Phoebe and Theia would vehemently deny it but they were practically like twins they had the same golden hair, blue eyes and facial features. At times like this it became glaringly obvious even though Theia had her hair up and wore a bright cream chiton held by a matching belt with a clasp in the shape of the sun where Phoebe wore hers down and was wearing a violet chiton which hugged her curves perfectly. Rhea sat upright on the devan and held the hands of both her sisters.

“Tia, Phoebs i’m fine no need to act like hysterical midwives the child is safe”

The two looked at eachother and then Rhea.

“Ok but I think we can arrange this for another time”

Phoebe said in a concerned tone as her and Theia sat on either side of Rhea on the kline, She absent mindedly rubbed one of her green eyes.

“Maybe that would be for the best”

Theia placed a hand on her stomach and kissed Rhea on the cheek.

“Ok i’ll visit soon. I think i’ve left Hyperion and Helios alone for far too long anyway”

Theia smiled and walked from the lounge.

“Rest well Rhea I wish you the best with this child. Are you coming Themis?”

Mnemosyne made her way out of the room still picking crumbs from her chiton.


Mnemosyne and Themis locked arms and disappeared in bright light.

“Huh. Not even the decency to apologise to you before she left. I’ll see you soon Rhe-Rhe Coeus and I are here if you need anything”

Phoebe squeezed Rhea’s hand before leaving aswell.

“You should have more consideration than Themis”

Phoebe whispered to Tethys as she left and shut the door behind her. Tethys stood awkwardly for a few minutes before Rhea spoke.

“Don’t worry on my account Tethys it’s not the first time we’ve argued amongst eachother”

Readjusting her belt and brown chiton to a more accommodating position for her pregnant body, Tethys couldn’t help but notice pregnancy suited Rhea her brown hair and olive skin glowed even if her temper did worsen. Before Rhea could stand Tethys sat next to her and took her hand.

“I apologize Rhea I know the delicate position you’re in and should have been more considerate”

“Please Tethys don’t”

“I know losing five children is hard but I know this little boy is healthy and strong”

Tethys continued placing a hand on Rhea’s stomach.

“To lose two sons and a daughter in child birth can’t be easy for you or cronus to deal with not to mention Hestia and Hera to illness”

“Tethys stop”

Rhea was crying now, tears beginning to run down her cheeks.

“No I have to say this. You haven’t talked about any of them since their deaths and I want to help. I can’t imagine your fear.........”

“I see their faces every day. Hestia, Demeter, Hades, Hera and Posiedon their names are etched into my heart. You don’t know what it’s like to hold your child lifeless in your arms hoping that in the next second they’ll breathe, that it’s not true. After feeling them grow within you wondering what kind of people they will be, looking forward to all the memories you’ll make together and in seconds it’s just gone, gone and there’s nothing anyone can do. I can’t talk because every time it hurts Tethys and no amount of time can wash them away so please save me the pain and just go”

Rhea’s tone became bitterer in an effort to push Tethys away, but to no avail.

“I still remember how Hera used to play with my daughters in the water. She was such a wonderful child, kind and fair. She had her mother’s regal air and her father’s conviction if I concentrate I can still feel her blonde hair through my hands when I would brush it for her in the morning and the happiness in her hazel eyes.......”

“You don’t think I remember it too. Sometimes I can hear Hera and Hestia playing in the halls of the palace I run to the nearest corner only to find it’s my mind playing tricks. Now please Tethys I’m tired just go”

Rhea pulled her hand from Tethys’ and stood.

“Unlike me you have a family to attend to”



The grass felt cool on my back as I began to rouse from my sleep. I just lay with my eyes shut delighting in the sun on my face and flashes of memories of last night flickering joyfully under my eyelids. I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I stretched and looked around. People were lying in circles around the burnt bonfires. It was quite surreal really. The flames leaping to the sky that were taller than Astraea so strong, so powerful and now all that was left was this pitiful pile of ash black as the darkness it used to illuminate. Looking to all the people lying around the bonfire in front of me I searched for a face, Xyanthe. It would be easy to assume that Astraea had other things to do and be back later, like when she left before the celebrations. But Xyanthe wasn’t here either, I checked them all again but no luck. More concerned i stood and walked round the circle of people hoping to find her on the other side of the ashen remains of the bonfire but to no avail.

Not sure of what to do next I picked my way across the mass of sleeping bodies to the elm tree which had grown in my birth mound. I couldn’t believe the immense height of the tree as I approached the trunk. I couldn’t help but feel close to it as if the tree was the one who had birthed me.

How ridiculous

I thought as I reached the base of the elm. I marvelled at the calloused bark and traced many of the lines with my fingers. As I followed the lines further up the trunk the tree seemed endless as I could only see a sea of branches and lush green leaves above me. I leaned my head so far back that the wreath of elm on head fell to the ground, I leaned over to pick it up and put it back on but a protruding, jagged, branch caught my eye. I realised that was where Astraea had broken off the branch to create the make-shift crown. Looking down at the wreath in my hands and then to broken branch I made a decision.

“I think this suits you better than I”

I said to the tree as I hang the wreath on the broken branch. The leaves seemed to rustle happily in the breeze as if in thanks.

Now to find Xyanthe

Before I had even finished the thought a strong wind blew across the meadow, causing my auburn hair to blow into my face in a shower of withered iris blossoms. Gathering my hair and holding it either side of my face I could see that all the leaves of the elm were pointing in the same direction, the forest to my left. I continued to stare confused at the obvious sign above me. A warm gust of wind stronger than the previous one actually blew me in the direction of the leaves.

“Okay, okay I get it. No need to overdo it”

 Brushing a few stray strands of hair out of my eyes I walked to the forest. I could feel the soil becoming richer under my feet as I weaved between tree trunks and under low hanging tree branches. I marvelled at the variation of trees in the forest ones with large pale leaves others that were a bright emerald, some with big thick trunks, others small and slender, with various colours and types of bark and I could even see some splashes of colour where some had bore fruit or flowers and long vines that dropped from the canopy of the forest to the floor. I continued on, fantasies of swinging from the vines and travelling gracefully from tree to tree swimming through my mind. While imagining a particularly difficult somersault i didn’t notice a root and fell, face first, right into the soil with a very ungraceful yelp of surprise. I could hear laughter and when I recognised whose it was I just continued to lie on the ground, hair blocking my vision, with a mixture of relief and shame.

“Well I wasn’t expecting that to come through the trees. Are you alright?”

Xyanthe continued to laugh lightly as she sat next to the site of my shame.

I sat back up and knelt on my knees picking a few leaves from my hair and spitting out more than one mouthful of dirt.

“I wasn’t expecting it either, trust me”

I replied with a huff, noticing a round red fruit in her hand.

“And where did you go?”

Xyanthe raised an eyebrow

“Breakfast, isn’t that why you’re here?”

“No, I was looking for you. You weren’t with the others”

Xyanthe took a round fleshy sphere from the fruit in her hand and popped it into her mouth, spitting out a hard seed soon after.

“That’s curious”

Xyanthe commented as she continued to chew the pulp. I cocked my head to the side confused.

“How so? We spent the whole day together yesterday I thought we were friends”

I watched as Xyanthe pondered her response and swallowed the flesh of the fruit.

“Well people don’t really do that. We may laugh together, enjoy time together but we don’t really feel an attachment to one another. Yesterday I was being nice showing you the meadow and braiding the iris’s into your hair but generally we move on and migrate around the land, since everything is provided for us there is no need to stay anywhere with the same people”

I couldn’t really help but feel offended. How else are you meant to feel when someone you’ve been searching for all morning says they’re not interested?

“That’s very cold of you and cruel to say after I worried for you all morning”

I folded my arms and jerked my head to the side to illustrate my point

“No no that’s not how I meant it at all I was just saying that we don’t really hang out in pairs or groups every individual acts for themselves”

I turned my head back to face her

“So you don’t object to spending the day me today”

“Yes. In fact, I enjoyed your company yesterday”

“What about tomorrow, and after that?”

Xyanthe looked dumbstruck, like she couldn’t actually find the words to respond

“I guess......”

The awkward moment was broken by a very large rumble from my stomach which caused Xyanthe to smile.

“But we can talk about that later how about some food? Here”

Xyaanthe offered me one of the fleshy balls from her fruit and I eyed it curiously not sure what to do. Xyanthe giggled and picked one out herself.

“It’s called a pomegranate and these are its seeds, here i’ll show you”

Xyanthe demonstrated by popping the pomegranate seed into her mouth.


I echoed slowly, copying Xyanthe I placed the seed into my mouth and swallowed forgetting an important step – spitting out the actual seed. I gagged and choked as the seed made its way slowly and painfully down my throat.

“Eugh! and you actually eat these?”

I said in disgust, even the soil went down easier than that did.

Xyanthe burst out laughing as I continued to cough and splutter. When Xyanthe had quelled her fit of the giggles she spoke.

“I didn’t demonstrate right. Look the pulp is the part you eat see? You peel it off and then eat it”

Xyanthe peeled the seed as she explained and handed the pulp to me which was sticky and wet in my hand.

“Then why do you put the whole thing in your mouth?”

I could see where Xyanthe was manoeuvring the seed in her mouth with her tongue ready to take off the pulp with her teeth. She swallowed and shrugged

“Habit I guess”

Feeling a little apprehensive I lifted my palm to my mouth and threw the pulp in. Instantly I felt the sweetness of the juice on my tongue I groaned contentedly as I savoured the juice I could taste some sourness before swallowing it. Xyanthe handed me an entire seed as I licked the juice off my fingers.

“I see this is a favourite”

I nodded and moaned again as another juicy seed went into my mouth.

This continued until Xyanthe was scraping the last of the juice out with her fingers and tossing the empty red husk of the fruit away. We continued to talk and laugh about the celebrations the previous night and the forest. While Xyanthe was answering one my many questions my stomach interrupted with a loud rumble and craterous feeling in my stomach like it was about to fold inward on itself.

“hungry again?”

“I think my stomach has spoken for itself”

“How about more pomegranate?”


I nodded frantically to Xyanthe. She took my hand and lifted me to my feet.

“I know where we can get more”

Xyanthe and I ran through the forest to get more of the succulent fruits I loved. The sun was now starting its decent back to the earth, I hadn’t realised how much time had passed enjoying fruit and spending time with Xyanthe. The yellow-orange light of the sun passed through the multitude of emerald leaves of the trees covering the two of us in a pale green light. The smell of the bark of the tree’s and the buzz of insects intensified as the forest prepared to come alive for the evening. I could have ran with Xyanthe through the forest forever, the forest was invigorating to every sense down to the soil in between my toes and the evening air in my lungs. However it wasn’t long before I was short of breath and pain in my legs. Xyanthe noticed the tug on her hand as I began to slow down.

“It’s just a bit further Callidora”

I gave one last effort to keep up and just as I was about to give in we reached a small stream. The waters were crystal clear and the banks were lined with incredibly tall pomegranate trees almost as if they had been planted there intentionally. Although i couldn’t smell their scent the deep crimson flower petals were beautiful and i would have appreciated them more if my lungs and legs weren’t in painful protest to my sudden run. I stopped to catch my breath as Xyanthe let go of my hand and walked to the stream bank.

“Ismenara! Ismenara!”

As I hunched over and heaved for breath I could hear the rippling of the stream and the leaves of the pomegranate trees rustle. As I looked up with my breathing finally under control I sucked in a deep breath. She was radiant.

From the stream emerged a woman her lustrous jet black hair spilled to her shoulders like a fountain with a red pomegranate blossom nestled just above her left temple. Her clear blue eyes reminded me of an ocean and her skin had a translucent quality like it was made of water itself. Her body was tall and hugged by a light green chiton which stopped mid-thigh. She wore no jewellery or other adornments but then she didn’t need any.  She was different to Astraea where the golden haired angel was powerful and brilliant this woman was fragile like she would dissolve if you even touched her and yet had her own undertone of brilliance that glowed from every pore.

“Hello Xyanthe, what do you need?”

The womans smooth voice flowed through the air like water; I wonder how Xyanthe manages to reply to such a voice.

“Two pomegranates please, three if you would like to join us”

The woman directed her divine attention to me.

“Ah you have a friend today. Who is this beautiful woman?”

The woman moved out of the stream and walked gracefully to me, even more graceful than I had imagined myself in the trees.

“Ismenara this is Callidora. Callidora this is a naiad Ismenara”

“I..... I...... um”

speak dammit! Speak!

I just couldn’t get my brain to function this woman was the most divine goddess-like thing I had ever seen, and she called me beautiful how could I dislike her now?.

The naiad laughed.

“You’ll need to close your mouth at this time of day you’ll catch flies”

“Sorry she hasn’t ever seen a naiad before”

Xyanthe explained my lack of eloquence. To which the woman leaned over and whispered to Xyanthe.

“What is she going to do if she see’s Tethys? Turn to stone?”

Xyanthe giggled

“No i think she just hasn’t seen a different type of being before you forget it’s alot to take in for the first time”

I could see the naiad trying to hold back a smile at the complement but she wasn’t very successful.

“Well we are just going to have to remedy that won’t we?”

She turned back to me and held my chin with one of her slender hands, examining my face. I didn’t protest, i couldn’t protest I was too enthralled at her skin. On closer inspection the clear, water-like appearance was due to lines of scales that covered her body. As she moved I could see each of them reflecting the light like sequins.

“Hmmmmmm...... you seem familiar i’m sure i’ve seen your face before”

The naiads brow furrowed as she moved her head to make eye contact. My eyes snapped to hers as if she had caught me out doing something I shouldn’t. I stared into her eyes searching for an answer i’m not sure I even had. She stared for what seemed like an eternity when she was satisfied she released my chin and shrugged at Xyanthe.

“Must have been in my head, three pomegranates was it?”

“Yes, thank you”

I stood stunned at this magnificent creature before me, so alien and so fascinating. I watched the two of them casually go to pick the juicy fruit.

“Your skin”

Shocked, I subconsciously put my hands to my mouth. The naiad stopped half reaching for one of the fruits when she turned her eyes on me.

I go to say something and I say that!! What if I’ve offended her? you stupid stupid..

“What about it?”

I stared, eyes wide, as Ismenara turned on me again hands on her hips. Her eyes bore into me as I looked to Xyanthe for support. She just remained silently motioning for me to carry on talking, like what I’ve said so far has helped the situation. I slowly lowered my hands from my mouth.

“I...... I was just interested..... in um... uh”

My head couldn’t form a sentence in this panic which continued to worsen as she stared me down. As I continued to squirm and stare helpless at Ismenara her lips curled into a grin and before long the naiad was in fits of laughter.

“Sorry, sorry I just couldn’t help myself. Don’t worry you’re not in trouble mortal, it would take more than that to offend me. You asked about my skin what do you want to know?”

At the sudden turn in mood It took me a few seconds to form words in my mouth.

“I was admiring the scales, they reflect the light beautifully”

Ismenara’s eyes glittered obviously it wasn’t every day she was told that.

“Really? Then watch this”

All of a sudden her skin rippled like water as the scales bristled like waves on her skin. I was absolutely fascinated; I never thought she could control them at will.

“The scales allow us to blend into the water and move around the waterways unnoticed. The scales are exclusive to us naiads only others that possess this ability are the nereids and the oceanids, I can also make them disappear too”

As if to demonstrate the naiad flattened her scales and her skin looked like my own.

She looked satisfied at my mind-blown reaction.

“Alright if we are done with demonstrating shall we have some fruit now?”

Xyanthe piped up indicating to the sun which had almost completely set on the horizon. Ismenara moved back to the pomegranate trees to retrieve the fruits.

“It’s not my fault Callidora is interested is it?”

I saw Xyanthe roll her eyes and mutter ‘show-off’ under her breath. She took my hand in her own.

“Come on Callidora. Lets sit here”

She led me to the edge of the stream where we sat dabbling our feet into the cool water, before long Ismenara was back with the pomegranates.

“Can you explain what a Nereid and an Oceanid is?”

 I questioned as the naiad sat with us. She glanced at Xyanthe.

“Likes to know everything this one”

“I guess I should have warned you”


I protested giving Xyanthe a playful shove.

“I’m still here you know”

Xyanthe and Ismenara shared a laugh as the two started working at the outer shell of the fruit. I just sat staring at mine not sure how to mimic them. Xyanthe looked at me and huffed.


She handed me her fruit, which already had a few seeds exposed, and took my own working at the outer shell.

“You just open the fruit with your fingernails but mind not to burst any of the seeds the outer shell is the most difficult but you get the knack of it after a while”

Ismenara explained licking some of the red juice from her fingers. I heard Xyanthe let out a triumphant grunt as she began eating the seeds too.

“So back to my first question”

I continued popping a few seeds into my mouth. Ismenara began explaining the different types of water deities in her family and what each of them did. Before long the moon was rising high in the sky, the moonlight glittering on the clear waters of the stream. The sound of the forest was soothing as the three of us enjoyed the tranquil scene and our sweet pomegranate fruits.



Rhea woke groggily from her nap in her and Cronus’ main bed chambers. The room was decorated in sky blues and yellows – mimicking the morning sun. The large double doors that were the entrance to the room was each carved with an image of Cronus on the left, holding a sickle, and Rhea on the right, holding a newborn child. The marble in the room also took a light blue tinge due to the decor, pillars of which held the ceiling in two rows leading to the bed at the opposite end of the room to the doors. Moonlight poured in from large arches, decorated with light blue curtains that hung from the ceiling to the floor, in between the pillars led out to many balconies each with klines and tables for lounging and enjoying the sunshine. One of which Rhea now walked out upon to admire the starry sky, pulling the curtains behind her. Still shaken from her talk with Tethys, Rhea placed her hands protectively on her stomach and lay upon a kline draped in yellow sheets.

How many times had she stared at this same sky? Wishing and hoping Cronus would stop. How many times had she held her child like this dreading the day they are born into the world only to be taken away? Rhea continued to brood on these thoughts, not noticing the doors to the bedroom open and close nor the sound of sandles being kicked off or the rustling of the curtains soon after. Rhea was roused from her thoughts by two muscular arms embracing her and a kiss on her forhead.


Rhea whispered affectionately. The muscular arms released their embrace and two pale blue eyes met her emerald one’s.

“My dear Rhea”

Cronus whipered back kissing her again. Cronus’ wavy locks of blonde hair were dishevelled and his chiton was unpinned only held by his belt exposing his muscular chest. Despite the tone of his body Cronus was extremely lean and was the smallest of all the titans.

“Someones been training today”

Rhea stated eyeing the casual state of her husband. Cronus grinned and lounged behind Rhea on the kline holding her in his embrace, which was a bit difficult considering on a regular basis his arm couldn’t fully extend around the voluptuous curves of her body let alone her pregnant womb.

  “The weather was perfect for it and I had some time to waste”

“Isn’t it a bit of a pointless effort? Considering there is no conflict in the world”

“You and I both know why”

Cronus downed the light tone of conversation with his somber tone. Rhea shifted uncomfortably in his arms as she tried to brooch the subject further.

“You don’t know that. To be honest the fates never liked you in the first place. How do you know they weren’t lying?”

Cronus let out a deep, exasperated, breath as he retracted his arms.

“Do you have to bring this up every time you’re close to the baby’s birth date?”

His tone was very bored which insulted Rhea deeply; she sat up to face him.

“Yes. How do you know their prophecy can even come true? Can’t you just let me one of my children with me? What if what you’re doing to avert it is what causes it?”

Cronus closed his eyes and replied in a patronising tone.

“You ask these questions every single time. Can’t you just accept it for now? We are so close, just one more and you can have your children with you. I promise”

“No Cronus this isn’t going to do it this time. You know at the meeting today Tethys was telling me how much she missed Hera. I have to lie to my sisters every time I meet them. They think our children are dead our beautiful, wonderful children. I don’t think I can do it anymore, I want to tell them.........”

Rhea paused slightly to gain the courage to finish her sentence

“I will tell them”

Instantly his eyes snapped open and he leapt like a coiled spring roughly grabbing Rhea’s wrist and pulled her to the ground. The pregnant titan screamed in pain as Cronus continued to crush her wrist with his powerful grip.

“I have tried to be patient with you Rhea. I’ve told you before the fates predicted our six children would overthrow me as I had overthrown my father. Yet YOU insisted on children I give you a solution and at every turn YOU question me. If you could stop being selfish and think of this great era I’ve created for mortals and gods alike. Are you so selfish as to put yourself before the world you rule? I’ve assured you repeatedly that once the sixth child is born and you are pregnant with the next I will give them all back to you. I’m trying my best to be a good king but I’m not even getting anything in return from you”

Pain kept shooting up Rhea’s arm leaving her breathless

“I..... I’m sor.....sorry just let.....let me go please”

He tightened his grip even further causing Rhea to scream again. He put his face, contorted in disgust, to hers.

“I don’t want you questioning me again. Am I clear?”

Too incapacitated to speak Rhea just nodded and Cronus released Rhea’s wrist, She immediately brought her hand to chest and whimpered in pain. As Cronus turned to walk away he spoke again.

“I don’t want to argue over this anymore Rhea. You are not mention this again and to NEVER tell our brothers and sisters”

Rhea just nodded again, her whimpers turning to sobs. She heard the sound of his chiton falling to the floor and Cronus getting into bed, Rhea could only lie on the floor in tears her hopes and resolve shattered into more pieces than the number of stars in the night sky