Monono drove up the driveway, and stared at the shop in amazement. Her mother had died earlier, and her father left her shortly after. So, Monono was left to take care of the shop. She entered it, using the spare key underneath the mat in front of the shop. Monono looked around to see a bunch of antique items that were beautifully decorated. She stopped, and looked at a strange vase. It was a light purple color, with a weird design full of curves, and lines. The vase had a weird aura coming off from it. "That is a weird vase." She said to herself. She shrugged it off, and started to the front desk.
It was a small desk with the register, and everything else that you would need at a shop. She opened the register, and found absolutely nothing inside it. Not a single dime, or penny, no dollars either. "Then how is this shop still in business?" She asked. There was a strange wind that blew past by her, but Monono didn't seem to notice. She walked past the vase again, and still felt a strange presence. "God, what the heck is wrong with this vase?!"
Another strange gust of wind blew past her. 'You're next on my list...' She turned around, and saw nothing. "Is something wrong with me? I should get some sleep." Monono walked out of the shop, and got back into her car. She drove back home quickly, as it was fairy close to the shop. Monono entered the house, and ran straight to her bed, and laid down. Right away, she fell asleep.
Around 3 in the morning, she woke up, and felt as if she was being watched. "Strange things have been happening... Whatever.." There was a sudden shaking in the earth. "An earthquake?"
A bunch of stuff fell on the ground. She could hear plates breaking, and important things shattering, "Wait, what about the shop?!" She ran out of the house, and straight into her car. Monono quickly started the engine. Soon, she arrived at the shop to find that everything had fallen off the shelves except one vase. The strange, purple one.
She gasped, and slowly backed away from the vase. The gust of wind came again, and a voice could be heard loud, and clear. 'You're DEAD!!!!' All of a sudden, a demon appeared in front of her. It was a girl with messy hair. 'You should've heed my warnings!!!!!'
Then, everything went black.
The next day, police arrived at the scene of the crime. Someone had all of their organs taken out without any stitches to take out from. The same way her mother had died when she ran the shop.