Chapter 1: Cracked Mirrors

1 Cracked Mirrors


Eyes staggered at the light of the morning. Soon the warm blackness I had fallen into shattered. The sounds of traffic fill my bedroom with anger and hurry of business men late to their dead end jobs that waste away life and the cab drivers all too eager to make the day seem to lengthen in annoyance and rush.

                “Move it you jack ass!” As if there yells will ever solve anything. I rub my eyes to the familiar morning sounds as I prepare for another day.

Long legs swoop around the bed frame to meet the cold wooden floor. Heat drained from me as I threw back the soft blankets I had wrapped in the night before. I can’t decide if I love or hate sleep. I love to be warm and away from everyday things but in the same way I wish not to miss anything. As if at the moment I blink my eye, something happens that will forever change the way I think, the way I feel, the way I am, and I missed it in the darkness of my own thought.

I brushed away my wandering mind and continued on with my daily routine. I shrug leisurely to the cracked body mirror laying against my wall. I stared through the lines that distorted the mirror’s image of me. I remember how mad I was when it broke.


                I had come home after another day of unrelenting torture from the scum of the underclass. Palace, the worst of the boys had pushed me down the second story staircase of our school again. I remember the blood that fell from my nose and the fear in my own eyes from dread that it was broken.

After about an hour in the nurse’s office I was sent back to class, with a simple “It’s only a scratch, you’ll be fine.” The whole day I wore bandages tightened around my red face and the whole day I got nothing but glare and undertone comments. As if my reputation could get any lower.

I said nothing to my parents. I knew well that they would have taken me to the emergency room again, but, we can’t afford another bill. After Cassie broke her arm things have been tight around here. Bringing Cassie in wasn’t easy for us anyway, but what else could we have done? We’re the only family she has besides her drunk ass father. Once the state took her away it was either here or nowhere.

                After school that day I rushed to my room and stared at myself in the mirror. Shaggy blond hair with shades of brown, reaching my eyes, hanging there to get on my nerves. Pale white skin from never going outside and light brown eyes with their odd pattern of black within the left. And this bandage, this stupid red stained rag that marked my face with the wrath of Palace. I ripped the white from my face as pain ran its course followed by a yelp. I looked at the broken skin above my nostrils from where the bone had ripped.

My eyebrows narrowed. “If I wasn’t so stupid as to get in his way again! If I wasn’t so stupid as to try to speak for myself! If I wasn’t so stupid I wouldn’t be here!” I yelled to myself smashing the mirror.

                After that night I shut down and kept my head cover like the boy everyone expected me to be. I brushed my finger across the scar that held place above my nose through the cracked image. I sighed as nothing has changed from that day. I am still his doll to play with and I’m still stupid enough to try to fight back. Mostly, I’m still stupid to still care. I stepped away from the mirror to finish my morning and soon headed down stairs, grabbing my orange short sleeved shirt on the way.

                I found my way down the narrow path to the main floor of this overly crowed town house. Our main floor wasn’t much. An average size home for a two or three person family with enough room to live comfortably, however when you have six people trying to get ready in the morning it turns into an all-out battle to even get a bowl of cereal.

I looked at my brother who sat at the table re-reading his homework from the night before. I could see him squinting at the paper as he silently spoke the sounds to himself. Julian has always had issues with reading and writing. He says the letters seem to dance, whatever that means.

                I walk across the mess of scattered bills and toys to the cluttered table. “It’s a wonder you can do anything with so much junk on the table,” I laugh grabbing a bowl on the counter.

Looks clean enough. I poured the last of the Apple Jacks into my bowl and reach for the milk. “I’m trying to think,” Julian snapped at me as he continued his mumbles.

                I rolled my eyes as I took a whiff of the milk, ok not good enough. I sat taking a mouth full of my dry cereal, chewing on the stale bites. The mumbles and sounds of my brother reading got louder and louder as if he was trying to tune something out. I could see him covering his ears as he continued trying to read. I listened to him repeating the same lines over and over to himself as his blond hair fell into his eyes that were filled with annoyance.

He had enough, “Shut up!” Julian smacked the spoon from my hand letting it hit the kitchen floor.

                I looked at my little brother with spite for the death of my breakfast. “Do you have any idea how annoying you are? I’m trying to read!” He raised his voice.

“Why so you can fail the fourth grade again?” I shouted.

                I froze, the world seems to freeze. A chill took over me and I could do anything about it. Not again, I thought. I felt afraid. The feeling overwhelmed my body. I could see Julian throwing a fit, I could see Cassie crying from mom trying to brush her ruby hair in the living room, and I could see the change of the world around me but it was different. As if I was seeing it through someone other than myself. My breath, increased as did my heart beat. The look on Julian’s face turned too concerned as he called for someone. My air was rapid and weak, I felt like I wasn’t breathing at all. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t.

I gasped, a hand was placed on my face. I turn to see Gramps looking into my eyes. My vision crossed as I returned to reality. Ever since I was little I seemed to have a lot of these moments. The doctors say they’re panic attacks, but nothing was triggering them. They’re almost random and it seems the only person who can ever bring me out of them is Gramps.

                Gramps moved in shortly after losing his job in Minnesota. The higher heads at the factory decided it better to bring new faces to the workforce and with that Gramps was out of luck. I felt bad for the old man. Year upon years of hard labor to be tossed aside like a rag doll doesn’t seem fair. I mean he lost everything, his job, his home, and even his sanity. Gramps has always been a little off since Grandma passed always mumbling to himself and his weird habits that had formed since he moved in we can’t tell if he’s even on planet Earth anymore. But he still the only one who can bring me out. One time I spent an entire week in that state. Mom and Dad had to fly me to his house and I stayed there until I was fully awake again.

I continued to breathe rapidly as Gramps looked into my eyes. For the oddest reason he would always stare into my left one, as if he was searching for something that would explain why this was happening, but it never did.

“Go on now, you don’t have all day. Get on out to school boy,” his voice was shaky and reeked of an old man but I did as I was told.

Fantastic school…. Just where I want to be. Jumping right through the school day, as if I listened to a word of the mindless paid employees of the state. I walked down the crowded hallways that might as well have been empty. I listened to the calls and rumors that spread through these halls like a virus that spreads through its’ body.

                A hand placed on my shoulder, I froze. Oh God Palace. I winced as I turned to meet…..Greg. I pushed him playfully.

                “Don’t do that, man.” Greg had been my best friend since I could remember. He was always shorter than me and because of it, I would always rest my elbow on his head. It’s become more of a reach, though since it seems he’s finally hit his growth spurt, junior in high school, little late. I smiled at his green eyes and short dark hair, I was more content to see it wasn’t Palace than anything.

“You know I couldn’t help it. So I hear the new Hell Rise games are coming out tonight, want to come over and play it?” Greg asked as we walked.

“You know I don’t buy into all that angels and demon shit right? And I would if I could parents are taking us to old Ohio for a bonding trip.” I gaged in annoyance, “I don’t get why they can’t just leave me here with Gramps I’m sixteen for Christ sakes!”

“You’re not taking your Grandfather with you? I mean like what if you?” I cut him off.

“Can we not talk about it? God and it’s been getting worse lately,” I growled crossing my arms in a huff.

“Worst? Have you tried to go to the doctors?” Greg asked innocently.

“And what add another bill to our list? I’d rather just suck it up and deal with it,” I sighed leaning against the gray walls.

                “Well…” Greg shrugged, opening his end locker.

                Laugher filled the halls, not any laughter his laughter. I looked towards the opposite end of the hallway with terror. We froze, looking at him. Palace walked sluggishly with his gang of maroons and brutes too stupid to pass a first grade reading test, but strong enough to beat us in any battle. They walked slowly, perhaps they had not seen us… My hopes died. Palace rose his left hand and smiled a devilish grin filled with the wickedness of Hell itself. Shit.

 I bolted away from the minus with Greg shortly behind me. Having longer legs helps in my run, or maybe it’s the fact this happens almost every day! I turned quickly around the corner, I could hear their footsteps getting closer. My only hope is to get outside before they can catch me, to get out and get home before my daily beat down. I could see the door just a few more feet away, I’m so close, so close.

The sounds of sneakers sleek across the tile. I glance quickly behind not slowing my pace. Greg had fallen victim to the sharp turn and had rolled into the trap of the brutes. I growled as the boy’s approached him. Palace kicked him once as two of the other grunts continued running after me. I looked at my escape, I’m so close, so very close. I stopped as the two boys pass me up I reverse my direction running at full sprint towards Palace. I threw back my own fist as I bolted, years of rage built up in me as I hit him across his freckled face. Palace stumbled back surprised at my attack. His hand pushed back his red hair from his forehead.

I gritted my teeth, “run Greg.”

“I’m not leaving dude,” he shuttered holding his jaw. “Now!” I yelled.

                With that Greg ran towards the open outside doors, his purple shirt vanishing into the distance. Palace grinned as the two other boy’s grabbed my arms from behind. I knew what was going to come but I wasn’t going to show fear, he only enjoys it more.

                “Well runt, think you can go against the king?” Palace smiled wickedly. I remained silent, it would only encourage him more if I spoke. He’s the kind of creature who seems to love feeding off the fear of his victims. If I believed in demons he would be the first I’d suspect of being Satan’s spawn.

“Speak when you’re master is talking to you!” He commanded as if I were a mere dog. I spit in his face and with that my fate was sealed.

The chill of his knuckles hit against my cheek sending red across the tile. The next several blows were to my gut, I gasped as one sent the air out of my lungs. I could taste the metallic flavor of the distinct companion of blood and spit. I gaged spitting the mixture on the floor as Palace continued to wail against me. My heart throbbed as my body bruised and scratches began to form against my body. I soon yelped, I had bit my tongue against my pain, but I could no longer hold it in. This only gave him more inspiration and thrill.

“Can’t you just do everyone a favor and end it already?” Palace barked hitting with extra force. My breath became rapid and I could feel my pulse across my body. Soon I found silence, everything throbbed, but I could feel nothing, I could see nothing, nor do anything. I was there, but I wasn’t there. I think I’m in pain, but I don’t know if I truly am. I stood, knees bent and body shaking with a wide expression and open jaw.

The silence broke with a whisper, “Come…”

My vision blurs and soon I found the pain I had once had. Confusion added to my thoughts. What just happened and what did I hear if I had heard anything at all? Did I just have a panic attack? If so how did I get out of it? I fell to the floor as the boys had grown bored with me. Oww…. I could feel myself shaking from my own pain as I lay across the tile floor of the empty hallway. Only listening to my heavy breathing and the questions that rattled through my head.

 “How am I going to hide this one?” I coughed wiping the blood from my lips.

                The car door closes as I sat with my black jacket hood shading my battered face. I was only hoping I could hide it from Mom long enough to get this family bonding trip over. The whole idea was stupid, there is nothing in Ohio and yet Mom couldn’t seem more thrilled about seeing what wonders there are in nowhere. I leaned against the window of the car crossing my arm in annoyance. It was obvious I didn’t want to be here. Cassie sat in the middle seat combing her rag doll’s stringy hair as she sings softly to the trash we call pop music that played on the radio. Julian sat doodling in his journal trying to block out Cassie’s below average singing voice.

 I growled under my breath, turning to face the glare of my mother.

“What are you doing?” She questioned in her usual mom voice.

“What?” I asked.

“Put on your seat belt and take down your hood, it may be cold outside, but in here it’s warm as the sun.” She reached pulling down my hood showing my annoyed tattered face. “Dominic!” She shouted in surprise.

 Dad looked behind as he continued driving down the busy New York stretch. “What happen son?”

“Just a little fight that’s all…” I sighed as they learned my secret. “You don’t get these kind of marks from a little fight.” Dad spat glancing between me and the road.

 “Who did this sweetie? We can talk to your principle and we can-“ I cut her off.

“Can we leave it? I’m fine!” I yelled.

 Dad turned to me, his face red “You do not yell at your mother! Now you are going to tell us who is doing this to you, and- “I stopped listening as I stare out the windshield in total fear.

                I tried to scream, I tried to yell but no words could come from my mouth only a small squeal. Tears filled my eyes as the world slowed. Dad turned as I pointed towards the oncoming traffic. I could hear the scream from my mother and soon followed by Julian and Cassie’s. I still remained frozen in a state of shock and yet my body didn’t listen to my mind. It was as if I didn’t have to think to react. My mind’s only thought was to pretend it wasn’t happening and to shut down but my body had other plans. I jumped to my left covering Cassie and Julian as the sounds of metal against metal screamed into my ears. I bit my lip as we swerved and tilted right. I hung tightly against my siblings as the cries of my parents rang. I closed my eyes listening to the sounds of the events that seemed unreal and unimaginable. Tears fell from my clenched eyes as the car continued to tilt and soon it turned into a full spin. I covered Julian’s head with my hand and held Cassie against my chest. I could feel something pull against my skin on my back but, I couldn’t see what it was. The blackness continued to spin until I couldn’t take it anymore. I could feel myself being ripped away from the back seat. I had never put on my seat belt and the pull was too much for my strength. I opened my eyes and looked at the terror filled eyes of my brother and cousin. I could feel the salty streams flowing down my cheeks as I listened to their screams slowly slipping in my grip. The car hit something sending it right, hard. I flew across crashing head face through the right side window. I screamed before the impact as I took a last look against of the street. The glass scattered as I fell through the small opening. Everything hurt, I have never felt so much pain as I stared across the smog filled sky and right side tilted car. I could tell it was beginning towards me again. I closed my eyes as black engulfed my vision. And then nothing…

2: Chapter 2: Her Voices
Chapter 2: Her Voices

2 Her Voices


I gasped as I sat up awake. I looked at my orange shirt and jeans that were soaked in water, but contained no blood on them whatsoever. I looked at where I sat, water about seven inches up filled the entire plane. I stared towards the sky. Black spirals filled the area for as far as the eye could see. I stood from my sitting place and felt no pain at all. No bruises, scratches, or even a single mark from today’s fight or the car wreck were evident. Wait the car wreck? Where am I? Where is Mom, Dad, Cassie, and Julian? Did that really happen or did I just dream it? Maybe I’m dreaming now and I’m just knocked out in the hallway in school. That’s it Palace just knocked me out, that’s why I heard that voice and that’s why I’m here now. Wherever I am.

 “Hello? Anyone out there?” I call into the empty space.

I was met with silence and nothing more.

 “Hello,” I call louder to get the same reply.

“Hello is anyone here? Hello!” I screamed.

Hello hello hello

 I heard my echo, but it sounded off, as if it wasn’t my calling.


Anyone Anyone Anyone

 “Please if anyone’s out there I need help, I don’t know where I am or what’s going on.” I’m speaking with my own echo, I must be mad but it’s the only reply I’m getting.

 “Help help help?” The voice became different this time, it sounded sweeter with a female tone.

 “Who’s there?” I yelled into the blackness.

“Who’s here?” She answered.

“I’m here.” I answered the invisible force.

 “I’m here,” she replied.

“Where’s here?” I asked, pleading for any answers.

“Where are you?” She asked ignoring me.

“I don’t know I was asking you,” I growled with annoyance.

 “And I was asking you,” she laughed.

 “Please I need a straight answer no more games. I’m afraid and I don’t want to play.” I cried.

 “You’re no fun…” Two red eyes appeared from the blackness, they were much like those belonging to a cat; narrow and silted. I jumped back against the water floor.

“What are you?”

“A way,” she answered blinking quickly.

“A way?” I questioned.

“A way out Seeker,” she whispered almost seductively.

“Seeker?” I questioned.                

 “Boy doesn’t know?” She laughed sweetly.

“What don’t I know?” I asked desperately into the shadows.

 “Ask him…” She growled playfully.

 “Ask who? And you still haven’t told me where I am?” I shouted in so much confusion.

 “Pandora… you’re in Pandora, home of the lost souls and contractors,” she moaned as if she had grown bored of the conversation.

 “Pandora? Where is Pandora?” I asked sitting in the water.

“Pandora is where Pandora is. It’s the gateway of all and the doorway to none.” Riddles had to be riddles.

“English?” I sighed.

“You’re dead, plain enough?” Her eyes give an annoyed look.

“I’m what? I died?” I asked in shock.

 “You, them, all of you poor unfortunate souls. It’s a pity to a seeker’s soul is by far the best tasting life.” A shadow formed around her eyes forming an almost body shape, a figure of a female maybe sixteen or seventeen about a foot shorter than me but her appearance still held a shadowy outline blocking all features and detail of her being. She simply looked like a shadow you’d see against the pavement.

“My family?!” I cried as tears poured down my cheeks.

“Is that what you call them?” As she spoke the shadow moved closer to me but I stood taking a step away. “I’m sorry I’ve never thought I’d see you. I assumed this seeker was a lost cause, but, here you are.” Her hand reached for me but I jumped away.

 “How can they be dead?!” I screamed cracking my voice.

 “You really loved them didn’t you?” She laughed, “Dead, that a joke.”

“What?” “Dead, they’re not dead yet. Only scattered, scattered until death, collects,” she spoke innocently walking circles around me.

 “Can I get them back?” Her eyes light up with joy with that line. “Ohhhh, indeed you can my sweet. You see it’s quite simple, form a contract with me with this single wish and as long as we both shall live I will fulfill you desire. But be warn nothing comes without a price boy,” she grinned wickedly with an unnaturally wide smile.

 I shuddered, “whatever I can do, I’ll do it, no matter the cost!”

 “Even your life?” She whispered close to my ear.

“I don’t have a life, I’m dead right?” I questioned confused.

 My vision began to blur as it faded in and out, soon her image left and was replaced with full darkness. Pain beam to fill my body and I screamed but no noise came from my lips. I tried again, it was so much hurt I could do nothing else.

 “When you wish to speak again look to the truth of yourself and speak the name of location and I will join you…..Dominic.”

My right eye shot open all I could see was the back seat of our family car. Nothing moved, no sounds could be heard and only the eerie silence existed. I tried turning my head with horrible pain erupting in my neck, I tried to yell but I could make no sound.

I licked my chapped lips as I surveyed what I could. I could see little and I’m glad for that. From my position I could see, however, the true damage of the inside of the car. Sides were bent and twisted from the hits while glass scattered across the wreckage. I breathed deeply, causing myself to cough up blood onto my face.

I looked left and once again tried to speak. Julian leaned against Cassie. The seat belt stretched as he limply lay against her in the seat. His body slightly fell downwards towards the upside down ceiling where I lay.

 “Ju-j….julian,” I whispered, though to me it felt as if I were screaming. There was no answer.

My mind finally caught up with my memory as I remember what she had said. My mouth curled as if to cry, but I had no tears to give. I mutely sobbed as sound invaded me.

Sirens could be heard closely as well as several men speaking to each other close to the car side. I could hear their status about what had caused the accident and what time it had occurred. They also spoke of the death count. A third man walked next to the others, I listened to the sound of his boots against the blacktop as he walked closer. I wish I could turn my neck to see who was there or at least call out to them.

 “Chief Franchester, we didn’t expect you to come in today.” One of the men spoke.

“A crash like this is too important to ignore because it was my day off.” Chief told in a sturdy voice, “What’s the details John?”

“Crash took place at 2:58 pm on August 17th. Cause father got distracted driving into the opposite lane of traffic hitting the side of opposite traffic spinning the car until it hit the road rails flipping the vehicle. Ambulance arrived on scene where it was declared five fatalities. The driver of the other car seems alright with mirror injuries. All passengers, but one were wearing seat belts. A young man we predict sixteen was thrown through the right side window and then was trapped once again in the upside down car as it overturned. We predict all passengers died by the final turn of the compartment.”

 My eye widened as I yelped, but it was only a whisper. “I’-I’m he…re. I’m, I’m here!” I whispered/yelled.

 “Hel…help!” “Help…!”

Nothing was working, they couldn’t hear me. I closed my eye and waited for death. But I couldn’t wait for it, for I don’t want it. My eye shot open as I stared at the inner of the car. I will not die here, I can’t die here I have to save my family.

 I tried to scream with nothing to show for it, I tried to move my legs, but couldn’t move more than a toe. There has to be something, anything. I thought to myself in the emptiness of my mind, there is a way I know it I just have to use my head. My head? That’s the answer.

 I took in a deep breath only able to fill half my lungs I held it for a moment. This is going to hurt, but if it means I get heard that’s all that matters. Holding my air for my dearest life I twist my neck quickly to the right. The air escapes my lips in a blood curdling scream of pain that would make the bravest of men weep.

 I cringed coughing up several clots of blood and spit. The strange metallic taste filled my mouth as I could now see the feet of the three men out the broken car window. One of the men who I guess is the Chief laid against the ground looking into the small opening. His mouth moved, but I hear nothing, vision blurs dazing in and out of focus. His eyes lock with mine and relief fills his face as he calls to several others who hurries to me. I smile weakly, blackness consumed me.

Does he know? Know what I am? If he did would he care? That’s boy, that’s boy whose eye marks his destiny. Straw like hair with tangles of auburn weave into the mess. His pale skin, strong features with little scratch and tear. Weak body, but resilient mind. Heart of gold painted with blackness. Yes… he’ll do fine. I lick my lips, thinking about it. He smells of pain and misery with evident fear. His soul is drenched in the blood of sorrow and hurt. Ancestry, I’m sure he is unaware, but oh he knows. The old man knows and he kept me away. I’ll call out again to the boy. I’ll call out and he will be helpless. I’ll call out and he will be mine.

 I felt my body awake from my slumber, but I dare not open my eyes as fear of what I’d see. It feels like a nightmare from which I can’t wake up from, or I choose not to. Everything feels numb, sort of the way it does when I wake in the morning from a sleepless night. Weak and sluggish with the heaviness of the world weighing down on my chest. I could feel my slow breath, swelling in my rib cage, in and out, in and out, barely keeping me alive. If I’m alive.

As hearing re-entered my field I listened in the way I had before the blackness I now held so close. A steady beep filled the silent room with small mumbles of whispers too far to make out.

 I moved my finger slightly as my body recognized its own senses. One by one I could feel this world becoming more realistic from the smell of chemicals to the touch of something smooth and cold. But still no sight, I kept my eyes closed, for a reason unknown I didn’t feel right in opening my eyes. I wish to keep them closed for as long as my curiosity would allow. I’m scared…. It’s been so long since I’ve known this feeling. Still I’m scared of finding out what’s truth and what’s dream, I’m scared of finding that I am alone, and I’m scared of it being my fault.

 I squint my eyelid, only one would move. Concern filled my mind at this. Why can only one move? I thought. Curiosity took hold of me with little resistance as I slowly began opening my right eye.

The light shined brightly at first I continued to widen my view pass the blinding beams to gaze upon white tile ceilings. Prevails allowed me to perceive the edges of what seemed to be a pillow garbed in white matching the medical tape that enfolded against the left side of my appearance along with a black object unclear to me.

 I blinked several times slowly as my mind raced. I took a breath in feeling the pipes that lay against my face. I looked at my mouth to see the oxygen tubes resting upon my snowy skin that seemed whiter than I had remembered. I coughed twice as I continued processing my surroundings. I couldn’t move my head nor could I open my other eye. I could only stare half blind into the ceiling, listening to the muffles of others from afar.

 My hand reached from against the bed frame to my lips feeling the tubes and the needle within my forearm. I pulled one of the tubes as sirens filled my ears and alerts. I watched as suddenly the muffles became louder and louder. Soon they were no longer muffles but full auditable words and then faces in which those words belonged to.

Three women came into my view, all wearing colorful scrubs and all working very hard as if there were surprised by something and were trying to fix a mistake once made before someone were to notice. One of the women looked at me with a sweet face. Her skin was tannish with more of a yellowish glow. Her hair was black tightened in a ponytail reaching her mid back. She smiled as she asked me questions about what I remember and if I was ok.

 “Hello there sleepy head, my name is Nurse Ross. Do you know your name?”

“Do..Domin…ic” I managed to say clearing my throat.

“Good, now Dominic do you know where you are?” Nurse Ross asked.

“Pandora?” I answered.

 “Not quite right, you’re in the hospital. We’ll call your Grandfather soon so he can see you.” Her voice was sweet and inviting.

“Gramps?” I asked still dazed.

 “Yes,” Nurse Ross says with a cheery tone. “Your Grandfather is coming to see you.”

“Are my parents coming too?” I asked dizzy from the confusion. She looked down from my eyes as if something had caught her attention.

“Where are they?” I asked, noticing she was dodging the question. Again I was met with a silence that I hate.

 “Where are they?”

The other two nurses looked up at Ross and then to me with saddened expressions. The room was silence with only the sounds of busy work and avoidance.

My eyes brows narrowed as my voice became hoarse, “Why won’t you answer me?!”

 I knew the answer, I just didn’t want to believe it.

3: Chapter 3: Duel Knowledge
Chapter 3: Duel Knowledge

3 Duel Knowledge


 Days turned to weeks and shortly months. I lay in bed in the hospital filled with flowers and get well cards. It seems everyone wants to see me.

New reporters who covered the crash, students who had never spoken a single word had come in and spoke as if we're the closest of friends and even doctors and MED students wondering how I could have survived. I was never supposed to wake.

 My neck had snapped from the impact against the window. Several other bones had also broke or had been crushed from the weight of the car. But the worst was my face. A direct impact into the car window has resulted in the loss of my left eye.

 Greg and Gramps were my daily visitors and would normally stay through physical therapy. It's nice to see a face of someone who truly cares for me. Nurse Ross had become almost like a mother to me. Every day after her shift she would come in telling me stories about herself and what TV shows she had seen the night before along with the daily gossip. I’d be an ear to talk to and in return she would help me forget reality, even if it was only a moment. I have grown quite used to this routine.

Nurse Ross walked in holding a bag of what seemed to be clothing her face seemed sad but in the same happy.

"It's not ten yet?" I questioned.

 "You get to go home today Dominic," she smiled but was a bitter sweet grin.

Home I haven't thought about home. Alone in a too big town house, alone in the battlefield.

 I feel sick. "I do?"

 "I brought your clothes," she spoke handing me the bag.

 I pulled out the jeans so familiar and black warm jacket torn across the back in a deep line that matched with the one on the orange cotton.

 I looked confusedly at the tears. "I didn't have a cut on the back?"

 "That's the mystery isn't it?" Nurse Ross said looking at her pager, "I must take this, your Grandfather will be here shortly." With that she left.

 This whole situation is a mystery. Greg has asked me countless times what I had seen on the other side, but I never told him, I don't think he'll even believe me if I did.

I pulled out the jeans and pulled them up past my leg braces and gently to my waist. I looked at the orange shirt stained with a mixture of blood and dirt. I didn’t want to put it on but I was given no other clothes. I looked to my jacket, it was still better that that shirt. I pulled my arms slowly through the black fabric and zipped up the fleece. It was warm and smelled different than everything else. It smelled like home.

 I bit my lip hugging myself and looking at my bare feet. I’m not putting on shoes, I refuse this part. I don’t want to cover my feet, I hate shoes. I hate the hot, sweaty feeling of sneakers and socks. Mom had to convince me almost every day to where the hot mess. No one tells me to put them on so I won’t. Seems so childish, seems so stupid, maybe that’s the reason I refuse. Childishness has taken hold of my thought with the poison of my adult mind that wipes away innocence leaving only confusion and loss. Childish thought, all I have left. Thought.

So much has happened there are so many holes and unknowns that the whole thing is more of a dream than reality. Black and wet, Pandora…. I snapped from my rambling thought as Gramps appeared in the doorway.

 I smiled a fake smile and then grabbed my crutch. Therapy has allowed me to go from two to only the one. I stood shaking slightly hanging on the crutch for dear life as I limped across the floor. Three feet seemed more like a mile. Gramps tried to help me through the doorway, but I seemed well on my own. Walking is harder than I ever thought it would be but I at least doing it again. Sitting in that damn bed all day was giving me a rash.

 “Are you fine by yourself Dominic?” Gramps asked. “I’m fine,” I said focusing on walking.

 We made it to Gramps’ Voldo with its rustic charm and gray rained color. I paused as he unlocked the doors moving leaves off the windshield.

 He noticed me staring, “are you coming?” He asked in his rickety old voice.

 I shook my head quickly with a small yelp. God knows I’m not getting into that thing. Car do nothing but remind me of what I’ve tried to forget.

 “I know it must be scary, but we have to get home-” I cut Gramps off.

 “And there will be nothing…” I finished sitting in the back seat.

I returned to a trap I wish never had happened, but I found no hope in arguing with it. I knew I’d lose, with little evidence other than my own fear.

I could feel myself clinch and stiffen as I sat against the shabby seats that smell of liquor and cough drops. I quickly buckled my seatbelt as Gramps drove from the parking lot.

 I nervously stared out the window watching the dead trees’ colors fall and the variety of pumpkins and filling up the porches of small businesses and homes as we drove away from the hospital neighborhoods. Halloween just ended and the madness of Christmas has filled the air of New York. The peaceful homes came to a close as the smugness of the city took place, home. Traffic filled my ears as the radio played the new crappy pop songs with no one to sing to them.

 I dazed out running from my memories or at least into new ones. Black, cold and empty; Pandora. I wish I could know if it was a lie or true and what exactly I even saw. Was I truly dead? Did everyone see it when they die? And who or what is she?

The car stopped quickly I jolted forward screaming. I looked up in terror seeing Gramps looking at me with a determined face. We were pulled over to the side of the highway on the way home. We were at a dead stop and he just stared at me.

 “What the hell?” I screamed, still freaked out from the sudden stop.

 “What did you see?” He asked.

“What?” I asked confused and annoyed.

“What did you see when you were dead?” Gramps asked in a serious tone.

 “I already told you nothing,” I lied.

 “You and I both know that was a lie to protect Greg. Now what did you see?”


“What did you see in Pandora?” His voice shook as he yelled.

 I froze in shock. Gramps knows about what I saw?

“What did you see in Pandora?” He asked again.

 “Ummm…. Not really anything, I saw some eyes, but nothing more I promise,” I stuttered thinking about the event.

“What did you hear? Did anyone talk to you?” His voice grew with concern.

 “I heard a girl,” I spit with muddle.

“What did she say to you?”

“That I smell good and- “Gramps cut me off.

“Did she tell you anything about your eyes?”

“Yes well no, she just called me a seeker and that I need to ask him?” I asked loss to the conversation.

Gramps eyes widened as he turned back to the road. He kept silent as he pulled back onto the highway and continued home. I frowned, he knew what Pandora was and that I spoke with someone. There’s something he’s not telling me.

“What did she mean by Seeker and him?” I asked.

“There is nothing to worry about, your eye has vanished as she can’t find you,” Gramps sighed with a sense of relief.

“Find me? Who wants to find me? And what does my eye have to do with anything?” I asked desperate for his knowledge.

 “Never speak of this again, do you hear me? Don’t trust a word she says it’s nothing but a trick and a lie.” Gramps’ hands clamped tighter upon the wheel as he spoke.

“But she said if I made a contrac-“

“Did you make a contract?!” He yelled in fear.

 “No she told me to ask him and then come back.” I flinched from the old man’s yell.

“You may never go back there, it’s a miracle you got out in the first place,” he sighed.

 I stared at my feet deep in loss. So many things conflicted with what I had thought a few months ago. Gramps looked back at me for a moment, noticing my position.

“No matter what she had promised you can’t take her word.” He huffed, “Look in the box on the floor, I want you to have what’s in it.”

 I glanced over to the cardboard box that he had spoken of. It looked much like a clothing gift box with nothing written on it, only blank. I picked up the brown cardboard and removed the lid.

My eyes widened as I looked down to what it held. Two pistols appearing to be western like design. Many symbols filled the metals. Curves and twist that seemed so familiar filled up all useable space. The guns were identical, all but their color and metal. One was painted black with what seemed to be silver coat. The second held a white coloring with patterned of gold. I sat mouth open wide as I looked down into the box.

 “In case you ever become trapped in that a cured place uses these to get out.”

 “Gramps I can’t have guns I’m sixteen!” I shouted throwing the box to the ground.

“You will never become a seeker I promised myself you wouldn’t go down that path and as long as I’m still kicking you’ll be free of that curse,” Gramps growled.

 “What are you talking about you crazy old man?” I questioned.

“Evil will tempt you, you must stay clean,” Gramps spat.

The car stopped before I could speak, we had reached the empty town house that I’ve been free for so long. I left the conversation as I stared out the car window. This was once home, but now it is nothing but a cold temptress. It looks so different with half vision.

 I carefully scooted out of the car holding myself up with my crutch as I limped into the house. The quietness of the town house was chilling. I can’t remember a time when this house was silent.

 I can’t remember a time when Cassie didn’t come running towards me at the door asking me to play with her and me telling her maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow never came. I felt a tightness in my neck from the thoughts of never seeing anyone I held so close again.

Over the time in the hospital bed and therapy sessions I often found myself wishing that I had indeed died in that car wreck with them. It wouldn’t be the first time I wish my own end.

 I limped to the stairs and looked at the mountain that had once been only a pebble in my way. I gazed at the pattern that I had followed daily. Up and down and up and down. Coming to see the senseless mornings that will never again exist. I sat against the wooden stairs at I began pushing myself up one stair at a time. Gramps looked at me with curiosity as I completed this process.

He shortly followed me up, helping me stand once I had reached the top. In his hands he held that box. I looked sourly at it. I didn’t even know Gramps owned pistols, but then again, I didn’t know he knew about Pandora either.

I limped into my empty bedroom that had remained the same as it had before I left. Clothes remained hung, bed was still unmade and the cracked image of myself still held up on in the mirror. The image was more beaten and sickly looking than the last time I had used this mirror. It has become weak and tired with a defeated look. I didn’t like this image. It was not my image, it was not me. But it is what I’ve become. A mirror never lies, a mirror is the truth of myself.

4: Chapter 4: Restless Blood
Chapter 4: Restless Blood

Chapter 4: Restless Blood

Night came with no ease. These days I had only slept to escape the emptiness, but now, I could only slip into my nightmares that seemed to know exactly how to make me question my life even further than before.

I feel sick, I turned my head slowly to the right. It feels good to be out of a neck brace though, I still had to be slow and careful when moving my head. My eyes locked to the clock on my nightstand, 11:11 pm.

I sighed, I could no longer sleep, which only left me with my own unanswerable questions. My head screamed in silence as my lips dare not move. I thought of what she said, over and over it repeated in my head.

"When you wish to speak again look to the truth of yourself and speak the name of location and I will join you…..Dominic." Her voice was so clear, so clean, so soft, so warm, so trusting, how is she evil?

I want to speak with her again. I want to know what no one will tell me. I want to know what to do. I want to know her. I threw the covers from my body.

I stared down at my blue and white striped PJ bottoms that covered the twin braces on both legs and my bare chest with little scarring or injury. I grabbed the crutch that leaned against my bed frame. I stood slowly using the bed as support.

The room was as black as the spirals of Pandora's walls. My eyes glanced over to the box Gramps had insisted on giving me. He went to great lengths to convince me on keeping them for protection of whatever was on the other side. I limped over to the box taking both guns in hand, I took a deep breath, looking at my reflection in the cracked mirror.

The mirror I was so upset with, the mirror that has seen all my forms, the mirror that had all my secrets and the mirror that held my truth.

"My name is Dominic and um… I want to go to Pandora?" I called aloud to the mirror.

"Dominic?" a voice rang in my ears almost like a whisper.

"Dominic. I want to go to Pandora," I stated more firmly hearing her voice.

"There you are, I was beginning to think you would never call me." Her tone was almost flirty with a sick twist that made me shiver.

"You must invite me…." "OK? I invite you," I stuttered doing as she wished.

"To?" she asked sarcastically.


"All together," she sighed.

"I invite you to Pandora," I said as a laugh filled the room.

"I humbly accept your offer….." I closed my eye and felt a force pulling me through the mirror.

Blackness began to spin and a sickly feeling filled my body. The motion continued for a few more moments and soon I felt myself thrown into water. My eye opens and I look to see the same room, I had found myself in before.

I pulled myself up from the water and looked at me. I still wore the same clothing and braces as well my eye remained the same. Unlike the last time I still had the full sensation of my body. I could still feel the slight pain as I moved my neck from side to side, including the pain from my leg braces from being thrown. I did however notice how the crutch I had relied on was gone. I pulled my hands quickly out of the water to see the two pistols still in my possession.

Laughter filled the room and I turned still sitting, to a throne like object. Several pieces of stone piled onto each other making a high chair like object with two pillars on either end with flames atop both with nothing between them. A shadow sat upon the jagged seat with two red cat like eyes. The shadow began to move and grow tighter against the figure. The blackness soon disappeared from her body, slowly and then suddenly as if the shadows missed their homes in the dark.

She sat upon the throne, right leg crossed high over the left and pulled closely to her chest with her hands. She had pale white skin that looks similar to that of white snow. Her hair was long and black tied in a fishtail braid coming forward over her right shoulder with bangs coming right above her left eye. Lips as red as her blood stained eyes and features sharp and soft much like those of a photo shopped diet girl. Her body was skinny with smooth flowing shape. She wore no shoes and black wrapping around her breast and hips added with a flowing night shaded, tattered shirt that reminded me much of girl's goddess costumes for Halloween. The strangest features included sharpened ears, cat like nails, and a thin black tail.

"Took you long enough, you shouldn't keep a lady waiting," she growled playfully.

"What are you?" I asked.

"Echo," she smiled.

"What are you? You? You? You?" I repeated creating my own echo.

"Are you stupid?" She inquired annoyed. "My name is Echo," she smiled re-crossing her legs to the other side.

"Echo?" I questioned confused.

"Seems the boy can be taught. Now did you think about my offer?" She asked.

"Answer these questions first," I demanded sternly.

"What is a Seeker?" Echo jumped from the throne coming into the water floor where I sat.

"A Seeker is a descendant of a special race of tamers and reapers. They are generational with only one to a bloodline and you my dearest are a part of this elite group, how lucky for you," Echo explained.

"I am? How do you know?" I asked.

"Your left eye, when you still had it was a mark of your ancestry. The black pattern told of your relatives and blood line." She looked down at the pistols and growled. "And those…"

"These?" I said, lifting up the black one.

She flinched at this action before regaining her composure. "Yes, those. They are passed down from generation to generation as a sign of the power of a family. Seems someone wanted to keep them from you now didn't they?" Echo sang walking away from me.


"I don't know." A wicked smile formed across her lips.

"Do you still wish to form a contract?"

"Wait." This seemed to annoy her, "Gramps says I shouldn't listen to you, he says that you're evil."

"Do you trust everything you hear?" Echo whispered.

"No! Maybe?" I blushed.

"If you could have anything in the world wouldn't you take it? I'm handing you all the answers and all you have to do is grab it," her eyes grew wide as she spoke.

"I don't know, I want to save my family but my Gramps."

"Is a crazy old man who got the wrong end of a deal and is now taking it out on you! You don't have another shot boy, it's now or never understood?" Echo snapped.

I thought, I didn't have much time, but I know well what I want, If I am to die I care nothing but if I can give my life for there's isn't it worth it? I do not fear what is to come, I fear what will happen if I do nothing.

"Ok," I spat.

"Do you wish to make a contract with me Dominic?" Echo held holding out her hand to me.

"I do, I wish to make a contract with you Echo!" I yelled grabbing her hand.

In a quick movement, she slit my cheek with her thumbnail. Red fell down my face as she came close to my face. Her breath felt warm against my cheek as she licked the blood from the wound. She continued to suck the red liquid from my face as I tried to pull away but it was of no use. Echo was a lot stronger than she had appeared.

My movement attempts were nothing against her. Her lips moved from my skin as our eyes met. A crazed look filled her vision when she looked at my blood. She had a taste and wanted more, I could see it within her eyes. She looked like a wild animal and I the food. Her nails scraped across her own arm as black poured from her veins much like blood would have. Red eyes locked on mine.

"Drink..." Her voice sounded wild and demonic.

"What?" I spat, trying to force away her oncoming arm to no avail.

I soon met lips to arm. The black liquid tasted almost briny with a nauseating taste of salt and what reminded me of licorice wrapped in a disgusting mixture.

I gaged pulling my head away when I noticed in no longer hurt to move my neck. I felt little to no pain in my movement as I had before. Her hand pulled away my eye cover and she smiled. The blackness soon became a fuzzy image and soon cleared into a full view. I looked around quickly with the ability of a new eye stunned by what she had done. Echo's arm pulled away from my mouth and I began to cough heavily from the liquid.

"I couldn't have a broken toy now could I?" Her words bounced off each other like a playful child's lullaby, "our contract is set, till death do us part…"

Her hands pushed against my chest and we both fell back into the water and then through. My vision scattered between the spinning vortexes, we were falling in. The sky spirals matched the pattern pass the water. I yelled from the falling motion, it felt more like a dream.

A clear exit formed below us as we continued our descent. A clear cracked image of my empty room, sat at the bottom of the black hole. My eyes grew at the impact sure to come but never did. I fell through the mirror as if it was nothing, it did not break, it did not crack farther, and I was unhurt.

I looked up now in my room at my reflection. No scares held on my appearance. I looked perfectly healthy and healed. I pulled myself up using my hands and stared at this new image locked on this new eye. This new red eye.

Pained filled my gut and I yelped. Black filled my mouth as I began to cough up the odd black substance. Breathing became a challenge as I choked from it, vomit erupted from me as my body tried so hard to erase the blood like liquid. Gramps opened my door with a great speed probably from my wails. I looked up at him with a painful expression. He stood in shock as I continued to fight for air.

"You drank the blood didn't you? What did I tell you? I told to stay away from her!" Gramps yelled with fear in his voice.

"I did it to save them..." I gasped through my coughs.

A sweet laugh filled my room with a deadly sound. I turned my head as well as Gramps to the sound. There Echo stood in the darkness of the night. A wicked look took hold of her with crazed eyes wide, staring at Gramps in the doorway. In her hands were the duel pistols pointed at him in a steady aiming perfectly for a deadly shot. My mouth opened wide with black still dripping from my lips.

"Nice to see you again Jonathan," she growled with razor teeth.

"Echo release this boy from you blood!" Gramps yelled.

"Now why would I do that old man? It took me so long to find him, thanks to you. And you know just as well as I that to release him one of us have to die, isn't that right?" Echo smirked pulling back the triggers.

"Don't!" I coughed.

No one seemed to be listening to me. I crawled slightly from the mirror closer to Gramps, legs.

"I've been waiting for this too long..." Echo smiled.

"Stop!" I yelled.

A red light filled the dark room. My head throbbed from the image. She stopped falling slowly to the ground. Her legs bent slowly reaching the small gray carpet in my room. Her hands dropped the riffles and she fell flat against the ground as if she didn't have control of her motions. A scream came from her as she lay. It was a mixture of pain and annoyance for what she couldn't do. Gramps pulled me off the floor, I stood with no issue that I had before this night. The light of my eye continued to light the room with a soft glow.

"Wh…What are you doing?" She screamed.

"I, I don't know I just wanted you to stop," I shuttered.

"Ahhh! Stop it, I can't move!" Echo squealed.

"Whatever you're doing don't stop," Gramps commanded walking over to the girl.

He picked up the black gun, pointing it at her head. She growled, but couldn't move. Gramps reached into one of my drawers, pulling out a red shirt and a belt. He proceeded to sit up the girl tie the belt around her wrist and bed post prospering her up like a prisoner. He then wrapped the T-shirt around her head gagging her. My hand came to my eye from the throbbing the glow began to lighten in the intenseness till it all but faded.

I gasped, I felt tired and weaker than I had. My legs bent until I sat upon the ground I looked at the blue and white fabric that held the braces I had depended on. I frowned unhooking the metal bars and hooks that held them together. I pulled the support beams off throwing them weakly to the side.

I could feel myself shaking from the exhaustion as I stared at my Gramps tightening the restrains on the girl. She seemed relieved that I had stopped the glow.

"That should hold her for a bit." Gramps stood from her walking over to me.

His eyes looked with my dazed expression. He placed his thumb on my face under my left eye.

"I've never seen a human with a curse such as this." Gramps said pulling away.

"Curse?" I gasped weakly.

She seemed to laugh at this. Gramps filched the light switch, filling the room with the warm light of my lamp. Echo sat with a look so many in my school have, boredom. She was gagged and bonded and she seemed bored. Still holding the black pistol Gramps stood between us.

"This is the last time you grieve our family beast." I've never heard such power come from Gramps before.

Flames formed around the gag as it turned to ash revealing her twisted grin.

"Jonathan you know me better than that, as if a rag and these, "she ripped the leather with little trouble placing her hands in her lap.

"Would hold a demon."

"Demon?" I gasped.

"You didn't tell him did you?" Echo asked.

"I was trying to protect him from devils like you!" Gramps yelled.

"And all I want is to protect him and see his wishes through," she smiled innocently.

"Name one thing you've done to help him," Gramps roared.

She stood slowly turning from us to face the opposite direction. Her hands lifted the black wrappings up to show a long scar across her back. I remembered the wreck and how I felt something on my back and the cut on my clothing, but no marks on my own skin.

"You were there?" I asked in shock.

"I've been protecting you since you first heard my words. I only want the best for you boy." Her words seemed sincere enough, but still held some sense of a lie.

She turned to Gramps, "He has made his choice and nothing will change it. He drank the blood. Let him complete his wish, let him do what he had chosen."

Gramps looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I can't help you in your quest Dominic, I can only give you this advice. Remain who you are and never think less of yourself. You have the potential to be good or evil and you must never falter from who you are, no matter how great the temptation."

"I love you Gramps," I spoke as if I was saying goodbye forever.

"I love you too Dominic," Gramps smiled through his own tears.

Echo pressed her hands against the cracked glass and began to mumble quickly as she spoke the mirror image turned to that of a black spiral. Her cat like eyes locked onto me with an impatient look. I walked over to her and stood in front of the vortex looking into the darkness. My eyes shot down to my bare feet. I don't know where I am going, I don't know what's going on, I don't know who to trust, there's a lot I don't know. I look back to Gramps who waved to me slowly. A deep breath filled my lungs as I stepped forward into the vortex, leaving all the answers behind me to enter the unknowns.

5: Chapter 5: Questions not Riddles
Chapter 5: Questions not Riddles

Chapter 5: Questions Not Riddles

Once again we came through the vortexes of Pandora and me finding myself in a loss. This part of Pandora seems to be a different portion of the emptiness, it held a strange doorway marking it. A single metal gate broke the never ending blackness. The twist and turns within the metal was quite impressive. It looked like one of the older gates that lead into cemeteries. And at the top of this gate held a symbol. A yin yang maker sat middle with three curved lines coming from it with one smaller circle on each end of the lines.

Echo noticed me staring at this and pushed my slightly pointing at it, "It's the mark of Pandora."

"What exactly is Pandora?" I asked.

"Well, its home to seekers, angels, and demons. It's kind of a world within worlds. It connects with all other worlds, but none of these worlds came enter without being invited," she explained as if she were distracted.

"How did you get here? And um, are you really a demon?" I asked sheepishly.

"Indeed I am from Hell and as to how I got here you could say I have special clearance." Echo said walking towards the gate.

"You're from Hell?" I choked slightly, "does this mean, because I, um…."

"You won't got to hell for make a deal with me, but if I complete in your wish you won't be going anywhere."

"What do you mean?" I asked, stopping in front of the iron bars.

She turned swiftly to me, "when a demon finishes a contract they eat the soul of their master."

I gulped, "you want my soul?"

"I want what no other has. No demon has successfully finished a seeker's wish."

Her hand pushed against the gate softly. The bars moved with little effort into her.

"Why is that?" I asked, concerned I have to finish my goal for my family.

"The goals are too great, too much. Only the demon or angel who can break through a seeker's defense can make a contract with them and even then most seekers are taught of their ancestries and learn exactly how to avoid a call or how to accept with no danger to themselves," Echo explained as we walked through never-ending blackness.

"I never learn those things." Worry filled me.

"Which makes your goal no less difficult. To retrieve the dead goes against Death himself and Death doesn't like to be cheated." Echo stopped and looked at me with a concerned glare. "If anyone is to ask about your goal you must lie unless you risk not only our lives but that of your protectors' souls. If Death finds out what we plan he will send his followers to destroy the spirits in the only way they know how. Am I making myself clear enough?"

"As clear as everything else in this mystery," I huffed rolling my eyes.

"Also for the time being your name is Dom not Dominic got it?" She commanded.

"But, my name's not Dom," I added confused.

"It is for now," Echo growled.

"We're almost there… master," the words hissed of her tongue with distaste.

"Did you just call me master?" I inquired confused.

"That is what you are until the contract is done," her teeth grinned together in a fury of her own words.

"You can just call me Dominic ok?" A weak smile came to my lips as I spoke.

"Dominic ok?" Echo repeated in my voice.

"How did you do that?" I asked astonished.

"Comes with the name," Echo laughed.

A small laugh came from my lips as we continued to walk. White broke the culmination spiral upon the horizon. A castle stood tall across the plane. Everything seemed to be painted with a snowy coloring with gray outlines. Windows stood tall and plentiful on this great white. I stared at the ageless building. It both seemed old and dignified with a brand new appearance. Shadowy gates traveled in a circle around the fortress with the same symbol plastered across the fence.

I stared in wonder at the large building with solid color. Echo and I reached the front of the gates of the fortress meeting with two skeletons twice the height of myself, and I thought I was tall.

"Halt," one of skeletons spoke holding out his bone hand at Echo. She didn't seemed to flinch at the movement.

"What business do you have here?"

"A new seeker has joined," she called loudly as for the skeleton to hear her.

The boney man looked at me with curiosity, "He is old for a new seeker."

"A matter of being hard to track, now if you'd be so kind," Echo smiled, pushing through the blockade with me following shortly behind.

"I'm old for a seeker?" I questioned as we walked.

"Well not anymore. Most of the seekers are around your age but most begin their training at the ages of six or seven. Never has one started as late as you are."

"Training?" "All seekers must pass Death's test to return to the mortal world, I'm sure it won't take long and once we're done with this we can begin searching for your family's souls completing your goal," she snorted.

We walked through the gates of the white castle and then to the gate being stopped by several other guards and passing security. Echo told the boney figures the same as she had the first two and their replies were mainly the same. As we reached the doorway two large wooden doors opened widely to welcome us into its keep.

The massive doors marked with the symbol of Pandora seemed to know where and what we were even if I did not. No person or skeleton open the gates, they just opened without a word from Echo or me.

The halls were long and wide with red carpets with a blood shade outline lay across the wooden floors. Pictures hung along the walls of humans from all different ages. Victorian, twenties, modern all of the time seem to hang in these red halls. The ceilings were high and reminded me much of a private school for the wealthy children of diplomats and businessmen. I felt so out of place partially because I've never been invited into such a fancy placement and also for the fact that I am wearing only PJ pants. But then again Echo only wore loose wrappings and a tattered skirt.

We continued walking down several different halls and passages until we reached a hall with several doors on both sides of the walls, it looked much like a medieval themed hotel.

Echo walked silently down the corridor as if she feared speaking. She stopped in front of a single door and looked at me. She rose her hand to her chest level. Purple smoke swirled in her palm and two pistols formed from it.

"Next time don't forget these, change and come to the practice room when you are done," she spoke as if I knew what she was talking about.

"Wait where?" I asked as she turned to leave.

"Ugg," she sighed. "Down the hall take a left and keep heading forward, you can't miss it."

Vague points of her hand gave me my directions. Echo placed the guns in my hands walking away.

"Don't lose them."

I turned to the door, I was placed in front of and read the number, 666 of course that would be it. I opened the door with my hand and looked inside. The room was smaller than I had thought it would be. A single bed with several pieces of clothing laid on it was pushed to the far corner. The only other objects in the room were a lamp, and a night stand. A door to my right side lead to what I presumed was the closet.

I walked into the small bedroom and looked at the clothes stretched across the gray sheets. I picked up the shirt that was left for me. A dark charcoal collared top with larger collar flaps with the symbol of Pandora on it. Two brown buckles came across the front, only about six inches each with matching metal buckles. The sleeves were rolled up held with similar belts that ended at my biceps, if I had any. The pants were solid black jeans like everything else here. I put on the attire and looked at the last pieces remaining. Black gym shoes and a belt with identical holders for my pistols. I didn't know what to think about this. I stared at the duel guns and frowned. What's so special about them anyway? I looped the belt and placed the guns in their correct holes. That only leaves the shoes. I hate shoes, I hate everything about this so of course there would be shoes. I signed pulling the sneakers over my socks with hesitation.

My eyes glanced over at the doorway as my body followed. I followed Echo's simplistic directions as I walked hopelessly through the halls. I eventually found my way to my point of interest. A large doorway matching the ones of the bedrooms with slight differences stood with the golden words written Practice room. My hand graced the cold handle as I walked into the room.

The hall was quite large, a gym like quality took place on the floor of the bottom level where I had entered. A great stone walls surrounded the first level reaching the stands of the second. It reminded me of an auditorium for a sporting event. Jungle gym like objects made of metal and rubber stood scattered through the room with a surrounding track. Several other people stood around in the area.

All eyes locked on me as I entered. Glares of curiosity and annoyance were on all faces. Some didn't care while some were surprised to see me. All of the people stood in pairs of males and females.

The closest two were dressed in a Steampunk fashion. The girl stood a little shorter than her male partner. Her hair was a short choppy, boy cut brown color. A red scarf wrapped across around her neck, giving color to her black like corset. She wore several watches some broken and others still working on both arms. Leather pants covered her legs meeting her metallic boots. Her partner was slightly taller than her with a deadly black coloring of his hair. Night vision, or what I think are night vision goggles rested in his tangled locks. He seemed strong, but lengthy. He wore similar leather pants with a black trench coat with a white undershirt. His shoes much like the girl's, were made of a metal matching the chains across his chest. His red eyes locked on me and a playful smile reached his lips as he whispered something to the girl who then giggled.

The second pair sat lazily on the floor. A girl had a darker skin coloring with red dyed hair. She wore an obsessive about of eye liner. With a purple sweater and skinny jeans on her legs. A white scarf hung across her neck as she stared at the gym floor. The boy next to her was lying across the floor, eyes closed with a white feathery object underneath. He listen to her speak with little attention. His hair was cut short and a snowy white stain. He seemed less than interested in what was going on and appeared perfectly content in his dreams. He wore a white, short sleeve shirt with gray sweat pants with matching white flip flops. He looked more like a bum than a teenager.

A girl hung upside down from the monkey bars holding her hands to keep up her tight dress. Her white hair was long wrapped in braids with flowers tighten in her curls. She laughed to the boy who stood next to her. Her blue eyes were almost neon coloring that seemed out of place in her all white attire. The oddest part is she wore fake white wings that looked realistic like a bird's. The boy standing next to her seemed tired and irritated from her. His hair was a brown coloring with a short shagginess. He wore a white vest with a brown long sleeve shirt under. Along with his gray jeans. Along with a tannish skin color.

The last pair in the room stood in along the corner of the chamber. The girl sat several feet above the floor. Her white wings flapped softly propelling her up into the air. Her hair was short and wavy reaching her shoulders. She sat gracefully legs crossed in a lady like manner. She rested her chin across her pale painted hands and wore a lace dress with white flats. She talked down to the boy who stood below her. He wore a gray colored sleeveless shirt with jeans that seemed tattered and worn with a thin white jacket across his arms. His blond hair covered slightly over his eyes much like mine. He looked a little older than the others, about twenty two. With an annoyed disposition painted across his lips.

I searched the room for Echo but saw no sight of her. I didn't really know what to do so I just stood next to the practice room door. I looked around the gym with interests to the others. Mostly the girl who floated above the air. My eyes locked on her with amazement. How was she flying? I looked to the others grabbed in white realizing that they too had wings while the boy in black did not. The Steampunk girl began walking over to me, her partner staying behind. She smiled a carefree grin as she came closer.

"Hi there newbie, Welcome to Pandora..ra..ra…ra!" She smiled calling loudly.

"Um hi?" I really didn't know how to reply to that.

"My names Lucia call me Lucy and you die," she smiled playfully. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not.

"I can see you are a demon seeker aren't you?"

"Yah I guess," I concerned.

"I could tell from your black clothes, it's nice to have an even number of angel and demons now," Lucia sneered.

"So those are angels?" I asked, pointing at the floating white haired girl.

"That's Fawn and the boy under her is Max. She's a bit of a know it all," Lucia whispered as if to block her from hearing.

"You can make a contract with an angel too?"

"It's not just demons. Demons take your soul, angels cleans your soul. You have to be a pretty messed up peps to make a deal with an angel." She put special attention on the words pretty and deal.

"Hun, oh my name is Dominic by the way," I said realizing I haven't told her.

"But I didn't ask you…" her voice turned naïve, "And I believe you meant to say Dom not Dominic. I'd be careful with your word choice if you're going to lie. "


My eyes looked down noticing something in her hands. A mace held tight, pointed towards the ground. I jumped back noticing the weapon. Lucia seemed confused by this more than anything. The handle of the black mace was a white coloring giving it a yin yang pattern much like my pistols.

"What's the matter?" Lucia said in a babyish tone.

"Nothing it just startled me that's all," I called returning to the spot I was.

"This is my baby. I call her Crackle," Lucia stroked the metal with her other hand.

"Why Crackle?" I questioned.

"Because that's the sound it makes." She shot out her arm inches from my face with the weapon.


I flinched causing the white haired boy who lay upon the floor to laugh.

"And what's so funny?" I snapped at the lazy bum.

"You're so lost aren't you?" He laughed, sitting up keeping his eyes closed.

"And how woul-"He yawned widely opening his neon blue eyes cutting me off.

"Shhh, I get it, I was new once too. Pandora's castle can be scary," he yawned mockingly.

"Lue stop it," his girl spat. "I thought you'd be a fan of this Sasha," Lue growled sluggishly laying back down.

"Just stop it ok?" Sasha delivered in a soft tone.

"For once I agree with the sloth," the floating angel called.

"Seems like a waste of energy," the boy next to her snarled.

"Do you ever come down from your high perch?" Lucia smirked.

"I quite like it up here don't you Max?" The female angel called down to the boy.

"Whatever Fawn…" He sighed with annoying.

"I think he's cute," the upside down angel called.

"You think everyone is you little whore," the boy next to her moaned annoyed.

"That's not what you said last night," she smiled flipping right side up.

"I'm Rainia and this sour puss is Danny," Rainia grinned flirty.

"Nice to meet you?" I questioned unsure of all the information given to me.

"Where's your demon?" Lucia's demon called from the opposite side of the room.

"I don't know she told me to meet her here, but I don't see her," I announced looking around the room.

"She just left you?" Lucia questioned, turning her head sideways.

"She just left me to change and told me to come in here." My voice broke when the sounds of the wood against the shinned floor came into ear.

Echo came through the door wearing a long black shirt that came to the bottom of your hip bone with white ruffles underneath, sending it out slightly showing her black shorts that would have been hidden. Knee high cloth boot stained with the same coloring tighten with white string in an x pattern. The top came up to her neck display shoulders. A diamond shaped cut was placed on her breast showing her cleavage. With two matching black bracelets were on either wrist completing the look.

She stood silently with a blank expression as the room became still. All three angels flew up into the air above their masters whose faces seemed as confused as my own. Lucia's demon came from the other side of the room within a blink of an eye. I had not even seen him move and now he stood in front of Lucia with a deadly glare in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He barked.

"Nice to see you to Gaven," she chuckled patting his face.

Gaven ran back faster than anyone could possibly see holding Lucia. "Don't touch me!" He yelled.

"Don't be so mean Gaven," Lucia huffed pulling away from him.

"It's for your own protection Lucia. Now I'll ask again what are you doing here?"

"Haven't you heard? I got a contract," Echo wrapped her hands around my neck smiling a wicked grin.

"Who would make a deal with the daughter?" Gaven snapped.

"Daughter?" I jolted.

6: Chapter 6: Daughter in the Fire
Chapter 6: Daughter in the Fire

Chapter 6: Daughter in the Fire

"She didn't tell you did she?" A voice came from behind.

Two more figures entered the hall. A girl with long dim hair with mixtures of brown in it. Her skin was a tanner exterior and from her accent I can only presume she has some Hispanic background. She wore soft eyeliner and a tan lip gloss. She sported a black vest like outfit with several buttons going down the front with a red outline. It reminded me of a marching band leader, but much more expensive looking. She wore a black tank top under the unbutton half jacket and skinny jeans.

The boy following her was about my height, wearing a black fancier jacket with matching dress pants and white dress shirt with the first two buttons undone. His hair was flipped over from the side with the right side of his head shaven. Along with his night hair small square glasses rested on his nose blocked parts of his yellow eyes.

"What didn't she tell me?" I fussed as more questions were being asked.

"Daughter of Satan," the boy said, pushing up his glasses.

"Hallow!" Echo yelled.

"Satan?!" I yelled in fear.

I could feel my breath becoming rapid and my heart beat increasing in intensity.

"Better he knows now. What are you freaking out about?" She asked me in an annoyed voice.

"What? What? Going to go home and cry to mommy?" The mystery girl barked smugly.

"She's dead Annabell," Echo growled, her eyes glowing with rage.

"Excuse me?" Annabell gasped as if she were insulted.

My heart sunk from what had just happened.

Echo tried to touch me but I swatted her hand away howling "don't touch me!"

"Baby," Annabell hissed.

"Stop it," stress was building up within me.

"And what if I don't?" Annabell threatened.

"Keep away from him," Echo growled teeth growing longer pointing out from her lips much like a vampire's.

Hallow walked inches from Echo with a devilish grin painted on his face. I looked around with a worried expression the other seekers were all stepping away from us with haste. I looked at Echo who was stuck in a stare down with Hallow. My eyes lock with Annabell's who had a disgusted scowl on her face.

"You need to learn your place," she growled.

Her hands grabbed a black whip from her belt holding it up to me. I stumbled back as she unwrapped with leather. Her eyes locked on me, her eyes were a crazed expression with a twisted grin. If it wasn't for her brown eyes, I'd say she was the demon.

Echo placed her left leg back far bending her right to avoid one of Hallows punches. She grinned jumping up kicking the boy in the face. Hallow grabbed his nose cracking it back into place with no sign of pain.

I jumped left as Annabell cracked the whip missing me by only a few inches. I jumped back again as she stuck for a second time.

"Hold still!" She called.

Hallow ran towards Echo grabbing her shoulders, throwing her behind him. Echo twisted quickly pulling on Hallow's hair bring him to the ground. His hands pulled against her ankles in a quick motion sending both Demons to the floor. Echo was the first to jump up as I avoided another whip strike. She seemed annoyed and unfocused on the issue at hand.

"Dance puppet dance!" Annabell yelled.

Echo pulled her arms into a crossed position in front of her face and took several deep breaths as Hallow stood. She laughed a wicked laugh, pulling her arms quickly across each other. Echo's entire body busted into flames as her eyes grew a crazed look. Hallow took several jumps back at the sight.

I stopped paying attention at my own battle long enough for Annabell's moment of opportunity to come. I cried as the black leather ripped across my chest. I fell to my knees holding my bleeding chest with my hands in a frugal attempt to stop the blood.

Echo turned from my screams and bolted from her own fight to mine ending her flames. She ran faster than any human could. She didn't come to me though, no she ran to Annabell lifting her by the neck. Annabell choked from the swift movement, dropping the weapon she had used on me. Hallow jumped from surprise and began running towards the girls.

"Ahh," Echo smirked, squeezing harder, "you don't want your contract to end so soon, do you?"

Hallow stopped and gained a more sophisticated appearance as he knew that she had the upper hand. Annabell struggled against Echo's grip.

"If you ever try to hurt my master again!" She threw her to the floor, "you won't be so lucky."

Echo ran over to me and Hallow did to Annabell.

"I can't turn my back for a minute without you getting into trouble can I?" Echo panted.

"It hurts…" I choked weakly.

"It's a demon's whip, it's meant to wound demons so I can't imagine the pain you must have," Echo smiled sweetly clotting the blood with a piece of her white ruffle.

She bit her lip as she worked to help me, but something was bothering her deeply.

"The cut's not deep, for that you're lucky," Echo whispered as if she was becoming more and more excited.

She stood in a huff from and turned away. She wiped her hands across her white ruffles giving them a blood stained appearance. I stood shaking slightly and walked over to her. She seem to be trying to hold back something as she stared at her bloody hands.

Annabell stood coughing, she glared at me as if it were I who caused this entire fiasco. The cut on my continued to drip slightly as I stood. I pulled my shirt over the abrasion. Echo continued to bite her lip harder and harder as her teeth returned to normal.

A slight ticking noise echoed through the room. Echo and the other seekers all perked up at the sound. Echo's face turned an icy white as she stood attentive next to me. All the seekers, angels and demons all stood in this manner; all but me. I leaned over supporting myself with one arm on my knee the other pressure on my cut.

The ticking grew in intensity until the door began to open slowly. A figure standing at least seven feet, maybe more came into the room. He was a heavy built man with wide shoulders. A black hood seized his face with only two sickly green glowing lights breaking through the darkness. His body was wrapped in tattered fabrics and watches that seemed to tick in unison. He wore large metallic boots and no skin showed along his body. Three halos going from larger to smaller, floated around the top of his shadowy hood. His body looked entire made up of shadows.

"What is going on here?" His voice howled like the wind on a dead cold night. It sent shivers up my spine.

He's eyes locked on to me, "Why do you not stand attentive?" He questioned with a deadly glare.

I pulled away my hand, slowing my red liquid that dripped from my chest.

"To wear the crimson in a room of demons is rather brave, or perhaps foolish," he hissed walking over to Echo.

"Boy, what is your name?" The hooded man asked. I opened my mouth to answer but before I could mutter a single word Echo answered, "Dom."

She stared at the floor when he approached. "Can he not speak for himself?"

She remained silent to the question.

"Learn to protect your master," his voice roared through the silent room.

"Yes Pitch," she called gracefully.

"I do applaud you on not drinking. Perhaps you are not hopeless," Pitch said, walking down the line.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Echo.

"Death…" she whispered back almost too silent to hear.

"If you wish to talk behind my back, don't." Pitch growled walking center.

"Today as you have discovered we indeed have a new seeker added to the school. Echo daughter of the devil and Dom son of deceased of resent, have formed a contract and have come to train to become seekers and hopefully fulfil his wish as you all do. And must I repeat the rules of no fighting on school grounds unless required by me, Annabell." Pitch glared at the girl.

"He started it," she growled crossing her arms. Does she even fear death?

"Next time, I'll end it…" he hissed.

7: Chapter 7: Legacy to Live By
Chapter 7: Legacy to Live By

Chapter 7: Legacy to live by

"Since you all find it so enjoyable to fight that will just be what we're doing today." Black smoke circled his feet as wooden staffs appeared on the floor.

"Grab a staff and when I call your name come into the center for battle. This is a test to see how each person fends on their own. No help will be given from their partners, do I make myself clear?"

We all stood in line to get our staffs while the demons and angels stood center waiting for further instruction. I coughed and I walked over to Pitch. His hand passed over my chest and the bleeding stopped. The rip in my clothes sewed up along with the cut as if I was never hit. He then handed me the wood and pointed me to the seats.

Angels flew up into the stands taking one or two people at a time. Fawn seemed annoyed when she had to carry me up as if she shouldn't have to bother. I sat alone in the black plastic chairs, I look to see the others sitting close by each other to watch the games commence. Making me realize just how alone I truly am.

Ten minutes here and I've already turned a room of people against me; that's a new record. I miss my friend and my family. I'd rather be home with them all and have my daily beatings from Palace than being here. At least Palace doesn't try to kill me with a whip.

I hate it here, I hate it so very much. The only person who wants anything to do with me is the devil's daughter! The only reason she even speaks to me is because she's hungry and I'm her snack. I disgust her. She has never given me a straight answer with full truth. Echo is filled with lies and evil runs through her veins with a darkness I will never understand.

Echo came and sat next to me with not a single word. She seemed irritated by the presents of Pitch and by his reparation of her. She bit her thumb nail ignoring my presents and focusing on her own thought.

I growled with my own annoyance towards her. She lacked any emotion, but anger and irritation. Everything I despise in the world was wrapped up in her. I glanced over to see her red eyes. My red eye, she should have left me dead. In giving me this opportunity I couldn't turn it down, but to know what she is and who she is sends chills up my spine. My life wasn't worth saving. Why couldn't she have just protected everyone else in the car and just left me to die? Why am I special? I should just end it.

I remember feeling like this once before. I had come home in the crazy of afternoon rush of the house. My spirit had shattered with little hope of ever repairing. I took a look around the world only see what was wrong with it and how everything hates me. Nothing had gone right that day. Palace had found new methods of making my life a living hell with now beating on Greg. I could do nothing to help him due to my own fear causing tension to our friendship erupting in a verbal fight in the center of everything.

That day Palace had locked me in janitor closet and no one cared enough to unlock the door or even wonder where I had gone. The janitor eventually found me sending me home around eight at night. I found my way home through the back ways of the New York street and eventually made it inside.

Our house was colder than normal. I remember seeing the piles of past due bills on the table. Our heat was gone, leaving us shivering through the night. That night I listen to a lecture given by my parents exclaiming how worried they were and how they assumed I was in a gang or some bullshit like that, I honestly wasn't really listening. There was only one thing on my mind that night. Both of my parents left for the night shifts so I was in charge of Julian and Cassie.

I remember how attached I had grown to Cassie, she had just moved in with us and she couldn't seem more happy about it. A semi warm bed was better than none and one meal was still more than zero. I recall thinking to myself that I'd miss her more than anyone.

I headed up to my room while Cassie and Julian watched some annoying cartoon that they were both slaves too. I recollect the feeling that held in my throat when I thought about them.

My room was quiet with the slight sound of the TV from below. The creaking of the closet door when I pulled it open still haunts me. The rope I had looked at so often hung from the ceiling. I had put it up and taken it down countless times. I remember the iron chair that lay against the wall with a chilling sentence. The scraping of metal will forever ring in my ears. The soft step I took climbing my courage to get it over with. I remember counting down my seconds. I was going to do it, I was going to get it over with when something stopped me. The door to my bedroom opened slowly with the calling of Cassie. She was so young, so innocent I couldn't let her see my true self.

From that day I have had that image burned in my skull, I have to keep strong from Cassie and Julian. If Cassie can go through so much so can I. But she's gone now, nothing holds me back except the goal to save them. I will finish this, I will beat the devil's deal and I will save them. I will save Cassie.

I snapped from my thought as Pitch called the first names. "Lucia and Max."

Max and Lucia were flown down by Fawn which they then processed to the center ring holding their staffs tightly in their hands. Lucia took the first position facing sideways staff in left hand pointed at Max. Max frowned holding the wood forward with both hands.

A siren rebounded through the hall as they began their fight. Max swung first as Lucia caught his pole with hers. Her hands twisted fast as she grabbed both staffs pulling the wood out of Max's hands. Max jumped back as Lucia swung both staffs simultaneously. A wicked laugh came from her mouth as she snapped one of the poles over her leg. Max began running towards her and then baseball style slid across the ground between her legs, grabbing one half of the broken staff. He gained his balance behind her. He trusted forward only to be blocked by her pole.

I could tell both parties were panting. Lucia smiled widely as she pushed against Max's half. Max pushed back against her strength with little effect. Her body shifted sideways as she released her left hand. Max went tumbling forward with Lucia following closely behind him. She took the end of her pole hitting his neck.

"Dead," Lucia laughed, helping Max off the ground.

"All that to get a hit on them?" I asked myself aloud.

"A deadly hit," Echo replied.

"Didn't ask you," I huffed under my breath. "And I didn't ask you to be a whiny little bitch now did I?" Echo said in an overly peppy voice.

"What gives you the right?" I asked irritated.

"And what's your problem?" She asked flurrying her eyebrows.

"My problem is I'm in contract with the definition of evil!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe you should try to get to know me before you judge me. But I mean, why should you? No one else does, I am known by my father's name and that's all I'll ever be isn't it? Demon, human, angel, you're all the same," she snapped.

Echo stood as Pitch called her name. Fawn flew over to bring her down, but she refused. Echo walked over to the edge of the wall jumping down to the gym below. Cracks formed across the floor as she landed. It looks like something you'd see in the movies. She walked to the center with no signs of pain or discomfort from the fall.

Hallow soon met her in the center as his name was too called. Echo steamed with anger as the sirens called. The first thing she did was blush her arms passed her legs. Her whole body light in flames as it had before. Hallow jumped back with evident concern on his face. Smoke came off her body and she fired several flames at him. She yelled as Hallow avoided the hits. His black shoes landed on one of the many jungle gym like objects. Echo followed him, which turned into a cat and mouse chase. Echo shot several more flames at him with one hitting him square on the back. Hallow fell from the bar landing against the floor and Echo jumping down to meet him. Hallow reached for his glasses, pulling them off as she came closer. His eyes turned a yellow tint as Echo froze in her place. Her flames cooled to smoke as she stood helplessly to his gaze. In a matter of moments he stood never breaking his glare. Echo screamed a blood curdling scream as she tried to glance away with little luck.

Lucia and Gaven came over sitting in the row behind me. Lucia leaned on my shoulder whispering into my ear, "You really pissed her off did you?"

"I guess, I was just so tired of her lies," I huffed never taking my eyes off the fight.

"You know Dom mirrors are a strange thing there like echoes, just copies of yourself." Her voice was much like a serial killer's on a crime drama shows.

I turned towards them to be met with nothing. I blinked several times thinking about what had just happened. Loss I returned to watching the battle.

Echo had successfully closed one of her eyes, giving her a little more movement than she had before. Flames flew from her mouth hitting Hallow in the face. The demon boy covered his face from the impact and Echo seemed to regain control of herself. She rushed him, grabbing his neck with both hands. She squeezed causing him to yelp. Hallow slapped Echo with one of his hands, causing her to loosen her grip enough where he could escape. Hallow pulled Echo shadowy hair to the ground where he pinned her. Echo kicked against Hallow's side hard, triggering him to spit up slightly. The same black liquid came from his mouth that Echo had. Hallow pulled back his hand and held it high. Black nails grew from his fingers matching those from a wild animal but much longer and sharper. He threw his hand down, impaling Echo's chest with the claws. Her scream much like her name echoed off the walls a Hallow stood with her brushing the black off him. Echo continued to lay on the ground as Hallow walked away. Faces of shock filled the audience from the sight just seen. Echo slowly stood holding her breasts. Her face was painted with red blush.

Angels flew both parties up to the seating area. Echo walked over to me seating a row back. She kept silent and her face never changed from the apple coloring.

I turned to her "Are you ok?"

"Hallow's a pervert and It's not like you care. I'm just a demon remember?" She spat.

"Look I'm sorry but can you blame me?"

"I can't blame everyone," she growled.

Several others went Fawn to Lue, Gaven and Rainia, Danny to Sasha leaving me and Annabell. Angels flew us down to the area. I looked at Annabell, who smiled looking at the pole she was going to beat me with.

I looked up to Echo who starred at me with a distaste. I sighed, "I am going to get my ass kicked aren't I?"

Echo nodded as we continued to descend.

I walked to the center holding my pole tightly. This is just like Palace, enjoying the daily beatings and I being too weak to do anything about it. She's just a mirror image of him, but worst. My mind bounced, mirror. A mirror can crack so easily from anger, a mirror is so weak, but has so much effect on someone. People spend their lives obsessing over their image and the mirror. I looked up at Echo who seemed worried about the upcoming events.

"A mirror is like an echo just a reflection of oneself," I whispered to myself.

The siren calls through the room. Annabell threw the first swing, which I mirrored blocking the hit. She held the wood in her right hand while I held mine in my left. She swung again at my knees and again, I mirror, we both cringe from the blow. She looks at me with fury. I smile a cocky grin as I continue to copy her movements. Annabell jumped back and I followed creating double the distance between us. She growled loudly in annoyance from my constant repetition.

"Learn to fight on your own!" She yelled anger evident in her voice.

"Learn to fight on your own!" I yelled coping her even further.

She screamed in annoyance charging me which I followed in the same manner. She pointed the cane strait to hit me in the stomach which I did the same. The sticks hit end to end as we crashed together. Both staffs snapped as result. Annabell through the broken halves down and I followed.

"Stop copying me!" she whined.

"Stop copying me!" I repeated, laugher could be heard from the audience.

"Quit it you're so immature."

"Quit it you're so immature," I repeated.

"Fine be that way!" She yelled walking calmly towards me. "Fine be that way!" I reacted following her action.

We stood in arm's length reach of each other. Her smile seemed sweet with mischief in the expression.

"You're the type to be respectful, awkward, shy, and most likely never had a girlfriend before aren't you?" Annabell spoke with a babyish tone.

"You're the type to be respectful, awkward, shy, and most likely never had a girlfriend before aren't you?" She's right but where is she going?

She reached out her left hand and I reached out my right. Her fingers stroked my chest sexually as she waited for me to do the same or to break. I could feel the sweat falling from my forehead as I thought. Cat calls and whistles rang from the audience.

I smiled, reaching for my pistol with my left hand. The white gun as placed against her coffee, hair with a surprised expression on her face.

I sneered, "dead."

8: Chapter 8: Flirting with Death
Chapter 8: Flirting with Death

Chapter 8: Flirting with Death

My victory surprised everyone and they made me well aware of it. Lucia and Gaven walked with Echo and me to the dining hall for dinner. We all laughed at Annabell's tantrum after wards and her screaming that it wasn't fair and how a first year could never beat her. Echo even praised me on my battle tactics.

The dining hall was a smaller room reminding me of my school cafeteria, but more elegant and refined. Velvet chairs with gold paint and red covers were placed at the long table that stay centered in the room covered with a black table cloth. The walls much like the hallways held the pictures and paintings from history. Two doors were on the far wall that seemed to lead to the kitchen.

We all took our seats with me and Echo placed on the far end next to Lucia and Gaven with a few empty seats between us four and the others. Annabell and Hallow sat on the opposite end with Annabell at the head as if she were the host of an extravagant dinner party and Hallow, her faithful butler waiting to serve. I looked down at my empty plate and several organized silver wear placed particularly at each seat. I looked over at Echo who seemed uneasy from the site.

"I don't know what they're for either," I laughed, joking at my lack of sophistication.

"Can… can you just take them away…" she whispered, shaking slightly in her voice.

I rose and eyebrow at this request, "Why?"

"I jus-… I just.." Hallow's voice cut her off.

"It's because she's afraid of them," he said as if he was impatient with my lack of knowledge.

"Of silver wear?" I joked.

"Silver," he finished.

I looked back at Echo who still seemed in a state of terror.

"Why silver?"

"It's the only thing that can kill a Demon," Gaven frowned grinding his teeth.

"It is?" I asked, pulling away the silver wear from her.

"You're really dumb aren't you?" Lucia laughed.

"Hey!" I called.

"I only tell the truth," she laughed.

Severs came from the kitchen doors, placing food in front of us. I looked at the plate presented to me with a watery expression. Potatoes, carrots, a roll, and beets with roast beef piled onto the feast. Water was poor into my glass from the boney servants. I took a whiff of the addictive smell. It's been so long since I've eaten dinner and when I did it as never something like this normally it was canned goods given to us from friends and neighbors. I looked around the table where everyone else was already eating the stew. All but the demons and angels.

Two more sets of bones came out to bring out the other feast. Cages of live mice and rats were placed on the plates of Echo, Hallow, and Gaven. While white deserts were brought for the wings.

Echo opened the cage and picked out one of the mice by hand. It was a white field mouse of an average size. The creature ran across her hand as she continued to lace the poor creature's tail through her fingers. A wicked smile took her face as she watched the mouse run and play. Echo's razor teeth grew in length as she grabbed the being holding it by its tail. The mouse tried desperately to get away, but it was of no use. Echo's eyes locked on me.

"May I?" She asked sweetly.

"Umm ok?" I said, confused by her meaning.

Her lips kissed together when her eyes locked back onto the mouse. White swirled from the mouse as its cries echoed across the room. Echo sucked out the smoke swallowing it. Horror filled my eyes as I watched and listened to the poor creature's screams of pain and fear. I wanted to vomit from the event. My eyes locked with the mice own its fear, its pain, became mine.

"Stop!" I yelled, red filled the room as my eye activated.

All angels and demons in the room fell against the table with a hard crash. Groans and wails came from them as this was obviously painful. I grabbed the slow breathing mouse from Echo's hand holding it in my own. The poor creature was barely hanging on to dear life as it lay limp in my hand. I looked around seeing everyone's eyes locked on me with shock. No one could look away and no angel or demon could move. I feel the energy draining from my body as I stopped the glow. Echo sat up picking up the empty cage that had spilled over when her head crashed into the table.

"What in hell is wrong with you?" She screamed rubbing her head in the silent room.

"Why were you killing it?" I cried.

"I was feeding, you told me I could," Echo growled.

"I didn't know you were asking to kill it!" I called.

"How else do I get the soul? That's what we eat!" Echo yelled echoing herself.

"What was that?" Fawn asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

"I don't know really…" I admitted petting the mouse slightly with my figure.

"That eye what is it? A curse? A natural born gift? Tell us its secret." Danny called from across the table.

"Dominic," Lucia cursed.

"I knew there was something different about you," Annabell smirked, "Dominic."

"Echo?" I asked her.

Shame filled her face, followed by anger, "I told you to lie," she gritted under her breath so that none could hear her.

"Echo, I knew you'd have something to do with this," Gaven grunted.

"You know I've never done anything to you before," Echo retaliated trying to change the subject.

"Your presence is enough. You've never worked a day in your life and you come in with this reject loser and you expect us to be the best of friends. Did you even think any of this through?" Gaven spat.

"Gaven!" Lucia blurted out.

"It's true," Gaven huffed. "The eye was a mistake that shouldn't have happened, but I will not dwell. Gaven you can whine all you want and you can complain and insult me with all your might but, it still means nothing. I mean, why should I listen to anything an inbreed has to say?" Echo retaliated.

Gaven's face turned a bright red. Hallow laughed a twisted chuckle from the comeback, "For an inbreed to even be allowed to live is a mystery in its own."

"Stop it!" Gaven howled his eyes turning wide with anger.

"An inbreed vs. a pure it is obvious who will win, even angels know that; better to save your strength." Lue laughed slightly.

"What's an inbreed?" I asked Lucia.

"It's kind of like an incest made mutt. To a demon they're the weakest and considered worthless. But Gaven's different, he's stronger than most here and he has come so far. Inbreeds normally don't survive to mature. Gaven worked for Echo's family and has vowed revenge on them for years of slavery. When we made a contract it was to be the most powerful and wealthy people alive, so that we could both know what it feels like to be on that end of the world," she whispered.

"So that explains why he hates Echo so much…" I whispered back.

"Really how?" Lucia whispers confused, as if she hadn't heard the conversation.

"Why would you even care? Inbreed, pure you're still no match for a holy angel," Fawn smirked softly eating her cake.

"What makes you so special?" Echo spat. "I am the example of a perfect being, why wouldn't you be envious?" Fawn continued.

"It's you who is envious Fawn," Rainia giggled.

"To never do wrong is to never have fun." "At least I don't sleep with every male in sight, to be holy you are quite a slut," Fawn said almost politely.

"I just found my balance between good and evil," Rainia said, petting Danny's hair in a flirty manner.

"Can we go five minutes without someone starting fights?" Max sighed in annoyance.

"Are we asleep, but do not know it?" Lucia studied with everyone ignoring the random comment.

"That demon is trying to get us off topic," Annabell blurted.

"What is going on here?"

The room grew silent with only the sound of ticking. Pitch stood in the dark hall doorway with an impatient expression. Everyone sat attentive to his presence. I didn't understand why we did it, but we did. I am not afraid of death, I have lived through it once and thought of it so offend that I no longer dread it only welcome its relief.

"Sasha, explain what's going on here," Pitch commanded.

"An argument…" she said horsiest with little auditability.

"Speak up!" His voice rang through the room with a great might.

"Dominic didn't want Echo to…" Sasha said a little louder.

"Dominic didn't want Echo to what?" Pitch asked softer with an almost surprised tone.

"To eat the mouse," Lue finished lazily.

"You understand this is how demon's survive correct?" Pitch's eyes locked on me with a curious gaze.

"Why?" I blurted.

"You question death?" His shadows floated over to me.

"I question what's wrong," I spoke strongly, I am tired of being beaten around like a doll.

"And what gives you the authority to say what's right and wrong?" His voice hissed.

"Because I know the difference," I stood my eyes meeting his chest.

"Do you?" Pitch said smugly.

"Do you?" I retaliated.

"Why do you go against fear?" Pitch asked in a confused tone.

"Because he does not fear you…." Hallow smiled.

The world froze with those simple words which no one wished to hear. I looked at Hallow who couldn't seem more thrilled to see me stuck in this position. My thumb began nervously petting the mouse who lay in my palm.

"He doesn't fear you like the other one," Hallow laughed.

"Pitch," Echo called.

"He's just some dumb kid who doesn't understand what he's talking about-"

"He knows perfectly well what he's set in motion," Pitch hissed.

I honestly didn't but at the same time I did. I'm sick of being pushed around and being thrown into this with little to no information and just to be expected to do what I'm told and follow the madness. I refuse to be lost in the lies and darkness of this place. I'm not the good guy here I know that, but I guess it's all a matter of perspective; like the mirror.

Echo stood hopping on top of the table walking over to us. She stood slightly taller than Pitch. She placed her weight on one of her hips and her hand, leaning against it like girls do so offend.

"You know what Pitch. For the first time I agree with this little punk," she smiled teasingly.

"What gives you the right?" I'm surprised she even cared about me. She cares enough to stand up against death, but then again, I am only her food.

"You agree with who is destined to die?" Pitch inquired confused.

"If it's against you, umm yeah," Echo laughed.

"You know Pitch did you ever think your name was a letter off?" Echo laughed leaning on his shoulder.

He seemed less than amused. Quite laughter filled the table.

"Hey Pitch, one of your clocks are off," Echo joked poking his chest.

The hooded man looked down at the perfectly good clock to be meet with Echo's finger hitting his face or what I think is his face.

Echo pulled away her hand from the blackness, "Well someone doesn't use moisturizer."

The laugher could no longer be contained in the teenagers who sat watching the show. Pitch glared over instantly quieting the masses.

"Watch your tongue girl or soon you won't have one," Pitch whispered in a deadly voice.

"Watch your tongue girl or soon you won't have one," Echo mimicked in Pitch's voice. Two blades shaped much like scythes connected by a metal chain formed in Pitch's hands. He rose the weapon of strange deign up to Echo's eye level. A hush formed over the crowd as they both stood in a stand still.

"Do it," Echo hissed unafraid from his threat. "Show him how death is supposed to act. I mean, surely it will be nothing like Elijah. Don't you agree?"

The chain disappeared in a shadowy cloud followed by a chilling command, "both of you, in my office."

9: Chapter 9: Books and Bones
Chapter 9: Books and Bones

Chapter 9: Books and Bones

Pitch's office is nothing of what I would expect. I was expecting something like a dungeon or a torture chamber where no one could hear us scream really anything but this.

I sat in the leather lined chair with Echo following me in. She seemed to be looking for something that I'm a lost to. Echo remained silent walking around the empty room. The room was a small office size chamber. It was pained a bagel coloring with detail molding framing the room with a girly feeling. Echo walked over to the large wooden table that took up much of the space in the workplace. Papers upon papers filed in clutter and insanity with several books of various sizes open on the desk.

Pitch had instructed us to sit and wait for him until he would return so that's what I did however Echo had other ideas. Her hands searched quickly and skillfully through the papers and books. She is looking for something.

"Haven't you flirted with death enough today?" I huffed.

"Haha funny," she spat sarcastically continuing to search through the room.

"It' not like you're a perfect student either, you're lucky I took the fault. One hit would hurt me, yes, but one touch would kill you."

"Took the fault? I'm here too you know?" I argued.

"Yes but for my mistakes, not yours therefore, all you've done is erased."

She saved me? She took the fault to protect me and all I've done is be a jerk to her. I brushed back my hand reaching into my pocket. The little fur ball sat in the warmth of my jeans. I can't blame her, food is food and one way or another she has to eat.

"I guess I overreacted," I said reluctantly.

"Yes, yes you did." A growl much like a cat erupted from her mouth.

"Hey Echo, who is Elijah?" I asked almost silently.

"Someone you won't have to worry about," she growled, "It's not here!"

"What's not here?" I asked.

"I've been lying to you, like a lot," Echo smiled innocently.

"Yah, I got that part." I smiled in a sarcastic manner.

"No I mean why we're here. To be somewhat honest -"

"Somewhat?" I cut off.

"You should be glad you're getting that much boy. To be somewhat honest, I only brought you here to find the book of death." Echo whispered.

"Book of death?" I questioned.

"It's the record of all souls ready to be collected, in other words-"

"My family!" I cut off having her shh me.

"Whisper. Yes, we can't find them without that book."

"You planned this didn't you?" I laughed slightly seeing her brilliance.

"Pissing off Death is the only way into his office. I've already tried breaking in but that didn't go so well," she sighed.

"Is that where you went while I was changing?" I asked, putting one and two together.

"Boy is not as stupid as I had thought," Echo said walking to the door.

"Why thank you, so where do you think this book is if it's not here?" I asked.

"I really don't know," she turned to me.

"Maybe you do."

"I don't know where it is," I argued.

"Not yet," she growled.

"What are you getting at?"

She jumped into my chair coming very close to my face with her own, "only one Seeker has had a gift like yours so I predict you have the same abilities as him."

"Abilities? What kind of abilities?" I questioned.

"Look through me…" Echo words seemed like a snake's.

"Uhh I'm flattered, but we barely know each other." I was met with her hand smacking against my face.

"Pervert, no look through me to the wall behind," She growled.


"I'm not the one with the curse eye now am I?" Echo reasoned.

"Think about the book and let the power have control…" I took a deep breath and concentrated.

Ok book, book, el libro, umm hard cover? What kind of book? That book. My family's book, their stories, their only hope.

My eyes opened wide with a sharp pain. I could feel the energy being ripped from my very being with the red light giving off a deadly glow. Echo gasped placing her head against my chest, grabbing at my shirt in pain.

My vision surpassed the walls of the small office and through the commons. I searched quickly as I could feel my time shorting. A great hall at the end of the east wing came into thought. The eye focused on the room. Walls filled to the breaking point with knowledge and novels. History upon history filled with the words of the past. A large black bind held place on a display in the center of the room. Details escaped me as the energy ended.

I screamed as the red reverted back into myself. Echo let go of my shirt lifting her head into my blurry vision. She spoke something I couldn't hear. I gasped. Echo's expression seemed afraid and worried. I could feel my body being to shake as my vision turned black.

My eyes open slowly to see the white walls of my assigned room. I sat up, rubbing my head with a confusion and pain. My eyes locked with Echo who starred at me a focused expression. I jumped from the surprise.

"Morning sleepy head," she smiles, not breaking her focus.

"What happen?" I asked.

"You passed out. Pitch brought you in here and I watched over."

"Wouldn't you rather sleep that stare at me with those demon eyes, it's creepy as Hell!" I shouted.

"Hello?" Echo broke her glare.

"True, but don't you sleep?" I asked, turning on the lamp light.

"I don't need more than an hour every few days. But, did you find it?" Echo asked, standing from the bed.

"I think I did. I saw a black book in the library." I said rubbing my head.

"More description?"

"It was in the center on a display pretty hard to miss." I called sarcastically.

"Excuse me princess," Echo barked, looking out the crack in the doorway.

Her eyes locked on to me and she rose her finger to her lips. I stood from the bed, walking besides her peering out the slight opening. Two bone guards stood watch from outdoor. I had figured it was by Pitch's command. I could only imagine the lie Echo told to him after I blacked out. I turned to Echo who made a mini command map in the air of our plan. I nodded, I think I understand, but I wasn't one hundred present sure. Echo saw the expression of confusion on my face, she pointed towards my guns and I knew.

Cold air filled my lungs as I pushed against the wooden door. I walked out to meet the two guards. They both rose to their staffs against me with points ready to strike. My eyebrows narrowed, I yelled much like an animal reaching for both of my pistols. With a quick pull twin shots rang through the halls. Both skeletons fell once again lifeless to the ground. My dead eyes stared at the scene, I feel no remorse, no guilt and it sickens me.

"They were only in the way…" I whispered to myself running down the hallway Echo quickly behind.

We only have a moment until someone notices them and comes looking for us so we have to be quick. I shouted the commands of directions to get to the library to Echo as she ran slightly ahead which I understand. So short of time and so far have I fallen.

Large identical black and white doors at the end of the hallway proved our point of interest. I pushed open one of the gigantic doors with Echo's help. The library was an eerie still filled the room. No one that I could see stood in the round room, but I still had a feeling of being watched and by the uneasy look on Echo's face I think she has the same feeling.

I could see the book in the center unguarded and easy prey. I pointed it out to Echo who ran towards it with inhuman speed. Her hands reached the book with ease, but something wasn't right. A white mist began to fill the library. I coughed through the fog and began to search for Echo who seemed to be lost in the white cloud.

"Echo?" I called lost.

"Dominic catch!" Echo yelled hidden as she spoke a black book broke through the white that now filled the entire room making visibility next to nothing.

The encrypted journal landed perfectly in my hands, I pulled it close to my chest looking for the demon.

"Dominic… the book," two blue eyes called out to me.

I rubbed my own to clear my vision. Fawn flew slightly above the ground holding out her hands.

"Give me the book Dominic. You've been tempted by evil, but It's not too late to do good, hand it over from evil," Fawn spoke warmly and inviting but there was no way I will hand over this.

"No it's the only way to save them!" I shouted gripping the book tighter.

"The dead cannot be brought back," Fawn counseled.

"Yes they can!" I screamed, "I did!"

"Then you are not pure and must be eliminated at any cost," Fawn said flying down to my level.

Max walked from the fog that seem to fade as Fawn lowered. I looked behind the two seeing two Echoes fighting, coping each other's movements and actions in the way I had with Annabell but this time I couldn't tell the difference.

"Echo!" I called to the two both girls stopped and looked over at me.

"Dominic it's Rainia!" Both shouted at the same time.

I pulled out my pistols pointing the white one at Fawn and Max and the black to the two Echoes still locked in combat.

Max laughed at my notion, "A little gun against us?"

Max lifted a hook shot into the air and aimed it towards me. I didn't move nor did I flinch, there has to be a way out of this. A smirk filled my lips as an idea came.

A wicked laugh erupted from me as I grew a crazed look, "death has no effect on me! It's just like the angel said once you die you stay dead! See if a weak little hook shot works on me or choose to keep your life."

Max and Fawn both grew a look of uneasy from my bluff. I didn't break, my face held the crazed expression that resembled much of Echo's. Max's aim became uneasy and weak.

"Are you scared?" I asked in the creepiest voice I could muster.

"You're a freak," Max howled.

"Run!" I yelled with a blood curdling scream.

The boy took several steps back out of fear of my life. I could see the uneasy of Fawn as well. I howled biting towards them, might as well make them think I'm completely insane. Am I?

"He's possessed," Fawn shrieked in horror.

"Echo!" I called turning my attention away while they were confused.

"Soot Rainia she's a shape shifter," both girls called.

I turned both guns towards the girl and they seceded there fighting. Both looked identically at either way, even their clothes matched. Both were torn, showing there torsos past the tattered fabric. I stared at the perfect colons. Rainia is only speaking when Echo talks masking her own voice in the process so I can't tell them apart that way and with the same appearance that doesn't leave me with many options.

"Hello? Anyone out there?" I call into the empty space.

I was met with silence and nothing more.

"Hello," I call louder to get the same reply.

"Hello is anyone here? Hello!" I screamed.

"Hello, Hello, Hello." The real Echo mimicked in my voice.

I pointed both pistols to the fake as the real Echo ran to my side. I smiled, pulling back the lock with a click. Rainia returned to her angel form and stared at me with great fear. Danny soon joined her followed by Max and Fawn.

"I can't take them all…." I whispered to Echo.

"You won't have too," she growled.

"I invite you Dominic-" Echo began.

"No!" Fawn yelled.

"Don't let them get away," Max followed.

"I invite you to leave Pandora," she finished grabbing my wrist tightly.

"I humbly accept your offer!" I yelled before they could reach us.

Black spirals filled everything as Echo and I fell once again through the never ending vortex that is Pandora. Now the fun begins.

10: Chapter 10: Year in Past
Chapter 10: Year in Past

Chapter 10: Year in Past

I opened my eyes, seeing only the blackness of Pandora. Echo drowsily woke pushing me slightly. I rubbed my eyes confused at why I still saw the spirals of this place. I sat up and starred at the girl who lay in the foot deep water. Her black hair seemed like it was the reflection of the world around us floating delicately in the pool. She seemed dazed and sleepy as is she had been sleeping a long time. I pushed back my hair feeling the length given was more than what I expected. I brushed my hand against my hair that had grown in my slumber. My eyes bolted to my reflection in the pool of water. I looked as if I had slept for weeks and by the look of my grown hair and newly formed beard I'd must have. I jumped standing from the pool as Echo sat up. A yawn escaped her mouth as she looked at me with a clever look.

"What happened to me?" I asked, petting my hair.

"I couldn't just let us back out into the world. We'd be hunted down and killed in a heartbeat, the way I see it you should be thanking me," Echo yawned squeezing out the water from her hair and torn clothes.

"How long have we been here?" I asked desperately.

"About a year, a little less," she said as if it were no big deal.

"A year?!" I yelled in shock.

"No, it's October."

"Big difference," I yelled. "What does Gramps think happened to me?"

"He probably thinks you died. I mean you did steal from death," Echo laughed.

"Dead," I gulped think to my bluff with the other Seekers.

"As for the other Seekers?" I asked.

"Exactly the reason we're here, they've most likely given up the search." She stood from the pool.

"How do we know all the souls are still there?" I asked.

"How do you find a lost soul without the book of death?" Echo asked picking the hardcover from the water.

"Dominic I must ask you something before we can begin. Are you fully where that what we are doing is wrong?"

"I do but I don't care. My family's lives are high above my morals."

"Do you know that Pitch will hunt us until the day you die?"

"I do."

"Do you care that if I am to parish on this world you soul will never reach the pearly gates if we go any farther?"

"I do."

"One more question then," she paused. "Are you ready to play villain?"

"If it is evil to save those closest to you then I am by far the villain and will break through anything that stands in my way to complete my goals no matter the cost," I finished.

Echo smiled a wicked grin as my oath of understanding completed.

"Good boy…." She snapped.

The cracked image of my room appeared feet away from us I looked towards Echo and returned her grin. I began walking, but she grabbed my shoulder.

"Hold on."

Another snap filled the room and my beard disappeared from my face leaving my skin a baby soft.

"That rat's nest was gross."

I rolled my eyes at her as we continued to walk through the mirror. My room was dark and covered with a layer of dust. Looks like Gramps has been cleaning much. I walked sitting on my bed with a creek echoing off the silent house.

"Were do we start?" I asked Echo as she joined me on the bed. "Buying a gal dinner is always a good start."

"Shut up," I smiled, pushing her playfully to the side.

"First off is to find where one of your protectors are and then so on and so forth," Echo whispered opening the black binding.

I looked at the words written much like an accountancies' table marked with the full name of a person to the date of descend and the location of where their soul was hidden. I stared at the page with great interest there was much more information that I would have thought there'd be. It not only told when, how, why, and who died it also gave descriptions of how they lived their lives and a number scale of some sort that ranged from one to ten on how good or evil of a person they were. I studied the page with great focused I hadn't even noticed the red light that filled the room with a warm glow. Echo had fallen to lay across the bed with little power of herself. I stopped the light closing the book.

"Sorry…" I sighed.

"Learn to focus who or what you want to use that on," she hissed.

"Sorry I didn't even notice I was doing it," I confessed. "Did you read the book?" She asked rubbing her head.

"I didn't see much… but I think I'm understanding how it works." I opened the book to the page I was once on. "You see, this line is their name and it's followed by their death date. Here it is listed how they lived their lives and how evil or good they are or were. And here, it tells where the souls are to be collects, and if they have all ready or not." I pointed out as I spoke.

Echo seemed confused and lost, "You can read these scribbles?"

"It's just English," I groaned.

"That is not any language I've ever seen," Echo puzzled.


"Search a name," Echo commanded looking over my shoulder looking for any comprehension of the lettering.

I thought of my mother right off the bat, "Maryann Kimberly Sullen," I said in the book. The pages flipped, but an unnatural cause.

I watched carefully as the book found the location of the name. Finally I can begin my wish. I read quickly with relief of a single phrase, yet to be collected. Warmth filled me with a happiness I haven't felt in a very long time. I looked at the location.

"It says she's in Milford, Ohio." I looked at Echo in wondering why it was so far away.

"A soul will go where ever they most desire. It is why they are so hard to track without this book." Echo explained standing from the bed.

"Shall we begin master?" Echo asked bowing.

"Let's," I agreed standing from the bed.

Our footsteps ringed through the seemingly empty home. We reached the downstairs battlefield that has been calmed so much. It's been a year since I've seen this place and it still looks the same. Same old rug at the bottom of the staircase which mom refuses to part with but is ugly as anything I'll ever see. Cassie's babies and tea set still remain in the corner untouched from that August morning. Julian's book lay stacked on the clean kitchen table next to his favorite drawings and sketches. I choked slightly. I shouldn't have called him stupid. Silence once again filled the home when I stopped. A warm hand brushed my shoulder I turned to see Echo.

"We shouldn't stay here long," she whispered softly.

"I was hoping that everything has been just a dream and they'd all be here," I stared to the floor

"They will it is what you wished for," she spoke with little emotion.

"Can you just let me have one thing?" I asked, "Let me see them, just once before you kill me. Let me see why this is all worth it. I want to see Cassie playing with her favorite doll, Julian reading the same lines over and over again and mom and dad watch the daily news auguring about the mountains of bills that are piling on the table but never loving each other any less. Just let me see it once, they don't even have to know I'm here. I can watch silently and unseen, like a ghost. That's all I ask then I'll give my soul to you; no questions asked. "

"Ok," she agreed hoarsely.

I walked towards the front door erasing my sad memories. I have something to strive for now. Now I have something worth seeing. So that means I can't ever give up. Sound rang through the empty home, leaving both me and Echo in a state of surprise. I reached for both of my pistols and aimed from the source. My front door creaked slowly as we both prepared for the worst. Shaking hands peered from the outside. Gramps walked in slowly from the doorway into the house. He wore a brown trench coat that covered much of his appearance. He seemed older and weaker than when I had left so long ago. He's eyes locked on us as light filled the room. Gramps seemed speechless from our appearance. I dropped my gun to my side, but Echo stayed in a ready position, ready to strike at any moment.

"Dominic," Gramps shuttered weakly dropping his keys to the ground. The old man walked to me locking into a hug.

"I had thought you were dead, so many nights I wondered what had happened and where you've gone, but you're here now." His voice was filled with relief and happiness that I couldn't share. To him a year, to me a day.

"We're not staying," Echo growled opening the front door wide.

"Where are you going?" Gramps asked.

His eyes locked on to Echo's hands that held the black book. Terror filled in his watery eyes.

"You stole from Death?" Gramps shuttered.

"We did what was necessary. Sound familiar?" Echo spat walking into the brisk October air, followed by several leaves flying into the house.

"We will bring them back at any cost I promise," I smiled, breaking the hug joining Echo on the porch.

"You shouldn't mess with Death boy, he has endless power and will never stop until you are dead," Gramps began.

"Then I'll have to beat him to it won't I?" I finished.

Echo grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the house I've known and missed. A look of hate filled Gramps' face, leaving me with a sickly feeling. Does he hate me for helping the ones I love? I could feel myself choke slightly. I walked against the crowds of people as Echo pulled me. People stared at us as we traveled. Late night shoppers and drunks crowed over the streets, leaving us to weave through the maze of people. I felt so lost. I feel as if I don't belong, but in a sense, I knew I had to be here. Echo pulled me into an alleyway. I can only think what people must see. Echo's eyes seemed to glow in the blackness of the night. I stared, lost as to what she was thinking or doing. She looked away to the book gripped tightly in her hands.

"We had to go you understand that?" Echo asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Yah I know," I sighed pushing back my hair.

"Good now to get your mother's soul. Any ideas?" Echo sighed.

"What do you mean can't you just poof us there?" I questioned.

"Do I look like a genie? I can't just poof us from place to place," she spat.

"We need a car," she frowned, walking out to the street.

"What are you trying to do?" I sighed, annoyed walking out to meet her.

"Calling a cab," she huffed, trying to wave down one of the many yellow taxis.

"It's New York, good luck getting a cab to stop," I crossed my arms.

She growled realizing I was correct.

She thought for a moment and turned to me with a wicked grin, "Who says we need a cab?"

Echo lifted her ripped top off her head, leaving only the black wrappings she had been in when I first saw her. I covered my eyes at fear of what she was doing. I peeked from my fingers to see her leaning against one of the lamp post motioning for someone to stop. A gray ford pulled slowly up to Echo a man rolled down the window and Echo walked in a flirty manner up to him leaning on the open car window speaking with the creep. This process continued for several more minutes until she got into the passenger seat. I could see little through the tinted windows of the car. I walked up to the car when I heard the driver seat open wide. I opened the passage side to see Echo in the driver seat and the man whose car it was on the ground outside on the road.

"Buckle up," Echo commanded looking back to me.

I did what she said with little fight because she was already driving away from the scene. I closed the door as we headed down the New York stripped towards the highway.

"You know how to drive?" I asked, holding the seat for dear life.

"Nope," she smiled, continuing down the road.

"So you thought you'd just steal a car and go with it?" I yelled in fear.

I feel like my heart is jumping out of chest as I watch the traffic whoosh by.

"A demon will do whatever it takes to complete your wishes," she huffed speeding up.

"Slow down!" I screamed in fear.

"It's a stolen car, what am I going to get a speeding ticket?" Echo joked.

I cried in fear. I wanted out of this death trap, I want out now. I reached for the handle only to have her lock the doors. I desperately tried to unhook the lock, but my own shaking hands prevented me from doing so. I could feel the tears run down my face as the memories returned.

"I'-I'm he…re. I'm, I'm here!" I yelled.

"Hel…help!" "Help…!" Echo stopped the car pulling over to the side of the highway much like Gramps had the day I returned from the hospital.

I could feel myself shaking along with drips of salt hitting my hands as they fell. My breath was rapid and uneven. My mouth curled as if to cry.

"What in Hell's name is wrong with you?" Echo barked.

"I want out, I want out now!" I cried much like a child.

"No we're going to Ohio," Echo commanded.

Red light filled the car, "No! I am your master and what I say goes and I want out!" I yelled.

I unlocked the car door, walking out into the cold air and hustle of cars rushing by. Echo followed me and stood by my side waiting for further instruction. A look of both pain and annoyance filled her face. I crossed my arms in an attempt to warm myself as the chill of the wind called to me. A small yelp can from Echo as she stood. My eyes locked on her, her body lined with red making her figure show through the shadows of the night. I narrowed my eyes as hatred for her returned to my mind. She put me here, she threw me into this situation, and now is only digging me deeper into the mess. I hate her! Echo's body cringed at my thought she yelped biting her lip. She kept it a point to look away from me at any cost. She seemed pained but that's the way it should be, I feel pain and so does she; now it's fair. I growled breaking my view from here ending the red light. The girl dropped to the dirt. She gasped and began to pant holding her chest. Several coughs escaped her lips as well as that black substance that kept us together till death. Guilt formed within me as I watched her struggle in breath. I was scared and I let my own emotions take over. I walked towards her reaching out a hand to help. She did not reach for my hand, but instead continued to breathe heavily into her arm wiping away the black from her lips. I pulled away as she stood leaning on the car for support.

"Just like him," Echo coughed walking to the driver's seat.

11: Chapter 11: Lost and Found
Chapter 11: Lost and Found

Chapter 11: Lost and Found

I awoke with my face flat against the window of the rising sun appearing over the horizon. I snorted waking up fully. I rose from my leaned position up to see Echo watching the country road with an intense expression. "Morning," she hummed with a constant view on the road.

"Morning," I yawned.

"So where are we?" I asked, stretching my stiff body.

"We're entering Milford about now," Echo said tiredly.

"How long have you've been driving?" I asked, picking up on her sleepiness.

"Eight maybe nine," she began.

"Hours," I finished surprised.

"No weeks," she spat sarcastically.

"Excuse me princess," I rolled my eyes.

"That's Miss Princess to you," she giggled a weak laugh.

I stare out the window as we past the old town looking buildings. The village was small and nothing like New York. There are only a few shops most being antiques and old timely places. A small wooden sign welcomed us to this place saying Welcome to Old Milford in centric lettering. I watched as we drove up the steep hill reaching what I'd guess is New Milford? Two churches stood next to each other followed by a catholic school where children were heading to middle school. We reached a stop light and continued down the small town America route. Echo turned on the turn signal and proceed into a small restaurant she parked the stolen car in one of the front spots turning off the engine. The girl threw her hair back and looked at me.

"Why are we stopping?" I asked confused.

"I am beyond starving and if you're not going to let me snack on mice, then you're going to do one of two things. One let me go into a frenzy and kill everything in sight, drinking the blood and eating the souls of the innocent or two, buy me some food," she sassed in all seriousness.

"Food it is," I accepted jumping out of the car.

We walked into the building, blue and yellow walls gave the room a homey feeling. A girl about sixteen or seventeen came walking up to us quickly with a fake waitress smile. Her shirt matched the color scheme of the booths with her short blond hair, cutting it off at her shoulders. Her black apron bounced with change as she walked while her tan pants moved in a brisk motion.

"You can go ahead and sit anywhere you'd like and I'll be with you shortly," her accent was heavy on vowels with a small bit of twang mixed in.

Echo and I walked into the first table we saw. I sat against the booth while Echo sat in the opposite chair. The girl put down our silverware and a tag giving the other waitresses knowledge of who was serving this table. Echo and I grabbed the plastic menus that we against the wall and hot sauce.

"Well hi there guys, can I start you off with something to drink or are you ready to order?" She asked in a peppy voice, something tells me she really didn't want to be there.

"Umm, I'll just have a water," I said looking over the menu.

"Not from here I see. Is this your first time in town?" She asked writing down my drink.

"Yah, we're just passing through off to see some family." It wasn't really a lie.

"Well then I'd suggested you try some of our world famous chili," she smiled.

"I've never even heard of this place," I joked.

Her happy expression turned sour, "And I've never seen a red eyed freak and some tailed girl want chili at six in the morning."

"I'll take that," Echo said pointing at a picture on the menu.

"Reading out of your grasp?" She smirked.

"Same I guess," I said, putting back the menu and with that she left.

Echo pointed towards the girl walking away, "I like her."

"She's right you know," I said.

"Hun?" Echo asked.

"Your tail and my eye stick out like a sore thumb," I admitted.

Echo took her tail wrapping it around her leather pants' belt hooks, making it appear to be her belt.

"There, and your eye?" she questioned.

"Eye patch?" I joked.

"Here you are," our waitress called setting down our food and drink.

"Thanks," I called as she walked away.

"Maybe," Echo said in all seriousness.

"It was a joke."

"It could work," Echo grinned.

"It's odder to have a red eye than an eye patch," I hissed.

"Just a thought," Echo waved beginning to eat the chili and noodles which she had ordered.

It was a short time until we had both finished our meal and began looking through the black book. I flipped to my mother's name to see if anything would give us a more exact location of the soul.

"I don't see anything here Echo," I moaned closing the book.

"There has to be more detail," she said, holding her head in her hands.

"Well there isn't," I huffed.

"You know much more about this than me. Where do souls go after they leave the body?" I asked.

"Well umm, they go wherever the soul wants that's why they're so hard to track without the book," Echo thought aloud.

"Wait is it possible to track without this?" I asked in a worried filled tone.

"A demon or an angel can track the smell if they can relate it to something from the person's life that's why it's nearly impossible to do. However with enough time and pressure I'm sure anyone can find it," she finished.

"It says no one has found her yet," I read.

"You said that no one has taken the soul doesn't mean no one's found it," Echo said with worry as to who could be listening.

Our waitress placed our bill down, "You can go on and pay right up at the front."

I looked at Echo with a concerned look as the waitress returned to the kitchen.

"Um Echo," I whispered.

"Ah hun?" Echo replied.

"I'm kind of broke." I smiled, pulling out my empty pockets.

"She was a crappy waitress anyway," Echo grinned, standing from the table.

"What are you doing?"

"American small town tradition; dine and dash." Echo opened the door holding the bell of the door.

Quickly we hurried to the car leaving the restaurant in confusion as to where we had gone. Echo began on the road again as I read the book for any indication for a hint. Why would my mother's soul even be here? I clenched as we drove from the dinner. We headed down the straight road going by several other small businesses and small chains. Echo turned down a road with several older homes that look to be built around the fifties or sixties. On the other side of the car was a graveyard. She turned the car into the gravel road parking with a large oak tree. I looked at her with interests as to what she was doing, but she just seemed to be thinking.

"Any ideas?" I asked, leaning back into the chair.

"I can't think very clearly right now ok?" She sighed weakly.

"What wrong?" I asked in surprised at her own faintness.

"I'm starving," she choked.

"You just ate," I grunted.

"Your food, not mine. Human food can support me very little, but I still need my food," she groaned holding her stomach.

I noticed that she did seem thinner than I had last remembered.

"Do you eat anything other than souls?" I voiced.

"Blood," she spit.

I reluctantly stuck out my arm to her with a pale face, I didn't want her to kill someone. So what if I lose a pint or so. I gulped, "Here."

"Can't," she swallowed.

"And why not?" I fumed, I just offered what she wanted was it not good enough?

"Unless you wish to see death so soon you will not offer this again," Echo cursed.

"Explain?" I sneered.

"The blood of the contract holder will send the demon into a frenzy displaying true form," she noted.

"Now, why would your mother want to be here?" Echo asked changing the subject.

"I don't know, I know we were planning on going to see the historical side of Ohio, but she's never really been into that kind of stuff. She would come here as a kid, though," I remembered.

"Mom use to live on an army base us in Columbus with her father, I think once she told us about coming down every year to Shaw's farm for the pumpkin festival," I finished as Echo started the car.

"It's a start and that's all we need," Echo smiled driving out of the grave yard.

It was a very short drive to Shaw's farm with only a few minutes of listening to the trashy pop that played on every station. I had even caught myself singing along once, until Echo had smacked me for my performance. We parked in the grass of Shaw's. People crowed through the area looking at wooden cut outs from movie scenes and pumpkins stacked in piles on each other. Children dragged their parents through the crowds to see all that there was. People talked and shopped for various decorations and fresh made cider. I walked with Echo through the mess pass the large barn that was converted into a shopping center. Two booths were set up before a large corn maze. We walked over to one of the stalls and read. A picture showed the largest corn maze map spelling out Happy Halloween and a drawing of several objects relating to the holiday.

"Hi there would you like to partake in the maze challenge?" The girl at the booth asked.

She looked much like Annabell but she appeared slightly younger with a softer expression.

"Challenge?" I asked as Echo searched for something smelling in the air much like a dog.

"Fill out this paper with each of the six symbols that are hidden across the maze and receive a free pumpkin," she handed me the paper with the shapes.

My vision faded slightly at the sight. My hand went to my head as I walked from the stall and leaned against the barn. Echo soon followed me taking the paper away. I gasped, something was pulling me towards the maze. "This smells like you," Echo said, sniffing the paper.

"Yah I just touched it," I panted.

"No, smells like your soul," she growled, "Your mother must be hidden within the maze."

"How are we supposed to find her?"

"My best guess is just to go and search," Echo directed walking to the starting ground.

I didn't really have much to argue with so I followed her. I could barely think my head was throbbing so hard. I could hear an echo of everything I had just thought or heard.

"It's just a bad migraine," I thought to myself rubbing my temples.

12: Chapter 12: Black Blood
Chapter 12: Black Blood

Chapter 12: Black Blood

We began walking through the never ending corn maze grabbing one stamp at a time filling up the paper with several circles made and nerves tested. Finally we were left with just one more shape, the diamond. I looked up to the sky with a surprise. The sun had moved across the horizon, leaving the beginnings of reds and oranges. Many of the children and parents had left already and with the eminent sunset the others soon followed, leaving Echo and me alone in the dead corn.

I sighed, "Echo we've been here for hours do you have any idea where that damn diamond is?"

She didn't answer only continued to walk. I can feel my own sanity being stripped from this place and I can tell it has the same effect on herself.

At the beginning, it was easy enough to tell who had been lost in here for a long period and who had just entered. Those who had just entered were calm and poised looking slowly, taking their time while the lost were scrambling to find their missing pieces and ran through the narrow ways with no sense of direction or hope. Echo and I joined the madness and had evidently lost all sight of the end. It's become a game of mind to see how long you can last without snapping. Many gave up, but I don't have the option. This isn't a little maze made for fun; this is the beginning of my mission and the end of my life.

I stopped as I saw it. A path not yet taken and with it held a metal post with the stamp hanging from its string. We had found the center of this great maze and hopefully we can find my mother. I pointed this out to Echo and we both bolted towards the ending.

White steam filled the empty center as we ran. Echo growled stopping in place. I continued, I am so close I can feel it. I looked back at Echo who seemed uneasy at the mystery fog and the events to come. I stopped reaching the pole. I grabbed the stamp pushing it against the paper with a relieved force. Two hands pulled me away from the stop lifting me up into the air as if I were a mere doll. A hook shot into the ground, hitting the spot where I had been standing. I looked down to see Echo in a huff, she threw me back a few feet as she readied an attack. I quickly stood from the fall readying my own pistols. I searched the heavy mist. I could only see the outline of Echo's black hair through the white. I looked anyway for any sign of threat. Without a target it leaves me just searching blind.

"It's been so very long hasn't it?" A voice called through the mist.

I know that voice.

"We'd almost given up on trying to find you. But the poor old boy couldn't live without his protectors could he?" A male voice called.

"Max," I hissed.

"You hear that Fawn? He remembers us," Max called.

"That I do," I yelled as my vision became completely white.

"How long has it been?" Fawn asked playfully.

The hook shot fired, landing but inches from me. I jumped, landing against the dirt ground.

"You scared him," Fawn laughed sweetly.

"We don't want any trouble," I called out into nothing.

"Then you won't mind handing over the book now will you?" Fawn voiced from the left side.

"I can't until my contract is complete," I yelled, pointing my pistols in that direction of her voice.

"We can't let you do that," Max muttered.

"She's not what y- Flames shot high into the air cleaning the fog for a moment.

I stood quickly running over to Echo quickly. I met the girl whose flames covered her body from head to toe with no sign of pain to herself. She was mumbling something to herself, but I couldn't hear. I looked at her as the tall streak faded.

"Do it again, but this time over there," I pointed towards where I heard the voices.

Echo smiled her unnatural grin firing a shot towards the voices. A small yelp could be heard from the direction. I watched as the faint image of a wing came into my view from the light. I held up the white pistol firing at my small window of visibility.

This time she screamed as I had hit her directly. The fog began to lesson and I could make out two outlines of people standing left to us. I fired another shot at the figure who was bent over. Another hit, Fawn screamed, hitting the ground, followed by Max bending down to her level. The mist at that point had in all vanished from the maze. The angel's eyes were filled with a fury as she held her shoulder. A gold substance dripped from her arm landing against the ground.

Max's eyes locked with mine anger filled him to appoint I could not image. He fired the hook shot in a rage. I fell to the ground, letting my legs give out to avoid the hit. Echo dodged right with her hair following, almost in slow motion behind her. The chain pulled back as he reloaded.

"Max listen to me, I will give it back once my wish is complete. I don't want to fight you," I screamed, trying to reason with him.

"We can't let that happen!" He yelled shooting again.

I froze in place, there was no way of avoiding this shot he's too close and the shot to precise. Everything seems to slow. I opened my mouth wide as if to yell with only silence. Flames filled my vision as they circled around me. I could feel a hand push against my chest, sending me flying back, hard. I bounce across the ground much like a pebble across a pond. Breath escapes my lungs as I land. I gasp gaining the missing air back.

As the flames clear I could see Echo with a growing puddle of black dripping from her. The chain spiraled, much like a snake around her body holding her in place like a caged raccoon. Her expression was of annoyance mixed with pain. Max seemed surprised by what she had done, as was I.

I stood slowly from the ground, brushing off the mixture of ash and dirt from my arms. I pointed my pistol at him in a steady motion as Fawn rejoined his side. We stood at a standstill out of fear of what to do next. I looked over at Echo who seemed to weaken by the second, but she wouldn't admit that. Her face still held strong even as her body shook.

I need to think of something, last time the only reason we got away was because of a bad bluff and quick thinking on Echo's part but now, now we have something worth staying for. I growled, there's something. I can't leave, but neither of us are going to hold out much longer against Fawn and Max. I don't know what I'm doing, but I can't let them know that.

Echo winced falling to one knee. Fawn smiled at this as she held her shoulder from the shot.

"Look like someone's not as powerful as they'd like us to believe," Fawn laughed.

"See you in Hell," Echo spit.

"Angel's don't go to Hell remember? Only the evil rest there," Fawn hissed.

"Oh where you found your contract?" Echo smiled, black dripping from her lips.

Max pulled on the chain making Echo fall against the ground with a yelp. She's so weak. At the school, she was much more powerful than this. What's wrong with her? I thought back on the day, the entire time she seemed to weaken and grow in a drained figure. She was growing weak from hunger.

I smiled at this realization now I have a plan. I looked at the garbage that lay across the ground from the days' visitors. A small piece of wire between the fallen corn stalks and fast-food cup caught my eye. I picked up the wire and held in in my hand facing Echo and the others.

"Echo," I called cutting my arm with the object. Red dripped down my arm to the dirt below mixing in a most disgusting blend.

Echo's red eyes grew to an unnatural size as she began to stand from the black puddle. She took a deep whiff of the air and smiled with her razor teeth that seem to grow. Black claws erupted from her fingertips as she cracked her neck. Her skin tightened, making her look more like an animal that had been shaved. Her ears pointed and grew in size as white ram like horns grew from her skull. Her tail unwrapped from her belt. She screamed a bone chilling call making all of us shutter.

The chain that had once bonded, held her shattered falling to pieces across the earth as if where mere string. Fawn grabbed Max close flying up into the air with impeccable speed. Echo would have no part of this, she snarled shooting fire into the air. Fawn moved from side to side holding on to Max with dear life. Echo fired, hitting Fawn's right wing, sending her falling into the rubble of overturned corn stalks and litter.

Echo laughed a devilish laugh running towards them in a full sprint. Something was driving her in a deadly manner. She seemed more like an animal that a person, maybe that's what she is. I feared for Fawn and Max, I don't want Echo to kill them, but I can't let them stand in my way. I followed behind her, out of the center and into the winding paths.

It wasn't hard to follow her path, she was much quicker than I but the fallen and twisted stalks made it easy enough. I turned quickly around the bend to see Fawn desperately trying to fend on Echo. Max seemed to be missing, Fawn had most likely told him to run. I thought for a moment, all this for a book it perhaps there is more reason behind this than I had thought.

My eyes locked on a path behind Fawn, Max tried to say something before. I rushed past the angel and demon and sprinted back into the madness of the maze.

Oh God, this was a mistake. It wasn't long until I was completely lost. Distant yells and growls told me that I had gotten quite far from the center. I searched the black sky for any answers. Night had fallen making visibility next to none in the corn. I rested my hands on my head and looked into the darkness. Max is probably just as lost as I am.

I sighed, continuing to walk forward. A small blue light caught my attention. I froze, watching the little ball bounce slowly weaving from side to side. I lowered my height walking carefully as, if not to startle the orb. The light backed up as I walked. I stood up again placing my hand out as if to touch it, but the blue was out of my reach. Silence filled the air as the calls of fighting ceded. The cool Ohio air rushed from behind me filling my body with goose bumps. The orb also seemed affected by this when it almost shivered.

"Are you cold?" I asked the light.

It shook in an up, down position as if to say yes.

"You can come here if you want, I'm sure my body heat will make you feel warmer," I greeted as if I were talking to a child.

The orb shook in a no fashion.

"Are you afraid of me?" I questioned.

The orb, then again shook in a yes motion.

"I'm not scary, see?" I made a silly face that would always make Cassie giggle.

The orb bounced in a cheery manner.

"See? Why don't you come here?" I asked, holding out both of my hands in a friendly way.

The orb began to float towards me when something tackled my right side sending me into the corn. I looked up to see Max standing over me with a look of anger painted on his expression. I growled, trying to get up, but before I could I found his shoe pressed against my throat. I gagged from the pressure as I struggled to get up.

"I knew if I waited long enough, you'd come," he growled placing more pressure against me.

I began to heave from the lack of air I was receiving. I couldn't speak only wail and give expression while I was at the mercy of his weight.

"We need the book," he hissed.

My eyes shifted towards the blue orb that seem to quitter behind a fast food cup that had been tossed aside on the trail. My attention was soon brought back as he pushed forward cutting off my air entirely, both of my hands desperately clawed at his shoe with no resistance.

"Now!" Max yelled leaning closer.

Panic hit as I tried to turn and twist to break his footing with little to no actual results. I began to feel a numbness spread across me as my air was depleted to none. My vision narrowed with a black ring forming around my consciousness. I stopped fighting against the force as it seemed my limbs had failed me. My hands fell to my side with my fingers brushing past the metal of my pistol.

"Shame, rather die than give it up? What's going to become of your dear protector?" Max pointed towards the blue orb, "Maybe we can feed her to Hallow?"

My eyes widened slightly as I once again found a reason to fight against him. My hand grasped the fallen weapon. I clicked back the lift slowly as to be sure Max is unaware. I turned meeting his eyes. A smile formed weakly to my lips as my vision had almost turned completely black.
